Inevitable Darkness

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Inevitable Darkness Page 5

by Cassandra Lawson

  “Yeah, well, we can’t change the past,” Jase told him. “I keep reminding myself of that whenever I start to think about what I should have done differently with Vexx. All it does is make me crazy. She died, and sometimes I think it’s for the best since she didn’t want a life with me, anyway.”

  “Stop acting like an idiot,” Max snapped. “You’re talking to Vexx again. It’s time to work things out with her. She’s your mate, and don’t give me that crap about her not being your mate anymore. Vexx is good for you.”

  “How do you figure that?” Jase asked. He’d already decided to try to make things work with Vexx, but he was curious to hear Max’s reasons. He respected Max’s opinion more than anyone else’s, and he needed to hear Max tell him he was doing the right thing.

  “When you went after her before, you let go of some of the control you try exercising over every aspect of your life,” Max explained. “I was raised to be a leader, so I understand how hard it is to let go of that control. I’ve been in your situation. You probably don’t even completely let go of your control when you fuck a female, but with Vexx everything was different. You need her to bring balance into your life.”

  Jase nodded. “I’m going out again.”

  Max grinned. “Where are you heading?”

  “To have a word with Cord about a few matters,” Jase replied. “Thanks. I needed you to tell me I was doing the right thing by going after Vexx again.”

  “You let me argue my point when you already agreed with it?” Max demanded.

  Jase grinned. “Yeah, I guess Zane isn’t your only pain in the ass son.”

  Chapter 12

  Lack of privacy was one of the more annoying aspects of shapeshifter life. Vexx had more than most since she could mask her scent when she was in heat. Technically, she could use that skill to hide more from her clan, but it took a lot of energy to work that kind of magic, so she only used it when necessary.

  “You smell like Jase,” her father stated as he approached her. Her father didn’t look much older than her, which wasn’t surprising considering how slowly shapeshifters aged. His long brown hair was pushed back from his face, and his pale blue eyes regarded her curiously.

  “Does everyone need to comment on my scent each time they see me?” she snapped. It had been more than a day since she’d seen Jase, and several members of her clan had noticed his scent. He hadn’t even touched her, yet she carried his scent.

  “I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect at least one of my children to respect me,” he complained. “The rest of the clan respects me, but my daughters act like insufferable brats.”

  Vexx smiled like she always did when he ranted about how willful she and her sister were. “Who do you suppose is to blame for our behavior?” she mused as she began walking with her father at her side. “Could it be our overly indulgent father?”

  “Indulgent?” he asked with a bark of laughter. “I tell you that you can’t do things all the time, but short of tying you up, I don’t know how to prevent you from doing them. Why the hell do you keep going for runs alone? I came very close to losing you before, Vexx. Would it kill you to play it safe?”

  “It might,” she replied honestly. “I don’t do it to make you crazy or to worry you. If I wanted to make you crazy, I wouldn’t try so hard to keep you from finding out when I go for a run. It’s hard for me being here, even harder than it was before. Something feels off. It has ever since I came back from the dead.” They were far enough from the homes to have a little privacy, so Vexx sat with her back to a tree. “Or maybe I use that as an excuse now. I’ve always run on my own. The clan makes me feel stifled sometimes, like I don’t belong here. Running helps me clear my head.”

  “Do you hope to see Jase when you’re out for a run?” he asked. “Don’t lie to either of us about this. You were smiling when I saw you. It’s why I approached you in the first place. I wanted to see what finally made you smile, and then I found Jase’s scent all over you.”

  “All over me?” she asked with a laugh. “That’s an exaggeration, and you know it. He didn’t even touch me.”

  “But seeing him made you smile,” her dad argued. “Maybe you should spend more time around Jase.”

  “Jase doesn’t have time to spend arguing with me about how impulsive I am,” she insisted. “He’s busy adjusting to his new role as leader of his clan.” Though he’d talked about visiting her, she expected him to realize it would be a waste of his valuable time. “Jase is far too busy for me.”

  “Yet, he’s still here asking to see you,” her dad replied with a grin.

  Vexx’s brow scrunched in confusion. “He is not here,” she insisted. “I saw him yesterday, and he didn’t mention anything about a meeting with you this week.”

  “I didn’t know we had one until he showed up here,” he explained. “According to him, he told you he’d stop by to see you soon, so I’m not sure why you’re surprised.”

  “It was just idle chatter,” she insisted. “It’s like when someone says they’ll see you later, but they don’t have any set plan to see you later.”

  “Sure,” her father agreed. “It’s just idle chatter. You should go talk to him since he came out here to see you.”

  “All right,” she agreed. “Where is he?”

  “I sent him to your place,” he replied.

  “Why?” she demanded. “Do you think it’s a good idea for a man to wait for me alone in my home?”

  Her dad laughed. “Don’t act like some human virgin. It’s a good place for the two you to talk without people watching you. I can always send him out here if you need more privacy.”

  “No, I’ll go to my place,” she agreed. “It makes sense to meet him at my place. I’m acting crazy, right?”

  “No crazier than usual,” he replied. “Now, go to talk to Jase.”

