Rougarou II

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Rougarou II Page 30

by Judith Ann McDowell

  “Where am I?” She tried to sit up, but Donavan pulled her tight against his chest. “You’re with your mama and your daddy, Jenny! That’s where you are.”

  “I had the strangest dream,” she whispered.

  “You are safe now. You just put all that out of your mind.”

  The wail of the ambulance sliced through the air and Donavan set Jenny down beside him. “You are going to take a ride in the ambulance, Jenny. They will want to check you out and make sure you’re all right.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be all right? I feel fine.” She said then looked around and drew in her breath. “Oh my god! It wasn’t a dream I am really here at the Hindel Mansion.”

  “Do you remember coming here?” Barbara asked.

  “Yes.” She hung her head. “I called Mr. Lybbert and told him I wanted to talk to him and he told me to walk to the next block and he would come pick me up. I’m so ashamed.”

  Donavan pulled her against him. “It’s all over now. You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”

  “There was a man in the cave who said he was a healer and if I promised to give my soul to the dark side he would heal you, Daddy.”

  “I know, that’s how dark entities work, Jenny. They are liars. They play with your mind and make you believe things that aren’t so just to get you to trust them.”

  “Jenny, Seelah came over to the jeep. All the things that you saw while in the cave were put in your mind to control you. They weren’t real. So don’t be afraid anymore, sweetheart. No one can hurt you.” She told her, then doubled over as another contraction gripped her body.

  “What’s wrong, Aunt Seelah? Did they try to hurt you too?” Jenny edged her way from the tailgate.

  “Your Aunt Seelah is getting ready to bring our baby boy into the world, Jenny my love.” Jack pulled Jenny into his arms for a big hug.

  “Oh!” Jenny hugged his neck then stood back clapping her hands. “He will be here today!”

  Donavan laughed, glancing at Seelah. “I think we can pretty well bet on it.”

  The ambulance is here, sweetheart. I think you better come lay down and let them check you out.” Jack said scooping her into his arms.

  She remained silent waiting for the pain to subside before answering. “Yes, thank you, darling.”

  As Jack and Seelah left to go to the ambulance, Donavan threw one arm around Jenny’s shoulders. “You need to let the paramedics check you out too, Jenny. When we got to the cave, you were out cold.”

  “oh, Daddy, I was only sleeping.” She reached up to drop a quick kiss on her dad’s cheek.

  “Still, I will feel better if you go with your mother and Aunt Seelah and Uncle Jack to the hospital. You can do that for me can’t you?”

  “I don’t want to leave you, Daddy.” She threw her arms around his neck, as hot tears streamed down her face.

  “Jenny, sweetheart, your mom will be with you and you can be sure your Uncle Jack won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know, but I want to be with you. I know no one can hurt me if I’m with you.”

  The memory of walking into his bedroom to find Jenny gone flashed into his mind. “I can’t be with you right now, Jenny. I still have a job to do.” Guilt at having to send her off while he attended to other matters weighed heavy on his mind, but he knew he was doing the right thing. “I have to make sure this Parish is safe for everyone.” Donavan hugged her tight. “Uncle Jack will keep you safe.”

  “You better believe your Uncle Jack will keep you safe.” Jack walked up to pull Jenny into a bear hug. Besides, I want you and your mom to be in the birthing room when your little cousin breaths his first breath.”

  “Jack, I don’t think they will let Jenny be in the birthing room. She’s too young.”

  “Of course they will, Donavan. I gotta gun.” He grinned as he picked Jenny up in his arms. “We need to get over to the ambulance, sweetheart they are ready to take off.”

  Donavan answered Jenny’s wave then turned away as Detective Carpenter walked up to him.

  “I know that had to be a difficult decision to make.”

  Donavan glanced at him. “We still have a job to finish here. You and I both know there are still some of Hindel’s family lurking around this estate. We just need to flush them out.”

  “The K9s have been hittin’ all over the mansion. Wood panels down the basement and they really went nuts in the cottage.”

