Rougarou II

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Rougarou II Page 8

by Judith Ann McDowell

  “Maybe they hold the key to another secret.” Jack leaned over to run a hand beneath and to the side of each shelf.

  “What’s the matter?” Donavan moved closer. “Can’t you find the mechanism? If I remember right, we couldn’t find it the last time we looked for it.”

  “Just because Jonathan knew we were onto him and removed it. If you think back, you’ll recall soon after Seelah told us ‘bout the secret passageway we came in here with the wrecking crew to tear down the wall. For all his faults you gotta give him credit, he was very thorough.”

  Donavan laid down flat on the floor and shone a light beneath the shelves. “Maybe too thorough. I’ll tell you one goddamn thing. If I find another long black hair I’m sticking this one up my ass until I can place it in the hands of the forensic team myself!” Donavan grabbed hold of the side of the shelves to hoist himself to his feet. “If we’d been able to have that hair analyzed we would have known about Jonathan Hindel bein’ a werewolf months before it came to light. Not to mention all the danger to each and every one of our men throughout that goddamn fiasco!”

  “Shit happens, Donavan, even in the best of crime labs.” He straightened up, wiped his hands on the seat of his jeans. “I can’t find it.”

  “All right,” Donavan mopped a handkerchief across his face, “here’s what we’re going to do. We got a warrant to search the cave. Right?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “If Lawrence removed the mechanism so no one can get into the cave then he’s in direct violation of a court order. Now, he has two choices. One, he can come up with a way we can get into the cave! Or, choice number two, we can call out the wrecking crew and take down this whole son of a bitch, again!”

  “I opt for choice number two!” Jack had already keyed his radio when Donavan jerked it away.

  “It’s not that easy, Jack. We have to give him his options first! Otherwise, he can sue the department for undue force and destruction of private property.”

  “God!” Jack threw up his hands. “I hate it when you insist on fuckin’ everything up with logic!”

  “Goes with the position, partner.” Donavan grinned, handed him back the radio.

  “Can you do me one small favor, though?” Jack looked at him with all the innocence of a small boy asking for his favorite toy.

  “If I can,” Donavan indulged him.

  “Let me be the one to give Lawrence his options.”

  “I can do that. If…and I stress the word “if” you can give him his options in a professional, make-the-department-proud, way. Can you do that?”

  “Hell yes I can do that! Fuckin’-a!” He rubbed his hands together in glee. “This is gonna be good!”

  “Jack and I won’t be long.” He turned to the other deputies as Jack scurried to the stairs. “You can guard the shelves while we’re gone,” he told them as he saw their look of disappointment.

  Lawrence and Rafael looked up from where they sat at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee when Donavan and Jack walked through the basement door.

  “Are we to assume the investigation of the cave is finished, already?” Rafael spoke up.

  “No.” Jack told him. “We’ve run into a slight snag.”

  “Oh? And what might that be?” Rafael spooned sugar into his cup, stirred the creamed brew.

  “It seems, and I’m not going to point the finger,” Jack hastened to add, “someone has taken it upon himself to remove the mechanism that opens the barrier to the cave.” In a dramatic gesture Jack tapped an impatient finger against his forehead, “Who in the world would do such a mean-spirited thing?”

  Donavan sat down at the table. “Lawrence, do you think I could have a cup of coffee?” He watched as Lawrence jumped to his feet to fetch a cup from the cupboard. “Better bring two. Jack’s a coffee drinker, too.”

  “To answer your question, Jack, I have no idea who would remove a mechanism. That is, if such a thing ever existed. Do you know what Jack is talking about, Lawrence?”

  The fragile china cups rattled and he placed them on the table. “No, unless my father removed it. In which case, I would assume, the entrance to the cave is forever closed.”

  “There you have it, detectives. Your mystery has been solved with no harm done.” Rafael smiled up at Jack.

  “Oh…shit.” Donavan dropped his head onto his chest.