  Chapter 13

  Impulsiveness and Vexx went hand in hand. It wasn’t even Vexx’s impulsiveness but his own regarding her, Jase thought as he waited in her home. He had responsibilities at home, but he’d dropped everything to go see her. He’d been unsure of the welcome he’d receive from Cord. They were still allies, and Cord seemed to like him, but that didn’t mean Cord would necessarily be happy about Jase pursuing his daughter after so many months of keeping his distance from her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Jase turned toward Vexx. He’d caught her scent and known she was coming, but he’d still kept his back to the door. She didn’t sound happy to see him—an irritating realization. “I came to talk—about us.” When she opened her mouth to speak, he stopped her. “Don’t even think about telling me there is no us. We both know that’s a lie.”

  She didn’t argue with him or call him a bossy asshole. Jase had expected both from her.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “I enjoyed seeing you yesterday,” he explained. “Avoiding you was stupid and selfish. I could argue that I’ve been busy, and I have.”

  “I know you’ve been busy,” she assured him. “Taking over for Max can’t be easy. I also understand why you wouldn’t want to see me. It reminds you of all you’ve lost.”

  “That’s just it,” Jase murmured as he moved closer. “I didn’t lose you. I lost some metaphysical bond meant to tell us you’re the right female for me, but losing that bond doesn’t change anything.”

  She took a step back when he moved to stand directly in front of her but caught herself before she took another. Vexx wasn’t the type to cower or run, something Jase liked about her, even though he knew it would drive him crazy with worry. “The bond is what made me your mate,” she reminded him.

  “The bond is what identified you as my mate,” he corrected her. “I need kittens—at least one to keep the clan happy. I have responsibilities.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Jase knew he’d said the wrong thing. “That came out wrong.”

  “No, I think it came out right,” Vexx insisted with a forced smile. “
You need to get someone pregnant, and I turn you on. I think you should probably impregnate a member of your clan—at least, this first time. In my experience, members react better when the leader doesn’t go outside the clan for females. I’m also not interested in loaning myself out for breeding, but I appreciate your interest.”

  Jase’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not what I meant, Vexx.”

  “It’s what you said,” she snapped before taking a deep breath. “I don’t want to fight with you, Jase. You’re incredibly attractive, and I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding a female to take you up on your offer. Having your kittens would be a great honor for any unmated female in your clan.”

  Clenching his fists, Jase reminded himself of the purpose of this visit. They needed to talk, not fight. He focused on the positive in her argument. “I’m glad you find me attractive.” As he moved toward her, Vexx backed away until her back hit the wall. Jase’s lips curled into a predatory smile as he stood in front of her, reaching out to trail his fingers along her cheek. “I’m very attracted to you, Vexx.”

  She swallowed hard. “Physical attraction aside, I’m a bad choice, Jase.”

  Rather than giving her a chance to continue arguing, he placed his palms against the wall on either side of her and claimed her mouth, drinking in her gasp of surprise. She immediately opened for him, and he took advantage, sliding his tongue past her lips. Her taste made him dizzy with need. He continued to explore her mouth, pressing her against the wall with his weight. Her hands slipped around his back, gliding up the bare skin, as his hands remained on the wall. He was dying to slide them under the edge of her shirt. His dick throbbed against her belly. He needed to pull away, much as he hated to do so. Taking things all the way with Vexx would result in mind-blowing sex, but he wanted more.

  Breaking the kiss, he pulled back with a sigh and moved his hands to her cheeks. One thumb stroked her swollen lower lip. “You taste incredible, and your scent is driving me out of my mind.”

  “Then why did you stop?” He didn’t miss the strain in her voice.

  “Because I don’t want you to hate me when we’re done or accuse me of trying to get you pregnant,” he replied. “Yeah, I know you aren’t fertile right now.”

  “And I’m not having sex with you when I am fertile,” she added.

  Jase let out a frustrated sigh, and his hands dropped to his sides. “You trying to start a fight with me?”

  “I’m not trying to start a fight,” she insisted.

  “It sure seems that way,” he replied. “You’re not giving me a chance to explain what I mean, and don’t even think about interrupting me.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger at his command, but she didn’t say anything.

  This time, he decided to make it simple, no explaining how he’d come to his conclusion. “I want you as my mate.”

  Vexx simply stared at him with her mouth open but said nothing in response. He’d surprised her.

  “I should have started with that when I got here,” he said with a laugh. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you stunned speechless.”

  She frowned. “This isn’t funny, Jase.”

  “I know,” he agreed, his lips still twitching.

  “Then why are you laughing?” she demanded. “Jase, I don’t understand why you’re here. If you want kittens, I’m a horrible choice. Your brother, Zane, drives you up a wall, and I’m worse than him. I’m a little better than when we first met, but I’m still not calm. My kittens will be part witch, and witches are immature and impulsive. Don’t you remember how much you hated that about me?”

  “It made me crazy, but I miss it.” It was the truth. In the beginning, he’d wanted Vexx to change. Now, he missed her impulsive nature. He missed the emotions, both good and bad, Vexx brought out in him.