  “Come on. I want to find Sills and Blain and have them come with us down to the cottage. I want to see how many cockroaches we can get to come crawlin’ out of the woodwork.”

  “We won’t have to do much looking, they’re standing on the porch with Deputy Hendrickson.”

  “I was going to get the coroner out here, but I thought I better check with you first, Donavan,” Blain said coming forward.

  “He can wait; the Hindel’s aren’t going anywhere.”

  Carpenter shook his head a wide grin covering his handsome face. “Two less we need to concern ourselves with.”

  “Sills,” Donavan turned to the rugged man standing on the porch, “I need you to grab about three sticks of dynamite and you and John meet us at that little cottage over yonder.” He pointed down the path to the entrance.

  “`Bout damn time we get to put some of those bad boys to work.” Sills started to walk off.

  “It’s not for sure we’re going to blow anything up, but if we run across any Hindel’s hiding in there we might as well get rid of them all at once instead of wasting our bullets.”

  “Jack’s sure going to be sorry he missed this. He’s been wanting to blow this place off its foundation for a long time.” Carpenter laughed, falling in beside Donavan and Blain as they made their way down the driveway.

  “He’ll bitch and belly ache for a while, but he’s where he wants to be at the moment. His son is about to be born and he won’t want to miss that.” Donavan halted the two men just outside the cottage. “Blain what I want you to do is take Magnum over every inch of this house. If he gets over three hits we can be pretty sure there are people inside.”

  “Donavan, if Magnum says someone is inside you can bet your ass they’re there.”

  “All the same I want to make sure we get enough hits so when we blow the son-of-a-bitches to hell, we know we had no choice.”

  With guns drawn they made their way inside the cottage.

  Donavan followed behind as Magnum walked through the house sniffing and moving on until he came to a large paneled wall. He sniffed the wall then laid down in front of it.

  Blain held up a hand then placed a finger against is lips cautioning them to silence.

  Donavan jabbed a finger in the direction of the wall, at which point Blain nodded in the affirmative.

  “Well,” Hendrickson said loudly, “looks like we can mark the cottage off our list of places to check for someone being here.”

  “Sure looks like it. We been over every inch and nothing,” Carpenter said running a hand over the groves within the paneling. Then gave a thumbs up to Hendrickson as his fingers touched on the tiny button. “Guess we can get back to the mansion and start looking there.”

  Donavan directed everyone out the door with a jab of his thumb.

  When he felt they were far enough away from the cottage that they could talk, Blain spoke up. “Someone’s in there, Donavan. There’s a hidden room behind that panel.”

  “You are absolutely sure of this.” Donavan gazed at him.

  “There’s people in there. The button to open the panel is in the groves. I almost missed it, it’s so small,” Carpenter spoke up.

  “They’re there.” Blain said. “Magnum never lays down unless he has a sure hit.”

  “Sills, how many sticks do we need? I want to go back in, find the mechanism to open the pane, throw in the lit dynamite and close the panel back up.”

  “Then run like hell before the whole fuckin’ place goes up in smoke!” Sills laughed. “Do you want the cottage in ashes or just
kill those inside?”

  “I want it gone!” Donavan said heading back to the cottage. “Blain, Hendrickson, I’m going to leave you out here with Magnum, `case any of them come running out from another part of the cottage. If they do, shoot to kill. Carpenter, you get ready to push the button after Sills lights the fuses and as soon as he throws in the dynamite push the button to close the panel and then run like hell.”

  They were almost to the cottage when Donavan held up a hand for them to stop. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he punched in some numbers.

  Jack answered on the first ring. “Yeah!”

  “Jack, it’s Donavan, I thought you might like to be in on what we’re about to do here at the mansion.”

  “What the hell you gonna do, blow the place off its foundation?” He laughed, dropping a light kiss on Seelah’s damp cheek.

  “No, not the mansion just Quigley’s cottage. Magnum says there are people hiding behind some wood paneling so we’re about to see if he’s right.”

  “Any other time I would be foamin’ at the mouth to be with you, but right now I got more important things to take care of.”

  “Everything going all right on your end?”

