“More ready then you’ll ever know.” I grumble.
I feel my mood improve as the sun directs golden hues over the tall trees and puffy cloud shapes morph in front of my eyes. I squint and make out a cat leaping over an invisible obstacle. Our feet crunch on a gravel path. My heart races and my eyes glow as we approach an enclosed grey barn.
“Is this the chicken house, Ryan?”
He grins and flings the doors open.
The smell of feathers, droppings, and death assault my nose. I gag as I step inside. There are a hundred silver cages the size of shoe boxes. And in every cage, there was either an egg laying chicken or a much larger bird raised for the table. The birds were distressed, many of them had bald patches from plucking their feathers in frustration and some were bleeding from knocking against their cage. My heart sinks and my hands go to my mouth.
“These poor girls. What is this? How can you keep these poor animals like this, can’t you see their suffering? It’s inhumane. We need to help them.”
“Ann, what’s wrong, I don’t understand. I thought you wanted to see the chickens.”
“Yes, but not like this. They shouldn’t be kept in tiny cages; they should be free to feel the sunshine and peck the ground. This is the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll speak to the estate manager; however, I can’t promise that anything will be done. This is the way it has been for a long time.”
“These chickens are trapped, helpless, and waiting for their inevitable end. Would you like to live like this?”
Tears well in my eyes as I shake my head.
“Ryan, can you help me change this?”
“I can take you to my mom to discuss this with her, but my hands are tied.”
I’m ready to take on the challenge. We go into the administration office. Twenty people are working in cubicles, at desks, and conference tables. Ryan knocks on the conference room door. Christian answers it and my stomach sinks. I aim to boost his mood by stroking his ego.
“This is amazing, I never realized how much work goes into running a country.” I say to Christian’s red face.
His eyes soften as he addresses Ryan. “This isn't show and tell Ryan. This area is off limits for a reason. What’s Lady Ann doing here?”
I look to Ryan then to the Queen, who I notice is quietly watching with raised eyebrows. I must be careful wording this because I don’t want to ruffle any feathers and tact often isn’t my strong point. I swallow and lift my chin.
“Queen Elizabeth, this was my idea. I asked Prince Ryan to bring me. I know you, your family, and Palace members do your best to keep the country running as efficiently as possible. As you may recall I was born and raised on a farm and I believe I can help with the chicken meat and egg production.”
The Queen holds her hand up to still whatever Christian was going to say.
“That’s my department.” She shuffles through some papers and puts on her reading glasses. “Our count has been steady. Have you heard something different?”
“With the greatest respect, I believe you can do better.”
Christian is about to blow a gasket.
“Are you kidding me? You spend, a couple of days in our home and you think you can waltz in here and tell us how to run—not only our business—but an entire country? Your audacity is outrageous.”
Ryan steps in, “Christian, she just wants to help. Our chickens are living in appalling conditions. I had no idea how they were raised. And I can tell you, it’s grim.”
“Ryan, stop defending her.”
Christian faces Ryan off and they stand in each other’s faces like a pair of street fighters with balled fists. I rush in between them trying to pull them apart.
The Queen stands up and puts an end to the display before any punches are thrown.
“Boys take it outside, now.” She says in a calm but authoritative tone.
I will Christian to be the bigger man. When he doesn’t, I put my hand on his arm.
“Please Christian, I don’t know why you dislike me so much, or why you are always yelling at your brother, but don’t hurt him, please.”
The Queen has had enough. “I said out. Now.”
When the princes have gone, I turn to the Queen. “My Queen, I feel as though I am tearing your family apart you should send me home.”
“Lady Ann, you don’t have any brothers, do you?”
“Well, no. I’m an only child but I don’t see how that has anything to do with this situation your highness.”
“Well, my dear, boys do this. They fight over toys, sports, and pretty girls.” She laughs and stands up as I blush. “Let me make you a deal, Lady Ann. You stay here and give us your best in this competition and in return you can hand me a report on how you can raise our production. And if it’s cost effective, I’ll give it proper consideration. How’s that?”
