Falling for the Chieftain: A Time Travel Romance (Enchanted Falls Trilogy, Book 3)

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Falling for the Chieftain: A Time Travel Romance (Enchanted Falls Trilogy, Book 3) Page 5

by Keira Montclair

  “Brann doesn’t expect you to hate Taran, does he? It’s his own battle, not yours. And just so you know, if my sister did that to me, I’d be pretty upset, too. I’d get over it, but it would take me a while.” She reached over and patted Lachie’s shoulder. He was too young to understand romantic jealousy.

  Lachie swiped at his tears, stopping them. “Nay, Brann says I dinnae have tae hate Taran. I just wish they’d talk again. Why cannae Taran come here to visit and leave Shona at his castle?”

  “Where do they live?”

  “Brann gave him the small castle that borders our land. He said ‘twas better to have it occupied so nae one attacks it, and he wanted Taran away from here.”

  Brann stared at his brother for the longest time, silence settling over the gathering. Finally, he said, “Go home, Taran. I dinnae want ye on my land.”

  “Our sire’s land, ye mean, brother.” Taran was not going to back down.

  “Aye, ‘twas our sire’s, but now ‘tis my own. Go home to yer dear wife, Taran. I’ll take care of protecting the Highlands.”

  “As ye wish for now, Brann, but I’ll no’ accept it forever. Ye know ye dinnae love Shona. Until ye wish to talk to me as yer brother, I request a visit from Lachie. Lachie?” He tipped his head toward the curtain wall. “I know ye’re there. Will ye come for a visit?”

  “Aye.” Lachie bolted from his spot, then turned back to her. “Apologies, Allison. I must hurry.”

  “Go,” Allie said. “Enjoy your visit.” How she hoped Brann would allow it. She peeked back over the wall just as Lachie launched himself through the gates.

  “Brann, may I go? I’d like a visit with Taran.”

  She could almost see the disappointment in Brann’s posture, but he surprised her by nodding. “Go, Lachie. Get yer things.” Then he shouted at Taran, “I want him back within a sennight.”

  Taran nodded. “Agreed. I will return him to ye.”

  Brann turned around and strode back through his gates, waving to his men to stay until Taran left.

  Allie hugged Smoky close and hurried down the staircase, managing to get down quickly enough to follow Brann into the courtyard.

  She caught up with him and said, “Brann, you did the right thing.”

  He spun on his heel and glared at her. His hands went to his hips, his feet braced in a warrior stance. Who was he truly fighting? His brother or himself?

  “Did I?” he snarled. “And what if Lachie doesn’t return? What if he chooses to leave me and stay with them?” He looked around and then tugged her by the arm over to an oak tree by the curtain wall. As soon as they got there, she set Smoky down on the ground.

  “I only allowed you to pull on me because you’re upset, but don’t think of hurting me, because I won’t allow it,” she admonished him, hoping he believed her. Just because she was in medieval Scotland did not mean she’d accept being treated like a medieval woman.

  The look he gave her was that of a man in emotional torment. “I fear I’ll lose both of my brothers.”

  She shook her head. “Letting him visit with your other brother doesn’t mean you’ll lose him. He’ll appreciate you for allowing him to make up his own mind.” Looking him in the eye, she said, “This is on your shoulders. Taran wants to get past your problem.”

  “My problem? Ye mean his problem, do ye no’?” His jaw clenched as he leaned forward to speak with her. “Tell me the truth. Ye have two sisters. How would ye feel if one stole yer betrothed?”

  Dammit. He’d asked her the one question she didn’t wish to answer. She hedged, tipping her head first one way and the other, hoping the small delay would help her come up with the best reply.

  “I wouldn’t be happy,” she finally said.

  “Ye wouldnae be happy. ‘Tis all ye’ve got to say abou’ it? And wha’ would ye say to yer sister?”

  She did her best to distract him. “That would depend on which sister did it.”


  “Because…well…one is older, one is younger…”

  “The eldest one. If she stole yer betrothed, they fell in love, and he married her instead, how would ye feel?”

