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Sinful Page 11

by Marie Rochelle

  “Ms. Kim was demanding at times, but I can understand she did it because she only wanted the best for her boss, Mr. Mashiro.”

  “I really hate being called Mr. Mashiro. I might be a little older than you, but not enough for you to address me so respectfully,” he said. “How can we work together with all of this going on? It will make it hard for me to concentrate on my work.”

  Sitting up straighter in her seat, Jazmaine tried to calm down her racing heart. Did she actually hear what she thought she just heard? Was Akito Mashiro just acknowledged that he was going to sign with Kent Publications? What happened to the concerns he wanted to discuss with her less than twenty minutes ago?

  “Are you telling me that you’re ready to sign with Kent Publications to release the American debut of your Graphic Novels: Temptation, Wanton, Captive and Surrender?” she asked barely keeping the rising excitement out of her voice.

  Working as Mr. Kent’s personal assistant in this specialty books industry had been exciting but nothing compared to this moment, if Mr. Mashiro actually put his famous signature on the dotted line.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “I do have one question, though,” Jazmaine admitted. “I thought you had some points in the contracts for us to go over.”

  Akito’s long, tapered fingers pulled down the sleeve of his perfectly tailored dark gray suit as he continued watching her. Honestly, she believed his eyes hadn’t ever left hers since they almost collided at the door.

  “I did but after speaking with you. I got all of them answered. I believe now your boss’s company is the best place for my newest series.

  Picking up the folders off the table, he held them out to her. “Here’s all of the signed paper work Mr. Kent wanted from me as well as my lawyers. Have him look over everything to make sure it is in order. If he agrees, he can sign and we’ll be in business for the next three years.”

  Jazmaine took the files from Akito while trying to keep cool as possible for two reasons. One, she actually got a multi-million dollar deal under her belt and two, she was extremely attracted to Mr. Mashiro. She hadn’t thought about what he looked like; however, she never knew he would be this good-looking.

  Thank goodness she wouldn’t be working with him in close quarters. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to control herself around him. After all of the paperwork was taken care of, he would be assigned to a different co-worker who would answer any questions Mr. Mashiro might have about the promotion of his books.

  “I will give these to my boss tomorrow and have him look over them. Is there a phone number we can call you directly or should I call Ms. Kim with the final details?”

  Leaning across the table, Akito folded his hands causing the sterling silver bracelet on his wrist to bang against the top. “How about you call me personally and then I can invite you to celebrate over drinks?” he flirted, shocking her. She hadn’t expected him to ask her out on a date.

  As much as her mind was pushing her to accept his surprising offer, Jazmaine knew from experience it was better to keep your business and personal life separate from each other. It helped to keep an unwanted headache out of the workplace.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t go out with you. It wouldn’t be professional.” She gathered up all of the files shoving them into her oversized black purse.

  God, she was going to need more than one glass of wine when she got home since she had just turned down a date with a seriously hot looking guy.

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to change your mind?” Akito asked, standing up.

  Jazmaine shook her head. “No, I’m sorry there isn’t,” she said. “However, it was very nice to finally meet you. I hope your time with Kent Publications will be enjoyable as well as profitable.”

  “I’ve already gotten more than I expected,” he answered, studying her closely.

  She didn’t even try to guess what Mr. Mashiro meant. His presence was already weakening her into changing her mind about his invitation to have drinks, so she needed to get out of this closed in room.

  “If you’re ready to leave, we can walk to the elevator together,” Jazmaine suggested going around the table and then heading for the door.

  “I would like that.” Mr. Mashiro moved away from his seat, walking across the room. He made it to the door and opened it.

  “After you,” he said, stepping to the side allowing her just enough space to brush past him.

  Her body barely missed touching his arm, but she still felt the warmth from his body through his clothing and got a nice whiff of his expensive cologne.

  “Thank you,” Jazmaine said stepping into the hallway.

  “You’re more than welcome, Jazmaine.”

  Stopping in her tracks; she glanced over her shoulder staring at Mr. Mashiro and found him looking straight back at her. “I thought we already agreed not to use our first names.”

  “No, you suggested it but I never agreed to anything. Let’s go. I don’t want to keep you any longer than I already have.” Placing his hand in the center of her back, Mr. Mashiro spun her back around and led her down the hallway then out the office door towards the elevators.

  Jazmaine didn’t know what to say but one thing was certain. She would make sure to keep her distance from Akito once he started working here. She could tell he wasn’t used to hearing the word no.

  He might get his way pretty easily with other people, but he wasn’t going to get any special treatment from her. Sure, Mr. Mashiro traveled from the other side of the world to be here, but she still knew trouble when she saw it and he was it with a Capital T.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Are you serious?” Maymi asked before grabbing a KFC chicken bite out of the container and taking a nibble.

  Jazmaine showed up at her front door less than an hour ago with food and a bottle of wine begging her for some advice. Now, they were on her couch with their shoes kicked off eating fattening food and sipping on an aged bottle of liquor.

  “I’m not kidding,” Jazmaine answered. “He asked me out for drinks and I turned him down. Was I out of my mind? I mean a wealthy, hot, international millionaire wanted to spend time with me and I shot him down in seconds after the words left his mouth. Shit! I should have done a Tatum.”