“What if I’m no longer here because the Prince sends me home?”
She smiles. “Well, then I guess you have some work to do and fast.”
“Thank you. I appreciate this opportunity.”
As I pass the library, I see the Princes bending over a table and Christian slips something into his pocket as Ryan turns to me.
“Ann. I got some great and some not so great news.” Ryan says.
Ryan moves away from Christian. I look down at the table. There are hundreds of prints of my pictures from my broken camera laid out. I smile from ear to ear.
“Ryan, this is wonderful. Thank you.”
“Actually, it has nothing to do with me, Lady Ann. Christian did it for you. I told him what happened, and he accessed the files, printed them, and made a digital and a physical copy of them for you.”
I can’t believe that Christian The Cold One is actually blushing.
“You? You did this for me? You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you, Prince Christian.”
I gather them up to take to my room and probably over do the ‘Thank you’s in my excitement. The pictures of Ryan and me slide onto the floor and I pick them up. He has an excellent eye for photography.
Before I leave the library, I grab every chicken book I can find—there aren’t many, however I have a heavy stack of reading material for the evening. When I get to the third stair, my foot turns inward, and I fall with a crash. Books land all over me and my ankle is burning. I try to stand but the pain is too much. People run to me from all directions and I’m surrounded by some of the other women and servants.
“Are you okay, Lady Ann?” Mary asks as she offers a slim, painted hand.
Remembering this morning I glare at her fake kindness. “Yes, thank you.”
Prince Christian comes around the corner. I groan inwardly, not again. When I don’t take Mary’s hand, he offers me his.
“Lady Ann what happened to you?”
I grab his hand but forget my ankle and cringe as I fall back down with a squeal. He catches me and wraps his arm around my waist.
“Lady Ann, are you hurt?”
He frowns as my ankle swells.
“No, My Prince, I just thought I’d throw myself down the stairs for fun.” I couldn’t believe I said that. “Forgive me, Prince Christian, it’s the pain, I fear it has made me irritable. I’m just a little sore and my pride is crushed. Thank you for the leg up.” And I aim for my best, and what I hope is my most dazzling smile.
“Ladies, I’m going to escort Lady Ann to the hospital wing. Can one of you please, take those—chicken books—to her room. Thank you.”
My eyes widen. “This is unnecessary, Prince Christian. I’m sure you are busy.”
He insists on taking me to the hospital wing and helps me onto a bed.
“Get well soon, Lady Ann.”
My ankle is blue and swollen. The doctor gives me some pain relief and takes X-rays. He tells me it is not broken, but I need to rest it. I get some crutches and he places me on a routine of ice, pain medication, and light duty with no heels for a few days. He offers to ha
ve somebody escort me back to my room, but I shake my head.
When I hobble out, Prince Christian is nowhere to be found. I don’t know why I expect him to be waiting for me, but I see him as so stiff that his air of chivalry, and his need to be seen doing the right thing would make it impossible for him not to be waiting. I was wrong.
My heart leaps as I see Ryan on the third floor. I wave to him, but he looks through me and disappears into another room. I set the crutches down and inch my way up the stairs one at a time using the banister to support me. The burning in my ankle intensifies. I hear a noise above and find Christian.
“What are you doing, Lady Ann?”
I wipe the sweat from my forehead as I lean against the banister. I bite back my sarcastic remark.
“Prince Christian, as much as it pains me to ask you, please could you help me up these evil stairs.”
I’m desperate and even with my pain medication I’m done with pretending to be strong. I do need help but I refuse to beg. Either he helps me up or I will park myself here and stay forever.
In one swift movement he lifts me up. The pain has made me sick and I feel dizzy. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his strong shoulder. I nestle into his neck and breathe in. He smelled so good, like woods after it rains. I feel Christian tense. He opens my door and asks Karen to pull back my covers.
