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Acquiesce Page 19


  I rubbed her clit back and forth, pinching the nub gently as I kept easing my finger in her ass farther. I wanted her to reach an orgasmic state; her release would make penetrating her with the plug easier. I kept using my finger, wanting to stretch her until I felt her lack of response and she stopped trying to push out the intrusion. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt my finger go past the knuckle and her body accommodated it.

  Leaving the one finger in her ass, I added a second finger to stimulate her clit. Her pussy clamped down on those two fingers as her body told me she was beginning to release. I heard her cry out as she climaxed. I removed my two fingers but added another one deep inside her ass, scissoring them slightly as I brushed my lips across her back.

  I stroked my loose hand along her back, tracing every dip and curve as I continued to dot her back with kisses. I continued this for a few seconds, then eased up, realizing neither of us could take much more. Her body was in a completely relaxed state, and I needed her to wear the plug for at least three hours. Between it and large amounts of lube, anal penetration should be good for her.

  I'd never been an unselfish lover. I'd make sure my partner had a satisfactory release and the sex was stellar for both of us, but past that, I was any typical male. I loved sex and release. I wanted it just to be sex. I was never interested in it being anything more. I never made excuses for the kind of sex I enjoyed or the reasons why. Women enjoyed me regardless of the no-intercourse rule. My tongue served just as well as my cock, but Nic was different. I had made allowances for her. In the beginning, having anal sex with her was to be all part of my research. Now it felt different—personal. I wanted to show her my world and hoped she enjoyed it.

  As I removed both fingers, I continued to rub her back and at the same time her ass with my other hand. I removed the cot and retrieved the plug from the box. I covered the tip of it with plenty of lubricant and gently inserted the tip. I pulled it out and immediately lubed it once more and repeated this several times, until her body seemed to accept it. I paid close attention to her breathing and any verbal commands. The fifth time I eased it in all the way, Nic's body protested and attempted to push it back out.

  “I don't like it, Cass, please.”

  “Baby, hold on. In a few minutes, what you feel now will pass, I promise. I'm not in a good position to suck on your clit, but let me stroke you again and immerse my fingers deep in your sweet pussy.”

  “Oh God,” Nic sobbed as she readied herself for me.

  I had hoped the first orgasm would have loosened her up enough to make the plug less painful, but obviously, in her case it wasn't enough. I put two of my fingers in my mouth, covering them with saliva, then moved forward to plunge them deep inside her. She was warm and wet, and her pussy gripped my fingers as I stroked her hardened clit. Her breathing became soft pants as I mimicked intercourse using my fingers. I could almost feel the butt plug due to the depth of penetration with my fingers. I needed her to relax so the tissue surrounding the plug would relax and cause it to stay in comfortably.

  “I can't wait until I put my cock in that tight ass of yours. I am so hard right now all I want to do is come. Jesus, Nic, what you do to me. I think I may have to fuck you all night long to become satiated. You have no idea how perfect your ass is and how absolutely beautiful that jeweled butt plug looks. I may have a perpetual erection all day.”

  I stopped just as she was going over the edge of orgasm. I had decided I'd make her wait until tonight to come again. I wanted us to fall together. I wanted to feel her response to my cock buried deep inside her ass and have it become the catalyst to a release so shattering it would cause concurrent orgasms.

  “Please, Cass, I need to come again. Don't stop, please,” her voice pleaded.

  “I need you to hold on to that release until tonight. Do not come. When you do, it will be so worth it, especially with my cock up your ass and my fingers saturated in your pussy.”

  “Jesus, just shut up, then. You're not helping with the cock and pussy talk.”

  I chuckled at her words, knowing how difficult it must be for her to say that after living in such a vanilla world for so long.

  For some reason, my mind wandered to the thought of condoms and why it was unnecessary with Nic. I wanted to feel her muscles squeeze me from both ends. I knew my cock would be so deep in her that I would be able to feel as her vaginal muscles tightened around me. I already knew it would be a release like one I'd never known. I hadn't allowed myself to spill into anyone since I was sixteen. I'd never been so unconcerned or careless sexually with anyone, but with her, I had to know just this once what the actual feeling was. Even if it was only this time, I hoped it would be something I'd remember always.

