Feathered Dreams: Book One

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Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 12

by Brittany Putzer

  I see Ryan’s dark eyes watching me. I make sure nothing is on my shirt.

  “What is it cowboy?”

  “Hey, laugh if you want, but I’ve never felt so comfortable.” Then he flexes his tan bicep. “I feel so free.”

  “Oh, get a room you two.”

  “You handle yourself well on the phone. Is there anything you can’t do?”

  I wrap my hands around my coffee mug. “There are plenty of things I can’t do, Ryan.”

  “Really, like what?”

  I talk into my coffee. “Like hold a relationship.”

  “That makes two of us. I’m just a spoiled little Prince. Born and raised to step into my brother’s shadow. The second choice for a leader one day. They made sure they had one—and a spare.”

  “That isn’t true. You love photography and you are incredibly good at it. Plus, you are becoming a great farmer.” I throw a towel at him.

  He catches it and we share a moment of appreciation as we stare into each other’s eyes. His phone rings in his pocket. He breaks our connection and answers it. Then he hands it to me.

  “Ann it is for you.”

  “Ann, dear, how are you doing?” The Queen asks gently.

  “After a good night’s rest, I am feeling much better. Thank you for asking. I called the contractor today and he should be in by the end of the week to get started.”

  “That is great news, Ann. Do you plan on being back at the Palace by then?”

  “Yes, I can leave as early as tonight if needed.”

  Ryan mouths, “no,” at me from across the room.

  “Great, but no rush dear. I know you are going through a lot. Plus, after that news report this morning, you should lie low.”

  “Oh, really? I haven’t seen it yet.”

  There is a long silence. “Oh, well it’s probably for the best. I will see you when you get back. Please give Ryan my love.” And she hangs up quickly.

  “Your mom sends her love and she mentioned it was a good idea that I don’t see the news report. Was it that bad?”

  He averts his eyes and rubs the back of his neck.

  “Ryan, just give me a rundown of the important details.”

  “It was reported that we left the Palace to be together.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The reporters took pictures of us hugging and walking back into your house after Pecker. They said you were heartbroken that Christian chose Mary and I was heartbroken about Cherie leaving me. It suggested that we were finding comfort in each other. Ann, I’m sorry I know it’s a lot to take in.”

  “But surely Christian or your mom corrected them? I mean it’s lies. And we are being hurt because of it.”

  “Actually, no. Nobody corrected the reporters.”

  I jump off my bar stool making it crash to the floor. “So what? They want us to look like love struck idiots. While they keep up their perfect image with the public. How’s that fair?”

  Ryan mutters. “It happens more than you realize. They need to show strength and unity. No matter who gets hurt in their path to achieving it.”

  I have only had to deal with this for a short time, but he has had it his entire life. And even if I don’t agree with it, being mad with him isn’t going to help.

  “You’re right I didn’t realize. But it doesn’t make their actions justified.” I fix the bar stool and sit next to him. “There’s nothing we can do about it now, so let’s forget it. Does spaghetti sound good?”

  “I haven’t had spaghetti since I was little, it sounds great.” Ryan rubs the back of his neck. “Before we start cooking can I show you something outside?”

  “A change of scenery is exactly what I need right now. Let me go throw my boots on real fast.”

  The sun is high making my eyes water when I look overhead. Ryan throws his straw hat over my head and pulls the rim down to my nose. I swat him away and lift the rim to see his eyes glittering down at me. I can’t help but smile at his childish grin. He looks happy and carefree walking around in the tall grass leading to my family headstones in the back of our property. I shove my hands in my back pockets. I hate visiting this place because it reminds me of what has been taken from me.

  Ryan stops at a fresh mound of dirt with a large boulder on top of it. When he kneels, he wipes the boulder scaring a Monarch butterfly. I watch as the butterfly flutters skyward and towards our pear trees.

  “I know it isn’t much, but I thought Pecker should have a memorial.”

