The Trouble With Two Alpha's

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The Trouble With Two Alpha's Page 7

by Brenda Westfall

  “Hey, give that back.”

  “Can’t. Now sit so we can go over a few things. You still need to know about the others.”

  She was refusing to sit so I helped her. I gently swept her legs out from under her and sat with her in my lap. She was kicking and screaming. I held her till she stopped fighting.

  My wolf liked that she was fighting. It made the wolf want her that much more. I was struggling to keep my wolf under control. I was struggling not to flip her on her back and mount her.

  “If you don’t stop, I won’t be held responsible for what I do next. You are turning me on so much right now, I am fighting for control over my wolf.”

  That got her attention. She stopped moving. When she sat still, she could feel my excitement up against her ass. I had a hard on that made me seem the size of a horse.

  Oh my Gosh, Gabi thought. What should I do? How do I get away from him?

  I turned her sideways, so I could see she was listening. “That is much better. Now I still need to tell you things. Are you ready to pay attention?”

  Did I have a choice? I stared at him as if I wanted to kill him, but I sat still. He gave me a second before he started talking.

  “Good. Now not only am I a werewolf, but all the people that work for me are too. That isn’t the problem. Gabi we are not the only wolves in the area. My pack went running around the area and came across another wolf packs scent. Another pack of werewolves have been circling your property. I don’t know them. My pack will protect you with their lives. As will I.”

  What was he talking about now? I really wished I had close neighbors at this point. Someone who would hear me when I started screaming for help.

  I looked at him then let it go. I was screaming for help and kicking for all I was worth. He was crazy, and I had to get away from him.

  Jack couldn’t get her to stop screaming and it was worrying his wolf. The wolf paced back and forth wanting to help its mate. It could tell she was in distress.

  I tried to cover her mouth, so she would stop screaming. Then to stop her from kicking me, I rolled over and lay on top of her. Now I had her under control. She was still screaming though, so I did what I had to, I kissed her. That shut her up.

  When his lips found mine, I was shocked. The feel of his lips hot on mine made me want him all the more. At first, I tried not to kiss him back, but in the end, I kissed him making the kiss more urgent.

  When she didn’t kiss me back, I thought my wolf was wrong about her. But then she started kissing me back and the kiss deepened. Oh, how sweet her lips were. I was on fire. I had to stop before I lost control of my wolf. I pulled back from her and went on trying to talk to her.

  “Gabi, I am not crazy, and I won’t hurt you. Nor will my pack. But you must believe me when I say there are other werewolves staying around your place. I don’t know what they want with you. They could be out looking for females to breed with. I won’t let them have you. I won’t let them hurt you.”

  I fought till I was too tired to move. He was bigger and weight a ton. I fought for air with him on top of me this way. My thoughts were getting the better of me. Oh, how much I wanted him to make love to me right then.

  Once I calmed down, I could hear his breathing. He was breathing almost as hard as I was. I figured it was for a different reason all together. Where I was breathing hard from fighting, he was breathing hard from being turned on. I couldn’t help but notice the way he was laying on top of me. His hard cock was digging into me.

  “Gabi please calm down and listen to me. I know it’s a lot to take in. I swear to you I am not lying to you nor am I crazy. You have to believe me, so I can keep you safe.”

  For the next few hours I went over and over things with her. By the time midnight came around, I thought she was believing me. At least I hoped. I hadn’t shifted, too afraid I would scare her. I would show her, soon.

  I was never so glad when he left. Finally, I could think about things. The minute I start liking a man I find out he is crazy as hell. A werewolf! Really?

  That night I lay on my sleeping bag and tried to sleep but couldn’t. All I could think about was him lying on top of me with his hard cock up against my belly. How it had felt so right at the time, even when I was angry with him. How it had turned me on so bad. If I hadn’t been so scared he was crazy, I would have ripped his clothes off and showed him a good time.

  Then to make things worse, I could hear wolves howling in the back yard. Just inside the trees. I never got up to look, but I was sure of where they were.

  Could it really be werewolves? No way. They’re not real Gabi, I kept telling myself. Yet hearing the wolves outside howling made my skin crawl.

  Could it be things we were taught as children were lies? Could the creatures of our nightmares be real? Maybe I was the one losing my mind. Had I fallen and hit my head and just didn’t remember? Something was wrong with me if I was even thinking such things as werewolves could be real.

  Chapter 9

  The next day when they all arrived to work on the house Gabi tried to stay as far away from them as possible. She feared what they might do to her. After all, they were all crazy.

  Elliot spoke to Jack about Gabi and he told him to give her time. That she hadn’t accepted what they were yet. That she thought they were all crazy.

  After lunch Gabi still hadn’t come inside where they were working. Jack decided to go outside and sit with her. That only made things worse.

  She saw him coming and stiffened up. She was going to run if he wasn’t careful. He could smell her fear of him. That made his wolf whine.

  “Gabi, honey, how are you doing? Have you given what we talked about last night any thought?”

  “Did I have a choice. It was all I could think about. Then to add to it, the wolves were howling so close to the house I had to wonder if it was you and I was the one who was crazy.”

