Office Hours

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Office Hours Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “He really broke your heart,” he said, wanting to find this Antonio and hurt him.

  Anya thought for a second, thought about the love and the loss of so long ago.

  “You know what it’s like when you’re young—it’s a learning curve, and Antonio was experience. Funnily enough, spending time with you out here, forgetting the real world, has made me realise it was a young girl’s infatuation. Now I’m a woman. The affair was that, an affair. I just hated that he was married and he used me to cheat on the sanctity of his marriage.” Nathan kneeled behind her, cuddling her close.

  “Marriage means a lot to you?”

  “Yeah, I think if you’re going to commit to someone in a church or whatever, then it has to be for life. It has to be one hundred per cent love on both people’s parts. Call me old fashioned—”

  “No, I think the same way.”

  Anya smiled. Nice to know there was a man out there who had the same values.

  “Lie back,” she said, scooting over to him, her breasts bouncing from the movement.

  He frowned for about half a second, then lay back. She pulled the blanket from him, exhibiting the male perfection of his body. He made her body burn in ways she’d never known could happen.

  “Whatever you’re about to do, make sure I’ve a perfect view of this ass,” he instructed, lying back, cheeky, sexy grin lighting up his features.

  “You are not the boss of me,” she mocked, kissing one of his nipples then moving to the other.

  “You have no idea how bossy I can be, baby,” he threatened, making her chuckle with delight.

  “Well if you want to feel good, relax and let me be the boss of you, and you never know—I might give you a little treat.” She dangled her breasts near his face, but too far away to let him suckle them.

  “Evil wench.”

  “Not being a good boy.”

  Sighing, he lay back and she saw with amazement his body relax.

  All hers.

  Shivering with the delight, she worked his body with her hands and her mouth, kissing, nibbling and biting. She pulled the hair on his chest and he arched into her touch.

  Swirling her tongue, teasing her way down his body, she tempted him but pulled back when he was on the brink of a climax.

  “Fuck, woman,” he moaned, tensing and relaxing against the onslaught of her tongue.

  “Naughty boy.” She bit him, hearing him curse and groan.

  He was so tense with waiting. She took his dick, holding him in her hand, swirling her tongue along his head, tasting his salty essence and the heat of her own release. Moaning, she took him to the back of her throat, swallowing him down. Nathan jack-knifed off the floor, tensing and groaning.

  “Lie down,” she commanded, stroking his shaft.

  Glaring, he complied, staring at her as she worked him with her mouth, her hands. Tasting them both. He smiled, moaning, desperate, as she lifted her leg and moved over his body, straddling the upper part of his chest.

  Hissing, he lay mesmerised by the view, the heat of her mouth loving him while he saw her spread before him. Beautiful, a work of art. Nathan moved his hands, cupping her arse cheeks, spreading her wider for his view. Cream soaked her slit, coating her pubic hair. He scored his fingers through her, coating his digits with her juice, a lubricant he spread to her dark, forbidden channel. Lubricating her, he heard the catch in her voice as he pressed lightly, teasing her, testing her to see if she was telling the truth about her sexual preferences. She relaxed, swallowing him down further, giving her body to his touch. He penetrated her with a single digit, watching it disappear The tight heat encompassed him and his cock jumped in her mouth. Their satisfied groans mingled, echoing around the spacious room.

  He penetrated her ass with a second digit, watching her widen to accept his fingers. She exuded nothing but sheer bliss.

  She pulled away from him, his fingers pulling out of her.

  “I can’t wait,” she complained. Moving down his body so he could still see her backside, she slid onto his hard cock, pushing him inside her. She tightened her muscles feeling his hardness sink deeper.

  “Shit,” he growled. Taking hold of her hips he lifted her and slammed her down harder, deeper. She screamed as he bumped her cervix—painful pleasure.

  “Again, again, again,” she begged. He lifted her and slammed her down, nothing gentle. Rough, hard and ready. He could feel the tip of his cock bumping deep inside her, touching the tiny opening, trying to gain entrance into her womb.

  Her delighted screams rang in his head.

  The view was perfect—art.

  “Fuck, so sexy. Nice, tight pussy.” His movements came faster, driving her closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Oh shit, Nathan.” She screamed as her climax consumed her, taking her over the edge, sending her into oblivion.

  “That’s it, baby, come all over me, let me feel you burn,” he ordered.

  Harder, deeper and faster—he pushed her further over the edge, keeping her at the edge then bringing her over again. Weakening her.

  With one final push he came, his cum spurting deep inside her womb.

  He swore, his muscles strained, his grip bruising.

  She collapsed on top of him, panting for breath.


  He chuckled, holding her body against him.

  A perfect fit.

  “What would you allow me to do to you?” Nathan asked sometime during the night. They had been making love and having light naps, waking up against each other. The best night of his life.

  “Anything,” she answered instantly. Trust, and something else Nathan was scared to label, sounded in her voice.

  “You know that can be taken many ways? It’s an incredibly vague answer.” He took her hand, holding her close while she looked at the ceiling and he stared at the perfection of her face.

  “You want me to give you a list?” she joked, squeezing his hand.