  I kneel next to him. On the boulder he wrote her name against the backdrop of a painted sunset. The painting must have taken him hours. My lip trembles and I place my hand on the boulder. The rough surface doesn’t reflect the emotions swelling in my heart.

  “You painted this for her?”

  “It wasn’t just me. It was a team effort. Suzie brought over the art materials I needed, and your dad helped me find a good size boulder. Oh, and I almost forgot. We gathered up some of her feathers and made you this. That way you’ll always have her nearby.”

  Ryan reaches into his pocket, pulls out a small, clear jar, and hands it to me. I shake it softly and watch Pecker's feathers float around inside. I clutch the jar to my chest.

  “I’m going to collect the eggs and bring them inside for your dad.” He squeezes my hand. “I’ll see you inside.”

  I hear the grass crunch as he walks towards the hen house. When I look up the tears blur my vision and a halo circles the top of his head. I place my forehead on the cold boulder as sobs wrack my body.

  I get out the spaghetti ingredients while Ryan watches me.

  “Why don’t you help me cowboy?”

  “But I did all the chores.”

  “I can teach you how to boil water Prince Ryan. Come on.” We start the water and sauce. “So, what were you and my dad talking about?”

  He shrugs as he stirs the pasta. “We worked mostly, and he taught me about the farm and chickens. I feel like my brain and my muscles are achy.”

  “I know what you mean, all the training to equip me for the palace life was mind numbing.”

  I drain the pasta and hand a strand to Ryan.

  “Do you think the pasta is done?”

  He throws it and it hits my hair.

  “Ryan, what was that?” I throw a strand and it lands on his forehead.

  “I meant to throw it at the wall, but I missed.”

  “Do you know how hard it will be to rinse that out of my hair?”

  We laugh as we toss spaghetti at each other, unaware of my dad’s watchful eyes. When he clears his throat, we both stop mid throw.

  “What in the devil is going on in here? You two need to stop playing around and wasting food. Clean this up immediately.”

  I throw a piece of spaghetti at my dad’s departing back and it sticks to his black t-shirt. We burst out laughing at the lone noodle survivor. I look around at the mess and step back to grab a sponge. I lose my footing on the slick floor and Ryan tries to catch me, but we land on the floor laughing.

  I grab a noodle that is draped over his forehead and almost poking him in the eye. The second my fingers touch him, he stops laughing and blinks up at me. My heart speeds up. Then he smiles and leans his head back with a groan.

  “Ann, you are crushing me.”

  I swat him and roll off.

  “You started this.”

  “What? You asked me to test the noodle to see if it was done. Haven’t you ever thrown it on the wall to test it?”

  “Never, we poor folk eat it.”

  “Well maybe you should wear it more often. I love your new hair style.”

  Ryan runs a hand through my hair and past the noodle with a grin. I roll my eyes and shove a towel into his chest making him push out a burst of air. We clean up the kitchen together and make plates for everyone. Suzie finds the spaghetti noodle on my dad’s back and they laugh. After laughing with them I see that Ryan’s plate is still full.

  “Ryan are you not hungry?”

sp; “I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little tired.”

  Dad rubs his stubble. “It’s still early, but if we’ve worn you out, son, the guest room is made up if you want to rest.”

  “Why don’t you shower, Ryan? I’ll clean up and dad can find you some pajamas to borrow.”

  I knock on the bathroom door.

  “Ryan are you feeling any better?”

  He sounds muffled. “Just feeling a little under the weather. Maybe I have the flu.”

  I hate to worry his mom, but a sick Prince is probably not the same as a member of the public being ill.

  “Ryan, I’m going to call your mom and let her know we won’t be coming back tonight.”

  I can hear him groan. “Do you have to?”

  Before I can walk away to grab his phone, Ryan opens the bathroom door to finish our conversation. He is towering over me with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I blush and turn away. I feel the steam from the shower radiating off his sculpted chest. Luckily, dad comes and hands Ryan some clothes.

