Blind Ambition

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by Dean, John W. ;

  and Watergate break-in, 91–93, 97, 98, 100, 101, 105, 115–16

  vulnerable to indictment, 126, 130, 167–68, 189, 206, 249

  protected by cover-up, 132, 133, 181

  scapegoat candidate, 194, 248

  accused of prior knowledge of break-in, 218, 219, 231–32

  his grand-jury testimony, 220–21, 223–24, 260, 302

  implicates Mitchell, 252

  sentencing of, 355, 358

  testifies at cover-up trial, 359, 364, 390

  in jail, 364–67, 368, 372, 389–90, 398

  and burning of CRP documents, 382–83

  Maheu, Robert, 68–70, 77, 390–91

  Manila, 89, 173, 239

  Mansfield, Mike, 198

  March Air Force Base, 172

  Mardian, Robert C., 42, 46

  and ITT case, 53, 58

  in Watergate cover-up, 105–6, 116–118, 131, 239, 240, 249

  and FBI Watergate data, 122, 387–388

  indicted, 348fn.

  trial and conviction, 377, 383, 387–388, 395fn.

  Marshal’s Service, 364

  Martinez, Eugenio R., 133fn.; see also Cubans

  Maugham, Somerset, 395

  “Mayday” demonstration, 42–44, 71

  Mayflower Hotel, Washington, 323–325, 342

  Mazo, Earl, 22

  McCandless, Robert, 219, 270, 279, 284–94 passim

  and Ervin hearings, 291–92, 301, 304, 305, 307, 315, 321, 325

  McCord, James W., Jr., 90–92, 97, 105, 119, 123

  Caulfield and, 91, 204

  White House strategy on, 121, 143

  indicted, 133fn.

  threatens to talk, 177–78, 180

  implicates higher-ups, 212–13, 215, 232

  McCrone, Walter, 57, 59

  McGovern, George, 88, 99, 127, 128, 279, 287, 294

  McKinney, Marshal, 362–63, 368

  McLaren, Richard, 51

  McNamee, Wally, 288

  McPherson, Bud, 356, 361–63, 368

  Melbourne, Fla., 327ff.

  Metropolitan Club, New York, 159–160, 379

  Metropolitan Police, 42, 93, 95, 108

  Mexico, 35

  Miami, 52fn., 82, 84, 326

  Miller, William E., 394

  Millhouse: A White Comedy, 40

  Mills, Wilbur, 50

  Minnick, Walter, 155, 157–58

  Mitchell, John N., 15, 16, 34, 65

  advice to Dean, 12, 24–25

  and Nixon, 17, 21, 106

  and Huston memo, 36

  kills Huston Plan, 37–38

  Ehrlichman moves in on, 49–53, 155

  resigns as Attorney General, 52

  and Kleindienst-ITT hearings, 59, 217

  and early campaign-intelligence plans, 72, 74–76

  Liddy plan presented to, 79–86, 92, 101, 110, 156, 188, 388–90

  hostile to Colson, 80, 111, 116

  and Watergate break-in, 91–92, 100, 104–10, 115–16, 119, 232

  scapegoat candidate, 101, 194–95, 211–12, 231, 242, 248–50, 252

  Liddy plan approved by, 123, 224–225, 377

  in hush-money shuttle, 123, 124, 140, 162–65, 181, 192, 193, 196, 197, 200, 203–7, 210, 211, 240

  quits CRP post, 126

  Nixon alleges investigation by, 129

  vulnerable to indictment, 126, 130, 167–68, 189, 249

  protected by cover-up, 133, 181, 247–48

  and Patman hearings, 142, 143

  tries to halt O’Brien suit, 145–46

  and Hunt-Colson tape, 155–57, 159–160, 379

  possible perjurer, 156, 160, 206, 220–21

  concerned about Dean’s testimony, 222–25, 241–46

  Magruder testifies about, 252, 390

  in Vesco case, 274, 348–51, 377

  and Ervin Committee, 328

  and Nixon’s tapes, 333

  indicted in cover-up case, 348fn.