“Lady Ann hurt her ankle and needs ice and rest. The doctor gave her strong pain medication to help her sleep so she may be out of it for a few hours. All of her meals are to be sent up here for the next few days so that she can avoid the stairs.”
“Yes, Prince Christian. I can get some water, ice, and a light snack for her to help her sleep better. Would you like to sit with her while I bring it? Or I can fetch another maid to watch over her?”
“I can watch over Lady Ann until you return.” Christian puts me down.
My brain is foggy, and my bed feels warm.
“Ann. You can let go now.”
“So, it’s just Ann is it? No more Lady?”
“Lady Ann, please let me go. You are making me feel very uncomfortable.”
“No. I like it here. And I like you not being mean and fighting with me.”
He laughs at my slurred words and tries to dislodge my hand. I hold tight thinking he is going to pry me off him, but he strokes my hair.
“Why aren’t you like everyone else? Why are you so difficult?”
“Because I’m Ann. I’m a farmer girl. And I’m like no one you’ll ever meet. I’m special.”
“Lady Ann, who do you think I am?”
“You’re Prince Christian, the biggest pain in my back side.”
I’m rewarded with one of his rare smiles. Then his eyes get smoky and he moves closer to my face. I hesitate, but my body has a mind of its own and closes the distance between us. Our lips meet and it’s clumsy and awkward. I’m hot all over and I feel sparks as he kisses me back and our bodies meld together as he deepens the kiss.
He pulls back and watches my eyes flutter open.
“Lady Ann, smile for me like nobody else can.”
He says it huskily. My mind is hazy and sleepy, but I do the most dazzling smile I can. Then he lays my head down, covers me up, puts a tender kiss on my forehead, and leaves as I drift off to sleep.
The pain medicine makes my dreams illogical. I vaguely recall chickens dancing on rainbows as I shuffle under my covers when the morning light reaches towards my face. When I wake up my head is pounding, and my stomach is rolling. Thank goodness Karen is by my side with a bucket.
I can’t remember when I ate last, but whatever is in there comes out a lot faster than it went in.
“Karen, please kill me. Kill. Me. Now.”
I lift my head out of the bucket and lay down as she applies ice to my ankle.
“Lady Ann, I’m sorry, but I can’t. At least not today.” And she winks.
“Karen, could you please just call me Ann? No Lady business, at least when it’s just us. I know Christian would crap his pants if he heard you call me Ann but if you don’t tell him, I won’t.”
“Speaking of Prince Christian. I had a dream about him where we kissed and he was so nice, he even called me Ann, just Ann. But that’s not the real him. He wants perfection and I’m not it. I would hate to be perfect.”
I shoo the thought away with a flick of my wrist. Then she sits on the edge of my bed and grabs my hand.
“Ann, that wasn’t a dream. I walked in on him kissing you.”
I feel myself go pale.
“Oh, oh no. Karen I need the bucket again.”
She runs it to me, and I dry heave into it. There’s a knock on the door and it couldn’t be a worse time. Karen puts the bucket down to answer it. Ryan puts his head around the door, and I hear laughter in the hallway and Christian’s voice.
“Ryan, what the hell are you wearing?” Christian rings out.
I’m more curious and forget about being sick as Ryan enters, I hear tapping. He is wearing heels. I burst out laughing. He totters to the end of my bed, smirking. Christian comes in and shuts the door. Ryan is the first to speak.
“You don’t look so good, Ann. Is there anything I can do?”
Christian clears his throat at his brother’s use of my name and Ryan corrects himself.
“Lady Ann is there anything I can do for you?”
I tilt my head and cross my arms over my chest. “This doesn’t forgive you for dodging me last night, Prince Ryan. And I look bad? You’re the one wearing death traps.”
He clicks them together.
“I got Christian for you, didn’t I? And regarding the heels, a deal is a deal. Pay up Lady.”