  I tested the plug, and the muscles surrounding it appeared to have a tight grip. It didn't look to be going anywhere. I grunted satisfactorily as I sat up.

  “How's it feel? Does it hurt?” I asked as I removed the pillow from under her. She turned to her side and gripped a sheet, pulling it up over her.

  “No pain, but it feels weird. It's not going to fall out, is it? I mean, seriously, Cass, I'll just stay here the rest of the day if there's a chance I'll be walking along and it will pop out.”

  I chuckled as I patted her on her right cheek. “It's not going anywhere until I remove it; it's in nice and tight. You should be able to do anything without it bothering you.”

  “Really, when's the last time you wore a butt plug?”

  I started to respond, but she shushed me.

  “It feels like I have to—you know—poop.”

  I couldn't help it. I started laughing. Okay, it was more like howling. She had no problem swearing, but when it came to a normal bodily function, she couldn't stomach the word shit. She sat up, keeping the sheet wrapped around her as she squirmed, trying to find how to sit comfortably.

  “How long do I have to wear this? And I guess I won't be sitting down much.”

  I moved next to her. “Once you stand up and move around, your ass will adjust, and it's only for a few hours or so.”

  “Or so… Seems like a lot of trouble for your kind of sex. My kind doesn't require any prep work. Are you sure I can't talk you into that?”

  I gave her a mocking smile. “You can have payback by handcuffing me.” I arched one brow as I noticed she seemed to have a satisfied smile on her face when I made that statement.


  I slowly padded to the bathroom, struggling between the discomfort in my ass and trying to keep the sheet up. Once I got into the bathroom, I dropped the sheet and turned my backside to the full-length mirror. My skin was shiny from all the oil, and I could see Justin's bite mark perfectly. I spread my ass cheeks tentatively and looked. The only thing I could see was a small marquis yellow stone. If this weren't stuck up my ass, it could be viewed as a pretty piece of jewelry. I snorted.

  I stepped into the shower to rinse off the oil and prayed the plug stayed in. I had no desire to go through all that again. After resecuring my braid so my hair wouldn't get wet, I began to lather, then quickly rinsed. All I wanted was to get rid of that greasy feeling.

  I shook my head as I stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. What was I doing? A more pertinent question would be, why was I doing this? I'd never acted this way with Chris. Of course, he would have never asked me to wear a butt plug. He believed in traditional marriage and normal sex, and I loved him so much it became all I desired. Because I loved him.

  I wrapped my body in the damp towel and sat on the lid of the toilet. Was I doing all this because my emotions had surpassed just wanting Cass? Did I feel something more for him? Regardless of how I felt, he would never feel more for me than desire. We were years apart in not only age, but also wisdom and what we wanted from life. He already knew what he wanted and had his life planned. My life, well, that was another story. Sure, I was wealthy, but I prayed I wasn't going to stagnate for another eleven years. I wanted this—my second round. I had no idea how to proceed a
nd what I wanted. I knew I sought change and planned to implement a new lifestyle as soon as I got home.

  Once I crossed that bridge with Cass, would I ever be the same again? I was suddenly afraid I would be devastated by the sudden reality that to him I had just been a science project. Oh, he’d told me he wanted me and even though he’d skirted the subject, I felt almost sure he felt something for me.

  I heard a knock at the door and his voice jarred me from my thoughts. “Get dressed. I'm hungry. Let's go get some lunch.”

  “Be out in five minutes,” I replied as I grabbed my clothes from the hook behind the door. I quickly dressed and made a check of my hair and face. I also needed to pee but was almost worried if I did, it might force out the butt plug. As much as I hated to admit it, it felt wicked knowing only he and I knew I was wearing it.

  As I came out of the bathroom, I noticed Cass had changed clothes and pulled his hair back into the ponytail. His dark kakis hung low on his hips and the light T-shirt stretched across his muscled chest, filling me with insatiable appetite—and not for food.

