
Home > Other > PliableInhibitions > Page 5
PliableInhibitions Page 5

by Zenobia Renquist

  She nodded.

  “You want me to make you come in front of everyone? That’s why they’re here—to watch you come. Shall we give them a show?”

  “Yes. Yes.”

  “Clit only. This is just an appetizer.” He rubbed her clit quickly.

  Emily rocked against his fingers while letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. Moisture tickled its way down her channel. She wanted his fingers there. But this was only a little taste. Lucas was getting her ready for what would come next.

  She huffed. “Coming.”

  No sooner did she say the word than she quaked with her orgasm—a small one but an orgasm nonetheless.

  Lucas lifted the two fingers he’d used to tease her to her lips. She licked her juices from them without prompting. This was what she always did after Lucas finished fingering her.

  He returned his hand to her right breast and circled his wet fingers around her nipple. “There you have it. Believe me now?”

  Emily rumbled her gratitude. His nipple play felt better with a little moisture. She grabbed his left wrist and brought his fingers to her mouth, licked them a few times and then put it back on her nipple. A happy coo left her lips when Lucas painted his damp fingers over and around her nipples while massaging her breasts.

  Richard said, “I’m convinced. Maybe a little dubious but convinced.”

  Duke nodded but Claudia sat with her arms crossed and her mouth in a hard line.

  Lucas asked, “What’s wrong, Claudia?”

  “This is wrong. You have to hypnotize her to do this. It’s not what she wants.”

  “It is. I wouldn’t do this without Em’s permission.”

  “But that’s the rub. You can make her give you permission to do whatever you want. Emily wouldn’t want you doing this to her in front of us.”

  Duke said, “Now that’s where you’re wrong, babe. You didn’t know her back in college. We did. She was a wild child. Isn’t that right, Emi?”

  Emily said, “Yes.”

  Duke startled. “What the hell? She talked to me. I thought you said she was out of it.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Em will only ignore conversations like this outside the hypnotic state. Inside it is the most honest she’ll ever be. Ask her anything. Once I let her out she won’t remember what she said or did though.” He gave Emily’s breasts a squeeze. “Em, tell Claudia about our little agreement.”

  She met Claudia’s gaze. “Lucas can only make me do under hypnosis anything I’ve already done.”

  “Can I make you go out front and strip for the neighbors?”


  “How about masturbating in the middle of the mall?”

  “Hell no. Try it and I’ll make you eat that coin.”

  He smirked. “See?” He kissed Emily’s cheek. “Hold still, baby.”

  Emily stopped rubbing her body against Lucas’ and stood there.

  Claudia shook her head, dislike plain on her face.

  Lucas said, “I get that you might be indignant for her but Em wants this. The coin has a failsafe just to make sure. She has final veto rights. If I do something she doesn’t like or doesn’t want, the failsafe drops her out of the hypnotic state without the trigger word. If I try to pre-program her with something she doesn’t like, it won’t take. The directions even said the coin can only amplify what’s already there.”

  He moved Emily’s breasts in opposing circles. “This is something she wants. She’s just letting stupid crap get in the way of it.”

  Claudia asked, “Stupid crap like what?”

  “Her body image. She thinks she’s fat.”

  “She’s not.”

  “I tell her that but she won’t listen. Will you, Em?”

  Emily said, “Lucas is still a hard body but I’m not as skinny as I used to be. We don’t have sex as often because I’ve gained weight.”

  Duke said, “Tell me that’s not true. That woman is sporting too fine an ass not to be riding it at every opportunity.”

  Lucas shook his head. “It’s not. We don’t have sex… Correction, we didn’t have sex before the coin because she was self-conscious. Whenever I could talk her into it, and that was less often than I would have liked, the lights had to be off. She would get upset if I tried to put her on top. This has been going on for years. Can you see now why I jumped on the coin when I saw it?” He jiggled her breasts. “Doing this is cheaper than therapy.”

  Emily said, “If you keep playing with my breasts like that, at least let me move. I’m getting horny.”

