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Stolen Princess (Princess Series Book 2)

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by Alexa Riley

  Stolen Princess

  The Princess Series

  Alexa Riley


  The Princess Series…

  Stolen Princess



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12



  Taking the Fall




  Chapter 1

  Also by Alexa Riley

  Stalk the Author

  The Princess Series…

  We’ve taken our love of crowns and glitter to the point of no return. Our best advice is don’t get caught up in the details… just enjoy the over-the-top romance! Each book is a stand alone, and a happily ever after.



  Alexa Riley

  Karim is past the time when he should have chosen a bride, but he never met anyone who caught his eye. Forced to choose, he holds a ball and invites all eligible princesses to attend. And that’s when everything changes.

  Giselle’s been tucked away on her father’s land and doesn’t know how the royal world works. It’s her first party, and it’s going terribly until she finds herself alone in a room with a man. A man who wants to make her his.

  When Giselle gives him everything and then discovers who he is…well, how good do you think she’ll be at hide and seek?

  Warning: It’s instalove at first sight. Literally, like two seconds in. But don’t worry, Karim will find her…and steal her if he has to.

  Copyright © 2017 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover Designer Mayhem Cover Creations

  For fairytales… they are alive and real in your heart.

  And maybe your lady business.

  Chapter 1


  I look ridiculous. I lean forward to see my reflection in the mirror and want to roll my eyes. I wanted to get away from the hundreds of people crowding the ballroom, so I snuck in here. I’m wondering why I was even excited to come here to begin with. Oh yeah, because I never go anywhere.

  I look at my pink lipstick and soft pink eyeshadow and think about how much I loved it hours ago. I almost tackled my dad when he told me we were going to a party. Something about a king picking a bride tonight and we could go watch, but I didn’t really know what was going on beyond that. I never understood the whole arranged marriage thing. Both my sisters had done it, and I like their spouses. At least when I see them, which isn’t often. No one likes taking the trip out to where my father and I live. The topic of an arranged marriage had never been talked about with me, and I’m glad it’s never come up. Though maybe if I did get married, I could get out and see the world a little instead of being locked away. Being here tonight only further shows me how out of touch I really am with the rest of the world.

  Sure, I’m a princess, but my father and I don’t really mix with all the politics of it anymore, since we live so far out. Our estate is small and in the country, but it’s nice. But the only people that are in the estate are paid to be there—the cook, the gardeners and maids, even my tutor. My only friend is George, and a lot of days he doesn’t even like me unless I give him extra dinner. Or he wants his belly rubbed. Other than that, he ignores me like everyone else. I should’ve gotten a dog, but I do love that grumpy cat.

  I was a surprise baby late in life for my parents. They had me in their forties, and my sisters were off and married before I even hit my teens. My brother had taken over my father’s spot on the throne not long after. I have no idea where my mother is. She pops in and out of our lives, but she’s more interested in social scenes and being in the city. My dad, by contrast, is content to be at home watching TV with the volume down.

  “What to do, what to do…” I debate wiping the make-up off. I thought I looked pretty. Dad had told me two days ago about the party, and I’d spent all that time picking out what I’d wear. I didn’t have anything super fancy, so I thought I could make something out of what I had. I snuck into my mom’s room and stole two of her dresses. I pulled the fluffy tulle out of one of them and made a skirt that fell all the way to my feet. I even dyed it a light pink. Then I found a jewel-covered bodice to pair it with. I had to stitch it a little to make it work, but I thought it looked beautiful.

  I pinned half my hair up into two little buns on the top of my head. It took me forever to get it right. By the time my dad called me to go, I was so excited I was about to burst. Until I walked in tonight. I’d never felt more out of place. Now I understood why my dad liked to hide away in the estate. Because right now, that’s what I wanted to do. I looked so out of place.

  It helped a little when my dad told me I looked pretty. That was the thing. People here didn’t look pretty, they looked beautiful. At first, I thought this was a movie premier. I even had to walk a freaking carpet.

  I turn around. I don’t want to face the mirror anymore.

  I’m stuck until my dad is ready to leave. I wonder how long I could hide out in here. Just as the thought crosses my mind, the door opens and man slips in and closes it behind him.

  I hear the lock click and kick myself for not having locked it to begin with. He braces both hands on the door like he thinks someone might try to come in, and I stand there and stare.

  He’s wearing black pants and a black coat, and I wonder for a moment if he’s a security guard or something. His size makes me think so. I stand there, unsure of what to do.

  He slowly turns, dropping his hands from the door. He’s breathing hard, and it’s then I realize he’s in a tux. No, definitely not security.