  “You’re right, no harm’s been done.” Jack plopped himself down in one of the chairs, leaned in close to gaze into Rafael’s scowling face. “You’re gonna wanna stay with me on this, pal, ‘cause, here’s the kicker! We have a warrant, sayin’ we have a right to investigate the cave. Except now, we find we have no way to get into the cave. Because it seems someone has removed the little mechanism that opens the barrier.” Jack wiped a hand across his forehead. “We can’t ignore a search warrant. I mean…that…just…would…not…be….” He looked to Donavan. “Help me out here, Detective Hays.”

  “Under penal code RCL61625 anyone, who does not adhere to said direction of said signed search warrant, is in direct dereliction of said search warrant under the law.” Donavan sipped at his coffee.

  “That’s right.” Jack shot a quick glance across the table. “You can see our dilemma. If we ignore a court order, which the signed search warrant is, then we can end up getting in trouble ourselves for breaking the law. I’m sure you don’t want that to happen. Now, I am going to give you two choices for what you, Lawrence, since this is your house, can do. One, you can tell me how we can get into the cave, via a key, another mechanism that can be attached to the shelves, or…whatever way you have. If you refuse or cannot give us a way to gain entrance then we will have to go with option two.”

  “What is option two?” Rafael spoke up his demeanor on the subject no longer calm.

  “With option two we bring in a wrecking crew and take down the shelves! Again!” Jack didn’t disguise the elation in his voice. “I say again, in case no one enlightened you about the last time we investigated a murder here. We had to take down the shelves then, too.”

  “If you need a few moments to confer, Jack and I will wait in the other room.” Donavan pushed back his chair.

  “Yes, thank you, Detective Hays. Lawrence and I would appreciate a few moments alone to talk about this.”

  “Jack.” Donavan motioned him down the hall.

  “What do you think they’ll do?”

  “Depends on what means they’ve been using to get in and out of the cave.”

  “You’re pretty quick on your feet.” Jack rapped him on the shoulder. “You rattled them penal codes off so quick you had me thinkin’ we had all the bases covered!”

  At Jack’s words, Donavan keyed his radio. “This is Detective Hays. I need backup at the Hindel Mansion. I want four cars with four officers in each. Also, I want another K-9 unit with at least five dogs.” Donavan glanced at Jack. “We don’t have enough men to secure the grounds and, for damn sure, the underwater cave if they try moving anyone who is inside.”

  “Better call in Search and Rescue, too!”

  “Add Search and Rescue to that request,” Donavan told dispatch.

  “I don’t know how the hell we missed that.” Jack craned his neck to peek around the corner. “They’re still sittin’ at the table.”

  “Everyone’s on the way. Depending on the answer we get from the other room we may be adding a wrecking crew to the list.”

  “One thing’s for sure they can’t move anyone in or out of this place now.

  “I guess we better call home and let everyone know we’re going to be late. In fact, I think since we don’t know what we’re dealing with here, you should have Seelah go over to my place until we know more.”

  “Good idea!” He reached for his cell phone. “I can’t get the feelin’ outta my head we’re right back to a year ago.”

  “I hate to admit it, but I’m starting to feel the same way. I pray to God we aren’t stepping into another nightmare.”

  Detective Hays,
” Rafael stepped into the entry hall,”could we speak with you for a moment?”

  “I guess the time has come to see which door we’re gonna choose.” Jack followed behind shoving the cell phone back in his pocket.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, Jack,” he said over his shoulder as he walked back to take a seat at the table,” but Lawrence and I would prefer to speak with Detective Hays alone.”

  “No can do, Rafael. If you read the warrant, it states Detective Hays and Detective Olivier’ will be conducting the search.” Jack gave him a sorry-to-disappoint-you look. “Now what’s it gonna be option one or option two?”

  “Neither. You see, the problem isn’t that we don’t want you to have access to the cave. The problem is in the fact that we don’t have the mechanism. I guess whoever removed it, destroyed it.” Rafael watched anger spread up Jack’s face and tried to control his pleasure at causing that anger.

  “Oops!” Jack lifted the kitchen curtain, looked outside as he heard the sound of vehicles coming up the driveway. “Yep the gang’s all here.”

