A Witch's Hearts Desire (The Anthology Novella Series Book 1)

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A Witch's Hearts Desire (The Anthology Novella Series Book 1) Page 4

by Darlene Kuncytes

  “Dante,” She begged softly, her voice husky and filled with desire. “Please.”

  Dante slid down her body until his mouth met his hand, and he tasted her amazing sweetness. He heard her sharp intake of breath as his lips and tongue cherished her; placing his hands at her hips when she lifted them towards his probing assault. He slipped one finger inside her slick channel, and then another as his mouth teased her tender nub, causing another gasp to rush past her lips. Only a moment later, he brought her to a shuddering release. She arched up as her body trembled, pulling a sexy as hell sigh from her lips and he swore that one simple sound would be his undoing.

  He slid back up and between her parted thighs and looked at her. His eyes met hers, shining in the afterglow of her orgasm, and he slowly slid inside her; stilling when he had buried himself to the hilt. He remained perfectly still as her body adjusted to his girth; their gazes locked, and some unspoken look passed between them, enfolding them in the knowledge that this was right. This was somehow destined.

  Dante began to move, slowly at first but with more force as Serena urged him on with her soft moans and breathless pleas, her legs wrapping themselves around his hips and pulling him closer. Her hands slid up his muscled arms and she held on as he buried his face against her neck, close to the brink himself. It seemed as if he had wanted this woman forever, and he fought hard to hold off until he felt her come crashing down around him once again, and he could finally let himself go… a growl of satisfaction rumbling in his chest then bursting from his lips as he pumped his hips into her, shaking from the sheer force of his release.

  Dante collapsed beside her and pulled her against his side, kissing her lips tenderly. “You are getting into my heart, Witch,” He panted before he could stop himself. Shit! So, not what he wanted to admit! The last thing he needed to do was to scare her away.

  Serena lifted her head and graced him with a thoughtful smile that could have started his non-beating heart. “That’s funny,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling, “you’re getting into mine.”

  Dante felt relief course through him and he pulled her closer to seal his lips against hers. The confession had just slipped out, but to know that she felt the same was a whole new feeling of wonder for him. He had never before cared for someone. Not like this. Never like this.

  “Since I’m stuck here, and at your mercy until the sun goes down,” he husked against her lips, their breaths deliciously mingling, and he couldn’t help the smile that tugged and played at the corners of his mouth. “How about we spend the day in bed?”

  Serena giggled, rubbing herself provocatively against his hard body, surprised that she could feel his growing erection pressing against her belly so soon. Not to mention the fact that even though her body and muscles were nothing but jelly, she wanted him too.

  “That sounds like the best idea… ever.” Serena laughed. She didn’t bother to tell him that most of her Grandmother’s possessions where upstairs in the attic. The very dark, windowless attic; and that searching through her stuff wouldn’t have been a problem at all for him. She didn’t tell him that part. Not when his hands and lips felt so good against her skin…

  Chapter 4

  “Oh my, Gods!” Serena cried, and Dante’s gaze shot to her. She was sitting in the middle of attic, going through a small wooden box and she returned his look with a triumphant smile. “I think I found it!”

  They had, indeed, spent the entire day in bed. Talking, laughing and making love, and even though Serena protested when Dante suggested that they start looking for the key, she had reluctantly agreed, and now it seemed to have finally paid off!

  She held up the heart shaped locket and grinned. “This was Gran’s,” she giggled happily. “And, I remember her wearing it… all the time. She never took it off. I always assumed that my mother had just kept it as a memento after she died. She always said it was special.”

  Dante walked over and sat down beside her, taking the gold heart from her fingers. “Do you really think this is it?” He asked, hoping that it was. All he wanted at the moment was to finish this business with the crone’s; find that bastard Wolf who had hurt her… and put him down like the miserable cur deserved. Then he just wanted to spend the next hundred or so lifetimes getting to know this glorious woman, inside and out. He wanted to spend long nights making love to her, and days laughing with her…

  Serena nodded emphatically. “My body tingles when I touch it,” she offered, her eyes going to his lips a moment before snapping back up to his eyes. “Kind of like when you touch me,” she admitted softly, and Dante didn’t think he had ever seen anything as adorable as when her cheeks flushed a bright pink at her confession. Dante felt his chest constrict with something that he could only describe as utter and complete happiness.

  He leaned forward and captured her mouth, his tongue sliding against hers with promise only a moment before he settled back. “Baby, you make me tingle too,” he chuckled, although his expression told her that he was telling her the truth. And, God help him – he was.

  Serena smiled back at him, her eyes dancing playfully. “Good,” she stated firmly. “Let’s keep it that way. So, when can we take this to the Witches?”

  Dante pulled her across his lap and nuzzled her neck. “Tomorrow night,” he whispered against her skin. “So, now that our search is over, what do you say we call it a night and go to bed?”

  “Mmm, I am a bit tired,” she breathed, letting her head drop back to give him better access to the curve of her neck. Dante didn’t need another invitation. He stood effortlessly with her in his arms and carried her downstairs.

