The Cattery_M/M contemporary sweet kinky romance

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The Cattery_M/M contemporary sweet kinky romance Page 5

by K. A. Merikan

  Ollie sat down under the awning above the barbecue area in the garden, and he chewed on his lip, hands balled into fists. “He is such a good guy. Can’t believe that someone wants to just use him as a cash cow.”

  Cin sat next to him with a frown. “Why would anyone say such things to a group of people they’re going to live with? I bet he doesn’t even like being a cat. He doesn’t deserve to be here.”

  “I think he doesn’t. Money is all he cares about,” said Ollie, pressing his hands against his stomach, which started aching from the stress of it all. He hated changes like this, and now it seemed that the situation was slipping out of his grasp like oily rope. Ollie originally decided to become Luis’s cat because he wanted to stay away from problems like these, not to struggle with a massive nuisance like Goran. “He will pretend he’s fine with all of us when Luis is here and be a dick any other time.”

  Cin patted Ollie’s back. “Don’t worry. We’ll get him to leave.”

  Ollie clutched his hands together and rested his head on Cin’s shoulder, watching the colorful flowers nearby move with the soft breeze. This was the story of his life. Every single time he thought he had it all, someone came over to mess with his life, but the rude stranger would soon get what was coming.

  Chapter 5

  Things didn’t go as Goran planned. They never did, but this time, even he was beginning to wonder if he’d jumped the gun. He would be spending months in this place, with no Internet or connection to the outside world, and now none of the other guys wanted to talk to him. Almost two days had passed since Goran moved in, and he had a chance to chat to Jerome, the cook, for a while, but that was it. He watched TV, he read a book, but it felt as if the tension in the house was growing thicker instead of dwindling.

  And worst of all, as much as Goran tried not to stare, the other guys walked around half naked, and watching Clove get casually sucked off by Bounce the other day had Goran biting his fist, only to have a sad, solitary jerk-off. His fantasies had drifted off to getting head from Ollie. Just thinking about it made him feel so dirty the next time he looked into Ollie’s pretty face, which had no smiles for him anymore.

  Goran didn’t understand why they all considered him rude. He just said the truth. It was better to accept that they were involved in a form of prostitution than pretend this was some kind of foster home for hot guys. Who said sex work had to be dirty and miserable? Maybe he’d get a chance to talk to Ollie about it next time the guy didn’t immediately scare him off with a sneer.

  The worst thing was that he actually saw Ollie involved in a lazy threesome with Cinnamon and Clove just a few hours ago, and that did nothing to stop the lust-fueled visuals from multiplying in Goran’s head. As unpleasant and cold as Ollie was toward him, he was every bit Goran’s type with his pale hair and big bright eyes. And he was a bottom, or at least that was the vibe Goran was getting from any sexual interaction Ollie was involved in.

  Goran wanted to stay true to himself, but as he was reading a book on the beach, he couldn’t focus, increasingly worried he’d made a grave mistake that couldn’t be reversed. He kept thinking back to what he’d said to the guys, and that maybe, just maybe, he should apologize. He wanted to be in a threesome with Ollie too. Or a twosome for that matter.

  A loud chiming sound took his eyes off the book, which he hadn’t really been reading anyway. It sounded a bit like the bell Luis used to announce cat time. It took Goran a few moments to realize that it was in fact the sound of the bell, coming from speakers around the garden.

  Goran left the book on the sun chair, put on the headband with cat ears, and started a lazy walk to the house, with his hands in the pockets in his shorts. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but at this point, any changes to his situation were welcome, and he wouldn’t mind spending time with the one person who didn’t consider him a nuisance. At least not yet, because with all the guys so pissed off at Goran, Luis might change his mind about him too. Luis would still likely have to keep his end of the bargain, but with the last ally in the house lost, Goran’s time here would be utterly miserable.

  The music was turned off when Goran arrived by the pool, and Goran swallowed, noticing Ollie’s bare ass staring at him from across the water where he was brushing his body against Luis’s calves.

  Cin was quick to join, and all of a sudden, Goran didn’t even know if he was wanted in the tangle of hot male bodies. He’d just mess up their vibe.

