Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)

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Backstage (The Barter System Book 4) Page 14

by McClendon, Shayne

  “Madeline…” He stepped forward and took her shoulders.

  Flattening her palms against his chest, she planted her feet and shoved, sending him back several steps. “Stop invadin’ my space…that’s the first fuckin’ thing. Keep your hands off me.”


  The hated nickname. “My name is Madeline. You don’t know me well enough to give me a nickname, especially not that one.”

  “You’re becoming emotional.”

  “You haven’t seen emotional yet, Jerry.” He took a step forward. “Touch me and so help me God, I will ruin your chances of havin’ children.” His eyes widened. “Let me make myself crystal clear. I can barely stand workin’ with you…I would never date you.”

  There was no doubt how he took the statement. “We don’t have to have anything serious…”

  “The thought of fuckin’ you makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Not a chance, Jerry. Last thing I want to make clear is that no one, not even my mama, trains me in a goddamn thing.”

  She was done. “I want another person managin’ my account or I’m movin’ it to another firm. If you think you have me by the short hairs so close to the show, I will find another agency instantly.” He leaned on Ezra’s desk. “Do we understand one another?”

  “I really like this side of you, Madeline. Very fiery.” Reaching out, he circled her wrist and pulled her off balance in an attempt to kiss her.

  There was a moment of disorientation as she was lifted and moved. Ezra’s hand circled Jerry’s neck, lifted him several inches, and slammed him on top of his desk, scattering papers everywhere.

  In a voice that belied the obvious fury in his eyes, Ezra told him, “You aren’t listening, Wilson. She has told you multiple times that she isn’t interested in you. She doesn’t want you touching her.”

  “You take your hands off me! I’ll have you thrown in jail!” He was flailing his arms and legs without success.

  A slow smile spread over Ezra’s face. “That should be interesting. As I bring the full weight of my influence and connections to bear on your nouveau riche ass, words such as sexual harassment and assault will certainly be glaring on the front page of the Post. You won’t survive the storm I unleash.”

  Jerry went absolutely still.

  “I see you recognize me and you understand. Now we can converse. Madeline Johannson is a personal friend of mine as well as a client of this theater. She is not going to date you and you are not permitted to touch her. Do I make myself clear?”

  The now terrified man nodded around the huge hand covering his throat.

  “I want to hear that you understand me.” Loosening his grip, he growled, “Tell me what you’re taking away from our little talk.”

  “I won’t touch her. I’ll find someone else to handle her account.”

  “Excellent.” Releasing the smaller man, he stood back and crossed his arms across his chest. “Get up, get your shit, and get the fuck out of my building.”

  Stepping back, she watched as Jerry scrambled off the desk, grabbed his briefcase, and practically ran from the room. The moment the door closed behind him, Ezra turned and took her in his arms. One hand lifted to cup her cheek.

  “You alright?” She nodded and he kissed her. It cleared her head and calmed her temper as nothing else could have. When he lifted his face, she stared into eyes that helped her center. “Has it been like this every time you’ve had to meet?”

  “Some have been worse than others but this one was more insultin’.” She inhaled carefully. “I’d have had him on the floor gaspin’ for breath in the next fifteen seconds.”

  Ezra chuckled and wrapped her in a hug. “I know but you look so pretty. Why get blood on your clothes if you don’t have to?” He glanced down at her boots. “Those look well worn.”

  “I’ve had them since I was sixteen. The leather is exactly the way I like it. There’s a few scars, like people, I guess. It gives them character.”

  After another long kiss, Ezra stroked his hands over her body and exhaled roughly. “I knew you had it under control. I couldn’t…I wanted to beat the hell out of him. He shouldn’t have grabbed you.”

  The admission was not an easy one for him to make. She understood that he felt territorial about her.

  Reaching up, she stroked her fingers through his hair on both sides of his head. “Thank you. When I was younger, I’d have hurt him first and then talked. I was worried about the play. You’re better equipped to deal with him if there’s fallout.”

