Coyote Lee

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Coyote Lee Page 14

by Jessie Cooke

  She laughed and said, “The ‘new’ old man and I just celebrated our twelfth anniversary. But he would love to meet you. Beck would absolutely love to meet you too. She has kept every card, letter, and gift you’ve sent her every year on her birthday. When she was growing up, she used to tell me she was going to be in a motorcycle club, like you.” He laughed, and she said, “And guess what?”


  “She came home this time riding a Harley.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “I am not. I told her I should have taken Mom’s advice and named her Coyote. Come see us, please. We’d all love it.”

  “Well, I’m in Phoenix already, so it’s awfully short notice…”

  “We’re just here at home. Seth is nodding at me and Beck will be so surprised.”

  “Alright then. I have one of my young recruits with me, though, so we won’t stay long.”

  “You’ll have lunch with us. Seth was just pulling things out to make a sandwich. We’ll just make more.” He had been sending Beck a present on her birthday every year since the day she was born, but what he’d really always wanted to do was meet her. Now that it was a possibility, he was a little nervous. It sounded like she’d built him up to be something in her head that he wasn’t. He hated to disappoint her. “You have the address?” He did. It was where he sent the gifts. Sarah rattled it off anyway and then said, “I’m so excited! See you soon.” There was no way he could get out of it at that point. He ended the call, suddenly feeling a little sick to his stomach. It must have shown on his face because Bruf said:

  “You okay, Boss?”

  “Yeah. We just have to make one more stop and then we’ll head straight home.”

  “I’m up for whatever,” Bruf said. Coyote smiled at him. When he looked to the future and saw Wolf as president of his club, he liked to imagine which of the guys would be there for his son, loyally. Bruf was one of those guys, he thought. Despite the boy’s rough upbringing, he was a good kid.

  “Let’s go get this over with then,” he said.

  The house was in an older neighborhood, but the houses and yards all looked well-maintained and the neighborhood looked homey and safe. They parked their bikes at the curb and when Bruf didn’t make a move to get off his, Coyote said, “Come on, I want you to meet someone.” Bruf followed him up to the house and as soon as they stepped up on the porch, Sarah burst out of the screen door. She looked exactly the same, only thinner, than he remembered her. She still had wild curly hair and beautiful, deep blue eyes.

  “Coyote!” She flung her arms around his neck and he was a little taken aback. He stiffened up but used one arm to give her a pat on the back. He wasn’t overly demonstrative most of the time with anyone other than Colleen. “Oh my gosh, you look just the same.”

  He laughed at that. “Yeah, except for the lines around my eyes and the gut hanging over my jeans. You look just the same. Did you get stuck in a time warp or something?”

  She laughed. “Trust me, after raising Beck, I should look about sixty by now, so I’ll agree with you that I’m doing okay.” She looked at Bruf then and Coyote said:

  “This is Bruf. Bruf, this is Sarah.” They shook hands just as a man stepped out the door. He was clean-cut, middle-aged, and looked just like Coyote would imagine a journalist to look like.

  “And this is Seth. Seth, Coyote and Bruf.” Coyote and Seth shook hands and then Seth shook hands with Bruf.

  “It’s great to finally meet you. Sarah and her mother talk about you like you’re bigger than life.”

  Coyote chuckled. “Nope. Just an ordinary human.”

  “Come on in,” Sarah said. “Beck is upstairs. I didn’t tell her you were coming. She’ll be so surprised.” They followed Sarah inside and Coyote looked around. The living room was huge, with wood floors and wood paneling on the walls. It was at least seventy-five years old, but it looked like it had been well-loved and taken care of. “Have a seat,” Sarah told them. “Would you like a drink before I go up and get Beck?” Coyote would have loved a whiskey, but he wasn’t going to ask Sarah for that. Instead he said:

  “Sure, whatever you have.”

  “I’ll get them a beer,” Seth said. Coyote almost breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid they’d give him water or soda. “You go ahead and get Beck.”