  decides against guilty plea, 359

  trial and conviction, 376–77, 379, 382–84, 395–96

  and Pappas, 383–84

  Mitchell, Martha, 106–7, 197, 244

  Mollenhoff, Clark, 314

  Montoya, Joseph M., 317–18, 322

  Moore, Richard, 169, 195–96, 201, 230, 231, 328

  Moore, Robin, 41

  Mullen Company, 67, 391

  Muskie, Edmund S., 43, 66, 310

  operation against, 73, 75, 82, 99, 212

  My Lai, 44

  Narcotics, Bureau of, 156

  National Security Council, 17, 24, 37

  “national security” cover, 123, 254, 256, 262, 278

  Neal, James, 305, 341, 353, 385, 392

  Hoffa prosecution, 299, 351–52, 386

  and Dean’s plea, 336–38, 340

  works with Dean on testimony, 358–361, 373, 374, 376

  and Dean’s imprisonment, 364, 368

  and Nixon’s pardon, 369–71

  and Liddy, 372, 373

  at cover-up trial, 376–88 passim, 394–95

  Nebraska, University of, 66

  Newport Beach, Calif., 14, 17, 18

  Newsweek, 288–89, 341

  New York Times, 181, 237

  Nixon, Donald, 67fn., 69

  Nixon, Donald, Jr., 165

  Nixon, Pat, 43, 48, 147, 151, 213

  Nixon, Richard M., 11, 12

  early years in Washington, 22; see also Hiss, Alger

  1960 campaign, 67

  1968 campaign, 18, 35, 72, 386

  relationship with Haldeman, 16, 21, 25, 314–15

  relationship with Mitchell, 17, 21, 106

  offers job to Dean, 19–21, 23

  his office in White House, 27–28

  attempted misuse of IRS, 33–35

  approves Huston Plan, 36, 37, 278

  “war trophies,” 39

  satirical attacks on, 40

  and Mayday, 42–44

  and Calley case, 44

  and Pentagon Papers, 45, 47

  wiretapping by, 46, 262

  Supreme Court nominations, 49, 50–51

  and ITT case, 51–52, 53fn., 56–59, 63, 217

  O’Brien-Hughes matter, 66, 88, 146, 391

  calls for campaign intelligence, 70, 88

  and Liddy, 76, 120, 260, 300

  and Watergate arrests, 94, 106

  Watergate involvement, 98, 100, 116

  6/17/72 “stonewall” conversation, 119–21

  high ratings in polls, 127, 128, 182

  announces “Dean investigation,” 128–29, 239

  and Finance Committee workers, 132–33

  college editors’ visit, 134, 314

  9/15/72 stroking session with Dean, 133–39, 184, 207, 278, 350, 351

  and “enemies,” 137–39, 316–17

  1972 election victory, 144, 147, 149

  post-election firings, 141, 147–48, 150

  2nd-term prospects and plans, 152, 155, 156

  presses for Dean Report, 166, 186–190, 199–200, 212, 214

  and clemency for Hunt, 176, 180–181, 185, 204, 210, 282–83, 295, 301

  invokes executive privilege, 183, 184, 187, 217

  meets with Dean on Senate inquiries, 184–87, 195

  and Ellsberg break-in, 190, 199, 209, 254fn., 295

  3/21/73 “cancer” meeting with Dean, 201–10, 218, 262, 279, 295, 351, 353fn.

  authorizes hush-money payment, 206–7, 208–10, 353fn.