  Still, he took off his swimming shorts and got down to all fours.

  Luis’s eyes settled on him, and he flashed Goran a brilliant smile. “Smokey! There you are! Come and join us.”

  Clove licked his ‘paw’ and nodded at Goran. He at least didn’t ignore Goran completely. Avoiding Ollie’s and Cin’s eyes, Goran approached slowly, supposing that his cat personality would be ‘the one who the other cats hate’. At least with Luis around, he doubted his newfound enemies would openly attack him. Probably. He bet Luis wouldn’t mind watching a catfight.

  When Goran approached, Luis scooted down and petted his hair, gently scratching Goran behind the ear, as if he really were a cat. “Have your new friends been good to you? I bet they were, all such nice kitties.”

  Ollie rolled his eyes but wouldn’t even look at Goran.

  Goran stalled, unsure how to react, but then let out a little whine and licked Luis’s hand. It was much more difficult to lie without words.

  Luis grinned and gave Goran’s forehead a series of kisses that, despite the unpleasant disconnect Goran experienced, felt so incredibly nice he leaned into the touch. It was gone too soon, and Goran blinked, surprised, when Luis stood up. “I think we should go to bed now,” he said, and it was as if the atmosphere changed completely in a split second. The cats all looked at Luis, their eyes dark and sensuous.


  So it seemed sleeping was no one’s intention here. He stayed behind and followed Luis last, but he didn’t mind, since he got to ogle Ollie’s ass without making up excuses. Even getting a glimpse of the pink pucker between the round buttocks had Goran getting hard. He could only imagine slowly climbing on top of Ollie and nipping on the white cat ears emerging from between golden curls. Would Luis appreciate such an unscripted action? Would Ollie throw him off? Goran wouldn’t dare to check.

  Luis led the way upstairs, into the cozy space with a plush carpet and a bed so huge it could accommodate several adults comfortably. Full of plush pillows and cozy blankets, it was a place where Goran had sought some peace and quiet earlier that day, and even then he’d noticed lube dispensers and condoms distributed all over the sleeping area. He could only assume that this was where most of the ‘fun’ Luis mentioned during the interview was actually taking place.

  Cin and Bounce rushed up the carpet-covered stairs leading up the bed, and they quickly tumbled across the mattress, meowing in delight. Goran was getting the impression that while Ollie tried to be the pretty and loving cat, it was Cinnamon who aimed for being the designated cute cat with his big smiles, happy meows, and spontaneous play fighting.

  Not that Cin had a cute personality. In less than forty-eight hours, he managed to tear out the last pages of a book Goran was reading, tell Jerome that Goran was vegan so there was no meat for him at one of the lunches, and resumed the game Goran had paused when Goran left for a moment to pee. There was nothing sincere about the way Cin was presenting himself for Luis, and in contrast to the other cats, even Ollie, who was cold and standoffish toward Goran, Cin seemed genuinely two-faced.

  Luis laughed as he followed the two cats to the bed and grabbed Bounce’s shoulder, pulling him in to rest against his chest. “Why are you always picking on poor Cin, huh?” he asked, tickling Bounce’s ribs and sending the guy to the mattress in throes of silent laughter. Soon enough, Bounce’s face was bright red from keeping human noises in, and his hot, muscular body twisted and turned underneath Luis, curiously watched by everyone else, including Cin, whose teeth sank into his bottom lip as he looked on.

  Goran stayed on the floor for now, not wanting to interfere, but he ended up with a smile on his face. Bounce was not a small guy by any measure, and seeing him roll around and pretend to be a carefree animal was beyond funny. He couldn’t deny there was something weirdly non-creepy about Luis too. Despite the weird sexual fantasy, the guy didn’t come off as threatening or sketchy. It seemed that he was genuine about his problems with people and simply preferred a no-fuss relationship with a couple of cats he could also fuck.

  From the corner of his eye, Goran saw Clove shifting closer to Ollie and pressing his lips against the pale ear. Ollie’s eyes shut, and he gasped, leaning into the touch. All of them were naked now and watching all the different body types in one bed, like a buffet of men, but Goran wasn’t sure where his place was in all this. Maybe he’d be better off just watching? Without the possibility of talking, he felt strangely vulnerable. He couldn’t say anything witty, joke around, or snark at anything.