  His arms tightened around her. “Knowing when to accept assistance is a true sign of brilliance. There won’t be any fallout but if there is, you can trust me to protect you and the play.”

  Staring into his eyes, she knew she could trust Ezra…with many things. Now was not the time but she wondered how long she’d be able to hold herself in check.

  “Let’s get downstairs before I forget the task list I have today.”

  With a wink, he kissed the tip of her nose and then her forehead. Dropping his hands, she instantly regretted the need. They walked together to the stage.

  There was a catfight in progress.

  Chapter Six

  Two cast members circled Mikayla, talking shit.

  Linn muttered under her breath, “Fuck me…I guess it’s gonna be one of those days.” She whistled sharply, startling everyone but her sister. “What in the hell is going on here?”

  Kayla didn’t respond. She simply stood with her eyes forward, calm as water on a pond, her hands folded in front of her.

  That she hadn’t already left the women crying on the floor spoke to her intense melancholy. In the beginning, Linn worried constantly about assault and battery charges.

  Both dancers had been pissed about Kayla landing the lead role. They hadn’t been the least bit subtle in their bitching.

  “You think you’re so fucking perfect. Well you are flawed, Kayla,” the taller one hissed.

  Quietly, her sister replied, “As are we all, Mary. Our flaws, our scars, and our little imperfections make us unique. It shows our ability to survive and thrive despite adversity.”

  There was the sound of something banging against metal above them but Linn could see nothing in the inky darkness when she looked up. Ignoring it, she stepped within a few feet of the squabble.

  “I’m going to ask again. What happened? Kayla?” Her twin shrugged but said nothing. “Mary? Diana? What seems to be the problem?”

  Diana was a petite blonde who thought the world revolved around her. She was a great dancer but Linn regretted hiring her more days than not.

  Her first words were, “This bitch…”

  “Call my sister a bitch again.” Madeline’s voice was quiet and the thick accent inspired by her meeting with Jerry was still in evidence.

  Altering her stance, she prepared for things to get ugly. The other woman opened and closed her mouth several times while Kayla struggled not to crack a smile. “Start over and watch your fuckin’ mouth.”

  Diana rolled her eyes and all she wanted to do was slap them out of her head. Remaining still, waiting and not beating the woman up, resulted in a tiny tic at the corner of her brow.

  “Fine, whatever…Mikayla is trying to show us up. She deliberately tripped me when I was coming off a turn. She’s worried I’ll make her look bad.”

  Linn accidentally released a hard laugh before clapping a hand over her own mouth. “Oh, I’m sure that’s what it was.”

  As good as the other dancers were, as good as she was, Mikayla was – and always would be – better. Dancing came naturally to her in a way that had always awed her family and friends.

  “Anyway, I called her on it, demanded an apology, and she tried to act all innocent. Told me she had nothing to apologize for.”

  Ah, high school…how I have not missed you.

  Letting the silence draw out for almost a minute as she stared at an increasingly fidgeting Diana, she finally crossed her arms over her chest. Kayla still
hadn’t moved.

  “This is how we’re going to handle this. You will do the scene again and I will observe. Take your places.” The cast ran to the stage, Kayla walked calmly behind them and Linn reached for her hand. “Kayla…”

  “No, we handle this fair. It’s the same fucking place she always loses her rhythm or her footing. You can’t claw her eyes out, Linn. It’s unprofessional. I was so hoping she’d touch me first with witnesses. Whippin’ her ass might relieve some tension.”

  “You Johannson women are never boring,” Ezra said cheerfully.

  Kayla did some deep stretches before standing, taking a deep breath, and rolling her shoulders. “Let’s get this over with so we can get some fucking work done.”

  Everyone took their places and Ezra stood near Linn at the front of the stage, watching the performers. She paced, calling out criticism and encouragement. She was careful not to be too harsh and always tried to follow a negative statement with a positive one.

