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A History of Korea

Page 35

by Professor Kyung Moon Hwang

  New Woman magazine, 166

  news reports, 174, 178–79, 250

  of opening of Seoul-Inch’n Rail Line, 142

  newspapers, 138, 147, 155–56, 162, 164, 172–76, 179, 181, 188, 246, 250

  1984 (novel), 255

  nineteenth century, 49, 95, 108, 110, 112–13, 116, 122, 130, 141, 144, 165, 205

  historical perspectives on, 100, 105, 119, 120, 123, 126, 128, 131

  Nobel Peace Prize, 274

  Nordpolitik, 268

  normalization of relations with Japan, 226

  normalization Treaty with Japan, 234, 240

  North Americans, 170

  North Korea, 126, 144, 232

  as historical tragedy, 259

  difficulties in understanding, 250

  formation of government of, 202

  historical perspective of Koguryo in, 10

  historical perspectives in, 31, 73, 84, 211

  historical significance of, 251

  legitimation narratives of, 194

  perception of Koguryo in, 2

  publications regarding, 250

  state in, 220

  Northeast Asia, 5, 25, 28–31, 81, 86, 132, 137, 139, 148, 153

  northern learning school, 100, 102–05, 107

  historical significance of, 104

  northern regions, 38, 47, 215

  discrimination against, 49, 97, 120

  local elites of, 97

  novels, 94, 110, 116, 167, 175, 179, 243

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 254

  nuclear program of North Korea, 254

  O Kyngsk, 125, 127

  Observations from the Countryside, 109, 110, 116

  occupation by Allied forces, 195–96, 198–201, 203

  American, 196, 218

  Soviet, 198, 199, 215–216, 224

  occupational diversification, 186

  Office of Crown Properties, 141

  oil shocks, 238

  Old Chosn. See Chosn, ancient state of Olympics, 178, 179

  Orangk’ae (“barbarian”), 185

  Orwell, George, 255

  Osan School, 147

  Otori Keisuke, 129, 133

  p’ansori, 112, 113, 115

  P’yngan province, 41

  as site of Hong Kyngnae Rebellion, 120

  takeover of by Myoch’ng rebellion, 48

  Pacific War of 1937–45, 80, 186, 188, 198, 215

  Paekche, 5, 6, 11–12, 14, 16, 17–20, 22, 30–31, 34–35

  early state formation of, 19

  Pagoda Park, 163

  Paik Nak-chung, 246

  paintings, 72, 102, 110, 124, 220

  genre, 113–15

  of Na Hyesk, 161, 167–68

  tomb, 5, 8–10, 22, 114

  Pak Chega, 99, 102, 103, 105–8

  Pak Chiwn, 101–03, 108, 119

  Pak Hnyng, 218–19

  Pak Kyngni, 243

  Pak Kyusu, 118–19, 121, 124–25, 127

  Pak Se Ri, 276

  Pak T’aewn, 179

  Pak nsik, 156

  palace girls, 93

  Parhae, 31, 33, 39

  Paris, 167, 169, 257

  Park Chung Hee, 62, 185, 241, 247, 262, 276, 280

  assassination attempt against, 245

  assassination of, 238

  background of, 229

  coup by, 228, 240

  dictatorship of, 235, 237

  historical significance of, 228

  promotion of Japanese ties by, 234

  pursuit of normalization of relations with Japan by, 226

  Park Geun-hye, 276

  patrilineal lineage system, 65, 78

  Peace Under Heaven, 179

  peasant unions, 180, 187

  people’s committees, 197, 199, 201, 203

  People’s Liberation Army of China, 209

  “people’s literature”: see minjung literature

  personal labor tax, 73

  personality cult, 217, 219, 221, 256

  petit bourgeois intellectuals, 179

  Philippines, 154, 266

  physicians, 96, 109

  poetry, 28, 56, 94, 102, 110, 116, 167, 177, 190

  Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO), 231

  Pony (car model), 232

  Pphwawn Buddhist temple, 25

  popular culture, 23, 87, 93, 97, 115–16, 186, 259, 264–65, 276

  Portugal, 278

  post-liberation period, 197, 207, 214, 218, 220–21, 252, 259