  She sighed as dramatically as she could, rolling her eyes. “Shitty.”

  “Shitty? What does tha’ mean? Like a piece of shite?”

  “Yes. We call it shit, no’ shite.”

  “Ye curse worse than a reiver,” he chuckled, waggling his brow at her.

  “You asked me how I’d feel, and I told you.”

  “Now be honest,” he said, his expression serious again. “Would ye nae be full of pish about it?” His face moved to within an inch of her nose.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Fine! I’d be pissed. You’re damn right I’d be pissed. And I’d scream at her and…and…”


  “And I’d probably like to knock her off her feet. There, are you happy?”

  He grinned and leaned back. “Aye. ‘Tis about time someone was honest with me. Now ye know how I feel. ‘Tis a matter of pride.”


  “But what?”

  “But I wouldn’t stay mad forever. I love my sister too much. Which reminds me. Are you still going to take me to the faerie pool?” She clenched her hands together in front of her to keep herself from begging. “Please?”

  So maybe she was willing to beg a bit.

  “I’ll take ye. Be here in about an hour. I need some time to myself.” He spun on his heel and left.

  She bent over and picked up the puppy. “Come, sweet one. I’ll have to find someone to watch you while I’m gone, especially if I don’t return. Lachie will take care of you, but you’ll need someone to keep an eye on you until he gets back.”

  She touched her nose to Smoky’s tiny one. “I’ll miss you if I go back home.” Tears misted her eyes and she chastised herself. “I’m such a sap. You’ll be fine without me. I’ll make Brann promise not to toss you aside.”

  Heading back to the great hall, she fell a bit wistful. True, she wished to go back home, especially to see her sisters, but she’d found acceptance here, at least from Brann and Lachie. She had to face the possibility that she may not be able to go back. Brann’s mother had never returned to her home, wherever and whenever that was, though she may have chosen not to try. In any case, Allie knew she’d definitely be useful here with her knowledge of nursing. Then she thought of all the things she’d be giving up: hot showers, toilets that flush, cars instead of horses, leggings, ice cream. She’d only been here one night, and this was probably the longest she’d gone without ice cream.

  She’d probably be thin if she lived here forever just because the food was so horrid.

  Nope. She was going back. Her mind made up, she headed toward the kitchens with the pup. “You’re probably hungry again, little one. Jinty will feed you something nice in the kitchens. She’ll take good care of you. It’s probably best if you don’t get too attached to me.”

  The pup looked up at her and whined.

  “You did that on purpose, Smoky Deerhound. Just like my big sister would—anything to make me feel guilty. Well, I don’t. There are patients who need me back home.”

  The pup gave her the saddest eyes she’d ever seen, and all she could do was scowl in return. “Never mind, you. You belong in this time period. I don’t.”

  A few hours from now, she could be back home.

  Chapter Seven

  Brann saddled his horse himself just because he was so fond of the beast. A warrior needed to have a special relationship with his horse.

  He’d chosen ten guards to patrol the periphery of his land. A laird never traveled alone, but he didn’t plan on leaving MacKay land, so there was no real threat to his safety if there were no reivers on his land.

  There rarely were since he took swift action against them.

  Allison hurried toward him in a gown he hadn’t seen her in before, one that clung to her curves in the breeze, and quite nicely if he had to admit. Jinty had done well

  “Are ye no’ taking yer strange clothing back with ye?”

  She held out a rolled bundle of plaid. “I put them inside this. I’ll change when we get there. I didn’t wish to offend any of your clanmates.”

  He snorted.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Her hands plopped on her hips.

  “It means I dinnae think ye cared what others think.”

  “Of course I don’t. I hardly know anyone here.” Her lips protruded in a pouty look. Funny how he already knew what that meant—she wasn’t happy with what he’d said, but she wasn’t going to argue the point.

  He smirked, still fixing everything on his horse just the way he liked it. “But it matters at home? ‘Tis the way of it?”