  He stiffened when Luis looked his way, but then the man moved to the edge of the bed and tickled Goran’s cheek. “Come on, Smokey, don’t be shy,” he said with an encouraging smile. It felt as silly, as it did reassuring, so Goran stepped closer and rubbed his face against Luis’s thigh.

  Luis pulled him on top of the bed and positioned Goran between his thighs but facing away. The warm, soothing hands trailed up and down Goran’s naked back, only to settle on his shoulders, kneading at the knots that formed there from all the stress of being in this new strange place. Goran closed his eyes, listening to Luis’s breathing behind his back, to Cin’s catty laughter, and Ollie’s moan so close by. Was he to be the focus of this afternoon as the new kid on the block?

  A little moan escaped Goran’s lips at a particularly pleasant touch to his nape, and when he thought the petting was already over, Luis took off Goran’s headband and began gently combing his hair. At first, Goran panicked, because Luis was pulling back all the hair from the bangs, revealing his face completely, but then Luis stroked his shoulder again and talked to Goran in soothing words, making him feel so wanted and welcome that the continuous stress of the past days began slowly easing alongside the tension in Goran’s muscles.

  “That’s a good boy, we’re all friends here,” said Luis as he slowly pushed Goran forward, making him kneel and lower his chest to the bed. When Goran’s eyes snapped open, he saw Ollie sitting in Clove’s lap, legs tangled around him, and their mouths locked in a passionate kiss. He wasn’t sure how this kind of stuff connected to cats, but he didn’t comment, knowing sex in general didn’t have much to do with playing cats, and yet he was participating in just that.

  Cin mewled and licked Luis’s shoulder, as always pretending to be sweet, but Goran decided to just imagine he wasn’t there.

  Luis petted Goran’s sides, pulling his warm fingertips over the ribs and massaging places where the flesh was thicker. “I got myself such a pretty cat. I was so unhappy I had so much work lately and couldn’t play with my Smokey.” He leaned down and left kisses down Goran’s arm.

  Ollie rolled over under Clove, drawing Goran's attention despite the permanent animosity between the two of them, but Luis was already touching Goran with more intent, sliding his big warm hands down to Goran's hips. There had been times in Goran’s life when he’d have sex somewhere on the beach, between the rocks, and he was pretty sure there was someone watching him and his partner, but he’d never actually been in an orgy.

  He let out a soft meow and arched back against Luis, so he would stop seeing Ollie and his hot, flexible body spread out for another guy. Luis was a welcome distraction as he kneaded Goran’s ass, gently spreading his buttocks, and Goran gasped when the cool air swirled around his opening. The other guys were grunting and loudly kissing all around them, but he knew he was being watched. They would be curious of his performance, and he was determined to make this first time here memorable.

  Luis’s palm pushed up Goran’s spine while his lubed fingers found Goran’s hole and massaged it gently.

  “I’m gonna pet you so good on the inside.”

  Goran lowered the front of his body as the teasing became more intense. Despite this being sex work in one way or another, he didn’t mind in the slightest. Each of the guys present was hot in his own way, and Luis was all about giving pleasure. Goran surrendered himself to the sensations, half-opening his eyes and looking at the other bodies around him as Luis slid a finger into him.

  Cin’s slender form was stretched out nearby, and he was slowly pumping his cock as he watched Goran being prepared. He even winked at Goran, spreading his legs when Bounce crawled between them, leaving wet, loud kisses over the inner side of his thighs.

  Luis’s fingers were long and quite thick, but he was very gentle and never stopped petting Goran as he moved the digits inside his hole, scissoring them and teasing the sensitive rim.

  Goran bit his own wrist when arousal got the best of him, and his moans became louder. The musk of excitement was heavy in the air, and getting glimpses of different bodies had Goran spreading his thighs wider for Luis, all the earlier animosities forgotten. He wanted them all. Even Cin. All that mattered now was that his dick was hard and throbbing, his ass ready to be fucked by Luis, and shivers of pleasure ran up and down his spine.