  ppalch’isan, 202

  “Practical Learning” (sirhak), 100

  Presbyterian Church, 215, 247

  primogeniture, 78

  printing technologies, 43–44

  proletarian literature, 181

  proletariat, 181, 187

  “Proper Sounds to Educate the People” (Hunmin chngm), 68

  Protectorate, Japanese (1905–10), 151–52, 156

  Protestant nationalism, 216

  Protestant Reformation, 43

  Protestantism, 170–71, 216, 247

  Provincial Hall, Kwangju, 264

  provisional governing council, southern occupation zone, 201

  Provisional Government in China, 164, 193, 198

  Pueblo, USS, 222–23

  Pulguksa Temple, 20

  Pusan, 81, 143–45, 263, 272

  Pusan Perimeter, 209

  P’yongan province, 199

  Pyongyang, 4, 6, 7, 8, 41, 46–49, 50, 118–19, 123, 133, 144, 146, 171, 198, 209, 215, 217, 223, 249, 254–55, 258, 274

  as center of Korean Protestantism, 171

  as home area of Myoch’ng, 46

  as hometown of Kim Il Sung, 216

  as North Korea’s showcase city, 252

  as the Western Capital in Kory, 37, 47

  significance in Korean civilization of, 47, 120

  Pyongyang Porcelain Company, 146

  pyramids of Giza, 258

  Qing dynasty, 123, 125, 128, 133, 139

  beginnings of, 87

  Korean scorn for, 100

  Quakers, 247

  Queen Inhyn, 90

  Queen Min, 133, 137

  radio, 178, 181, 197

  railways, 145

  Rasputin, 46

  “Ready-Made Life, A”, 179

  realism (literary genre), 180

  Rebel Without a Cause, 234

  Red Army. See army, Soviet

  Red Devils, 278

  Red Turban bandits, 57, 59, 61

  refugees, 208, 250, 252

  regionalism, 39, 121, 215, 264

  as expressed in the Ten Injunctions, 34

  religion, 3, 9, 13, 15, 19, 36–37, 42, 75, 93, 106, 122, 130, 159, 170, 177, 191

  and social change, 170

  in the colonial period, 171

  influence of during Yusin period, 247

  religious leaders, 237

  Renaissance, 43

  Confucian, 64

  Republic of Korea. See South Korea

  republicanism, 230

  Residency General of Korea, 154, 157–58

  Resident General of Korea, 154, 157

  Restoration Army, 193, 198

  Revival, Great Pyongyang, 171

  revolution, North Korean, 208

  Rhee, Syngman, 193, 198, 200–1, 203, 207, 240, 263

  consolidation of power by, 218

  dictatorship of, 227

  forced resignation of, 227

  presidency of, 226

  selection as president by National Assembly, 202

  Righteous Army, 84, 127, 155

  Rites of Zhou, 63

  Robin Hood, 110

  Roh Moo-hyun, 279

  suicide of, 280

  Roh Tae-woo, 261, 267–69

  Roman Empire, 4

  Romanovs, 46

  Royal Household Ministry, 141–42

  Royal Library, 102, 105–6

  Russia, 46, 139–40, 189, 268

  Russian Empire, 156

  Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 143–44, 148, 153, 155
  Ryugyong Hotel, 249, 257–58

  Sakhalin Island, 189

  Salsu River, Great Battle of (618), 1, 6

  Samsung Group, 165, 232, 239

  samurai, 191

  Sasanggye journal, 240, 246

  SCA. See Soviet Central Administration

  School of Nature and Principle (Neo-Confucianism), 65

  science, 13, 23, 68, 101, 106–7

  Second Republic, 227

  secondary status groups, 96, 115–16, 125, 165

  and Catholicism, 107

  as social buffer, 97

  secondary status groups – continued

  biographical compilations of, 116

  discrimination suffered by, 97

  emergence of, 96

  genealogies of, 116

  representation in the Deliberative Assembly of 1894, 136

  Sejong the Great, King of Chosn, 68–70, 105

  Seoul, 19, 46, 63, 77, 81, 83, 86, 106, 111, 115, 124, 129, 131–33, 138, 142–44, 146, 155, 161, 163, 166–67, 179, 186, 227, 231, 239, 241, 245, 261, 280