  “The doctor hasn’t shown up yet, but they got Seelah in bed and all ready to bring our son into the world.” The happiness in his voice could not be hidden.

  “Well good luck to all of you. Give Seelah and my tribe a big hug and a kiss for me. I’ll keep you on the line so you can at least hear the explosion.”

  Jack couldn’t help himself. “Blow that mother-fucker to hell, partner!”

  Donavan jabbed a finger towards the cottage and Carpenter and Sills walked through the door. Within moments they came running back outside and away from the cottage, to where Donavan and the other three waited and watched.

  A loud explosion ripped through the silence closely followed by billowing smoke as the small cottage disappeared into a heap of ashes.

  “Did you hear that, Jack? There is nothing but ashes left of Quigley’s shack.”

  “Sounds like you got the job done. What now?”

  “We’re going to keep looking for more vermin.”

  “Be sure and call me if you decide to blow the mansion away. I sure as hell want to hear that one.”

  “Will do, partner.” Donavan dropped the phone in his pocket. “Okay, let’s go see what the hell else we can blow up.” He motioned them forward to the mansion.

  Raphael Hindel stood watching the destruction of the cottage and his anger spun out of control. “You will pay a high price for what you have wrought this day.”

  Donavan and the men walked into the mansion and went to work. Each time Magnum hit on a secret room, the panel was opened, and a lit stick of dynamite was thrown inside. Large gaping holes showed in the mansion’s interior. Screams cut the silence following the explosion as those left alive ran out of the room in search of safety but instead found themselves being stopped by a hail of gunfire.

  When at last the rooms, that had been sanctuary for many of the Hindel family, were completely destroyed, the men made their way down the basement stairs and into the cave.

  “This is the place I want to blow to hell.” Donavan breathed his eyes glued to the marble alter where only an hour earlier his own daughter had been in danger of losing her life or worse.

  “We got more than enough to do the job, Donavan,” Sills told him, setting the crate of dynamite down on the altar.

  “What I want to do is blow up the basement. I feel pretty certain there aren’t any Hindels alive on this estate.”

  “A person can actually feel the evil in this place.” Hendrickson shuttered looking around.

  “It’s no wonder you can feel it a lot of evil has been done in this place.”

  “I think we can rest assured that right here in this fuckin’ basement is where those missing kids lost their lives.” Blain spoke up.

  “Yeah, I would have to agree. With all that we already know about this place that would have to be a given. Right here is where they hold their rituals. This is why I think this filthy place needs to be taken down.”

  “Okay, since we ain’t findin’ anyone in here, I suggest you let me start situating sticks around the walls and all the way back to the water entrance then we can light about four sticks throw them into the cave and run out. The lit ones should be enough to ignite the rest.”

  “Are you sure the dynamite won’t destroy the upstairs too?” Donavan asked.

  “I’m not makin’ any promises.” He gave them all a sheepish grin. “Truth be told this is the first time I have tried anything of this magnitude.”

  “I swear to Christ I feel like I am standing here with Olivier’.”

  “Now that’s one hell of a compliment. Jack’s a man that gets it done.” Sills chuckled as he laid out sticks of dynamite on the basement floor.

  For a long moment Donavan watched him then shook his head in resignation of the fact that after today the Hindel Mansion would no longer exist. “What’s it gonna be, Donavan?” Stalls asked.

  “Lawrence is going to be pissed if he finds out his house is gone. Although I think he’s already joined the ranks of the undead anyway.”

  “Too bad we couldn’t get his ass back here before we blow the place.” Carpenter grinned. “You know what they say, if you leave one cockroach alive then you know you’re going to be infested again.”

  He saw once more the image of Jenny lying on the marble slab and his mind was made up. “Lay enough powder to blow this place to hell, Stalls.”

  “Which end are you planning on setting the main blast?” Hendrickson asked.

  “What I’d like to do is mark a long enough fuse to be able to get out of the cave by the back entrance. I’m a good swimmer, but I don’t have any idea how far it is to shore.” Stalls stopped what he was doing to think about his escape.