  His eyes come to mine, and they’re the brightest blue I’ve ever seen. It’s such a contrast to his jet-black hair. He stands to his full height, and my eyes widen as I take in his size. This man is big. Maybe he should be on the security team.

  “Hi.” I lift my hand and wave and then drop it immediately and cringe inside. Who waves when you’re five feet from someone? I do, the dork who can’t even fit in when there’s only one other person in the room. His mouth quirks into a smile.

  “Did you need the room? I can go.” I ask as I push off the vanity I was leaning against.

  “I came in the room because I saw you come in here,” he says coolly, leaning up against the door.

  I’m not sure what to say, but my cheeks heat up. “I was hiding,” I admit, fidgeting with the tulle on my dress.

  “Why?” He takes a step towards me. His voice is deep, and it feels like it rolls across my skin.

  I lift my hand and touch my hair, mak
ing sure nothing has come loose. I want to seem confident, too, so I try to play it cool. I shrug, and the motion makes a bejeweled strap slide down my shoulder. “I didn’t fit in, and people were staring at me.”

  “I was staring at you. I didn’t notice the others. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from you to even bother.” He takes another few steps towards me, and I smile up at him.

  “You like my dress? I made it,” I admit, and his smile grows even bigger.

  “You made it?”

  I nod.

  “Watch.” I do a spin, and the tulle fluffs out.

  “You have on sneakers?” he says while studying me. Then he motions for me to twirl again. And I do.

  “I thought if I danced the dress would look extra pretty. When I tried to dance at home in heels, it didn’t work so well and I almost hurt myself. So sneakers it was.” I drop my head, looking at me feet. It’s just another reminder of why I don’t fit around here.

  “You want to dance?” he asks touching my chin, making me look up at him.

  “I don’t want to dance out there.”

  “Then we’ll dance right here.” He pulls a phone out of his pocket and presses a few buttons. Music fills the room, and I smile.

  He grabs me, pulling me into him, and I suddenly realize why women wear heels. Even more so if you’re going to dance with someone as big as this man.

  “Slip your shoes off.”

  “You don’t like them?” I made sure they matched. Simple white sneakers. I even made laces out of the same tulle I used on the dress.

  “They are perfect. Just like you. But I want you closer to me while we dance.”

  I hurriedly slip them off my feet, never leaving his embrace, and kick them away. In one quick movement he picks me up a little then places me on his feet. I have no idea what’s happening, but it’s perfect. More than perfect.

  “I know you can’t twirl like this, but I needed to feel you against me. From the moment I saw you walk into that ballroom tonight I’ve been captivated.”

  My breath catches as he starts to move us to the music. I let go of his warm hand that was engulfing mine to wrap it around his neck. He has to lean down a little to let me do it. I get lost in the moment, enjoying the feel of this unknown man. I don’t even know his name, but I don’t care at this moment.

  “You smell like—”

  “Cotton candy,” I finish for him. “It’s my lipstick.”

  “Hmm.” He leans in closer, his mouth but a breath from mine. “I think I’ll have a taste for myself.”

  Then suddenly his mouth descends on mine.

  Chapter 2


  I couldn’t stop myself, and I didn’t want to. I needed her.

  Tonight I’ve been forced to choose a wife. I’m past the point of putting it off, and the royals won’t have it any longer. I’m King, but there must be an heir. The compromise was that they would throw a ball and allow all the eligible princess to parade around and let me choose one. It’s like picking a horse at a farm. It’s less than appealing. I didn’t want to come. Dread had weighed heavy on me, making my mood dark.

  I’ve presided over the kingdom for years, ever since my parents passed away when I was young. I’ve had advisors for most of that time, but I took over the throne officially when I turned twenty-one. Now it’s eight years later and I’m being pressured to marry.

  I know it’s time, but I’ve always believed that when I met the one, I would marry. But as the years go by I’m convinced that the love my parents had was rare. It may seem weak for a man to dream of such things, but I had envisioned my wife to be one who loved me as much as I loved her. That she would stand at my side. Be the one person I confided in.

  My dreams of true love died away slowly over the years, so I decided to go ahead and pick a wife and be done with it. I wanted to appease everyone in the kingdom by securing our future, and I needed to be the leader they expect. So tonight was for the people. I was going to suck it up and do my duty, hopefully making the best of a bad situation. But not one person had caught my eye. Every time I looked at a woman, my stomach clenched with dread.

  Then, she walked in.

  One look at her and I knew she was the one. She was why I felt like I was going to vomit just thinking about marrying someone else. I’d been waiting for her. Fate had finally brought to me the woman I’d spent my life waiting for. And on the very night I’d given up hope. She stood out from the crowd, but not because of the ways one would have thought in that dress. No, her beauty called to me like a siren in the night. It was as if there was a glow around her that shone bright enough that my heart could see it.