  Seth went into the kitchen and Sarah went upstairs. While she was gone, Coyote told Bruf about how he and Sarah met. “Wow, so you delivered this…” He stopped talking, midsentence. Coyote followed Bruf’s green eyes and saw what they were locked on. A young woman who was almost a carbon copy of her mother stood on the stairs. Beck’s hair was lighter blonde than her mother’s, almost platinum, and her body…well, Coyote felt guilty for what he thought about when he looked at her body. But needless to say, she worked out a lot in the Navy. The girl was drop-dead gorgeous, as evidenced by the fact that Bruf still hadn’t uttered another word, or taken his eyes off her. Coyote stood, and the girl smiled at him. Her smile made her face softer and even more beautiful.

  “Hi,” he said.

  She launched herself off the steps and came at him even more wildly than her mother had, almost knocking him over. She was strong, and it took all his strength to hold himself up when she locked her arms around him. She squeezed him tightly and then stepped back, and then hugged him again. “I’m sorry,” she said, stepping back again. “I’m just so glad to finally meet you.” Coyote’s week had been more than shitty. It had been like standing at the gates of hell. Beck couldn’t possibly know just how much he needed to hear that someone was finally happy to see him.

  “We met once,” he said with a smile. “A long time ago.”

  She laughed. “I guess we did.” She looked at Bruf then and Coyote saw a flash in her blue eyes that almost matched the look in Bruf’s green ones.

  “This is Bruf,” he said. “Bruf, this is Rebekah.”

  “Beck,” she said, holding out her hand. For the first time since Coyote met Bruf that the kid looked almost afraid of something. He took Beck’s hand and shook it, but there was terror in his eyes.

  “Nice to meet you,” he mumbled. Seth was back with their beer. He handed Coyote his, and Coyote had to tap Bruf on the arm to get him to take his eyes off Beck and take his.

  “Let’s go have lunch,” Seth said. As Coyote watched Bruf follow Beck into the dining room, he found himself glad they were only there for an hour or two. He felt protective of her…the way he should his own daughter. As much as he loved Bruf, the thought of the boy touching her was offensive to him. She was twenty-three years old and in the Navy. It was doubtful that she was a virgin…but Coyote didn’t want to think about that. He wanted to remember her as that cherubic little baby in her mother’s arms. And quite possibly the only person left on earth that was happy to see him.


  Bruf knew he needed to stop staring at the girl…but fuck, she was hot. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman in real life that was that hot. He’d never been with a woman that looked like her, and he might just give his right arm to be with this one. He could tell, though, that Coyote felt protective of her and he wasn’t about to do anything to piss the boss off. He told himself he just had to maintain for an hour or so, and he’d probably never see her again. But damn…it was hard.

  Beck and her mother left them in the dining room and went into the kitchen. Coyote and Seth talked about Seth’s and Sarah’s work, and Bruf nursed his beer and waited for Beck to come back out. When she did, it was like he was seeing her for the first time all over again. His whole body reacted. He had to look down at the table as she and her mother set out the trays of cold cuts and salads they’d brought out of the kitchen. He was happy when they all started fixing their plates. It at least gave him something else to concentrate on…especially since the hottest woman on the planet had just sat down next to him.

  He was quiet while he ate, just trying to listen to the conversation going on around him and control the sweat he felt accum
ulating on his brow, if that was even possible. He thought about the few women that had been in his unit in the army. Some of them were good-looking and he’d gotten busy with more than one…but none of them held a candle to Beck. He wondered if those Navy guys knew what lucky bastards they were. He ate slowly while Beck told Coyote about her life in the Navy and her aspirations of being a Navy SEAL someday. That probably wouldn’t ever happen, at least not in their lifetime. Women weren’t allowed to join Special Forces…but Bruf thought it was hot that she wanted to. She seemed smart and sure of herself and that turned him on too. Everything about her made him hot and just about the time he had convinced himself that even if he met her in a bar, he wouldn’t have a chance…he felt her brush her leg against his underneath the table. Fuck…did she do that on purpose? He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She was looking across the table at Coyote.

  “Did Mom tell you I bought a Harley?”

  “She did,” Coyote said.

  “If they won’t let me in the SEALs, I want to be the first woman to get patched in to an all-male MC.” Bruf almost choked on his beer, especially when Coyote said:

  “Well, if that happens, come see me. I’d patch you.”