  “Daniel, careful on your takeoff. You need to sharpen it up, yes…just like that. Remy, you’re getting nervous, stepping out too soon. Relax, flow with the music, and believe in how talented you are. Blaine, do not bobble your partner. If she lands on her ass again you aren’t going to forgive yourself…let me see your great control, there you go.”

  Ezra didn’t move or speak beside her.

  “Pee Wee! You nailed your stance that time! You’ve been practicing. Steven, keep it tight. Lengthen your leg. Excellent! Beautiful jump, Kayla.” Then the dancers performed the transition and an issue that repeatedly showed itself appeared. “Diana, that is the same spot you always either slip or fall out of step with the others. From here on out, you take responsibility for it. Work on it and fix it. You have outstanding potential.”

  The music cut off and she made a few quick notes on her clipboard while the dancers drank water and chatted quietly among themselves. Diana was crying with her friend Mary and Kayla stood off to the side by herself.

  Another whistle got everyone’s attention. “Great job, everyone. I’m going to let y’all go early today. Tempers are high and you’re tired. You have three days off before the last push to opening night. I hope I can trust each of you not to get too lazy.”

  The cast cheered and Linn held up her hand. “I know y’all are busting your asses and I’m proud of you individually and as a group. You do not have to like each other but you do need to respect each another. We’re all grownups and it takes every person in this theater to pull this off successfully.”

  Walking up the side stairs, she stopped in front of the cast she’d picked herself. “I expect a lot because I believe in your ability to deliver. Childish drama has no place here and I don’t want another incident like today.” Dropping her hand with the clipboard to her side, she smiled warmly. “Enough of the mama voice. See Miss Penny before you go and I’ll see you back here bright and early Tuesday.”

  She turned to Ezra as the stage emptied. His smile lit her from the inside out. “You handled that well. You have an outstanding future in the theater industry, Miss Johannson.”

  “As long as this particular play, this particular season, is a success…that’s all I need.” His eyes widened and she knew he probably didn’t understand what she meant.

  Before he could voice possible questions, the cast and several members of the theater staff swarmed around Madeline with hugs and thanks. She’d given Penny a stack of cash bonuses for everyone in thanks, to spend over their time off.

  “It’s just a little thing. Y’all work hard and I push you. Just a little something to blow frivolously and please don’t starve yourselves. A couple of you are dropping dangerously. Go on…get out of here and have fun!” The troupe kissed her several times.

  The last person to approach her was Diana. “I’m sorry about earlier, Linn. I’m uber bitchy lately. I don’t mean it.”

  Linn took a deep breath. “You’re getting tenser by the day. You’re not eating, Diana. I need you to eat. It’s better for you and better for the show. Will you try?”

  The dancer closed her eyes, gave a small nod, and followed the rest of the cast.

  When everyone was gone, she smiled up at Ezra. “There are bonuses for your guys. I’m giving them more because they kill themselves behind the scenes. Let’s not mention hazard pay for dealing with bitchy actors. Miss Penny has envelopes for them.”

  “I can’t believe you did that, Linn. We pay them top scale and they’re very happy working with you.”

  She shrugged. “It isn’t about the money. I want them to know they don’t go unnoticed. We took care of everyone and your people earned every dime.” Linn made a few notes and walked to her desk. Her body felt like it was vibrating. “Things are coming along nicely.”

  Off balance and worried about hiding her relationship with Ezra to everyone, including her sister, Madeline wondered what she would do when the play wrapped. There was no doubt that she loved him, wanted him. Despite the fact that she knew it wouldn’t work.

  Mikayla came from the hallway with her head down. As she glanced up and noticed the two of them standing at Linn’s desk, she plastered a smile on her face. She’d changed into jeans and boots and held a cowboy hat and leather vest in her hand.

  At the moment, the Johannson girls would look right at home in their native Oklahoma.