  After he is dressed Ryan whines, “I don’t want to worry my mom, Ann.”

  I run my hand across his forehead and hand him the phone.

  “I’ll drive you home or to the doctor here. Whatever you want, just please call her.”

  I keep my eyes on him as he walks into the guest room and plops on the bed. I listen as he talks to his mom and rub my hand up and down his back soothingly like my mom used to do when I had a fever. He hangs up and puts the phone on the nightstand.

  “She assumes it is a twenty-four-hour bug, she would feel better if I came home to get checked out.”

  “Well, I’m sure she is worried about you. Do you want me to drive you home?”

  “Hummm.” He answers, as he drifts off to sleep. I stop rubbing his back. Instead of waking him up, I slip out of his room to call his mom. She answers quickly.


  “Sorry Queen Elizabeth it’s me, Ann. Ryan just fell asleep, but he told me you wanted him to come home. Do you want me to drive him home after he wakes up?”

  She is quiet for a second. “How bad is he Ann?”

  “He is pale and hot with a fever. It came all of a sudden while we were eating.” I bite my fingernails. “He took a shower and a pain reliever. Maybe he’ll feel better with some sleep.”

  “I will feel more comfortable if I send a doctor over to check on him.”

  “Of course, I’ll sit with him until the doctor gets here. Please feel free to call if you want to check up on him before then. I’ll have the phone right beside me.”

  She breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Ann. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  I tell my dad the doctor is on his way and put a cold, wet wash rag on Ryan’s forehead to cool the fever. I lay next to him and blot his head while he sleeps. I run my fingers through his dark locks.

  Ryan groans and brings a hot hand to my face. “Thank you.” And he drifts back to sleep.

  The doctor wakes Ryan up gently. I rub my eyes confused and slip off the bed. Ryan is still feverish and now his stomach hurts. Dad and Suzie stand next to me in the hallway. Suzie hands me some water and I sip it as we wait for the doctor to come out.

  I peek my head inside the room and the doctor waves me in as he puts his stuff in his bag.

  “He may have Appendicitis. It’s hard to tell for sure, so I’m going to send him to the hospital to get tests done. But he’s being stubborn and refuses to go.” He smiles at me. “I think you may have more luck with him. I’ll be waiting in the hall; I need to call the Queen with an update.”

  Ryan’s eyes flutter open. “Don’t you start too. I’m fine I just need this bug to run its course.”

  “Then why not get checked out?”

  “I’m having a good time here. I don’t want to go back.”

  “Ryan, you know this place isn’t going anywhere. You can visit anytime.”

  Dad walks in, “We just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Okay, I’ll go get checked out. But I’m looking forward to telling everyone I told you so.”

  “Ann? Are you coming home with me?”

  Christian would be there with Lady Mary, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Especially after all the rumors he started about me and Ryan.

  “Is that what you want me to do?”

  “Yes. Then I can tell you I told you so in person.”

  “You’d better not, or I’ll tell your mother you threw spaghetti at me.”

  After getting a few essentials, I meet dad and the doctor by the car with Ryan already loaded inside. “Should I drive Ryan’s car back?”

  The doctor is the first to answer. “I think he would enjoy your company in here for the moment.” Then he gets in the car.

  I give my dad a tight hug.

  “Ryan will be fine, Ann.” He says softly against my hair.

  “I’m afraid dad. Afraid I’ll lose him like I lost mom.”

  “Ann, honey, don’t be afraid to lose someone. Love them for as long as you can and relish the time you have with them.”


  The drive is long, as Ryan’s stomach pain intensifies. By the time we get to the palace he is coated in sweat and is rushed to the hospital wing.

  Standing in the hallway watching them push him away, I bite my fingernails. The doctor tells me that I can wait while they run tests. I put my bag down and sit on one of the hard, plastic chairs. My leg bounces up and down. I loathe hospitals. The smell, the equipment, and the uncertainty. I jump up as the Queen walks in.

  “Thank you for convincing Ryan to come home and get checked out. The doctors are taking him into surgery now.”