  She thought of his question for a moment, possibly realizing how shallow her response had sounded since the pouty look had disappeared. “I guess…I hadn’t thought of it like that. I guess I do care.” In a more subdued voice, she said, “Help me mount, please? I’ve done some horseback riding with one of my old boyfriends, but I can’t mount this giant horse without some help. May we leave now?”

  “Och, in a hurry to leave me, aye?” He reached for her waist and tossed her up onto his horse before mounting behind her. He rode through the gate, waving to his ten guards to signal they should start their patrol. They would meet him later to report their findings.

  “They aren’t coming with us?”

  “Nay, we’re on my land. We willnae be bothered.” Hellfire, but why did the lass have to smell so sweetly this morn? “Did ye take a bath or something? Why do ye smell like flowers?”

  “I did. Jinty arranged for the tub to be brought to my room, I mean, chamber. And you look a bit cleaner than you did yesterday. Do you have a tub in your chamber?” she asked, glancing pointedly at his clean hair.

  “Nay, but I did jump in the loch. It calms me when I get upset. Besides, tubs are for lasses,” he replied. He had to admit he was curious about her time, if she indeed proved to be of sound mind. “Do ye bathe at home often?”

  “Every day. We have showers. Hot water comes out of a spigot in the wall.”

  He tugged her hips back far enough that she had no choice but to lean against him. Before she left, he wished to smell her sweetness a wee bit longer. It was much better than the fragrance half his warriors emitted. “Out of the wall? How does it get there?”

  “Lots of pipes. Don’t ask. Only one of many modern conveniences we have that you don’t.”

  They rode in silence for a while, his mind trying to imagine what her world was like, but he kept returning to how much he enjoyed her company.

  A short time later, he asked, “So ye are anxious to return?” Why did he suddenly wish she would stay?

  “Yes. I miss my sisters. I’m worried about them. May I ask you a question?”

  “Aye, if I can answer, I will.” His hand fell to her hip, the soft curve enticing him. He wished he dared to squeeze her there, but it wouldn’t be wise. If the pool’s magic sent her back to her time, she would leave forever. Besides which, his bollocks still ached from the memory of her blow. Instead, he tucked her backside just so until it was flush against him. She stilled, and he feared she’d push away, but she didn’t, though she sat as straight as a board. “Go ahead,” he prompted.

  “What do you think happened to my sisters? Knowing it’s a faerie pool and the one I jumped into probably was, too. Where do you think they are?”

  “I think ye fell in the portal and they dinnae. They’re probably still searching for ye in yer own time.”

  To his surprise, she fell back against him, probably so distracted she didn’t realize what she’d done. But his loins couldn’t help but respond to her curves rubbing against him in an erotic dance atop the horse, one that would beg him to do more if he knew her better.

  He groaned before he could control it, and her reaction was swift as she sat up with a start. He could almost feel the blush spread across her body when she noticed his hardness.

  “I think I’d prefer to walk.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with her. Losing his erection would be quite a bit easier if he wasn’t in contact with her. “Fine. We havenae far to go. But yer legs will tire.”

  She turned around to stare at him, her blush still visible. “Stop the horse. I’m getting down.”

  He did as she asked and helped her dismount from the horse. “As ye wish, lass. I apologize, but I cannae stop something when ‘tis a natural occurrence out of my control.”

  She didn’t speak but continued to walk forward, her head down. He couldn’t believe she was still embarrassed or upset.

  “Forgive me. I forget how innocent women are who still have their maidenhead.”

  She stopped and whirled around to face him, staring up at him in a fury. “My maidenhead? I’m not a virgin. Where I come from, women can initiate the sex act. We aren’t expected to hide our sexuality or control our desires.”

  Now that caught his interest. “Tell me more.”

  “We act on our desires as much as men do, and that’s all you need to know. I’m not some innocent, but I didn’t expect to have to deal with your dick just because I’m on your horse.”

  “My dick?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He certainly could guess, but then something he hated to see appeared out of nowhere—tears in the corners of her eyes. Och, tears again. But she turned around and began to head toward the pool again, not giving him the chance to comfort her.

  He heard her mumbling even though she’d turned away from him. “What the hell have I gotten myself into? Dammit!”