  “Stop,” she told him with a hand up. “I’m the wrong female for you. Whatever cosmic bond we shared is gone. You should find someone more suitable for the role of your mate. Can you imagine me trying to run a clan at your side?”

  “Yes, I can,” he replied honestly.

  “I can’t,” she told him. “After what happened, I’m broken.”

  “No,” he insisted in a firm tone. “You’re not broken. I was a dick for abandoning you when it happened.”

  “You didn’t abandon me,” she argued. “We each went home to our own lives. It’s better this way.”

  “You want me,” he stated, half-expecting her to argue.

  “Yes, but that changes nothing,” she told him.

  “It changes everything,” he insisted. “You need time to think about everything we discussed, so I’ll leave. I have training with new enforcers tomorrow, but I’ll come back the day after that, and we can go for a run.”

  “No,” she replied. “Jase, I’m not going to be your mate. Find someone else.”

  He shook his head. “There’s only one mate for me.”

  “That connection is gone,” she reminded him. “It ended when I died.”

  “I was an idiot for letting you go,” he told her. “This time, I’m not making that mistake. We’re going to make this work.”

  “You arrogant ass,” she accused. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “This isn’t me ordering you around,” he argued. “I’m telling you that I plan to do everything in my power to make this work between us—to convince you we belong together. I’ll be back in two days unless you want to come with me today.”

  For a heartbeat, it looked like she wanted to take him up on that offer, but he wasn’t surprised when the stubborn female crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him. “Don’t expect me to sit around here waiting for you.”

  He chuckled. “I hope you’re not sitting here waiting for me. I like the idea of tracking you down when you’re in your cougar form. You can run, but I’m not giving up.”

  He said nothing more before hurrying out her door. All things considered, Jase was pleased with how their talk had gone. He also felt good about his decision to go after Vexx. She would drive him crazy and make him want to scream in frustration. Vexx would never be a docile mate, but he was beginning to wonder why he’d ever wanted one. Vexx made him feel alive.

  Chapter 14

  “What’s bothering you, Mitchell?”

  Mitchell turned to find Kyleigh watching him. Her red hair was pulled back from her freckled face, and her brown eyes were filled with concern. Since he’d reappeared in his room, Kyleigh had been watching him, knowing something was wrong.

  Kyleigh was like a mother to him. When he’d first met her, she’d been responsible for helping souls pass on after death. She’d broken many rules to save Ian, and Mitchell was eternally grateful to her for that.

  “I have a lot on my mind.” His response wasn’t a complete lie.

  “I know,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “You’ve been distracted all day, and don’t think I didn’t notice that you snuck back into the house earlier. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Admitting to Kyleigh what he’d been up to would create problems, especially if Ian heard, but he hated lying to her. He hated lying to Ian as well, and lately, it seemed that’s all he’d done. Ever since he’d learned about being part demon, his life had changed. Not only had he learned he’d never been human, he also learned that he was older than anyone had thought. Though according to his cousin, Legion, he was still a child in demon terms. There was a lot he didn’t know about demons, but Legion hadn’t made an appearance in months, so Mitchell didn’t have anyone to ask.

  “I didn’t sneak back in,” he admitted. “When I was out, I accidentally opened a portal and ended up back here. I’m not sure how it happened.”

  Kyleigh nodded and sat beside him on the bed. “How often has this sort of thing happened?”

  “This is the first time I’ve opened a portal accidentally,” he replied.

  “How often do you open one intentionally?” she asked.

  He let out a tired sigh. “Practically ev
ery day. They aren’t big portals—just long enough to get me past the gates. I know you’re probably annoyed.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not annoyed. This is hard for you. I know you go out to meet with Winter and Vexx. I’m glad you have them because, even if they can’t help you understand what it means to be a demon, the bond you share with them helps. Perhaps, they can help you control your power to some extent.”

  “They are helping me,” he replied. “I’m also lucky to have you. You’ve helped me a lot with understanding my Fae side.”

  “But your demon side frustrates you,” she added.

  “It seems to be getting stronger,” he explained.

  “Even before you learned about your demon side, you were faster and stronger than other young vampires. You’ve also had visions and been a strong empath as long as I’ve known you. Your visions and empath abilities likely come from your Fae side. Even your speed may come from that side. It’s always possible that your demon side isn’t getting stronger. You may just be tapping into that magic more now that you know it exists.”

  “I suppose you could be right,” he agreed. “Did you know I’ve been going out? I ask because you don’t seem surprised.”

  “I’m not surprised,” she admitted. “Ian also knows, but he’s pretending he doesn’t. He’s not sure how to deal with it. We both know you need to work with Vexx and Winter. Ian didn’t understand at first, but he does now. It hurts him that you’re keeping this from him.”

  “Mommy!” Bridget yelled from the front of the house, meaning their private conversation was over.

  “I thought we had longer for this talk,” Kyleigh said on a sigh. “We need to talk about what’s going on with you. You can’t keep lying to us and dealing with everything alone.”

  “You’re right,” Mitchell agreed as he stood and walked toward his bedroom door. “I need to talk to Ian. He’s my dad, and he deserves better than the lies I’m feeding him.”


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