  as central stage of political contestation after liberation, 199

  as target of opposing sides in Korean War, 209

  capture of by North Korean army, 208

  Seoul Electrical Company, 142

  Seoul Spring, 263

  Seoul Station, 263

  Seoul–Inch’n Rail Line, 138, 142–43

  Seoul-Pusan Expressway, 232, 239

  serialization of novels, 175, 179

  servile laborers (msm), 136

  servitude, bound, 26

  sexual slavery, 184, 192

  shamanism, 3, 15, 37, 45

  Shandong Peninsula, 25, 28–30, 133

  Shanghai, 164

  shipbuilding, 30, 231–32

  Shogunate, 123

  short-track speed skating, 276

  shrines, Shinto, 188

  sijo, 116

  Silence of the Beloved, 177

  Silla, 5–6, 8, 10–30, 34–35, 61, 205

  monarchy of, 48

  Silla unification, 18, 23

  and historical debates, 10

  historical perspectives on, 20

  Silla-Tang alliance, 10

  Silla-Tang War, 12, 17

  Simch’ng, Song of, 112

  Simch’ng, Tale of, 111–12

  Sin Ch’aeho, 49, 155

  Sin Chaehyo, 113, 115

  Sin Saimdang, 71, 72, 77

  artistic accomplishments of, 79

  as figure on new South Korean bill, 72

  historical significance of, 79

  Sin Yunbok, 115

  singers, 112, 178

  Sino-American détente, 238

  Sino-Japanese War (1894–5), 129, 133–34, 205

  Siniju, 144, 216

  Six Boards, 67

  Sixth Republic, 268

  slavery, 77, 94, 135–36

  comparisons to American form of, 135

  government slaves, 135

  S Chaep’il, 147

  soccer, 222, 278

  social Darwinism, 139

  social hierarchy, 26–28, 78, 93, 95–96, 101–2, 104, 110, 131, 152, 165

  in North Korea, 252–53, 260

  social mobility, 98

  social status, 26, 94, 96, 97, 102, 109, 115, 117, 134, 148, 189

  as embodied in the secondary status groups of Chosn, 96

  of Chang Pogo, 26

  of women in Kory, 56

  social structure, 97, 135, 165

  socialism, 110, 180–81, 252

  socialist realism, 220

  Sl Ch’ong, 15

  Soldiers’ Uprising (1882), 205

  Son Kijng, 172–73, 175, 178, 181

  Sndk, Queen, 12–17, 20–23

  legends surrounding, 14, 22

  Song dynasty of China, 65, 75

  “Song of the Seoul-Pusan Railroad”, 190

  Song Pyngjun, 159–60

  Song Siyl, 91–92, 95

  Songak. See Kaesng

  Snjo, King of Chosn, 81–82

  South Korea, 2, 18, 30, 45, 67, 78, 84–85, 105, 140, 144, 200, 202, 220, 223–24, 236, 250, 255