  “What we need is a boat that can be anchored far enough away from the entrance to the cave so the concussion won’t cause a tidal wave.” Donavan laughed.

  “Do you think Hindel has a boat around here someplace? He should since they’ve been known to get in and out of the cave from the lake,” Hendrickson said.

  “Carpenter you and Hendrickson go check out the garage. If you find a boat let me know then one of you can anchor it off shore a good hundred yards for Stalls to get back to us.”

  “Come on Jerry, “ Hendrickson said, “let’s go figure out which one of us gets to take a swim today.”

  Alone in the cave, Donavan and Stalls stood waiting to hear what they were going to do about the destruction of the mansion.

  “Do you think there’s a chance Lawrence Hindel might leave the parish and go elsewhere to do his dirty work?”

  Donavan rubbed a hand over his chin. “I wish. No, when he finds his house has been reduced to ashes he’ll be out for revenge. With any luck he’ll try something in front of me and I can end his suffering.” He pulled the ringing phone from his pocket. “Yeah.

  “We found us a boat in the garage. So one of us will anchor it about a hundred yards out from shore. Stalls will be able to see it when he comes up for air. Tell him we said, good luck.”

  “Will do, I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.”

  “I take it they found a boat”

  “Yep, they’re going to anchor it about a hundred yards off shore. You won’t have any problem seeing it. Now is there anything I can do to help you get this show on the road?”

  “Nope it won’t take me but a few minutes. You best get your ass movin’ away from here, `cause when this is ready I ain’t stickin’ around.”

  “Good luck, Stalls.” Donavan shook the other man’s hand. “See you on shore.”

  “You got it. Now get your ass movin’.”

  Donavan was almost to the basement stairs when he heard Stalls call out.

  “Race you to shore, Hays!”

  Donavan made his way down the drive towards the lake. When he was almost there, he turned ba
ck to stare at the mansion. “I don’t like to feel smug, but I’m looking at over two-hundred-years of evil and I’m involved in taking it down.” He reached for his cell and punched in Jack’s number.

  “We `bout ready to make a boom?” Jack laughed into the phone.

  “We sure as hell are, partner. I told him to take that evil son of a bitch down.”

  “You’re actually gonna destroy the Hindel Mansion? Ah shit. This is too good to be true.”

  “Wish you were here, Jack. I know you’d enjoy seeing this sight.”

  “I would, but the doctor finally made a showin’ and he said Seelah could give birth at any time now.”

  “As soon as I see this piece of shit tumble I’ll be on my way to the hospital. Tell Seelah to hold off a few minutes ‘til I get there.”

  “I’ll relay the message. Don’t be surprised if for the first time in her life she tells someone to get fucked though!”

  “There it goes, Jack! Oh my god he did it! Burn in hell any of you son of a bitches who are still hanging around!”

  “I gotta go, Donavan things are startin’ to get serious here.”

  “I’m on my way, Jack.” Donavan said as he saw Stalls climbing into the anchored boat.


  Chandra stood watching as Seelah labored to bring her son into the world.

  “How easy it would be to crawl into that little body and begin my life all over again.”

  She didn’t need to turn to see who spoke. “Then why don’t you try and do that, Rafael? I don’t think you are strong enough.” She quickly threw up a block to keep their conversation private as she saw Seelah looking their way.

  “Your destruction of me will not be that easy, Chandra. I have too much to do before I leave this plane. My grandson has nowhere to go now. Now that his home has been destroyed.”

  “I will say the same thing about the Hindel Mansion I said about Jonathan. It is time for the evil to be over.” She moved out into the hall knowing he would follow.

  “It is time for your God’s children to know who the real leader of this plane is.”

  “Rafael, how many of your family do we, who are surrounded by the Holy Light, need to destroy, before you give up and leave this parish?” She took some small comfort in seeing anger spread over his face. “The mansion has been laid to ashes. Your son has been taken to the dark side where he will remain. You are no longer in body. Why don’t you simply leave and acknowledge you and your kind have been bested by those in the right?”


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