  Bruf knew that was even less likely to happen than the SEALs, but it seemed to make her happy that Coyote hadn’t told her that. So happy in fact that this time it was her bare foot that brushed his leg. She’d taken off her sandal and was running her bare foot up his leg, under his jeans. Fuck. Motherfucker. What is she doing? Bruf had to concentrate on his breathing. It wouldn’t look good to hyperventilate in front of everyone. She tickled his leg with her toes while she talked to Coyote…calmly, like everything was normal. This chick was too much— Bruf’s cock was so hard already that he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to stand up and get out of the house without someone noticing. She was killing him and she looked completely cool and casual as she did it.

  The conversation turned to the club and as Coyote talked to Seth and Sarah about the parts of club life that he could describe to them, Beck really turned her attention to Bruf. He felt like his chest was going to explode when he suddenly felt her hand on his thigh. She was running it up and down, coming closer and closer to his throbbing cock each time. He felt like he was going to choke and when he finally looked at her face, she was smiling at him, devilishly. She brought her tongue out and licked her lips. He was going to fucking die right there…he just knew it. “You want to see my bike?” she said, causing Coyote to quit talking and look over at them. Bruf prayed that Coyote couldn’t tell by looking at his face what was going on under the table. He didn’t even know how he’d get up to go see her bike without causing a scene…or getting himself killed. The look in his boss’s brown eyes wasn’t a friendly one at that moment.

  “Um…” He was looking at Coyote, waiting for a cue from him. Coyote opened his mouth and Bruf suddenly believed in God.

  “Hey! I just remembered, I have that bottle of Crown I got from the party at work last month,” Seth said. “Coyote, Bruf, how about a Crown and Coke? I know you boys are driving, so just one might help you relax a bit.” Coyote suddenly forgot about Bruf and Beck. Everyone in the club knew about the boss’s love of whiskey although Coyote liked to pretend they didn’t. He was like a kid in a candy store and as he was agreeing to a drink with Seth, Bruf was saying:

  “Sure, I’d love to see your bike.” He didn’t know if this chick was going to be as hot for him in private as she seemed to be at the table, but as long as the boss was occupied, he was going to find out. “I’ll pass on the drink, Seth, thanks.”

  Coyote glanced at him as he stood up. Bruf kept his body sideways, hoping none of them could see the huge bulge in the front of his jeans. Bruf forced a smile and tried to look innocent. Coyote narrowed his eyes at him slightly, but once again, Seth saved the day. He set the full bottle of Crown Royal down on the table in front of Coyote and his attention was once again diverted.

  “I’m just going to show Bruf the bike, we’ll be right back,” Beck told her mother. Sarah smiled at them and thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice how hot Bruf was for her daughter. He followed Beck through the kitchen and out the side door. He would swear she was swinging her wide hips a little more than was necessary as she led him to a shed in the backyard. She was wearing shorts and she must have left her sandals under the table, because her feet were still bare. She opened the door to the shed and Bruf saw the Harley…for a second. As soon as he stepped inside, she slid the door shut behind him and the shed went dark. “I hope that’s as big as it looks in your pants,” he heard her say. He felt her warm breath on his cheek as she said it and his body convulsed. She must have felt his body jerk because she giggled and said, “Stay still for a second.” He heard her move and suddenly saw her a few feet away, bathed in the soft light of a lantern she’d lit. His cock was alive and slithering in his pants, in a way that it had never been before. “You going to speak, or you like to just fuck silently?”

  He tried to swallow, but his mouth was too dry. His voice sounded like more of a croak as he said, “You think this is a good idea?”

  She stepped up close to him again. She smelled almost as good as she looked. “Don’t overthink it, soldier…what were you? Infantry?”


  “Thought so. Touch me, Bruf. I’ve been either traveling or at home for almost three weeks now. I’m so horny I could die.” The room they were in was so small that between her bike and the workbench against the wall, there was hardly room to move, but she was so close, he didn’t need much. He was done fighting it. She wanted it and he was about to die for it…maybe literally, if the boss caught him. He put his hands on her waist and began running them up her sides, pushing up her shirt as he did. He was pleased, but not surprised, to see that she wasn’t wearing a bra…and her breasts, and huge, dark nipples, were just as incredible as the rest of her. She was smiling up at him. She was a cocky little thing…but how could she not be? She was fucking amazing.