  “I want to go dancing. I found a club nearby and I need to blow off some steam.” Her smile faltered when she met Ezra’s eyes. “I’m beginning to think you brother is like an imaginary friend. If y’all want to join us, you and the crew or whoever, come on over. None of the cast. I’m sick to death of looking at their faces.”

  “Mikayla, are you alright?”

  “Sure. Nothing a couple of beers and dancing with strangers won’t fix, I guess. I’ll call us a cab. I put your hat in your dressing room. See you outside.”

  They watched her walk around the curtain and take the stairs. There was no sign of her usual joy, no laughter or bounciness, and she didn’t seem at all excited about going dancing.

  Lost in thought, she walked to her dressing room and picked up her old straw hat. She’d planned to spend a few hours with Ezra to relieve some of her own tension but her sister needed her.

  Looking up, she gave him a small smile. He reached out to stroke her hair off her face. “Take your sister dancing. See if you can’t get her to smile.”

  “Do you know the place she’s taking me?” He nodded and she shrugged off her blazer, pulling a leather vest over her tank top. She led the way back to the stage. “If you come by, the drinks are on me. I can’t promise the music will be to your liking.” Raking her fingers through her hair, she settled the hat over it and his eyes went wide. It made her grin. “Can’t play city girl all the time.”

  “You look…damn, Linn.”

  A single step brought her chest to chest with Ezra. “Wrap up and come dance with me, Ezra. Bring anyone else who wants to come but…dance with me.”

  “I’ll try.”

  She knew she wouldn’t see him until after the long weekend and it made her heart hurt. Shaking it off, she smiled and tucked her laptop into her bag.


  “See you next week.” With a cheerful wink she didn’t feel in the slightest and a wave, she went to join her sister. As she slid into the back of the cab, she rested her head on the seat. “I’m tired, Kayla.”

  “Me, too. Fuck dancing. Let’s pick up ice cream and some movies.”


  * * * * *

  Ezra heard Isaiah walk up behind him. “What happened to us? They’re so full of life.” He swallowed hard. “Were we ever that carefree?”

  “You used to be. I was never very playful.”

  Isaiah looked at the ground, hands on his hips and jaw clenched. They’d lost their parents when Isaiah was seventeen. Taking the reins of an empire, worried about his younger brother, and grieving himself, he’d practically killed himself the first couple of years with stress

  “You haven’t really laughed in years. I miss it. I think that young woman could give it back to you, Ezra. You need to give her that chance.”

  “What about you? What about Mikayla?”

  “She’s not for me. Whatever her sadness is about, it will pass, and she’ll be back to herself again. She doesn’t need someone like me in her life.” His older brother met his eyes. “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Stop dicking around, Ezra.”

  He watched Isaiah walk away and wondered at the men they’d become over almost two decades. They were good men but hard ones, lonely, isolated from the things that made people want to get up in the morning.

  Part of him knew the Johannson sisters were destined for bigger things. They’d stay at the Zelder Theater for a while but eventually, Hollywood was going to call.

  They’d be fools not to answer.

  If he let himself follow his attachment to the woman who had him twisted up mentally, emotionally, and sexually – the first woman in his life to accomplish it – he’d end up with his heart on a platter.

  Ezra would never want or expect Madeline to cut her dreams short for a man. He wouldn’t be the man to ask it of her.

  He buried himself in work until he lost track of time and slept in his office. The next morning, the scent of her woke him.

  Chapter Seven

  “Good morning, Ezra.”

  He blinked, unsure if he was still in the midst of one of the many dreams he’d had about Madeline during the night. She crouched beside him, looking fresh and lovely.

  Any man could get used to seeing her face when he opened his eyes…

  “Hi.” Sitting up on the edge of the sofa where he’d made love to her many times, he rubbed his hands over his face. “What time is it?”

  “Just after eight.”

  “You didn’t sleep in?”

  She laughed. “When I put it all on the line to a live audience consisting of seasoned New Yorkers in two weeks? No, Ezra. I don’t really sleep these days.”


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