  A switch inside me flipped, and I was in motion. I pushed through the crowds of people, ignoring the calls of my name. I had no time for anyone but her. But there were so many people in attendance that at one point I lost her. For a moment I worried I’d dreamed her up. I wanted to scream into the ballroom for everyone to get the hell out of my way, but I managed to make it through without a scene. Just as a space in the crowd opened up, I saw a trail of pink run down a hallway. Away from me.

  Pushing through, I lost sight of her again and wanted to bellow. I ran after her and tried every door until I found her. The only thing I could think to do was to bolt the door shut and explain to her that she belongs to me now.

  It sounds insane, but love at first sight is exactly what happened. She was mine the instant I laid eyes on her, and I pity the man who tries to take her from me. If anyone steps between me and what’s mine, I will end their life. And this sweet, delicate angel is mine.

  He body melts even more into me as I kiss her cotton-candy mouth. Her lips are buttery soft, and I lick the bottom one before I take it between my teeth and nibble slightly. Then I kiss her deeper, tasting the sweetness that’s coming off her in waves. Pure, soft innocence invades my lungs, and I know I have to have her. She must belong to me.

  I pull away from her, but only a few inches. I have one hand on her neck, with my fingers tangled in her hair. I can feel her heartbeat racing, and my own is beating in time with hers. This is unlike anything I’ve ever felt, but I know instantly this is the rest of my life. I’m holding my future in my hands, and I refuse to let it go.

  “Tell me your name,” I demand.

  She licks her lips and then smiles at me, bringing her hands to my chest. “Giselle.”

  My body tingles with anticipation, and I can’t seem to hold on to my self-control.

  “My Giselle,” I growl, pushing my body against hers.

  The motion takes us a few steps back, her feet slipping from mine, but her hands continue to rub against my chest.

  “My name means generous.” Her back hits the wall behind her, but she doesn’t look panicked. On the contrary, she looks utterly relaxed. Her lids lower slightly, and her lower half pushes against my angry cock. “Allow me to be generous with you, my Giselle.”

  “What’s happening?” she asks as her hands go around my waist and pull me closer. “I’ve never done this before.”

  “Good,” I retort, and kiss her again. I can’t seem to keep my mouth off of her. Need bears down on my back, and I’m feeling things I’ve never felt. Protective instincts surround me, and I want nothing more than to carry this woman to the nearest tower and lock her away in it. I want to keep her safe from harm and give her pleasure like she’s never experienced.

  My lips move down her neck to the edge of her shirt. I slip her other strap down her shoulder, and it slides down until her breasts are bared to me. Perfect nipples are hardened with need, and my mouth waters to taste them.

  “Do you want me, my Giselle? Do you want my mouth?” I lean forward so that she can feel my breath on her delicate skin. “I will make all of your dreams come true.”

  Her eyes connect with mine, and I see her lick her luscious lips before she runs her fingers through my hair.

  “This is crazy. It’s like a fairy tale.”

  “That’s exactly what this is. I belong
to you now. Will you use me for pleasure?”

  Chapter 3


  I look up at him, not really understanding what’s happening. But for some reason I don’t care. This is the most thrilling thing that’s ever happened to me. I feel like my whole body has come alive for the first time, and there’s no way I’m stopping. In fact, I want to push for more. I want to stay trapped in this room with my mystery man forever.

  “What—” The word comes out, but it doesn’t sound like my voice. “What can you do to pleasure me?” My face heats, and a bit of embarrassment courses through me. I don’t care enough to let it stop me. This isn’t like the embarrassment I was feeling outside of this room.

  My breasts are bared before him, my nipples aching with need I’ve never felt before. I should be shy and trying to cover myself up, but instead I’m leaning closer to him so that my sensitive skin can feel some sort of relief.

  He looks at me like I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen in his life. I lick my lips, drawing his eyes there, and a deep rumble leaves his chest, vibrating from him through me. I push further into him, liking the vibration of the rumble against my breasts.

  His masculine smell invades my senses, and I close my eyes, wanting to take it all in, wondering if maybe I dreamed him up, because he’s too perfect to be true. Here I am having a pity party for one and bam, the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life comes barreling into the room, barreling into me, making all my doubts about tonight fade away.

  I feel his lips at my neck, and I tilt my head, giving him all that he wants.

  “Anything,” he tells me softly against my skin as he kisses his way up. “Everything you could ever want.” I slide my hands up his body and wrap them around his neck. “See how perfectly you fit to me. You’re mine. Say it.”


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