  “I'm starved,” he said as he slipped his hand into mine. We hurriedly got to the kitchen as two of the chefs were setting out varying dishes in a potluck-style luncheon. I hadn't realize how famished I was until I saw bowls filled with different side dishes, including traditional American food as well as some Caribbean cuisine. The food varied from a variety of meats to salads, with several baskets of freshly baked bread.

  Cass handed me a plate as he bent his mouth to my ear. “Better eat… You'll need your stamina for tonight.”

  I shivered hearing his words. I began filling my plate until it was almost too heavy to carry, definitely a case of my eyes being bigger than my stomach. We chose to eat at the outside dining area instead of by the pool. From what I could see, almost all the guests and escorts were spending their time out there today.

  We both sat and began to eat our lunch. Cass had been right. The longer I wore the plug, the more I became accustomed to it. I knew it was there, but it no longer felt like an intrusion.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pru and her escort walk up.

  “I wondered where you were hiding,” Pru said, laughing. “Nic, this is Milo, and, Milo, this is my friend Nic and her—her friend Cass.”

  Milo was beautiful, and I mean male model gorgeous, and this man was studying to be a doctor? His practice would most certainly be all women, well, maybe a few men. I grinned as I extended my hand, expecting a handshake, but he chose to kiss it instead. I swore I heard a soft growl come from Cass as he dropped his fork.

  “Nice to meet you, Milo. You'll have to excuse my friend here,” I said, elbowing Cass. “He's hungry and grouchy.” I laughed as Cass pinned me with a broody stare.

  I motioned for both of them to take a seat. I had missed talking to Pru since she and Dee were always together.

  “So, Milo, Pru tells me you're going to medical school,” I said, watching, as Cass appeared surprised by this news.

  “Yeah, five years now. I'm lucky to be able to take a few weeks off here and there. Otherwise, I'd be shit out of luck paying for it. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for Acquiesce. The income is unbelievable, but I'm not sure I can do it anymore,” he said as he looked at Pru, squeezing her hand. It was obvious to me they had become more than guest and escort. “I may have to find alternative means of funding my schooling.”

  “Well, I'm sure servicing a wealthy older woman has its perks.”

  “Cass,” I blurted out as I gave him a disbelieving look. I saw the hurt on Pru's face as well as the shock on Milo's, realizing what he’d been accused of.

  “Maybe right now isn't a good time. We'll talk later, Nic.” I could see pain in Pru's eyes as she spoke. I wanted to say something, but both of them retreated to the pool area.

  I glared at Cass. “What the hell is wrong with you, and why on earth were you so rude?”

  “I dislike poachers.”

  I stared at him as if he’d grown two heads. “What are you talking about? No one was poaching anything. I have no idea what you're talking about,” I said, provoked. “You hurt Pru's feelings and you made Milo—you treated him like he was—”

  He cut me off before I could finish my sentence; he actually had the audacity to wave his hand in front of my face.

  “Nic, Milo's an escort, a prostitute, a whore,” Cass spit out.

  “And what does that make Pru… or me for that fact? Milo's in med school to become a doctor. He's doing this out of necessity, not on some whim or because he wants to—he has to,” I said, pushing away my plate, suddenly no longer hungry. “Poacher… you are a strange man,” I said, disgusted.

  “I didn't like the way he kissed your hand,” he said matter-of-fact.

  I sat there dumbfounded. Seriously, Cass was jealous. Had I entered the twilight zone? He didn’t have the emotional capacity to get jealous and he didn’t have the right either. Milo had kissed my hand, not stuck his tongue down my throat. This man was too much. I pushed my chair back to walk away, and Cass grasped my wrist to stop me.

  “Don't go. I apologize. I may have overreacted.”

  I eased back into my seat. “You think? Why are you acting all possessive and dominant? I don't think I like this version of you.”

  Cass dabbed his mouth with his napkin, then spoke. “I have no idea what came over me. You seem to have this overwhelming ability to bring out unidentified emotions, and I appear to be mishandling them. I've never felt possessive toward anyone until you. It almost felt primal when he kissed your hand, the feeling that came over me. I didn't want another man touching you, touching what's mine.”