  sends Dean to Camp David, 213

  abandons Magruder, backs Dean, 219–21

  and Dean/ grand-jury idea, 219–20, 244–45

  wants replacement for yacht, 247

  advised by Dean to consult Petersen, 258, 260, 272, 343

  4/15/73 meeting with Dean, 258–263

  Petersen reports to, 259, 264, 283, 343

  Dean suspects taping by, 260–61, 269, 300–301

  asks for Dean’s resignation, 264–67

  no-immunity announcement, 267–269, 272, 293

  and tape of 4/1
5/73 conversation, 269, 270fn., 279, 300–301

  announces aides’ resignation, 274–276

  Dean tells prosecutors about, 282–283

  question of indictment of, 284, 347–348, 371

  issues statement of innocence, 294–296

  and Ervin hearings, 303, 305, 308, 309, 312, 317, 319, 321, 322–23

  his taping system revealed, 331–34

  ordered to hand over tapes, 337–38, 353–54

  announces choice of Ford, 339

  public support dwindling, 349–50

  fires Cox, 340–41

  appoints Jaworski, 343

  and gap in tape, 344

  grand jury and, 345, 347–48

  releases transcripts, 351

  resignation speech, 357

  pardoned, 369–71

  Nixon (Mazo and Hess), 21–22

  Nofziger, Lyn, 67, 73

  Novak, Robert, 51

  O’Brien, Lawrence F., 125

  Hughes retainer, 66–70, 145, 391

  Liddy plan and, 82, 389

  and ITT case, 88, 389

  and DNC break-in, 90, 133, 389–91

  civil suit against CRP, 131–32, 136, 137, 145–46

  O’Brien, Paul, 131, 177, 182, 212, 247

  and hush money, 146, 161–63, 168, 174, 181

  and CIA, 174, 392

  and Hunt’s crisis, 172–75

  relays Hunt’s threat, 191–93, 197

  indictment question, 249, 392

  obstruction of justice, statutes on, 168, 251

  Office of Management and Budget, 24

  Office of Price Administration, 22

  Oliver, Spencer, 389, 391

  Oval Office, description of, 27–28

  Palm Springs, Calif., 149, 171, 172

  Pappas, Thomas, 165–66, 197, 205–6, 383–84

  Parkinson, Kenneth W., 131, 143, 249

  and hush money, 153, 161–63

  indicted, 348fn., 392

  trial, acquittal, 377–79

  Passaretti, Tony, 383–84

  Patman, Wright, 128, 139, 141–45, 183

  Pentagon Papers, 44, 45, 94, 115

  Petersen, Henry E., 122, 231, 234

  keeps Dean informed, 110–12, 131, 202–3, 260

  refuses to halt labor case, 111–12

  limits Watergate inquiry, 112, 202–203, 255

  and Patman hearings, 142, 143

  is reassured about his job, 149

  and Gray’s receipt of Hunt documents, 169–71, 280, 343

  and Watergate defendants, 173, 178

  and CIA Hunt-Liddy file, 198, 255

  prosecutors and, 228, 233, 252, 255

  Dean urges Nixon to consult, 258–260, 272, 343

  keeps Nixon informed, 259, 264, 283, 343

  urges removal of Nixon aides, 261

  and Nixon’s no-immunity statement, 268–69

  and the tapes, 269, 270fn., 300–301, 343

  Dean is grilled about, 310–11

  takes over Watergate inquiry, 343

  Playboy, 159

  Plumbers’ Unit, 26, 47, 56, 122–23, 170

  Poff, Richard, 49–50, 345

  Powell, Lewis F., Jr., 50

  Public Health Service, 114

  Ratenoff, Teddy, 41

  Rebozo, Charles G. “Bebe,” 66, 67, 68, 391

  Redman, Albert, 300–301, 331–32

  Re-election Committee, see Committee to Re-elect the President

  Rehnquist, William H., 50–51

  Republican Party, 52, 135, 385–86

  Richardson, Elliot L., 297fn., 340–41

  Richey, Charles, 136, 145, 146

  Rient, Peter, 344

  Roosevelt Room, 64, 65, 133, 147–48

  Rothblatt, Henry, 181–82

  Ruby, Operation, 82–83

  Ruckelshaus, William D., 340–41

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 75

  Ruth, Henry, 384–87, 394, 397

  St. Clair, James D., 345–46, 352–53

  Sanchez, Manolo, 187

  San Clemente, Calif., Western White House at, 12–21 passim, 23–24, 46, 128, 230, 231, 234

  San Diego, Calif., 52, 62, 81

  Sandwedge, Operation, 74–75, 77–78, 83

  Sapphire, Operation, 83–84

  Saturday Night Massacre, 340–41, 343

  Scanlan’s Monthly, 32–36, 38, 65

  Schorr, Daniel, 285, 286, 325

  Scott, Hugh, 58

  Seale, Bobby, 364

  Secret Service, 27, 28, 35, 42, 108, 159, 160–61, 294

  Securities and Exchange Commission, 294

  Sedan Chair, 82

  Segretti, Donald H., 72–73, 140, 144, 145, 149–50, 156, 230, 348fn.

  Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, see Senate Watergate Committee


  votes Watergate probe, 183, 184fn., 198; see also Senate Watergate Committee

  confirms Krogh appointment, 197; see also Senate Commerce Committee

  and executive privilege, 217

  immunity powers of, 292

  Senate Commerce Committee, Krogh confirmation hearings, 170, 179, 199, 206

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 39

  Senate Judiciary Committee:

  Kleindienst-ITT hearings, 52, 53, 56–63 passim, 217, 320

  Gray hearings, 183–84, 195, 198, 212, 238

  Senate Watergate Committee (Ervin Committee), 183, 184fn., 198

  Nixon strategy toward, 184, 186, 190, 303, 305, 319, 321–23

  Dean considers going to, 270–71, 282, 288, 290–93

  immunity question, 284, 290, 292, 312

  leaks from, 290, 302–3

  Dean prepares to testify before, 298–99, 300–305

  hearings, 293, 298, 307–27, 328, 335, 353fn.

