The Trouble With Two Alpha's

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The Trouble With Two Alpha's Page 21

by Brenda Westfall

  Gabi was gaining distance for a while. Then out of the blue, one of the wolves from Mile’s pack rammed her in the side. Knocking her to the ground. When Gabi came up, she was fighting mad. What no one expected was that Gabi would come up wolf!

  Both packs slid to a stop and stared at Gabi as they saw her stand up as a giant white wolf.

  Miles couldn’t believe his eyes Gabi was a werewolf!

  Jack sniffed the air, then stepped closer. He had seen it with his own eyes, but he still didn’t understand what had happened. How could Gabi be a werewolf and not have known? How had none of them known? She hadn’t smelt like a werewolf. She was amazing.

  Gabi stood up growling like some wild animal. She heard herself and turned in circles trying to figure out who was growling. Then she saw the fur on her arms. No legs. What the hell?

  Jack and Miles could both tell she was about to freak out. They shifted so they could talk to her.

  “Gabi, I take it you had no idea. I must tell you neither did we. You didn’t smell like a wolf. You’re beautiful. Oh, Gabi I have never seen a wolf as beautiful as you are. Your snow white. Would you like to see what you look like love?”

  Miles motioned for her to follow him. He led her to a lake. She walked to the water and stared into it. Her reflection scared her at first. As she stared at herself flashes of people she didn’t know kept running through her head. Then voices.

  “One day Gabi you will know who and what you are. I’m sorry we have to leave you. Hunters have found out what we are and to keep you safe, we must leave you where they can’t find you. I love you Gabi. Momma loves you.” Then she saw the woman wrapping her up in a blanket and telling her to lie down on the bench outside the hospital.

  Then there was a man standing there with tears in his eyes. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “My sweet little Gabi I will miss you. I will always love you. Gabi, remember, never let anyone know what you are. Never shift in front of a human. I hope the witches spell, holds. I hope you realize we did it for your own good. We had to cast a spell to protect you. One day your wolf will come out when you are older. Daddy loves you.” He was crying as he walked away, pulling her mother back to the car.

  Gabi saw her little self-waving to her parents then lying on the blanket on the bench.

  Her parents had taken her to a witch to have a spell cast on her so she wouldn’t know she was a werewolf. Now she knew the truth about them. They had left her to protect her from hunters who knew what her parents were. The only question was had the hunters found and killed her parents?

  Jack and Miles both had been talking to Gabi but could tell she wasn’t hearing them. Jack moved up on one side of her and Miles the other side. They both sat down and held on to her fur.

  “Gabi are you all right? Are you ready to go back to the house so we can help you shift back now?” Miles asks her. They needed to talk about what had just happened.

  “How do you suppose she is a wolf, and no one could tell? How did she not know?” Miles was asking Jack.

  “I have no idea. This is a first for me. I always knew there was something special about her, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Now I guess I know. I guess I know why my wolf was so attracted to her. My wolf knew she was a werewolf even if I didn’t”

  “Yeah, I guess mine did too. What a beautiful wolf she is. And she is our mate. Can you believe it, our mate?”

  “I guess she can’t run away from werewolves now.” They heard someone say. Both packs had shifted.

  Miles turned to his pack and told them to shift back to their wolf’s and keep an eye out for trouble. Jack told his pack to do the same. They didn’t need trouble while she was a newly shifted wolf.

  Gabi stood up and looked around. Everything looked so different. She sniffed the air and found it smelt different than when she was human. She realized she could see things farther away. She turned in circles trying out her new senses.

  She started walking just checking things out. Jack and Miles stayed with her but let her explore. It was after dark by the time they made it back to the house.

  After spending hours in the woods looking around Gabi was calmer than she had been that morning. Now what, she wondered. She couldn’t deny werewolves were real if she was one.

  Miles invited Jack to come in. He figured to keep peace with Gabi, he was going to have to make peace with Jack.

  “Jack why don’t you come up to our quarters with us. I think we need to talk. Gabi sweetie, why don’t we go upstairs. We will teach you how to shift back.”

  She followed them upstairs. Once in Miles apartment they moved the coffee table out of the way, then talked her through the shift.

  Once she had shifted back, they sat and talked.

  “I guess that was quite the surprise for you. Have any idea how come you didn’t know you were a werewolf?” Jack asks her.

  She tells them what she saw when she was shifted. About how her parents had left her because hunters had discovered what they were. Then she tells them about the witch.

  “I wonder if finding your mate or being around other werewolves is what broke the spell?” Miles thinking aloud says. He stands up and walks around the room. He has to wonder how many werewolves have tried the same thing to hide and protect their pups. Could there be more she wolves out there being hidden from their mates by witches’ spells?

  Gabi stands up and walks out on the balcony. She feels trapped. Now that she knows what she is, how can she run away from her mates?

  Jack walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her. “Are you all right with this new discovery?”

  “Do I have a choice? I guess I am. It was kind of fun discovering new things and how I see them now. However, we still have the same problem as before. How are we all going to live?”