  “Wolves were here last night?”

  “Yes, it sounded like a whole pack of them. I know I heard at least six different howls.”

  Jack was howling. This time there was no mistaken it, he was howling like a wolf. When he did all the men came running out of my house. Everyone gathered around him.

  “Who was supposed to protect Gabi last night?”

  Elliot looked around and realized they hadn’t gone over it, thinking Jack would stay the night with her.

  “I don’t think anyone did. Alpha sir, we thought you were staying the night with her last night since you were trying to get her to understand everything.”

  He was furious. He was biting their heads off for not watching over me last night. Had he thought I was going to let them stay in my house after finding out they were crazy? No way would I have let them in.

  “Even if I had stayed, I left orders for her house to be watched. Elliot, I told you to make sure she was protected. If ever she is left unguarded again, someone will pay big time. Do I make myself clear?” They all nodded yes.

  “Wait just a minute. Jack what I heard last night was just wolves. Not werewolves. I still don’t believe in werewolves. But I do know that wolves are common in the mountains and wooded areas. Don’t go yelling at them for something they are not going to be doing anyway. I won’t have people outside my house all the time. This is my house damn it. My home. My land, not yours.”

  I walked off, but he followed. He grabbed hold of me and pulled me into his arms. He reached down and lifted my chin, so I was looking at him.

  “Like it or not I will keep you safe. I am going to send some of the pack out and see if they can pick up the tracks of your howling friends. Then we will know for sure if they were werewolf or regular timber wolves.”

  With him holding me in his arms so tight to his chest I couldn’t think. I could barely breath. He had never held me like this before and whether I liked to admit it or not it felt damn good.

  I could feel her heart racing against my chest through my shirt. I could smell her arousal. Yes, she was my mate and she couldn
’t keep denying it. At least not to me. Maybe to herself.

  Gabi could swear she heard him sniffing her hair. Then she felt his hand brush the hair off her neck. He bent down and sniffed my neck and licked it. I moaned.

  “So you do like me.”

  I laughed. She shoved me back hard. I let her. She stomped off around to the back yard. I went back to my pack and gave them orders.

  “I want three of you to shift, but don’t let her see you yet. She is freaked out enough. Go into the woods and see who came after I left last night. See how close they got to the house. See if you can tell how many of them there were. Hurry back to me, I need to know now!”

  When the wolves came back, they told Jack that there had been six or seven wolves and yes, they were werewolves. What pack they were from, they couldn’t say.

  For the next few days they worked on finishing the inside of my house without any problems. I still kept my distance from them. I stayed out in the yard working in my flower beds as an excuse not to be in the house with them.

  Every night Jack or someone would stay on my porch and kept watch for the wolves who had been near my house. Jack swore up and down it wasn’t his pack who had been howling outside my house. Not that I believed they were werewolves.

  I had finally gotten my furniture delivered and was making the beds. I was arguing with myself about being crazy.

  “Jack a werewolf. He is I can feel it. But I don’t believe it. I’m not going crazy, he is. But if he is a werewolf, then shouldn’t I be afraid of him? Shouldn’t I get the hell out of here?”

  I had gotten the house put together just the way I wanted it. The men were still working on things in the yard. The fence hadn’t been done yet, or the barn, so they would be around for a while longer.

  Over the next week the fencing had come in and they had started working on it. Some of them had gone to get the wood for the barn. It wouldn’t take them too long to get it up.

  I had planned a two-stall section on one side and a tack room. Then on the other side, I had made room for hay and feed. Plus, a stall for me to use as a chicken pen. I would have a doggie door in the outside wall that went into a run for the chickens.

  I couldn’t wait till they had everything done. When they were working on the yard or fence, I was in my house. I kept an eye on them through the windows.

  When they started on the barn, I got excited thinking I was nearly through with them. Then he wouldn’t be around all the time. Jack had cornered me every time he got the chance.

  One day he said he needed a drink, so he could get inside the house. I had argued they had an ice chest outside with drinks in it, but he had said it was empty. I knew it wasn’t.

  The minute I turned my back on him, he had pushed me up against the wall. He had a hand on each side of me corralling me in.

  “You smell so sweet to me. Gabi, my love, you know what you’re doing to me? Do you? Can’t you feel it Gabi? Feel how we are pulled together. Feel how much I want you and how much you want me? Gabi I am in love with you.”

  I tried not to gasp, but the words in love made me gasp. How could he be in love with me? How could I have feelings for him when he drove me crazy?

  I turned around in his arms. He was so close I could smell his breath on my skin. I could feel his breath against my neck.

  “Jack please stop this. You can’t possibly love me. You don’t know me. If you feel anything for me, it is lust. Now please get out of my house.”

  I bent down and kissed her. She couldn’t stop herself she kissed me back. Without warning, her hands trailed up my chest to wrap around my neck.

  What am I doing, she thought? I pushed him away.

  I was getting to her, I knew it. Soon, very soon she wouldn’t be fighting me anymore.

  I let go of her and stepped back. I smiled at her before turning and walking out of the house. I was winning this war. She was going to be my mate and very soon.