  Serena sat quietly beside Dante as they drove through the city. The silence was so comfortable that it was kind of throwing her for a loop. She wasn’t use to being this relaxed with someone, especially not a Vampire, but with Dante, it was all so very easy.

  She stole a glance at his glorious profile and felt her heart jerk in her chest. Oh, Lord; she thought with a quiet groan… she was falling for this man! And, just the thought caused a sudden fluttering in her belly. He was everything that she never thought a man could be, and she found herself not being able to see herself without him by her side. How messed up was that? This was all just happening so damned fast!

  Dante reached over and took her hand in his. Bringing it to his mouth, he kissed her palm tenderly; his eyes never leaving the road.

  “I feel the same,” he murmured, and she gasped. How in the hell…? Dante laughed, his eyes finally turning her way. “I can’t explain it; but, I can feel what you’re feeling.” He gave her a grin that pulled the air right from her lungs. “I want to be with you, Serena. I want an eternity of loving you. And, I highly doubt even that would even be enough for me. I’m a greedy man.”

  Serena had no words. She leaned across the seat and rested her head on his shoulder, their hands still entwined. Finally, after a long silence she squeezed the fingers that held hers.

  “Dante, I don’t know if it was fate that brought you to me, or if I should hug the old witch’s when I see them and give them a super nice gift basket…but, you coming into my life was unexpected in a very good way.” She felt the heat rising up her neck and swallowed hard. “I… want to be with you too,” she finally managed to whisper. “So very much.”

  Dante felt his heart swell to the point of pain. This woman had come into his life with the force of a hurricane, and to hear her say that she wanted to spend her life with him was more than he ever could have dreamed of. He didn’t feel worthy. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze. For the first time in a very long existence, he was speechless.

  “Dante?” She finally asked softly.

  “Yes, love?”

  “Believe me; I’m not complaining, but how come the crones didn’t come and find me themselves?”

  “You’ll see when we get there,” he laughed. They had been on the road for little more than an hour, and still had at least another h
our to go. “They each must be several hundred years old.” He explained softly, loving the feel of her against him. “They don’t move around very well, and I guess no one was brave enough to venture out into the world in search of you or the key.”

  “How many are there?”

  “I’m not entirely sure; but when they hired me, I met three of them,” he explained. “They do have a younger apprentice that lives there and helps to take care of the crotchety old bags.”

  “Dante!” Serena laughed, slapping her hand against the tight, sinewy muscles of his stomach. “That isn’t very nice! How are you going to feel when I grow old and grey…and crotchety?”

  The fact that she was talking about them so far into the future warmed his insides. “Well, I’m hoping that you will decide to bond with me; so that won’t really pose a problem.” He answered, matter-of-factly and Serena’s eyes widened.

  She knew about the Vampire ritual of bonding. The exchange of blood binding two as mates for eternity, and her heart soared. Did he really want to make her his mate? “I… I…” She didn’t know what to say. The thought of spending forever with this man sent a delightful shiver up her spine. But, was it too soon? What if he decided that she bothered the hell out of him? What happened then?

  “You don’t have to answer me right now, Serena,” Dante laughed softly. “Let’s get this business with the crones taken care of, and then we can discuss how we are going to spend the rest of eternity together.”

  She nodded silently, completely stunned, a part of her wanting to scream in delight, and another afraid that this all just couldn’t be real. What could she have possibly ever done to deserve such happiness? She was just a small-time witch who made her living finding love for other people. When had the fates decided that it was her turn? She had given up that dream so long ago. And yet; her mind whispered to her the words that she had said a thousand times… Love doesn’t make mistakes.

  Serena looked up at Dante and decided that she was done playing it safe. She was so done with locking herself away in her sheltered little bubble. This man had come into her life and blown everything that she had ever told herself about how her life should be wide open. He had found a way into her heart with the force of a freaking freight train, and there was no going back now. She couldn’t if she tried. This was fate… destiny… whatever, but it was hers. And she was damned well not going to let it slip through her fingers.

  “I would love nothing more than to be your mate, Dante,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion and she felt him shiver.

  Dante pulled her closer as he let her words wash over him. Had she really just agreed to be his mate? Or was this all just a dream? He hadn’t lived the saintliest of existences. For all means and purposes, he was nothing more than a glorified bounty hunter. But this woman had changed all that in an instant. She made him believe that he could be the man that she deserved… Vampire or not.

  “I love you, Serena,” he whispered into her hair, and felt her sigh.

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 5

  They pulled up in front of an ancient structure that had seen much better days, and Dante put the car into park. He turned and pulled her to him, his lips crashing down on hers. He kissed her hungrily for only a moment before pulling away and groaning as if in pain.

  “Let’s get this over with so I can get you home and show you just how much I love you,” he rasped and Serena felt that tingling hit her body, “in a hundred and one different ways.”

  Serena giggled against his mouth and lifted the locket up, giving him a saucy little wink as she did. “That works for me. Let’s go give this thing to those crotchety old bags, and get the hell home!”

  Dante burst out laughing. Damn, but he adored this woman! He kissed her once again before jumping out of the car and dashing over to her side and opening hers.