  “Good. I want you horny. I got everyone out here to work off some of your libido.”

  Richard asked, “Wasn’t the barbecue Em’s idea? Oh wait. I get it. You made her think it was her idea.”

  Lucas pointed at Richard. “Got it in one.”

  Claudia asked, “So why not just make her think sex is her idea and forget the rest of this extra crap?”

  “Tried that. Didn’t work. Maybe if I had more time to get the programming right and try a few things. For now, I can either have her participating or aware, not both.”

  “She’s aware now.”

  “She’s responsive. There’s a difference. The second I say the trigger word to let her out she won’t remember any of this and she won’t feel anything sexual. This isn’t a bad thing, Claudia. She’s all for it. She wants sex and lots of it. Isn’t that right, Em?”


  “That’s my girl.” He looked over at their friends. “Any more questions?”

  Richard adjusted the bulge in his pants. “This…this isn’t just show-and-tell, right? You’re going to hand her around the table so everyone can cop a feel?”

  “I’m hoping you do more than that, which is why the table is empty. Plenty of room to spread her around, as it were.”

  “Roger that.”

  Lucas looked at Claudia. She huffed but said, “It still seems wrong. Have you told her the coin works?”

  “Not yet. I’m building up enough proof and good memories so she can’t refute it when I do. At the end of the month, I plan to lay it all out for her and see where we stand.”

  “So long as you tell her.”

  “That was always the plan. Let’s get back to the main event. Sew-sew in.” Lucas ran his fingers along the lowered neckline of Emily’s dress under her breasts.

  She giggled and swatted at him, which got her a kiss on the neck. “Stop that. Everyone is watching.”

  “Let them.” He kissed her shoulder next.

  “Lucas.” She pulled away from him and turned so she could bop him on the nose. “Bad dog.”

  “Arf!” Lucas held up his hands, pantomiming paws, and panted with his tongue out.

  “You are so bad.”

  Richard said, “I can get you a rolled-up newspaper if you want to spank him.”

  Lucas stopped his mimicry and wagged his finger at Richard. “Hey now. This isn’t that type of party. The only one getting spanked is Emily and only if she begs for it.”

  Duke said, “I didn’t take her for the spanking sort.”

  “She’s gotta be in the mood for it. Let’s see.” Lucas grabbed two handfuls of Emily’s ass and squeezed. He waited and then released her. “Looks like not. If she did, she would have stuck her ass out when I did that.”

  “Maybe next time, right?” Claudia asked with a little humor in her voice.

  “That depends on Em.”

  Emily said, “No comment.” She went to the picnic table and sat next to Duke.

  He looked at her, Claudia, back to Emily and then Claudia. “Please can I play with her tits? They are right there. You can’t expect me not to when they’re on display like that.”

  Lucas said, “I don’t mind. Em doesn’t either. It is why I invited you.”

  Duke clasped his hands and stuck out his bottom lip while cocking his head to the side.

  Claudia heaved a sigh with the hint of a chuckle at the end of it. “Fine. Fine. Lucas said this is on the up and up, so
I’ll believe him. Don’t let me stop you from having fun.”

  “Thank you.” Duke pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and then straddled the bench so he faced Emily. With hesitant movements and watching Emily intently, Duke poked one finger against the side of her left breast.

  She didn’t react.

  Next he tapped his finger against her nipple. When that didn’t get a reaction either, he pushed it, flicked it and pinched it. “This is fun.”

  “Pervert,” Claudia said.

  “Don’t act like you don’t want to do this too. The only reason you’re not is because I’m in your way. And I’m not giving up my spot. It’s been forever since I played with Emily’s tits. They weren’t this big back then.” He hefted Emily’s left breast and rippled his fingers. “I don’t know what’s wrong with this woman’s head if she thinks she’s fat. P-H-A-T definitely but not overweight.”

  Lucas, who had returned his attention to the grill, said over his shoulder, “Preaching to the choir, dude. I took three vacation days so I could spend all my time showing her how pretty, hot and tempting I think she is. She doesn’t remember any of it. In her mind, I went to work like usual. I was actually at home test-driving this coin. I might take next week too. I’ve got use-or-lose my boss has been after me to get rid of. Might as well use it for a worthy cause.”

