Chaos Burning

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by Lauren Dane

  Praise for

  Heart of Darkness

  “FRESH, FUN, FAST-PACED PARANORMAL ROMANCE. Spellbinding magic, a wry-humored, gutsy heroine and a sexy-as-sin hero put the charm on this witchy new series from multitalented, always fabulous Lauren Dane!”

  —Lara Adrian, New York Times bestselling author

  “DANE ALWAYS DELIVERS A STEAMY, EXCITING RIDE… She leaves me wanting more!”

  —Larissa Ione, New York Times bestselling author

  “UNPUTDOWNABLE… Great characters, wonderful world-building and, as always, a delicious romance. If you pick this book up, make sure you’ve cleared the afternoon.”

  —Ann Aguirre, national bestselling author

  Further praise for Lauren Dane and her novels


  Dane delivers!”

  —Jaci Burton, New York Times bestselling author


  A roller coaster of emotion, intrigue and sensual delights… I was hooked.”

  —Vivi Anna, author of Glimmer


  Sure to keep you reading late into the night.”

  —Anya Bast, New York Times bestselling author


  —RT Book Reviews

  Berkley titles by Lauren Dane





  (with Emma Holly, Megan Hart, and Bethany Kane)








  Chaos Burning




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  A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


  Berkley Sensation mass-market / June 2012

  Copyright © 2012 by Lauren Dane.

  Excerpt from Heart of Darkness by Lauren Dane copyright © 2011 by Lauren Dane.

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  For Ray, who helps me write

  better bossy alphas because he is one.


  Thank you so much to my wonderful editor, Leis Pederson. It’s hard to thank her in every book and make it sound fresh and to do justice to how much I appreciate her. But suffice it to say I think she’s wonderful and I’m so glad I get to work with her.

  Laura Bradford, most excellent agent and fellow lover of shiny things—thank you.

  None of us does this alone. I would be lost without the support of my husband. Thank you for rarely complaining when the house looks like a first draft and for taking the kids out on weekend afternoons so I can work.

  Fatin, who is far more than an assistant. She is a friend, a dear, kind woman who always makes me laugh and makes sure I don’t go off the rails.

  Mary and Renee—you both mean so much to me! Thank you for all you do.

  Megan—thanks for all the listening and for making me laugh and for being just as loopy as I am.

  Thank you also to Lara Adrian for blurbing Heart of Darkness! You’re wonderfully supportive as well as being a kick-butt author. Similar thanks to Carly Phillips, who is equally supportive and talented. The support of my fellow authors means a great deal to me. I’ve been helped so many times from the very beginning. I’m very fortunate.

  Last but never ever least—thank you to all my readers, new, old and in between. I appreciate each and every one of you! Thanks for helping make this dream of mine possible.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Heart of Darkness

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 1

  LARK shouldered her duffel and headed down the Jetway, hoping to avoid the cute and nice-smelling hipster college student who’d been trying to pick her up since they took off.

  She really should have undone the spell she used to hide the bloom of purple, green, and yellow that bruised up her neck and onto her jaw. That sort of thing tended to lead women to take her aside to ask in con
cerned tones if someone was hurting her at home.

  The answer was yes, of course, just not the way they thought. As it was against the rules to tell them a feral werewolf jumped her in MacArthur Park two days before, it was best left hidden to most eyes and avoid scenes with well-meaning humans.

  It was nice to know people didn’t just turn a blind eye when they thought someone was being beaten up at home and it was a good reminder to use the obscura spell to hide evidence of her unconventional life.

  By the time she caught sight of the escalators down to baggage claim, he’d caught up with her because he was all legs.

  “Hey, do you need a ride or anything?”

  “No, thanks. Someone’s meeting me here.”

  “Do you want to get together? You know, while you’re in town?”

  If she was just a regular old human woman, she’d be all over this cutie pie like icing on cake. She’d broken up with someone two months before and it’d been a dry spell since. But she wasn’t regular anything and she’d only break him. It was inevitable with humans, which is why she never allowed herself to partake in anything they had to offer.