  as co-host of the 2002 World Cup, 271

  economic development of, 185

  historical perspectives in, 10, 73

  1970s in, 241

  occupation by North Korea during Korean War, 208

  participation in Vietnam War, 233

  path toward industrialization in, 231

  relations with China, 212

  struggle between students and dictatorships in, 228

  Southeast Asia, 232, 272

  southwestern region, 38, 131

  Soviet Central Administration (SCA), 215

  Soviet Union, 196, 199, 206–7, 208, 214, 216, 219

  collapse of, 252, 259

  establishment of relations with South Korea, 268

  place in North Korean historiography, 223

  Spain, 148, 270–71, 278

  Ssial i sori, 247

  ssirm, 9

  St. Petersburg, 156

  stalemate in Korean War, 210

  Stalin, Josef, 207, 217, 219

  Stalinism, 184, 219

  statecraft, 23, 34, 37, 73–74, 104, 106–7, 119, 128, 140

  stock market, 272

  streetcars, 141–42, 145, 149

  student movements, 261

  student protests, 225, 227–28, 234, 267

  student soldiers, 183

  students, 15, 128, 163, 166, 230, 237, 241, 263, 265

  in Japan, 183, 191

  subway, 239, 245, 272

  Sui dynasty of China, 1, 6–8

  Sukchong, King of Choson, 88–92, 105

  Summer Olympics of 1988, 249, 257, 262, 266, 268

  summit meeting, 274

  summit of North-South leaders (2000), 255, 270

  Sunshine Policy, 274, 280

  Supreme Commander for the Pacification of P’yngan Province, 48

  Supreme National Reconstruction Committee, 229

  T’aebaek Mountains, 203, 243

  T’aejo, King of Kory (Wang Kn), 35, 48

  T’oegye (Yi Hwang), 74, 90

  Taedong River, 118, 123, 223, 256

  Taegu, 45, 202, 272

  Taehan min’guk, 140

  Taejn, 144

  Taekwondo, 276

  Taewi, Empire of, 48

  Taewn’gun (Prince Regent), 125–26, 130, 132

  Taiping, 122

  Taiwan, 139, 206

  “Tale of H Saeng”, 102

  Tales of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk yusa), 14

  “Tale of the Yangban”, 102

  Tan’gun, 2, 3, 4, 47

  Tang dynasty of China, 8, 10, 12–13, 15–17, 22–23, 27–28, 205

  Tasan. See Chng Yagyong

  taxes, 27, 73, 130

  technology, 4, 23, 45, 86, 128, 139, 142, 149, 178, 226, 233, 239

  telegraph, 133, 141, 145

  teleology, 18

  telephone, 141, 178

  television, 30, 89, 105, 244–45, 250

  Temples, Buddhist, 14, 20, 25, 28–29, 36, 42–46, 67, 167

  Ten Injunctions, 33–34, 36–39, 42, 45

  Ten-Point Policy Recommendation of Ch’oe Ch’iwn, 28

  textiles, 169, 187

  Textual school (kyo) of Buddhism, 45

  The Independent newspaper, 147–48

  theater, 113, 178, 180, 220

  386 generation, 265, 277

  Three Kingdoms, 11, 14–15, 17–18, 22, 37

  historical perspectives on, 31

  three secret envoys (1907), 151

  Tibet, 13

  “To Muni Village”, 242

  Tokugawa era of Japan, 86, 123

  Tokugawa Ieyasu, 86

  Tokyo, 163, 178, 183

  tomb paintings of Kogury, 5, 8, 22, 113

  Tonga ilbo newspaper, 164, 172, 175, 178–79

  Tonghak religion, 122, 128

  Tonghak uprising, 129–31, 133, 137, 205

e, 81

  Tosn, 46

  “total mobilization”, 189

  totalitarianism, 188

  tourism, 252

  Tower of the Juche Idea, 257

  Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 82–83, 85

  trade, 18, 25, 27, 29–30, 101, 103–4, 118, 123, 127, 144–45, 253

  during Unified Silla era, 30

  status of in early Chosn, 74

  Treaty, Protectorate, 151, 154–57

  tribute women, 52, 56

  Tripitika Koreana, 44

  True Bone rank, 27

  trusteeship, 195, 199

  Tsar, 156

  “Tuman River, Full of Tears”, 177

  Turkey, 279

  turtle boats, 82

  tycoons, 146, 232, 241, 272

  iju, 143

  “isan Mountain Dialogue”, 101

  lchi Mundk, 7

  Ulsan, 231–32

  underclass, 167, 243

  unification wars, 19

  Unified Silla kingdom, 11, 22, 24, 33, 39, 43, 45

  demise of, 31

  historical perspectives on, 30–31

  merchants of, 29

  United Nations, 201, 206, 209

  United States, 206–7, 211

  as bogeyman in North Korea, 254

  auto market of, 232

  cultural influence of, 233

  declaration of defense perimeter by (1950), 207

  economic aid to South Korea, 233

  response to the Pueblo Incident by, 222

  South Korean alliance with, 279

  South Korean association with, 233

  Uphold Orthodoxy and Reject Heterodoxy movement, 126–27

  urbanization, 136, 165–66, 186, 192, 274

  USAMGIK (United States Army Military Government in Korea), 200–1, 203

  “utility for the greater good” (iyong husaeng), 100, 103

  uxorilocalism, 22

  vernacular, 44, 93–94, 110, 112, 116, 147, 177

  Versailles, 163

  Vichy, 193

  Vietnam War, 233, 242

  wagons, 9, 103

  Wando, 25

  Wang Kn, 35–36. See also T’aejo

  war captives, 86

  War of 1812, 191

  wartime mobilization, 175, 184, 192, 197, 226

  beginnings, 187

  economic deprivations of, 189

  widows, 95, 134

  women. See females

  women’s magazines, 166

  women’s organizations, 72, 79, 275

  won (South Korean currency), 272

  Wn Kyun, 82–83

  Wnhyo, 15

  Wnsan, 144

  Wnsul, 17

  working class, 240

  World Cup Finals (2002), 271, 222, 278–79

  World Cup match of 1966, 278

  World Peace Conference, The Hague, 150–56

  World War, First, 162

  World War, Second, 184, 196, 203, 206

  Yalu River, 8, 216

  Yang Hee-Un, 246

  yangban, 49, 102–3

  Yi Chagym rebellion, 47

  Yi family inheritance testament, 76, 78

  Yi Hangno, 126

  Yi Kwangsu, 184, 190

  Yi Nnghwa, 177

  Yi Pangsk, 63

  Yi Pangwn, 60, 62, 64–65, 67


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