  When she stepped out of the car, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply once again before leading her to the front door of the decrepit old mansion.

  “Sheesh,” Serena whispered as they ascended the front steps. “They really need a handy man around here! This place is falling apart. What a shame. This place must have been something once.”

  Dante chuckled and rapped firmly on the door. There was total silence for several moments, but finally they heard the sound of footsteps and the door was opened by a young girl not much older than her early twenties, it looked like. She was pretty, petite with brown hair and eyes.

  “Dante!” She practically squealed, smiling happily as she took a step back and ushered them in. “I see you have found the key.”

  “Hello, Domonique,” Dante responded pleasantly to the girl staring up at him with moon eyes, and Serena felt the tiniest bit of jealousy flutter in her belly. “This is my mate, Serena,” he murmured, his gaze locking with and holdings hers and she felt the heat of her jealousy rush out of her in a giant whoosh. “And, yes. Please, let the crones know that we have found the key.”

  Serena glanced at Domonique and noticed that her smile seemed to be somewhat forced all of a sudden. Sorry, sweetheart – but he’s mine! She thought, and then quickly admonished her behavior. Of course this girl was crushing on Dante! Who in their right mind wouldn’t? She suddenly felt like a complete and total bitch.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Dominique,” Serena said, as sweetly as possible without sounding like a gloating snot. The poor girl couldn’t help it. Her man was yummy!

  “Same here,” she replied quickly, her gaze going back to Dante. “I’ll let them know that you’re here,” she told him quietly, but Serena couldn’t help but notice that she seemed a bit troubled. The poor thing was probably heartbroken!

  As soon as the girl had left the room, Dante pulled Serena against his chest and captured her lips. “Damn,” he breathed against her mouth, nibbling and playing with her lips. “I just can’t get enough of you. And, I can’t even begin to tell you what calling you my mate does to me,” he emphasized this by grinding his erection against her hip, causing her to burst out into a fit of giggles.

  Serena swatted at his arm as she leaned away from him and tried giving him a stern look, but failed miserably. “Dante, behave yourself! We don’t want to give the old girls a heart attack!”

  Dante laughed against her mouth, loving her more with each passing moment… if that were even possible.

  Domonique cleared her throat from the doorway, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot as she watched the pair’s demonstrative embrace.

  Serena blushed as she pulled out of Dante’s arms and chewed at her lower lip. “Sorry,” she mumbled, and just wanted to whack the Vampire up the side of his head when she heard him chuckle with amusement. Oh, Lord! His lack of caring who saw them was going to take some serious time getting used to!

  “The Witch’s would like you both to join them downstairs,” Domonique responded quickly, her eyes glancing at the floor.

  Dante nodded and took Serena’s hand. “Lead the way,” he said, that shit-eating grin still on his damned face, and Serena threw him a look; which he merely responded to by blowing her a kiss. Ugh! Men!

  As they descended the stone steps that led to the belly of the house, Serena was overcome with a sudden feeling of… dread. The air began to smell thick and sour, almost like stale food and body odor.

  She looked to Dante who seemed to be feeling the same thing that she was and his hand gripped hers a bit tighter as he subtly pulled her behind him and followed the young witch as the oppressive feeling increased.

  She was about to protest when she saw him shake his head ever so slightly. Domonique got to the bottom and stopped, turning to face them.

  “They are just down the hall,” she murmured with a smile. “I’m sorry about the smell, but we have had a problem with vermin down here.”

  As Dante walked in the direction that she had indicated, he was suddenly aware of a searing pain slamming into him and Serena screaming; the hand that he held was su
ddenly and viciously wrenched from his grip and he turned to see the Were who had attacked Serena standing there, his black gloved hands holding the length of silver chain wrapped around Dante’s neck.

  He searched for Serena, only to find her pinned up against the wall by Domonique, a very large dagger to her throat.

  “What…” he gasped desperately, the silver weakening him much too quickly. Something was very wrong.

  “Dante!” Serena screamed, trying to push away from Domonique and get to him as she watched helplessly as he collapsed to the floor of the dank basement.

  “Shut up, Princess!” The girl hissed, her eyes shining with her hatred.

  “What are you doing?” Serena sobbed and felt her body begin to shake when the Were walked over to them and grabbed her by the neck. Oh, God! It was that night in her bedroom all over again!

  He squeezed his fingers together, successfully cutting off her air and making the room spin. “You won’t be saved by your Vampire this time, Witch,” He growled, right before everything went black.

  Chapter 6

  Serena woke up choking and gasping for breath; her throat raw, and immediately looked around frantically; searching for Dante. She tried to sit up, but realized with a deep, sinking feeling in her gut that she was strapped down to some sort of table. She looked over and found that her hands were secured with wide leather bindings and she felt a sob rise in her throat.

  She craned her neck, trying to get her bearings and felt an unbelievable tide of emotion when she saw Dante chained to the wall across the room. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving, and she felt her heart slam against her ribs with the force of an atom bomb.

  “Dante,” she croaked, feeling the sting of tears at the backs of her eyes and she tried her damnedest to keep her wits about her and stay calm. She needed to find a way out of this.


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