  “As a precaution I thought it best to have Search and Rescue on hand in case, maybe, the missing teens found their way to the underwater cave,” Donavan told him. “Now, I guess we add a wrecking crew to that list.” He reached for his radio.”

  “I forbid you to destroy anything on this estate!” An irate Rafael Hindel jumped to his feet. “If you do I will bring suit for destruction of property against your entire department! Do I make myself clear, Detective Hays?”

  Donavan held up his hand as Jack reached behind him for his gun. “I can have the shelves removed, Mr. Hindel and I will, unless you produce something to gain us entrance to that cave. Just saying you don’t have the mechanism isn’t enough to stop an investigation.” He stepped forward. “Do you have the mechanism or don’t you?”

  “My grandfather has told you, we do not. What we can do is go into town and buy a mechanism, bring it back here and install it. As you can see this will all take time. What we want to purpose, is you delay your search until tomorrow morning. At that time, everything will be ready and you can enter the cave. There is no need to destroy my property, Detective Hays.”

  “Nice try, Junior, except it won’t work.” Jack draped an arm around Lawrence’s shoulders, grinned when Lawrence tried to pull away. “The search warrant’s only good for time specified. See, if they issued warrants at the assailant’s request a lotta valuable evidence would just go ‘poof’.” Jack flipped open his hand.

  Donavan wasted no time requesting a wrecking crew. “Jack, go out front and tell Blain, when the wrecking crew gets here, to bring them downstairs. In the meantime, have him get the K-9s started on the grounds.” He turned, walked to the basement stairs.


  When he heard the front door slam, Lawrence turned to Rafael. “What are we going to do?”

  “Leave everything to me, Lawrence. They won’t find anything of importance.”

  “But…where will everyone go?” His thin arms flailed the air in his frenzy. “They have no place to go!”

  “Everyone will be fine, Lawrence. I did not come all this way to have everything ruined.” Rafael pulled him into his arms. “You are safe. All our people are safe. You must learn to trust me.”

  “Yes, Grandfather.” Lawrence leaned into his arms.

  For a few moments longer, Jack remained standing around the corner. When the voices in the kitchen remained silent, he let himself out the front door.

  Chapter Eight

  Chandra stood in the bright nursery watching as Seelah folded each tiny undershirt to place it in the small chest.

  “Seelah,” Chandra spoke into the silence.

  Startled Seelah looked up. “Chandra. How long have you been standing there?”

  “Not long. I am sorry if I frightened you.” She walked over and seating herself in a small rocker picked up one of the shirts to hold it to her nose. “You must have sprinkled this shirt with powder already.”

  Seelah laughed. “I couldn’t wait. I love the smells of lotion and baby powder. Jack says, I’ll keep him so clean I’ll wash away the good germs right along with the bad.”

  “Jack’s son,” she whispered.

  Seelah got to her feet and bending over took Chandra into her arms. “I’m sorry if this upsets you. I know how much you loved Jack.”

  “No,” Chandra shook her head, “I am not upset because you are having Jack’s son. I am just happy he is having the life I could never give him.”

  “Is this why you’re here, to talk about the baby?”

  “No, Seelah. I am here to talk with you about Jack.”

  Seelah felt her heart leap and she sat down on the twin-size bed. “What about him?”

  “Jack is in danger. He and Donavan Hays are at the Hindel Mansion right now serving a search warrant. A young boy and girl partying at the mansion have disappeared. Jack and Donavan believe they are still on the estate.”

  “Are they, Chandra?” Seelah looked at her.

  “I cannot speak of that right now.” Chandra turned away unable to look at her. “A lot of things are happening I am unable to talk about. I am asking you to trust me.”

  “Are we back to dealing with the same evil as Jonathan?” Seelah picked up a small blue gown to hold it to her face. The smell from the tiny garment gave her a modicum of comfort. “We are going to be bringing our son into this world soon.” Without warning hot anger pushed its way into her thoughts and she swiped hot tears from her face. “Chandra, I know how much you love Jack. I want to be sure you won’t put his son in needless danger by keeping silent on what is happening at the mansion!”