  Her life was filled with weapons and other not-human beings with weapons, or those she had to use her weapons on. They never understood it, the life she led. She had to hide her true nature from human men, and that was never a good way to have a relationship.

  “I appreciate the offer. But I’m here for work and my time is pretty much booked until I go back home.”

  He frowned, apparently unused to his charms failing.

  “Oh. Well.” He continued to walk alongside her as they approached their carousel. And that’s when she saw the giant, beautiful man holding the sign with her name on it and she forgot tall college boy even existed.

  Mentally, she wiped her brow and fanned her face. So masculine the heat and power of him radiated outward. His hair was thick and dark, cut perfectly. A tousle that made her instantly think about what he’d look like right after a long, slow kiss. His facial hair only drew the attention to that mouth. Full, gorgeous lips that were currently drawn into a wary, yet casual line as he scanned the area.

  Denim covered unmistakably powerful thighs and long legs right down to a pair of boots she had no doubt were handmade by someone somewhere.

  Lark had always tended toward men who were of the cute, college-hipster type currently walking at her side. Scruffy beards, lanky, sexy glasses. The kind of man who not only wore scarves but looked totally adorable in them.

  Sign guy was not one of those men. At all. He was one of those capital-M Men. Huge. Broad shoulders and narrow waist. The kind she enjoyed working with because they were smart, strong, nearly fearless, independent and yet controlled. And without a doubt totally and utterly fuckable. She imagined though, a man like him would be a hell of a lot of work to have a relationship with.

  His eyes were dark, fringed by thick lashes. Those were fuck me eyes. Though, she noted, he looked around the room just like she did. An Other. Her heart kicked and her attention honed on him in a new way.

  “Well, have a great quarter. Nice chatting with you.” She said it offhand as she wandered toward Sign Guy.

  She paused, cocking her head and opening up her othersight—the second sight she’d been trained to use since she could walk. Othersight was a way of viewing the world all around her through her magick, allowing her to see another layer of existence layered against what most people saw every day. Energy had a signature and all living things had a pattern unique to them, but within that were other indicators such as their composition—human, vampire, witch, whatever—and this one was a shifter. No, not quite. The same, but slightly different. Not Fae, though his magickal signature was similar.

  His nostrils flared, as if he sensed her magick. And then he focused his attention on her as she approached. Like a predator, he went very still and there was no mistaking the way he took in every detail.

  “I’m Lark.” Still fascinated, she held her hand out for him to shake.

  He smiled, a slow, sexy smile designed to part women from their underpants. The hand that took hers easily engulfed her fingers.

  “Simon Leviathan. Meriel sent me.”

  Lark nodded. “She said she was sending a friend of the clan. Thanks. I appreciate the ride.” Her suitcase hit the conveyor belt. “Can I leave this with you while I grab my bag?”

  “Which one is it?” He took the bag she’d been holding.

  “The red one.”

  But before she could move, he’d already taken three steps to the carousel and had grabbed her bag.

  “That all?”

  “Yes, thanks. I can get those.” She reached for the duffel but he just sent her a raised eyebrow and turned slightly to continue holding the bag.

  “I’m sure you can.” He squeezed her upper arm with his free hand and then paused. “I’m really sure now. But I can hold them just as easily. We need to go upstairs to head to the parking garage.”

  And then he sort of ushered her exactly where she wanted to go.

  She was still mildly annoyed at how he just sort of took over. And yet interested enough that she let him get away with it. She ruminated on that as she snapped her seat belt. While she remembered, she sent a quick text to Meriel letting her know Simon had met her and was taking her to her hotel.

  He slid in on the driver’s side and though the car was pretty large—she hadn’t been surprised by the big, black Cadillac—he seemed to fill every inch. Tinted windows. Swank interior. Smelled good too. Him and the car.