  “I guess we are going to have to learn to live under one roof. I admit it isn’t going to be easy for two Alpha males to be under one roof and to share the same mate. But for you I will do it. What about you Miles, are you willing to give it a try?”

  Miles walks out to stand with them. He had given it a lot of thought all day while they chased after her. “If it will keep you from running away from us then I will give it a try. Gabi love I will do anything for you. I do love you. Who knows, maybe Jack and I can learn to love you as one.” He knew he had to try, or he was going to lose her.

  “The next question is where will we try this. Jack has a lot of land close to my old house. There are several cabins. You have this one big house. How will two packs live together?”

  “That is a really good question.” Both Alphas admit. They think of all kinds of ways, yet none of them seem possible.

  “We could move to the cabins. One pack on one side of the lake the other pack on the other side of the lake. The Alphas in the big house in the front center where you come up to the lake.” Jack suggested.

  “That would keep the packs divided. Isn’t the idea to learn to live together? If we are to become a family shouldn’t we become one big happy family?” Gabi wants to know.

  “Wait till we tell our packs we are going to try and be one happy family.” Jack knew that wasn’t going to go over very well.

  “Let me know how it goes.” Miles snarled.’”

  “Right. No, sir, we are going to tell them together. I know how my pack is going to react. I am sure you do too.”

  “How?” Gabi wanted to know.

  Miles took her by the hand on one side and Jack took her other hand. They led her downstairs and out on the front porch. They called both packs together on the front lawn. Miles looked at his pack, then at Jack. Jack stared at his pack, then at Miles.

  Gabi stood there ready to scream. “For heaven’s sake, just tell them. All right, I will. We are all moving in together. Both packs will become one.”

  That was all it took to start fights. Both packs jumped the other. The yard was one big war.

  Gabi let out a loud wolf whistle to get their attention. Everyone froze. “If
you all don’t stop this at once I am going to tear each of you up. I have had enough of this crap. You will behave if I am to stay around. You all must learn to get along or your alphas are going to be mate less. I will not live with a bunch of wild animals. You will act like gentlemen in my presences. If you chose to act like wild animals, I shall treat you like such. Meaning you will eat out of dog bowls outside on the grass. You will sleep on the ground like mutts. Do I make myself clear?”

  She stormed back in the house to cool down before she started hurting men.

  Miles and Jack stared where their mate had just gone in the door. They smiled and turned back to their packs. Jack spoke first.

  “You heard what my mate said, you will start behaving or be treated like mutts. We are going to have to learn to be one as she belongs to both our packs. She is both our mates. She is an Alpha! As you can see, she isn’t going to put up with any of your crap. And let me warn you now all of you, if you do anything to upset her you will pay big time. I don’t care whose pack you belong to I will punish you for upsetting my mate.”

  “Then I will punish you. My mate is not to be upset. I agree with Alpha Jack we are going to learn to get along for our mate’s sake. It might take some doing, but you all will learn how to live together. How to get along. How to work side by side.”

  “Sir, if I may, where will we all be living?” Irwin asks.

  Elliot asks, “Where are we all going to work?”

  The questions kept coming from pack members.

  “The bottom line is we don’t know yet. We still have a lot to work out. For tonight we will be staying here. Ladies, if you will cook dinner for both packs. We will eat outside tonight. My pack start gathering all the tables we have and setting them up around the front yard.”

  “My pack get our grill and tables out of the trucks. Bring the chairs and set them up. Wanda you can grill to help out. If we all work together, we can come up with a feast. Let’s show our mate just how well this can work out. Prove to her she is making the right decision in staying with us.”

  Gabi watched out the upstairs window as both packs tried to work together to set things up for dinner. Occasionally, two of the wolves would start a fight. The others would rush to break it up.

  Miles and Jack sat down in the study and tried to come up with a plan.

  “What if we stay here part of the time and out at our cabins part of the time. It would be like a vacation for the pack to go out to the cabins.”

  “That might work. What kind of work does your pack do? Do you have any businesses?”

  “We do construction. We just moved into the cabins. Before buying the land there we had several companies. My wolf got restless and I sold everything. We wandered around for a year before buying the cabins. There isn’t much my pack can’t do. I have a couple of accountants in the pack. A doctor. A few who can build anything you want from cabinets to furniture. I have several who can build computers and program them.”

  “My pack has several casinos and other businesses. I could see how many of your pack we could give jobs to.”

  “I think it would be best if my pack found a business of our own. Maybe if we didn’t spend all our time together, we wouldn’t want to kill one another all the time. How is the house market here?”

  “I see a lot of houses being flipped. They seem to sell pretty fast. I don’t know if there is much new construction going on. I really don’t get out much. I am either at the casino or here.”

  “I think we will look into building houses or possibly flipping them. What do we do about living arrangements? Even if we stay here or at the cabins there isn’t enough rooms to hold all of us.”

  “I guess we build on. Why not ask our mate, what she wants us to do. Maybe she has something else in mind.”

  “True, she might.”

  They went upstairs to find Gabi. Gabi was already drawing up plans. If they were all going to live together it was going to take a much larger place than either Miles or Jack had now.