  For the next couple of weeks we went back and forth him cornering me and me fighting him. Then we would kiss. I couldn’t fight him much longer. My will was getting the better of me.

  Jack would show up early in the mornings and try to get me by herself. I would fight to keep him out of the house. I would go outside on the porch, so he was in view of his men. I didn’t feel as alone with him that way.

  Day after day of fighting him was wearing me down. When we kissed it made me feel more for him than I wanted to. I didn’t want this. No, I couldn’t, he was crazy.

  I was so excited every time I got close to her these days. I would kiss her and at first, she would fight it, then she would give in and kiss me back. Each time she seemed to come around faster.

  The next step was getting her to go out with me. Maybe if I could get her used to me by dating her, she would realize I wasn’t going to hurt her. She would realize we were meant to be together. That I was telling her the truth about how I felt about her.

  I would do anything to have her. I brought flowers for her. I brought her candies. All the things I had read human women liked. It hadn’t worked on her yet, but I could tell it was starting to have an effect on her.

  I couldn’t stay away from him much longer and I knew it. He was after all charming. The flowers and candy had been a nice touch. I had to remind myself, he wasn’t normal.

  When he first asks me out on a date, I laughed at him. That was the most ridiculous thing he could have tried. But then I found myself out with him.

  He had picked me up and taken me to dinner and a movie. Of all things it was about werewolves. I had to laugh. At least he was trying I thought. But still I couldn’t forget he thought he was a werewolf. Nuts!

  He took me home and walked me to the front door. He kissed me making the kiss linger. By the time he let go of me I was out of breath. So was he.

  “I hope you had a good time tonight. I know I did. Gabi will you let me take you out again?” He looked at her seriously waiting for an answer.

  “Jack, I think you’re getting the wrong idea. I don’t think we should go out again. I did have a nice time, but I can’t forget that you think you’re a werewolf. Jack people don’t go around thinking they’re werewolves.”

  “Gabi I would show you, but I am afraid that will only make you scared of me. Until I am sure of your feelings for me, I can’t afford to shift in front of you. I swear to you I am not crazy. I really am a werewolf.”

  She was shaking her head no that she didn’t believe me. But I wasn’t going to shift in front of her till I was ready to mark her as my mate.

  In the meantime, I would keep working on her. Day after day I would see her. I would tell her what I was again and again till she believed me.

  Gabi was getting so tired of Jack and all the talk about werewolves. Werewolf this, werewolf that. He was so totally convinced he was a werewolf and that every one of his men were too that she just wanted to cry.

  I really do like him. I really would like it if he was normal. I can’t think when he is around me, I have feelings for him. I mean my body aches for his touch. What is wrong with me?

  She often talked to herself these days about Jack. The more she tried to push him away the stronger he pushed himself into her life.

  Chapter 10

  One night after the pack had gone home and just two guards remained Gabi heard howling. Lots of howling. I still didn’t believe in werewolves. I hadn’t seen the men who stayed outside my house turn into wolves. They stayed hidden from my sight. But I knew they were there. I could feel their presence.

  When the wolves started howling, I just thought it was timber wolves. Nothing more. Just plain old wolves. I didn’t look out the window or anything.

  Before Jack had left that evening, we had a huge fight. He was still insisting he was my mate. That he was a werewolf and I was going to accept him as my mate.

  I wasn’t about to buy into his psycho stuff. No, sir. Werewolves huh! Before I could talk myself out of it, I was packing. I had to get away from him and all his
craziness. No matter where I was trouble always seemed to find me.

  For days he cornered me every time he got the chance and tried to force me into seeing things his way. No, sir, I didn’t have to stay and listen to it anymore. And as for him having me followed everywhere I went or at home even, I was done with it. All of it.

  Watson and Wanda were on guard duty. When they heard the wolves howling off in the distance they went to investigate. They never dreamt Gabi would disappear while they were checking things out.

  They followed the howls. They found tracks. It was definitely another pack of werewolves. They followed the tracks trying to find the wolves, they belonged to. It wasn’t too long after they left Gabi’s property that the tracks stopped on an old logging road.

  “It looks like they drove here. Do you think they’re after Gabi? Do you think they know she belongs to our Alpha? He has, after all, left his scent all the way around her land.”

  “Maybe that is what has attracted their attention. Let’s go back and call Alpha Jack. I think he will be interested to know they drove here.”

  When they got back to her house they dressed, then pulled out the phone to call their Alpha and let him know that there was another pack of wolves just outside of Gabi’s property lines. That they had given chase and ran them off for now. And that they had driven to a logging road behind her land.

  “Alpha Jack, we have something to report.”

  “How is Gabi? Did she see you shift?”

  Come to think of it, the house was awful quiet. As they walked around the side of the house, they noticed her car was gone. “Oh Shit!” He was going to be so mad.

  “Watson what is it? Is something wrong with Gabi?”

  “Sir, we just got back and well, her car is gone. The truck is here, but the car is gone, and all the lights are off inside.”


  Alpha Jack was howling mad. How could they have left her alone? Where was she? Had some of the wolves waited for the others to lead them away from her house then came and gotten her?


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