  “I second that.” Duke leaned forward and flipped the tip of his tongue over Emily’s nipple. “This is still a little freaky though. Her not reacting, I mean.”

  Richard said as he shifted on his seat and reached under the table, “Freaky or not. Keep going.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Lucas said, “I can get her to change position if you want.”

  Duke sat back quickly. “Yeah. Do that. I wasn’t sure how. She’s awake now, right? Not hypnotized?”

  “Yup. Aware but ignoring this conversation and not reacting. Want me to switch it?”

  “Not yet. Get her to stand up.”

  “Easy enough.” He picked up an empty tray and carried it to the table. “Meat’s ready. Em, are the buns?”

  “Yes.” She got off the bench. “I left them in the house.”

  Lucas picked up one of the empty bowls, stood back from the table and held it out. “Here, take this with you.”

  Emily had to lean across the table with her left knee on the bench and one hand braced on the top to keep her balance. She grasped the edge of the bowl but Lucas didn’t release it. She started to pull but Duke’s palm on her ass stopped her movements.

  Duke said, “That really works.”

  “So does this,” Richard said, reaching under Emily and squeezed her dangling breasts.

  Behind her, Duke flipped up the back of her dress and rubbed his open hand over her ass. “Thanks for setting this up, Lu. The whole thing. I didn’t think we would do this again. You and Emi kept turning down our party invites.”

  Lucas said, “That was her. The fat thing again. She made every excuse not to go and I didn’t want to go without her. That would have made her weight hang-up even worse.” He met Emily’s gaze while shaking his head. “I can’t even tell you when it got this bad. I just woke up one day and my sex life was nil.”

  “I feel for you, man. I do.” Duke wiggled his fingers between Emily’s slit. “She might not be saying anything but she’s wet. Super wet.”

  “That’s why I keep her like this sometimes. Her body is feeling it even if she isn’t.” Lucas grinned. “I even made her come when she was like this. It took forever though, which is why I only did it that one time.”

  Claudia said, “Just like a man not to want to take his time.”

  “I have no issue taking my time. That took over an hour. She gets excited from being fondled like she is now, but it’s at a third of her normal speed. I’m guessing that’s a side effect of her not reacting. Sex is partly a mental thing, after all.”


  “Want me to wake her up?”

  Duke said, “Hold up a second.” He eased one finger into Emily’s channel, pumped it a few times and then added another. “That’s the way.” He twisted his wrist as he sank his fingers into her. “Do it.”

  Lucas said, “Snip-snip out.”

  Emily let out a long, lustful moan and started rocking, pressing her breasts into Richard’s hands and riding Duke’s fingers.

  Richard grinned at her. “Welcome back. Enjoying yourself?”

  “Oh yes. Yes. Yes.” She released the bowl so she could put her hand down on the tabletop.

  Lucas said, “Put it back. I need you in the same position when I bring you out.”

  She nodded quickly and grasped the bowl’s edge again.

  Duke asked, “The exact same position?”

  “Close to it. She gets confused and disoriented otherwise. Why?”

  “So I can move her so long as I put her back?”


  Duke pulled his fingers free and patted the spot in front of him. “Scoot that ass over, Emi.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Duke as she edged to the side. He helped her position her left knee on the table, then shifted so he sat behind her. She smiled. “Hungry, Duke?”

  “You know it. I’ve been craving this for a long time.” Duke trailed his tongue over her slit in a searching sweep that parted her lower lips.

  “Mmmmm yes. I’ve missed you, Duke.” She rolled her hips so Duke licked more of her.

  Claudia said, “You should have come to our parties then. If I had known you were this hot when enjoying yourself, I would have insisted.” She sucked on two of her fingers then moved closer to Duke so she could rub the wet digits against Emily’s clit. A wide smile curved her lips when Emily keened with pleasure.