  Maymi barely caught herself before she choked on her wine. “No, I wouldn’t go that far. Our girl has a wild streak you shouldn’t want to copy.”

  Placing her wine glass down on the table, her friend pulled her legs up to her chest. “Fine, I won’t become a carbon copy of Tatum. I’ll stick to my words and not go out with Akito. So, enough about me, tell me how are things going with you and Jensen?”

  She took another sip of her wine and glanced away looking at the picture of her Nana on the Maplewood stand in her living room. “He asked me out on a date and I said yes. I think he might have been jealous of how fast I became close to his brother Casper.”

  “It’s about time,” Jazmaine laughed. “Believe me; it had nothing to with any brother. He wants you. I saw how he was looking at you at the restaurant than night.”

  Her head swung back in her best friend’s direction. She was taken aback by Jazmaine’s response. “You aren’t surprised, are you?”

  “Of course not,” she replied, honestly. “Jensen might not want Sinful next door to his gym, but he definitely wants you. Once you sparked his interest any other common sense he had left went out the door. Have some fun with him, it’s not like he’ll turn into your everlasting love or anything.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Maymi replied..

  “I know you still miss Hudson and he was one of a kind, but it has been over two years since his motorcycle accident. It’s okay for you to start dating other men.”

  Maymi placed her glass down on the table inches from Jazmaine’s. “I know I should, but it’s still hard. I constantly begged him not to ride without a stupid helmet, but he never listened to me. When I got the news he skidded on a patch of oil on the highwa
y and went over that cliff I almost lost it. He had been such a huge part of me becoming a pastry chef. He was my biggest supporter. How could I even think about being interested in someone who is the polar opposite of Hudson?

  “Do you know he was the one who thought of the name Sinful when I told him I wanted to open up my own bakery? He told me biting into one my cookies were like having a sin in his mouth.

  “Jensen hates what I do for a living. He might be attracted to me, but it’s only hormones or chemistry. The core part of who he is wants me gone from the block. No matter how many dates we go on or unbelievable hot kisses we experience with each other, nothing will ever change his first impression of me. It would be for the best if I cancel the date entirely.”

  Moving her legs, Jazmaine’s hand reached out and touched hers. “I guess it’s left up to you to make that change happen, isn’t it?”

  “What if I only want one date and nothing else?” Maymi tossed back.

  “I would suggest that you have a kick ass first date and then move on but don’t stay hidden behind cream cheese frosting and no bake cookies for the rest of your life,” Jazmaine teased.

  Smiling, Maymi let go of her friend’s hand and slid across the couch then gave her a huge hug. She leaned back and stared into a pair of kind, light brown eyes that reminded her of cinnamon sticks.

  “You’re too good for me. Thanks for being such a wonderful listening ear,” she said. “Do you think you’re able to drive or would you rather crash here in the spare bedroom tonight?”

  “I need to head home,” Jazmaine answered. “Do you have coffee fixed? I think two cups will have me ready to go since I only had two glasses of wine.”

  “I fixed some this morning before work. Let me get it for you. It will only take a minute.” Maymi got up from the couch and went towards the kitchen wondering if Jensen was thinking about their upcoming date like she was.


  “What are you doing here?” Jensen asked the half naked woman standing on his porch. Chloe’s outfit was more set for the strip club than a late night visit. He wasn’t interested in seeing her tonight or any other day of the week to be truthful.

  His mind hadn’t been able to think about anything else but Maymi since he got home. She had texted him her address and phone number while he was at work. He held back calling her until he got home because he wanted to hear her voice before he went to bed. He wasn’t expecting to deal with this tonight when his doorbell rang.

  “I came to see you,” Chloe said, touching his bare chest. “Is there a problem with me being here? You used to love my surprises visits.”

  He removed her cold fingers from his body without even looking at them. “Yes, there is. The last time we talked you told me you were over me because I couldn’t give you enough of my time, and I took you at your word.”

  “Jensen, you know how I can be,” she pouted, running her fingers down his arms this time. “Half the time I say something I really don’t mean.”

  Frowning at Chloe, he brushed her hand away from him for a second time and took a step back. “Look, I’m not going to do this with you. It’s late and I need to get to bed. So, why don’t you go home and do the same thing?” Jensen suggested.

  Chloe glared at him as she crossed her arms over her bare stomach. “Who is she?” she demanded.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” he said, hoping she would leave so it wouldn’t be too late to call Maymi.

  “The bitch you’re trying to get rid of me for,” she shouted, taking a step towards the door. “Is she in there with you? I swear if she is I’ll rip the hair out of her head. No whore tries to steal what is mine.”

  Blocking the door with his body, Jensen touched Chloe gently on her shoulder moving her away from him. She wasn’t about to come inside his house. He would never be able to get her to leave.

  “You aren’t welcomed here anymore,” he said. “We are over and have been for a while. Who I date or don’t date isn’t any of your concern. So, how about you leave before I call the police?”