  “The child you carry in your womb is not just Jack’s son, Seelah. He is your son. You have always been a friend to me. I do not forget a kindness. I must leave, but before I go I want you to talk with Jack about the danger he is placing himself in by going to the mansion. You must keep him away from there.”

  “Chandra, I need to know one thing before you go.”

  “If I can tell you I will.”

  “Jack says Lawrence’s grandfather is living at the mansion. Is this man dangerous?”

  Chandra closed her eyes for a brief moment on memories of the past. “I know everyone thinks Lawrence is responsible for all the wrong doings at the mansion now, but they are wrong. Rafael Hindel is the man Jack and Donavan must be aware of. They are the reason he has returned to the mansion. He holds them responsible for the death of his son. Even though I am the one who saw to his destruction.” She recalled their earlier confrontation and shuttered. “When a man is as evil as Rafael he can be a very formidable enemy. Please heed my warning, Seelah. I want you to be safe in the life you and Jack have entered into. For your sake and for the sake of your child, don’t stay alone.”

  Seelah’s mind flashed back to another time she had been warned against evil. If Donavan and Jack had not insisted she stay the night with Donavan and his family she would not be here now. “Are you saying this Rafael will try to harm us?”

  “This is a vendetta against Jack, Donavan and everyone in their family.” She watched as color vanished from Seelah’s face, but she could not stop her words. “Until this debt is paid he will not stop.”

  “Oh my god!” Seelah cried clutching her stomach in an attempt to protect her unborn child. “I have to tell Jack and Donavan about this.” She reached for the phone as Chandra placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Tell Jack the bodies of the teenagers will not be found. Tell the families of the children their souls are safe in the light of home.”

  When Seelah looked up Chandra had already gone. Knowing she had no time to lose she punched in Jack’s cell number.

  Chapter Nine

  “Looks like someone has been living here.” Donavan kicked his way through the rubble of dirty laundry and soiled plates. “In fact, I’d venture to guess four or five people have been living here.”

  “Sure don’t look like it did when Jonathan lived here.

  “This doesn’t bode well, Jack. If Lawrence has people living in here then they must be connected to him somehow.” Donavan tried to slow down his breathing as tension mounted. “Touchy as he is about anyone setting foot on his property these people would almost have to be related.”

  “First the grandfather and now what…aunts, uncles and cousins? Ah Jesus Christ!” Jack ran both hands through his hair. “I just had a terrible thought! We know about Jonathan Hindel bein’ a goddamn werewolf! What if the people livin’ here are werewolves!”

  “Shut up, Jack! I don’t need those kinds of thoughts running through my mind right now!”

  “No, listen, goddamn it!” Jack refused to back off. “None of the people Jonathan attacked, other than Paulson, turned into werewolves! So what the hell does that leave? I’ll tell you what it leaves. The people he attacked did not have to become werewolves because he already has a whole goddamn family of the furry fuckers.”

  “Jack, you’re not making any sense! Whole families of werewolves? Where the hell do you come up with this shit?”

  “Go ahead and laugh, Donavan. But when this town starts losin’ loved ones don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

  “All right, consider me warned. Right now I suggest we get busy doing what we came here to do.” He looked at the men standing off to the side their faces covered in disbelief at what they heard. “Anything you hear does not leave this cave,” he warned them. “Blain, get Magnum over here.” Donavan shone his flashlight on the floor looking for any sign the two teenagers may have been there. “I’m not seeing any blood. That’s got to be a good sign.”

  “He’s not gettin’ anything,” Blain said pulling the dog to his side. “I guess now we get started on Quigley’s place. Right?”

  “Yeah.” Donavan attached the flashlight to his belt. “How are the other dogs doing on the grounds?”

  “I didn’t have much chance to observe their reaction. They just got started when the wreckin’ crew showed up.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad we didn’t find anything here. However, you can bet your ass Lawrence Hindel is going to hand the department a hefty bill for our destroying his wall. Again.”


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