  Sequoia, 247

  Shaffer, Charles N., 222, 225–29

  early dealings with prosecutors, 231–37, 239–41, 242, 252–53, 255

  advises Dean on Mitchell, 242–43, 246, 248–49

  and Huston Plan, 254, 278

  and Ellsberg break-in, 254–57

  pushes Dean for testimony, 268, 271, 284, 286–87

  and no-immunity statement, 268–269

  and going public, 269–71

  and Dean’s safety, 271, 305, 348

  and Dean’s firing, 274–76

  and media, 277, 285, 287, 289

  learns about Nixon, 278–80

  puts Dean “on box,” 280–82

  immunity negotiations, 283–84, 287, 290–93, 299

  and prosecutors’ ultimatum, 298

  and Neal, 299, 351–52, 360

  and Nixon’s tapes, 300, 333–34

  criticizes Dean’s draft, 301–2

  at Ervin hearings, 304, 307–26 passim

  and “honeymoon money,” 327

  and Cox’s firing, 341–42, 343

  and Dean’s plea, 335–40

  arrests intruder, 360

  and Dean’s sentence, 353–56, 357–358, 397–98

  Shultz, George P., 24–25, 64, 65

  Silbert, Earl J., 112

  and Hunt’s notebooks, 169–71, 182

  Shaffer goes to, 227–29, 231, 233

  Dean gives evidence to, 234–36, 239–41, 255–57, 282–83, 326, 336

  reports to Petersen, 252–53, 255, 283

  and Nixon-Dean tape, 279

  and Gray’s denial, 280, 281

  immunity question, 283–84, 287, 288, 290, 292–93, 312–13, 392

  ultimatum to Dean, 297, 338

  calls Dean to grand jury, 299–300

  Sirica, John J.:

  Watergate break-in case, 171, 176, 181, 182, 266

  reads McCord’s letter, 212, 215

  and safe-deposit box, 278, 293

  and Nixon’s tapes, 337, 392

  and Dean’s plea, 339–40

  sentences Dean, 353–55, 357–59, 380–81

  and cover-up trial, 376, 379–81, 384, 387

  sets Dean free, 397–98

p; Six Crises (Nixon), 57

  Sloan, Hugh, 100, 132, 185

  slush fund, 164–66, 204

  Sonnenreich, Michael, 13

  Special Agent XXX, 41, 44

  Special Prosecutor, see Cox, Archibald; Jaworski, Leon; Ruth, Henry

  Speer, Albert, 328

  Stahl, Leslie, 356

  Stans, Maurice H., 158–59, 162–63, 231, 249

  O’Brien’s suit against, 132, 136, 145

  and Patman hearings, 139, 142

  Vesco case, 274, 348, 349, 350–51

  State Department, 114–15, 156

  Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, 324–325, 342

  Stennis, John C., 340

  Stern, Carl, 340–41

  “stonewall” strategy, 121

  Strachan, Gordon, 150, 249, 348fn.

  campaign-intelligence tickler, 70, 72–73, 75–76, 189, 224

  and Watergate break-in, 94, 98–101

  gives cash to Dean, 113–14, 164, 326

  and slush fund, 165

  Sturgis, Frank A., 133fn.

  Summing Up, The (Maugham), 395, 396

  Supreme Court, 131, 184

  nominations to, 28, 49–51, 345

  and the tapes, 337–38, 353–54

  Talmadge, Herman E., 312–15, 317

  Taos Pueblo Indians, 65

  tapes, Nixon’s, 323fn., 379, 392

  of 6/20/72 meeting, 344

  of 9/15/72 stroking session, 350

  of 4/15/73 meeting, 269, 270, 279, 300, 301

  system disclosed, 270fn., 331–34, 336

  battle for, 334, 337, 340, 343, 351, 353–54

  Taptich, Edward P., 61–62

  Thieu, Nguyen Van, 230, 237

  Thomas, Helen, 107

  Thomas, Jane, 36–37, 90–108 passim, 113, 133, 217, 268, 270

  and Dean’s firing, 274, 276

  Thompson, Fred, 310–12, 317, 321–323, 326–27

  Thompson, J. Walter, advertising agency, 18

  Thrower, Randolph, 73

  tickler system, 65–66

  and campaign intelligence, 73, 75, 77, 79, 85, 87, 88, 116

  and enemies list, 317

  Time Magazine, 294, 295

  Timmons, William E., 29, 64, 142, 143

  Tkach, Dr. Walter, 114

  Tony, see Ulasewicz, Anthony

  Town House Operation, 60–62, 104, 316

  Treasury Department, 28, 35, 39

  Tricia’s Wedding, 29

  Truman, Harry S., 186

  Tunney, John V., 62

  Tytell, Pearl, 57

  Ulasewicz, Anthony (Tony), 45, 74, 77, 78, 124, 146, 249

  Vesco, Robert, 274, 348fn., 349–51, 377

  Vietnam War, 39, 40, 287

  Pentagon Papers on, 45, 114–15

  negotiations to end, 128, 152, 182

  Vollner, Jill, 344–47, 359, 369–71, 385, 387–88

  Walker, Ronald, 72

  Walters, Terry, 362–63, 368

  Ward, Dr., 114

  Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, 324

  Washington Post, 270, 286, 289

  Watergate stories, 89–90, 91, 107, 119, 212, 219


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