  Moving back, she continued giving him a hateful look. Jensen recalled the fiery temper Chloe used to have but he hadn’t seen it in a while. “You’re going to regret this Jensen and so is that stupid bitch you are sleeping with. I’ll make sure of it,” she threatened before storming away him.

  He continued standing in the doorway and watching Chloe until she got into her black Corvette and sped off. He wasn’t worried about her threats because she did it a lot while they were dating, but never went through with any of them.

  Jensen stepped back inside closing the door behind him. For sure now, it was too late for him to call Maymi and tomorrow he was teaching four classes. He wouldn’t have a chance to sneak away to see her. Friday would actually be the next time he got to see her. Maymi dared him to do something impressive and that is just what he was going to do.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Friday night...

  “No, he hasn’t showed up yet, Jazmaine,” Maymi said, checking her appearance one last time in the mirror. “He still has twenty minutes to get here, so I’m not worried about him not showing up.”

  “Remember, don’t bring up anything negative,” Jazmaine told her. “Tonight is about getting you back out there in the dating field. Jensen could be the perfect man to get you back on track.”

  “He’s perfect if you wanted to hire him as your personal trainer, but I’m not so sure about being first date material,” she said.

  “Stop being such a negative Jane. Just live in the moment. If I can’t date a hot, sexy man you might as well do it for the both of us,” her friend teased.

  “How does it feel to finally have the aloof Mr. Mashiro working at your business?” Maymi asked, wanting to get the conversation off her for a few minutes.

  “I got caught with him in the elevator this morning.” Jazmaine sighed. “He asked me out on a date for tomorrow night but I told him that I already had plans.”

  “Jazmaine, you made him think you were going out with another man,” she scolded walking away from the mirror. Maymi picked up her purse off the bed and left the bedroom. “You could have invited him to the party tomorrow night. Honestly, I’m dying to meet the man who has gotten you so turned around after only one meeting.”

  Inside the living room, Maymi went over to her black couch and sat down. She was glad she had Jazmaine on the phone. It would take her mind off worrying if Jensen was going to show up tonight.

  “No, it wouldn’t have been a good idea,” she disagreed. “I told you that I’m not going to ever have an office romance. I’ve seen how bad they can go at previous jobs and swore that wouldn’t ever be me. Besides, tonight is about you anyway and how fast you can strip Jensen out of his clothes.”

  “Jazmaine!” Maymi gasped, shocked. “I wasn’t even thinking about seeing him naked. All I’m doing is going out on one date and nothing else is going to happen. I can promise you that.”

  “Sure, it won’t if you don’t let him kiss you.”

  “I don’t have any plans for that to happen,” Maymi answered.

  Jazmaine giggled. “Keep lying to yourself. I know you and despite what might be coming out of your mouth, you want a taste of Mr. Lowe. Admit it and then get you some. It’s only sex and not a walk down the aisle.”

  Maymi tried not to laugh, but she couldn’t stop it from escaping. “Okay, enough wine for you. Put down the glass and get yourself something to eat. I don’t want you hung over for the party tomorrow night.”

  “I’m not going to even ask how you knew I was drinking. However, I will order something from that Thai place a few blocks from here and then I’ll crawl into bed. I think they’re having a Syfy movie marathon tonight. I’ll watch some of those before I fall asleep,” Jazmaine said before hanging up.

  Sometimes she wondered how she got such a crazy best friend, but Maymi knew one thing for sure. She wouldn’t trade Jazmaine or Tatum for anything in the world. Picking up her purse off
the couch, she slid her cell phone inside as the buzzer went off. She took a quick glance at the clock on the table noticing Jensen was twenty minutes early.

  She got up from the couch and made her way over to the intercom, pressing the button with her finger. “Yes, who is it?”

  “It’s me, Jensen. Buzz me up.”

  “You’re early. What if I’m not ready yet?” she asked.

  “Still buzz me up and I can help you with any button or zipper you’re having a problem with. I’m very good with my hands.”

  “God, is this how you’re going to be all night,” Maymi teased.

  “Babe, if you just ring me up already I can give you a sneak preview of things to come,” Jensen answered.

  “Fine, come on up.” Maymi pressed the button to let Jensen upstairs. A few minutes later there was a knock on her door.

  Walking over to it, she blew out a deep breath hoping tonight didn’t turn into a total disaster. She placed her hand on the doorknob, turned it and then opened it. Her eyes widened at the sight of Jensen standing there in front of her. She thought he might look nice in a suit, but she never expected that he would look anything like this.

  He stood there, tall, handsome, in a perfectly tailored dark suit with a white shirt underneath opened at the throat. The fabric molded his muscles to perfection bringing her wandering eyes to his narrow hips and long legs. Even his dark hair looked like he’d gotten it cut a little since she had last seen him a few days ago. Jensen was a totally different man than she was used to seeing at the gym.

  “You look very handsome,” she said, taking the rose he brought from behind his back.

  “You’re breathtaking,” Jensen whispered as he bent down to brush a kiss against her cheek.

  She noticed how his eyes lingered on the cleavage exposed by her red, form fitting dress that stopped right above her knees. It was a spur of the moment purchase a few months ago that she had shoved to the back of her closet.


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