“Fine. I’m a Lady of my word. The author of the quote is Dr. Seuss.”
“Are you kidding me? Dr. Seuss?”
I laugh and the movement makes me queasy, I lean my head against the headboard. Ryan and Christian share a worried look, then Ryan asks Karen to get the doctor.
“No, there’s no need, I’m fine. Honestly.”
Ryan hands me the silver heels.
Christian eyes Ryan Intensely.
Ryan clears his throat and stammers. “Lady Ann, I would like to tell you something of importance. I hope I’ve done nothing to give you the wrong impression, but I am engaged.”
All of our encounters pass through my mind. Although I’m inexperienced, I don’t feel he gave me the wrong impression. We were friends.
“Prince Ryan, I’m happy for you. She is a lucky woman to have you as her fiancé. I hope I can meet her one day.”
Ryan lets out a breath. “Of course, you will, Cherie is wonderful. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
The doctor arrives for my morning checkup. Ryan squeezes my hand before leaving. I’m surprised that Christian stays by my bedside as the doctor shoves a thermometer in my mouth and a cuff on my arm.
“Your maid filled me in, and I asked her to bring you some food. Your pressures and temperature look good.”
He removes the cuff and thermometer, pushes back the covers, and looks at my ankle. “I think you had an allergic reaction to the pain medicine. I’m putting you on an anti-inflammatory instead.” The doctor closes his bag and nods at Christian and closes the door behind him.
I rub my arm where the cuff squeezed.
An uneasy tension blankets the room.
Christian is back to his default setting of gloom and doom. All the humor and passion of last night has gone, it’s as if it was a dream after all. I blush and wring the sheet in my hands.
“Christian, listen, about last night. I think I was out of line. I’m sorry, I would never have acted that way, the medicines did a number on me.”
He sits on the edge of my bed.
“I’m glad you’re taking responsibility and admit that it was you that made the advances towards me and that you were the one who was out of line. However, I need to take some blame too. I never should have let it get that far, but Lady Ann y
ou drive me crazy. I’m the future King of this country. I can’t lose control. I can’t have a wife who is constantly battling me, falling all over the place, injuring herself, and inserting her opinions where she shouldn’t. I need a queen who will sit by my side with grace and elegance.”
Karen comes back in quietly and sets the tray down. I’ve been given weak tea, toast, and oatmeal and it looks about as appealing as he does.
“Prince Christian I’m confused. You say I drive you crazy but in the next breath you say you don’t want me. You’re correct, I’ll never be that woman, sitting meekly next to your throne while being told what to do. I would be somebody you can rely on. I would cope well in a crisis and work beside you with the countries interests in mind.”
“Karen, please give me a moment with Lady Ann.”
Christian looks back at me.
“Look at you. You aren’t princess material. You don’t have much of a figure and wouldn’t carry the dresses well, you can’t walk in heels, and you’d interfere all the time. You just wouldn’t do well as a Queen.”
I force myself to listen.
“Lady Ann, once you heal, I expect you to pack your belongings and leave. You’re no longer in the running to be my wife.”
He straightens his navy-blue suit and hair and nods with finality.
“That kiss meant nothing? I mean nothing to you? I can’t believe I agreed to stay knowing you weren’t going to try to make this work. I’ll be more than happy to leave, Prince Christian.”
Karen has been waiting at a discrete distance from my room, when she sees Prince Christian stalking away with a look that could kill, she comes back to me.
“Karen, please help me pack and get a car for me to leave.”
“But what about the kiss?”
“I told you I must’ve been dreaming.”
She packs my belongings and helps me downstairs to the car. As we pass, all the girls pop their heads out of their rooms to see what the commotion is all about. Most of them are smug and smirk at me.
Ryan is running out the front door. He is out of breath when he reaches us.
“Where are you going Lady Ann?”
“Your brother said I don’t fit the mold of a queen.”
Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 3