  Duke’s tongue passed over Emily’s clit and Claudia’s finger several times before he focused his attention on her channel entrance. He pressed his face close, nudging her asshole with his nose as he dipped his tongue inside her. His rumble of satisfaction mingled with Emily’s delighted mewl.

  Her vocal praise cut short when Richard captured her lips for a kiss that engaged her tongue in a tasting duel. Richard rolled and tugged her nipples, heightening the joy of everything being done to her. The arm that supported her weight trembled. She wanted to get into a position that afforded her more movement but Lucas had told her to stay put.

  She looked at him. He was grinning as he watched their friends titillating her body.

  When he noticed her looking at him, he made a kissing motion at her. “Having fun, baby?”

  She would have nodded or said yes if her lips were free. She settled on moaning into Richard’s mouth and snaking her body. Her orgasm shook loose, but the kiss kept her from announcing its arrival the way she was supposed to. She climaxed with her ass pushed against Duke’s face and her back bowing toward the table.

  Richard released her from their kiss and she panted and licked the moisture off her lips. He continued tweaking her nipples. “That was hot.”

  Claudia said as she stopped teasing Emily’s clit and resumed her seat, “I agree.” She tapped Duke’s shoulder. “Off.”

  Duke lapped at Emily’s slit a few more times before he gave up his spot with a reluctant sigh.

  Lucas said, “Don’t worry, Duke. There’s more coming. Em still has to get the buns.”

  “She’s already got them.” Duke placed his hands on either side of Emily’s ass and then moved them so her cheeks wiggled. “Damn fine ones at that.”

  Emily said, “Thanks, Duke.”

  “Back where you were. Both of you.” Lucas shooed his free hand at them.

  Duke scooted out from behind Emily, which allowed her to put her knee on the bench where it was before this encounter started.

  “All set?”

  “Wait.” Duke slipped two fingers into Emily’s channel, causing her to shake her ass.

  Claudia snapped, “Duke.”

  “What? He said she had to be the way she was before he put her under or she might get conf
used. That’s what I’m doing.” He pumped his fingers quickly.

  Emily clenched around his fingers, circling her hips. “Mmmm.”

  Lucas said, “He has a point.”

  Claudia shook her head. “Men.”

  Duke said, “Jealous.”

  Lucas cleared his throat. “Sew-sew in.”

  Emily stopped her movements though Duke didn’t stop his. Her inner muscles remained clenched and excited at his penetration but she stopped reacting to it.

  Lucas released the bowl to her. “Bring the mints too. They’re on the counter.”

  “Will do.” She dislodged Duke’s fingers when she backed away from the table. “Sorry about that.”

  “No problem. I was in the way.” He scooted to the side while licking her juices off his fingers. “Everything tastes amazing so far, Emi.”

  “Thanks.” She went to the house.

  Duke called after her, “I’m looking forward to tasting your ass.”

  Emily entered the house without a word of response. She put the bowl in the sink and then retrieved a pillow and a box of mint-flavored condoms off the counter. She tucked the condoms under her arm and carried the pillow like a tray as she returned to the table.

  “Here you go.” She set the pillow on the middle of the table and the condoms beside it.

  Richard asked, “What’s with the pillow? You sent her for buns.”

  Lucas chuckled. “You still don’t get it. This is another suggestion. She thinks this pillow is a tray of burger and hot dog buns. The real tray is on the dinner table with the rest of the food.”

  Claudia picked up the condoms. “She thinks these are mints?”


  Duke asked, “Why a pillow?”

  Lucas said, “The table gets hard. I want Em to be comfortable. Bruised knees are hard to explain.”

  Emily asked, “Everything else good? Does anyone need anything else before I sit down?”

  Richard said, “Pillow, condoms and a hard-on aching for some loving. I say I’ve got all I need.”

  Duke nodded. “Same here.” He grinned at his wife. “Claudia? Objections? Concerns? Denials?”

  Claudia slid her gaze over Emily in an admiring manner. “I’m good. If Emily wants this then who am I to object?” She said to Emily, “Everyone is ready for you. I think what’s here should do us fine. If not, we can get it.”


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