  “Ye truly do curse quite a bit for a lass.”

  “I’ll curse as much as I like. Don’t think you can bark orders at me the way you do your men. How much farther is it so I can get away from you?”

  “We’ll be there in less than an hour, but ye know there are many lassies here who wish for my attentions. Dinnae be so offended. ‘Tis a compliment,” he said with a chuckle.

  She turned her head to narrow her gaze at him, but rather than swear at him again, she simply continued to walk away.

  “Perhaps I better hurry.” She took off at a run, heading into a meadow, sections of forest on both sides of her.

  “Hellfire, but she’s sensitive,” he muttered under his breath as he flicked the reins of his horse to catch up to her. He was about to yell a warning, but it was too late.

  Out of the woods came a snorting wild boar headed straight for her. She screamed and whirled around, running back toward him. Too far away to use his sword, he stopped his horse and pulled his bow from its spot on his back and nocked an arrow, ready to fire it at the wild pig. His heart raced when she stepped into his line of fire. What if he had accidentally let the arrow fly?

  “Get down,” he shouted.

  Fortunately, his words registered and she fell to the ground, covering her head. He fired at the beast, killing him instantly, just as two more charged out of the woods. He took those two out easily. He pulled his horse up side of her and dismounted, his bow still in his hand. “Are ye all right, lass?”

  “Yes. Are there more?” Her hands still covered her head in fear. The look on her face struck him right in his gut, but fortunately he’d caught the beasts before they could reach her.

  “Stay there. I’ll check the woods.” He was glad they’d been boar instead of stags. Boar were slower, and their broad sides were easier to hit. He’d have his men take all three of them back to the keep. They’d eat well this week.

  He ventured into the woods in two places, scouting for more boars, but didn’t see any. Turning around, he headed back to where his horse was guarding Allison. She took him by surprise, launching herself at him and throwing her arms around his neck. Her babbling was near impossible for him to understand, but he did hear her thank him for his bravery.

  He did something so out of character that he surprised himself.

  He held her.

  He hadn
’t held a woman in his arms of late, mostly because of the disaster with Shona, but also because he hadn’t met a lass who stirred him—even Shona. He quite liked having his arms around Allison, taking in her sweet scent, feeling her ample curves molded against him, listening to her speak in her strange accent. Even her sharp tongue pleased him. The lass was a feisty woman, not easily intimidated, and he liked her that way.

  When she finally fell quiet, he cupped her face and whispered, “I’m going tae kiss ye now, lass. If ye dinnae want me, push me away.” He paused for a moment to give her the chance to refuse him, but she did not. His lips descended on hers, and instead of pushing him away, she tugged him closer, canting her head to give him better access to her delicious mouth. Her tongue darted out to taste his, and he couldn’t stop himself from growling as he gripped her backside and lifted her up against him, his erection hitting her in just the right place.

  She felt wonderful against him, better than any other woman ever had. Her hands were everywhere, gripping his biceps, finding his nipples and tweaking them, while he continued his assault on her mouth. Her sweet tongue teased him in such a way that he wished to devour her. He found a tree and leaned her up against it, freeing his hands to undo the ribbon on her gown and tug it down to expose her delectable breasts.

  “Hell, but ye’re beautiful,” he whispered as he lowered his tongue to her nipple, bringing it to a taut peak. She moaned, thrusting against him. He reached underneath her skirts to find a barrier there, but she helped him push it down, grabbing him with her hand and leading him home. “Are ye sure ye want this? Because I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want ye right now, but ye must agree with me, Allison.”

  “Yes, now. Yes, aye, whatever words you need, I want you inside me now.”

  It was the only invitation he needed. He lifted her and buried himself within her tight sheath with one thrust, a small roar coming from him when he met her slick juices. A delightful moan tore from the back of her throat, making him want her even more. Lowering his head to her breast, he took the mound full into his mouth, suckling her until she cried out. He didn’t know if he could hold off, but the whimpering sounds she made nearly unmanned him, so he fought to bring her to climax first.


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