  I studied his face as he spoke and had no doubts that not only was he puzzled by his reactions, but these feelings felt alien to him. He was struggling to understand it logically. His type of logic had never been ruled by his heart, only his brain. Why did he have to fight me so hard? Why couldn't he just concede that maybe his theories regarding love were mistaken?

  I brought his hand up to my lips and pressed them to his knuckles. I could almost hear his eternal struggle as he tried to cope with sensations he'd never felt before. I wanted to be the person who proved him wrong, not because I wanted to watch him fail, but because he seemed deserving of love. Somewhere along the way in his twenty-six years of life, he’d been deprived of the most important emotion there was: love, and he was left believing he could survive on lust, desire, and sex.

  I understood firsthand what knowing love meant. I'd had it, lost it, and now had to learn to live in a life without it. I was a better human being for having known it, for having had Chris in my life. These two men were so different, yet each of them had excelled at teaching me so many different aspects concerning myself. Though our time would end, Cass would be responsible for bringing me back to life. He’d kept me from drowning and wallowing in self-pity. His was a debt I could never repay.

  We had a week left, and I planned to make every minute count, sexual encounter by sexual encounter. I planned to experience everything he had to offer.


  Since we planned on a long and eventful evening, I talked Nic into taking a nap. I decided to take a stroll on the beach to clear my head. I’d spent quite a few months alone on this strip of deserted beach, listening to the waves and gathering my thoughts. I was at the point where I should throw out my findings and give up on writing a third book, which might end up being a joke. My research had issues and lacked cogency. I almost felt my arguments were no longer valid.

  Possibly, once I was back to the mainland and had returned to my structured life, I would be able to see this more clearly. Maybe it was this place, and I knew for certain it was her. I couldn't understand why I’d made such a big deal concerning Milo. I’d actually growled and snapped at the guy. I was becoming someone I didn't recognize, and this afternoon had been a little disconcerting.

  Somehow, I had to make sure tonight was as pleasurable as possible yet impersonal at the sa
me time. I hadn't experienced any woman having an emotional bond with me during anal sex, and I needed to make sure Nic didn't read more into tonight. I needed her to see it just as sex, nothing else. Whatever was bubbling at the surface had to be quelled for both our sakes.

  She was too fragile and I wasn't that man. I planned to indoctrinate her into my world tonight and over the next few days. Nic was smart; she would eventually recognize we were friends who met on vacation and shared sex. We would give each other pleasure… If that's all it was, why did I have this pit in my stomach? I lived for gratification. I'd never had concerns about the other person's feelings. Those were irrelevant to me, until now. Now I felt as though I'd become two people—one who wanted desperately to cling to his rational ways and the other who was starting to have doubts about his findings. When it came to Nic, everything I knew to be reality became blurred.

  I was a respected professor of human sexuality. I knew the psychology behind emotions, yet here I was, consumed by the possibility I had been wrong. I’d been with so many women in the last ten years and my sexual relationships with them had kindled the fire for my research. All of them were young and beautiful, willing and knowledgeable; I’d never opted for anything more in the last few years other than anal and oral. Those acts were my stimulus; I didn't need anything more.

  I sat in the sand and watched as I let the grains of soft sand sifted through my fingers. I stared out into the vast ocean, knowing tonight could change everything. I’d always fucked from behind because I could detach myself from the woman. Even during oral sex, I had my eyes closed and focused only on the satisfaction of the moment.

  My body as well as my mind was hesitant to do that with Nic. I wanted to watch her fall apart. I’d already seen it twice, but this would be different. I knew my kind of fucking would appease my needs, yet the urge was so intense all I wanted to do was drive my cock deep into her pussy and feel those muscles clamp down on me and never let me go. I wanted to feel that raw and uncensored climax when she finally came. Jesus, I was getting hard just thinking about it. I had to stop these ludicrous thoughts and allow tonight to be as any other sexual encounter I had.


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