  Nathan smiled at her light, teasing voice. “Yeah, it could turn me on.”

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only for you.”

  Anya turned her head to see him, her eyes shining with bright humour, glancing at his spent cock waiting for more action. “You really think you can go again?”

  “Don’t underestimate your attraction, Anya. Get Mr Dick ready and we’re good to go.”

  “You’ve named your willy Mr Dick?”

  “I’ve not heard the term willy in years.”

  “Same thing. But seriously, have you named your member?”

  “Yes, Mr Dick and I have had some serious private time getting to know each other lately, and might I just add he loves your dark, wet, juicy cave,” he informed her, laughing.


  “Yes, he told me it’s the prettiest hole he’s been in and the most welcoming.”

  “Wow, what a compliment.”

  “Only telling the truth. He’s also said he would like to keep visiting your cave many, many more times.”

  Laughing, Anya hugged him tight.

  “So anyway, about this list?”

  “Nathan, you tell me what you want and I’ll say yes or no.”

  “Okay… Spanking.”

  “With hands, definitely. Anything else, not so much. Feels too impersonal to me, and I don’t want to feel like I’m in some tacky porno.”

  Nathan agreed—when he spanked her, he would love to see the welts that were created by his hand nothing else.



  “Tied up?”

  “Only with silk, fabric… Nothing BDSM-ish.”

  “Role playing?”

  “Depends on the role.”


  He felt her tense and pause.

  “Only if you wanted to,” she answered hesitantly. “I probably sound like a right prude.” She laughed nervously.

  “You don’t to me. Why ‘if I wanted one’?”


bsp; “Because I’ve had threesomes before, and I’ve seen threesome relationships, and they don’t work—or at least for me they don’t. I prefer one man.” She shrugged, staring into the fire. “It was like a trophy piece for Antonio,” she admitted.


  “One night he brought one of his friends home. It was pretty much the last time we were together, and I heard him boasting to all of his friends what a gullible woman I was and how I’d do anything. Well, I won’t do anything. There’s a lot I’ll do, but I have my pride.”

  “I think its noble, to be honest. Standards.” Nathan touched her back, bringing her comfort when nothing else could. She could feel it. Her heart was falling, weakening Oh no—she may already be in love with her boss.

  Tensing, she shifted away, getting one of the covers to conceal herself in her moment of vulnerability.

  “I don’t do threesomes either,” he confided, sitting next to her, wrapping his arm round her shoulders. He couldn’t not touch her. The feel of her drove him crazy, but to not feel her left him hollow. “I thought I was in love once. A beautiful woman, sexy as hell, adventurous. No one could tie her down but I managed to—at least I thought I had. Anyway, my best friend came over and one thing led to another and we were screwing all over the apartment. We all decided we enjoyed it, and then three months or so later she told me she preferred my mate, and they’re now happily married with children. So, no, I don’t want threesomes. I was just checking out your preferences because for me a threesome is a certain no-no.”

  Silence filled the space between them, each waiting for the other to speak.

  “Okay, so after that embarrassing personal memory lane…” Anya tried to make light of it.

  “Don’t make light of it. There’s no need. I’m not embarrassed to know about your personal life, Anya. I like your honesty.” He ran his fingers through her fiery red hair.

  “You’re really trying to break down this block of ice I’ve lived with around my heart.” She made it more a statement of fact than a question.

  His cheeky grin back in place, he leaned over and kissed her full on the lips. “Busted. Me Tarzan.”

  Smiling, Anya shook her head, placing a cold hand over his heart, serious. “Don’t start something you won’t finish, Nathan. If you want casual, I can do casual, but if you want more, you’ll get all of me,” she warned. She wouldn’t have another relationship start or end with one of them in the dark. All her cards were on the table.

  “I would never hurt you.”

  Again she smiled, a wobbly smile, but a smile nonetheless.

  “Not intentionally, no. We don’t know what the future will be.” He silenced her with a kiss.

  “All I know is I want to be with you,” he confirmed.

  She nodded, accepting that, for now, it was all she could have.

  Anya did not see the intense look of longing on his face, or feel the beating of his heart as it pumped blood, or read his mind that at that very second whispered, I’m in love with Anya King.

  Nathan tensed, his emotions scaring the living hell out of him. This woman, Anya King, spoke to his soul. He kept his feelings to himself. He had no idea why, but fear of her laughing at him stopped him in his tracks. Instead he held her close to him, stroking her hair, hair he now wanted laid across his pillow. Closing his eyes, he sent up a little prayer. For Anya to be his woman forever.

  Anya waited, hoping he’d speak the words her heart wished to hear. She waited and waited, but nothing. He worked his hands worked her skin, sending her mindless for his love. Silently, heart breaking, she bit her lip, keeping her love in check. She squashed her disappointment as she scolded herself for her fairy-tale thinking.

  What should she do?

  Taking a deep breath, she decided that, just for this weekend, she could think in a fairy-tale way.

  It would all come good in the end—or so her fragile heart could only hope.

  She rolled over, looking at him. If this wasn’t permanent she would enjoy his attention and lavish her upon him, if only for tonight.