  My face pales. “What? Why does he need surgery?”

  “They need to remove his appendix, but the doctors are confident that he’ll make a full recovery.”

  “Ryan never would have left if it wasn’t for me. I cause nothing but trouble.”

  I pace the small area as my mind conjures images of my mom in her hospital bed. She was so thin and pale. Was that going to be Ryan? Does the universe hate me that much? My hand goes up to my scalp and I tug at my hair. The pain pulls me back to the present.

  “Lady Ann you couldn’t have predicted this. It’s not your fault.” She rubs my arm reassuringly.

  Christian comes in, he’s disheveled and his hair is a mess.

  “What are you doing here?”

  When his icy eyes pierce mine, I know I’m in trouble. I step back and swallow. He has never looked this enraged before.

  I square my shoulders, pushing down my insecurities.

  "Ryan didn’t want to travel alone in his condition.”

  “Ryan wouldn’t be in surgery right now if he didn’t go gallivanting off with you. This is all your fault.”

  “As much as you would like to, you can’t blame everything on me, Prince Christian.”

  “My father’s right, you’ve caused this family nothing but trouble.”

  Christian’s eyes bulge out of his head while the words spill out in a rush. I rub my temples and take in a breath. I know I should be the bigger person, but I’m at my limit.

  “I’m glad Ryan isn’t around to witness your little two-year-old tantrum. The way you are talking to me, he’d be embarrassed to have you as his brother. You need to man up and act your age. You are our future King for goodness sake!”

  He closes the gap between us in two quick strides and throws me against the wall. Christian wraps his hand around my neck. I try to pull his hand away but his hold is too strong. With adrenaline coursing through my veins I bring my knee up and send it into his groin as hard as I can. When he loosens his grip, I punch him in the nose and push him away from me. Without his hand holding me up I collapse to the floor gasping for air, as two guards restrain him. My neck, throat, and lungs burn as I lean my head against the wall gasping in air.

  The Queen runs over to me. “Ann! Are you okay? I don’t know what got into him. He has never behaved like that before.
” She offers me some water and sits beside me.

  Christian was going to be the death of me, literally. I get up and sit in the chair feeling dizzy and the Queen frowns and sets the water nearby.

  “Ann I’m going to get a nurse to check you out. Then I need to check on Christian and find out what happened.” She pats my leg and walks out of the room leaving me alone and trembling.

  A nurse comes in and offers ice to help the swelling and bruising. My throat burns but the water chills it going down.

  The door opens and my head shoots up fearing it might be Christian coming back. My heart slows down as Mary enters and closes the door behind her.

  She sits next to me and turns to me. “Lady Ann.”

  “Princess Mary, or is that title reserved for after the wedding?”

  “I suppose after we get married.”

  “Lady Ann, Prince Christian is going through a lot right now. I hope you know he didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “So, he sent you in here to apologize for him? He is a pathetic excuse for a human being.” I turn to her. “Are you sure you won’t be next?”

  Mary pales. “He really is sorry.”

  “He can be sorry until he is blue in the face. Once I am done with this project, I’ll never have to see him again.”

  “Surely you aren’t that naïve, Lady Ann. Even if you pretend you have no feelings for Prince Christian, what about Prince Ryan? You can’t say you’ll never see him again.”

  I rub my sore neck. “I guess I can’t guarantee our paths won’t cross. One day Christian will be my King and he’ll be even harder to avoid.”

  After a few minutes I can’t stand the uncomfortable quiet between us. When I met her and we were new to the competition and excited together, we were friends—but we had been pitted against each other as love rivals for Prince Christian. We have become enemies and our friendship is finished. I grope around my mind for something to say to ease the tension.

  “I wonder what is taking so long.”

  I poke my head out and Vinny is with another guard outside the door. I feel better knowing that Christian can’t get to me.

  “Lady Ann.”

  “Are you here for my protection—or his?”

  He smirks. “Both.”


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