  He paused before he turned the engine over. He didn’t glance at her, he examined her. “You look tired. Would you like to go to Meriel’s? Or straight to sleep? I know you’ve got the meeting with Clan Owen’s governance council tomorrow.”

  Surprising how easily she found herself responding to him. A near stranger, she’d heard Meriel refer to Simon, knew he co-owned a nightclub with Meriel’s man, Dominic. That Meriel had sent him to pick Lark up told her that he was to be trusted, even if her gut hadn’t already told her the same thing.

  “It’s already nine. I’ve gone over my presentation several times.” Including once with her sister and father, and really she couldn’t think of anything she wanted to talk about less right then than mages and death magic. “I’ve eaten and slept this stuff for the last few months. I’m as prepared as I’m going to be. I think.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Um. I figured I’d get room service when I got to the hotel.” She’d been in such a hurry after her last meeting with her sister, Helena, she’d missed dinner, though she did eat a giant bag of M&M’s on the plane.

  “Do you like steak or are you a vegetarian?”

  He said vegetarian as if it were a suspect class.

  “I like steak. Vegetables too.”

  He hmmed but it was laced with suspicion. “You’ll be staying in Meriel and Dominic’s old apartment.”

  “I don’t want to intrude on them.” She liked Meriel but that didn’t mean she wanted to stay with her. A hotel meant she could walk around in her underwear and eat ice cream from the carton. Being around people took work. She had to be nice and polite and make small talk if she stayed with people.

  “They don’t live there. They recently bought a house and had two months left on the lease.”

  Well, that was nice actually. An apartment meant she’d have a kitchen and some room. Of course that meant she’d have to go grocery shopping. Though if she knew Meriel as well as she thought, that fridge was most likely well stocked already.

  “Good to know. Thanks for the ride. You’re not a shifter.”

  He continued to look at the road but one of his brows rose.

  “I’m sorry. I have a hard time telling the difference between blunt and rude.”

  His mouth twitched.

  “I’m Lycian.”

  She leaned closer and breathed him in, so excited she forgot it was rude to get up in someone’s business and start sniffing. “O
h! I’ve never met anyone from the other side of the Veil but a Fae warrior.”

  Simon had no idea what to make of this woman. His wolf liked the way she smelled. Sharp like he did. Like a warrior did. But she had blue streaks in her hair. Hair she most likely cut herself. Maybe not even in front of a mirror.

  She most likely listened to bands no one ever heard of and went to shows in clubs with sticky floors. Clearly she liked shopping in thrift stores and probably had gloves that were once someone’s sweater.

  The smudge of her energy was bright and clear blue. Blue like her eyes. Earnest eyes, but the shadow of a warrior lived there. Even as she rattled on at random, her gaze roamed, keeping track of where they were and who was near.

  “How long have you been here? And by the way, if I, you know, fall over the line into rude, please just poke me and say so. That’s what my family does.”

  “I’ve been here for ten of your years.”

  “I bet your house has very clean lines. Nothing fussy. You don’t have knickknacks and I bet you fold your shorts.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  She sighed. “You’re a very spare guy. I mean you don’t have any fuss about you. You don’t use four words when three will do. It’s an admirable trait. One I do not possess. I bet you don’t leave your clothes on your bedroom floor or have stacks of magazines anywhere.”

  He paused as he processed her stream of words. It’d been a while since he’d met anyone as interesting as this one. Plus she was small and most likely hungry. He wanted to feed her. And maybe show her his house since she thought he lived in a monk’s cell or something like that.

  “Tell you what. I’ll make you a steak at my house. You can see for yourself.”

  He caught her grin.

  There was an odd sound and they both looked around. And then she cursed and dug into her coat pocket. Hubba hubba, hubba hubba. That’s what it kept saying.

  “Clever. Oh yes, I’ll totally take you back now. What do you want?”

  Much like a shifter, he had excellent hearing so the other end of the call was audible.

  “Why you gotta give me such a hard time?”

  “I’m working. And hanging up now.”


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