  “Kiss me, Nathan.” She wanted to feel his lips against hers, feel the connection between two people the way it was shown in films and described in books. The way people always hope relationships will be.

  Anya watched through unseeing eyes as he leaned over her and laid a gentle, fleeting kiss against her lips. The touch sparked through her body, sending lightning waves of emotion and sensation through her. Not a sexual wave but an emotional wave. Her heart pulsed to life, her body lost to everything but him, feeling him down to her toes as if she could feel his very essence. Holding on to him.

  He pulled away. She held on to his arms, keeping him close.

  “Kiss me like I’m the last woman alive, like I, I’m…” She paused, unsure. “…like…like I’m the woman you’re in love with.”

  He stopped, stillness filling his form. Anya held her breath, wondering if she’d made the biggest mistake of her life.

  She was about to move or laugh it off, when he moved. His hand came up, cupping her chin, his huge body surrounding her in the protective heat of his arms. Suspended in air, Anya waited. He began to stroke her face, moving her hair out of the way, the softness of her hair a contrast to the roughness of his hand.

  “What do you want, Anya?”

  “A kiss.”

  A simple request, just a kiss, but as most know a kiss can lead to…everything.

  “I can wait for the rest,” he whispered. His lips descended on hers, shocking her with his passion, the hunger behind his kiss. Matching her own hunger, he made love to her with his tongue, tasting her, allowing her to taste him. Love rang between them; the air around them swirled with it.

  They moaned in rapture as they danced the dance of lovers in love. Everything was said through actions, not through words. Their bodies moved with each other in harmony. Hands entwined, hard male breasts against plump feminine breasts, Nathan’s tight stomach against Anya’s slender, rounded tummy. Her legs opened, allowing him access to her secret longing, his maleness connecting them the only way a man and woman can connect. Moving to unheard music as the snow settled outside, they moved together, setting in motion the paths of souls ready to meet.

  Anya and Nathan arched in bliss, completely oblivious to each other’s thoughts, their own personal thoughts dominating their actions. Anyone looking from afar would have seen the love written on each of their faces, the connection mirrored between them both. A picture no artist could paint, no film-maker could film, and no sculptor could cast in bronze—utter beauty. This was as natural as it got, as innocent as it came.

  * * * *

  “Nathan, the snow has died down.” The following morning, after they had dressed, they stood looking out of the window.

  “I think it would be best if I called through to make sure no one is stranded out there looking for us.”

  Slightly disappointed, but understanding clearly why he needed to, she agreed. They were running out of food, and after last night’s activities she was ravenous.

  “Hello… Yes, we’re okay… Yes… GPS in the phone? Fantastic, see you soon.” Anya listened as he made his goodbyes, seemingly happy to get out of there. With a heavy heart, she began to pack away their belongings.

  “They’re on their way, sending a couple of drivers. Apparently they weren’t expecting this storm for a few more days.”

  Anya nodded, not sure what to say. How could she go back to her ordinary life after being a part of such tranquil bliss?

  “This isn’t over, Anya.” He had read her mind, read the worry, the concern, the fear this all this between them was over.

  “How can it not be?” Her old insecurities came to the surface.

  “Because we can both make sure it’s not.” He sounded so sure of himself, in control, determined.

  She moved from where she was putting their stuff away and surrounded herself in his embrace, trying to feel his love, his strength.

  Over the past hour
s, as they’d made love and talked, he’d become another part of her—a part she didn’t want to let go. She inhaled his scent, committing everything to memory. No one knew what the morning would bring.

  A few hours later, a couple of drivers loaded up the cars, seating them both in the warmth of the back seat.

  “So how far away were we?” Nathan asked out of general curiosity.

  “Er, I’m afraid, sir, you were fifteen miles in the wrong direction—you’re the only couple not to make it back before the storm hit.” Sheepishly, the driver looked out of the window.

  Nathan could feel Anya chuckling by his side.

  “Oh well. We all make mistakes.”

  He folded his arms. He wasn’t disappointed—if he’d not gone in the wrong direction, he wouldn’t have spent an incredible night and morning with the woman of his dreams. No, he wouldn’t be disappointed with his navigating skills.

  He tried to think of anything else but the woman sitting next to him.

  She dominated his senses.

  What would happen come Monday morning?

  He only knew one thing.

  He couldn’t live without her.

  Anya stood in her room, her body alive, her heart beating rapidly in her chest as Nathan negotiated their return to home, to city life.

  She felt empty. She didn’t want her old life back. She wanted Nathan, wanted to be in his arms. To be truly loved by another person. She knew deep down in her soul that she loved him. Loved him unlike any other person. Antonio didn’t hold a candle to the power of her feelings for that man stood below. She would do anything for him, be anything.

  She folded her arms over her breasts trying to lock in her beating heart.

  She turned as her door opened. “Hey, Sweetheart.” Linda let herself in. Anya smiled, pleased to see another friendly face.

  “All the other couples have gone, just you and Nathan left,” Linda informed her.

  “I guess that is what Nathan is talking about down there.” Anya pointed out of her window.


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