  She thought about things. Things like how two packs could live under one roof, if they were kept separate some. She drew a large house that was U-shaped. That way one pack could stay in one wing and the other pack on the other side of the house in the other wing. The center of the house would be for both packs. For family things. That way they wouldn’t have to be together twenty-four hour a day. Maybe that would keep the fights down some. The big question was how to keep the two Alphas from killing one another. Did they live in one large apartment with three bedrooms, so she had her own space and each of them had their own bedroom? Maybe they could take turns coming to her room.

  “Not on your life. We will never sleep apart once we have mated.” Jack warned her. He had slipped up behind her and was looking at her plans over her back. Miles agreed.

  “Nope, we will sleep in one bed.”

  “And how do you propose to do that without killing one another? You can hardly be in the same room now without attacking each other.”

  “Love once we have both marked you, I think it will be easier for us to get along. Right now, our wolves are fighting for the right to mate with you. Also, once we have mated with you, we will know you’re not going to run away.”

  “How will you know that?”

  “It’s a wolf thing.” Jack told her. He wished Miles hadn’t brought that up. She might use that as an excuse not to mate with them.

  “So if I let you both mark me, you won’t want to fight all the time?” She hoped that was true.

  Jack smiled at her. “Most likely the wolf will be calm thinking he has claimed his mate.”

  “If that will stop the fighting, then we will mate tonight.” Gabi told them. “How will we do that? Will one of you mate with me at a time? Won’t that cause a fight to see who marks me first?”

  They both smiled at her, but neither one answers her. She got the feeling she was missing something.

  Jack and Miles would let her think what she wanted. After dinner they would bring her back upstairs and seduce her. Together they would mark her and make her their mate.

  Chapter 24

  As soon as dinner was over Miles suggest they go back upstairs. Jack followed Gabi and Miles upstairs. She didn’t know what they were up to, but she got the feeling she was going to like it.

  Once they had her inside the apartment, they started kissing her. One from behind the other from in front of her. Each taking her clothes off as they kissed her.

  “How about we take a shower.” Miles suggested. They could take their time getting her ready to take on both of them.

  “All three of us?” Gabi asks.

  Miles just smiled as he pulled her into the bathroom. Jack kept his hands on her the whole way.

  “Tell me love have you ever been with two men at one time?” Jack asks her.

  “No, never.”

  “Then you’re in for a real treat.”

  Before she knew it, they were all naked and in the shower. Both her mates kept their hands on her. They kissed every inch of her body. They touched her over and over. She was wet in more ways than one.

  Miles stood in front of her kissing down her neck till he had her nipples in his mouth. Jack stood behind her, letting his hands wander up and down between her legs. Then he kneeled and pulled her hips back so that he could taste her juices.

  Gabi had never had such a wonderful shower in her life. What one didn’t think of the other one did. She was feeling good. She couldn’t wait to see what they did to her next.

  Miles let his hands hold her breast while he sucked her nipples. He let his hands slide up and down her body. He couldn’t get enough of his mate. When he saw Jack stand up, he grabbed Gabi up and slid her down his body. He wanted to be inside of her.

  Jack watched as Miles slide Gabi down on his shaft. He reached around and played with her breast while Miles bounced her up and down on his shaft. Then he reached down in front of her and played with her clit. That drove her wild to be toyed with while being f

  Jack decided to have some fun too. He told Miles it was time to move her out of the shower that he wanted to join in. Miles carried her into the bedroom. He held her on his shaft.

  When they got into the bedroom Miles sat with her on his lap. He sat on the edge of the bed while Jack got something out of a bag. He had brought some things with him just in case of such a scenario.

  Jack squeezed a little lubricant into his hand then reached out and rubbed it around Gabi’s back door. She jumped when he touched her there.

  Gabi realized what they were about to do when she felt Jack touching her butt, then her… “Whoa.”

  “Easy love, I promise you will like it. Try to relax. Don’t think about what I’m doing. Pay attention to what Miles is doing.”

  Miles tried to hold her attention away from what Jack was doing by kissing her. While he kissed her, he let his fingers play with her clit. As he flicked his fingers back and forth over her clit, she slowly forgot what Jack was doing behind her.

  When Jack nodded to let Miles know she was ready, Miles laid back on the bed. That put Gabi’s ass in the air. Miles legs were off the bed giving Jack plenty of room to get to Gabi. Miles had her so turned on playing with her clit, she wasn’t paying attention till she felt Jack push in.


  “Easy love, you’re going to love this.” Jack took his time going slow till he was deep inside. Then he took her hips in his hands and rode her. While he rode her Miles stayed inside of her pussy enjoying the feeling of Jack rubbing against him. Together they were all feeling good.

  Gabi felt her body start to relax, then felt her body start to get overheated. She was starting to move to the rhythm. She raised up on her hands, putting her breast in Miles’ face. He took advantage of that and sucked her nipples.

  Gabi was making all kinds of sounds that let her mates know she was enjoying them. With both her mates inside of her and their hands on her body, then add their magic lips and she was feeling wonderful. She wasn’t expecting it when they both bit her at the same time. She howled, then felt her body contract around her mates as her body sucked them dry.


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