  Bruf brought his mouth down to meet hers and they kissed while his hands explored her back and her sides and then finally he worked up the nerve to touch her breasts. They weren’t huge, but they were a little more than a handful. It was her nipples that fascinated him, though. Her skin was almost porcelain white, but her nipples were so dark pink that they were almost brown, and they were huge. His mouth watered as his palms ran across them and when she broke the kiss, he dipped his head down and tasted one. “Mm…that’s hot,” she said, as his tongue ran around the outside of her nipple. She arched her back and put a hand on the back of his head and said, “Suck it, soldier. Suck my nipple hard.”

  Bruf did as she asked…or ordered. He sucked, hard. The harder he sucked, the more excited she got. She had her legs open wide enough to trap his thigh between them and she was rubbing herself against him while he pleasured her nipples. She was making sexy moaning and sighing sounds and Bruf was so uncomfortable that he had to stop and undo his pants. His cock was about to tear through them. As soon as he let it escape, he took a relieved breath…but then suddenly there was a soft hand wrapped around his shaft and he felt like he couldn’t breathe all over again.

  “Mm, it is as big as it looked in those jeans,” she whispered. “I want to taste it. Can I taste you, Bruf?”

  “Oh, yeah!”

  “Yes?” She was running her hand up and down his cock, stroking it as she whispered against the side of his neck. Goosebumps covered every part of his body and he shuddered again.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he said.

  She kissed his neck and then lifted his shirt and while she jacked him off in her hand, she wrapped her lips around one of his nipples. Bruf had been with quite a few women for a man his age. He’d had one true love, when he was a kid…but once that was over and he was in the army…he’d fucked every pussy he could get his cock into. None of them had ever put their lips on his nipples…but he realized, as Beck did it, that it was fucking hot. He groaned and flexed his hip
s. She stroked him harder and bit down on the nipple just enough to sting. So. Fucking. Hot. As she slithered down his body, she pulled his jeans and shorts down with her, letting them land just above his knees. By that time, she was on her knees and those sweet, pink lips of hers were wrapped around the head of his cock. He groaned and wrapped his hands up in all her curly blonde hair as she began to suck. She let him slide all the way into her throat, every…single…time. She began to bob up and down, faster and harder, sucking him, licking him, even using the side of her teeth to stimulate him. He wanted to scream, it felt so fucking good. He knew they should hurry, but he wasn’t strong enough to tell her to stop. He didn’t want her to stop, ever. When she finally did, he let out a cry that was probably too loud. If anyone was standing outside of the shed they would have heard him…but at that point, he was willing to take whatever beating the boss might give him, just for what he’d experienced so far.

  “You got a condom, soldier?” With shaky hands, Bruf reached down where his jeans still hung around his calves and slid his wallet out. While he dug out the condom, Beck was pulling off her shorts. His breathing was ragged again, just watching her wiggle out of them. She wasn’t wearing any underwear either and Bruf thought his heart might just explode into a million pieces when he saw her glistening, wet pussy. She smiled at him and put her hands on the leather seat of her Harley, arched her back, and stuck out her smooth, round, gorgeous ass.

  It took Bruf way too long to get the condom on. His hands felt numb. His whole body did, except for his cock, which hurt. He got it on at last and then hobbled the few steps over to stand behind her. He took his cock in his hand and ran it down her slit and back up again, dousing it in her juices. She moaned and arched back further, letting her head tip back. Bruf finally pressed his cock into her opening and she gasped, and said, “Yeah, Bruf…fuck me.” He pushed into her. She was soaked. She was hot. She was as tight as a glove around his cock. The only thing better would have been skin to skin, but either way, he knew he’d never forget this woman. He reached around in front and took hold of her breasts and he held onto them while he fucked her. She kept telling him to go faster and fuck her harder. Bruf loved it. He loved fucking hard and rough…most girls his age didn’t like that. Beck was getting loud. She was getting off on it and he was inches away from having a massive orgasm when he heard the sound of the back door slamming.


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