  Warm, smooth skin pushed against the back of his thigh, and Luis gasped, slowly pulling out his fingers and massaging only the outside of Goran’s anus. Goran dragged his cheek over the bedding to look between his spread thighs. He saw familiar blond curls.

  Ollie’s tongue hugged Luis’s dick as he sank his head lower and lower, accepting almost the entire length into his mouth.


  Ollie was not taking this away from Goran! On the other hand, the proximity of Ollie’s naked body, with all that perfect tan skin, was so confusing Goran stalled for a moment. How could he get closer to the guy without showing that he wanted to?

  He swallowed, and with his ass lubed up and throbbing for cock, he turned around to face Luis again. He meowed and scratched at Luis’s thigh, giving him the kitty show he got off on, but then he dove to Luis’s cock, bumping his head into the blond locks.

  Ollie blinked, whining in anger as he glared at Goran, already bristling up. His pink mouth slipped over the head of the shaft, leaving enough space for Goran to latch on to. Luis moaned and sank his fingers into Goran’s hair.

  “Oh no, babies, there’s no need to fight. I have enough for both of you.”

  Goran arched to the touch but still licked Luis’s cock all the way from the base to the tip, which was still wet with Ollie’s saliva. Just knowing that Ollie’s mouth had just been here had Goran moaning, and his cock stiffened even more. There was just something about that guy that had dominated Goran’s thoughts since he arrived here. Not that there was anything wrong with Luis’s dick, but it was the presence of Ollie’s skin, the sensation of his warm breath dancing over Goran’s flesh, and the tangible closeness of his supple lips that made him shudder with excitement.

  Goran looked into Ollie’s blue eyes in challenge as he licked his way up the cock again in a long, languid move. If Ollie fell for it, Goran could get away with touching Ollie’s tongue under the pretense of licking Luis.

  Ollie’s breath trembled, but he looked into Goran’s eyes and moved forward, until their lips met over the cockhead. An explosion of heat spread all over Goran’s body, making him breathless as he let his tongue slip in underneath Ollie’s top lip where it stretched over the smooth dick.

  He was hard, he was hot, he was panting, and he wanted to go for it, pounce on Ollie, and slide his cock against that tanned stomach. But he would keep his cool. Ollie didn’t seem to like him all that much after all. Goran licked up the shaft of Luis’s cock again, each time reaching Ollie’s lips at the top and lapped at them as well.

  Luis’s grip on Goran’s hair tightened, and he let out a moan, completely clueless of the battle of wills happening between his legs. “Oh, wow. You two really like each other, do
n’t you? I’m so happy when my pretties get along.”

  With his eyes never leaving Goran’s, Ollie sank even lower and sucked in one of Luis’s balls, even wiggling his ass, no doubt in an attempt to hoard all the attention, but Goran didn’t have time to think about it much when Luis pushed him down to swallow more of the cock. Someone even gave Goran’s buttock a playful lick.

  The sound of fucking behind him was making the hairs on Goran’s forearms bristle, and he pushed his arm against Ollie’s, as if to push him away when all he wanted was more touch. With a cock deep in his throat and fucking it slowly, he mewled his excitement to his new ‘master’.

  “Good kitty. You are all such lovely boys,” whimpered Luis, slowly pulling Goran off his dick, only to make Ollie go down on him instead, but he kept stroking Goran with trembling fingers while they both watched Ollie’s angelic face accept the thick, dark meat of Luis’s cock.

  Goran sat back on his heels, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight, but he ‘pawed’ at Luis’s arm in the end, then turned around, and lay on his back, as if he were a cat showing off its belly for petting. He raised his legs slightly, trying to entice Luis, so that hot cock would finally push inside of him.

  Luis’s flushed face relaxed into a look of longing, and he rubbed Goran’s ass again. “Ollie, I’ll take care of you later. Poor Smokey feels neglected,” he said, gently urging Ollie away and moving between Goran’s spread thighs. Goran meowed to confirm his words, but Luis’s cockhead, wet with Ollie’s saliva, rubbing at his lubed hole, made the sound transform into a moan. All the stupid arguments with Ollie or Cin were now a blur, and all that mattered was the hard presence at his ass.


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