Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)

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Backstage (The Barter System Book 4) Page 26

by McClendon, Shayne

  “The more the merrier, dear!”

  She called her cousin and grinned. “Bristol! I missed you! We haven’t gone six days without talking in forever. What are you doing tonight? Is Carly around? Would you like to meet me? Yes, out of the house. It not that rare…you know what, you’re losing the point.” Glancing at Reynold and Vince, she added with a grin, “Bring the big guns. Uh huh. Two, conveniently enough. Very attractive. It runs in the family. I think you’ll be quite pleased. Yes. I will.”

  She hung up and laughed at the audience that gathered.

  Ezra said bluntly, “If you’re bringing Bristol and Carly, the evening is about to get rather interesting.”

  “They are extremely bright and outgoing. Their energy levels resemble that of people abusing narcotics but I assure you, they’ve been that way since they were toddlers.” Isaiah kissed the top of Mikayla’s head. “They can keep up with this one without a nap.”

  “It was the stuff of legends.” Madeline put her hands on her hips and smiled at Theodora. “Are you tryin’ to fix up our brothers?”

  “You know how they are and your brothers are going to get bored.” Teddy shrugged. “They can drag them all over the city until they pass out. It will be fun to watch.”

  “You are so right. Okay then! Let’s get out of here.”

  Kiefer was amazed that Teddy declined stopping to change. “I’m pretty tired so I doubt I’ll stay long. I wouldn’t do much anyway.”

  They grabbed their jackets and waited for Isaiah and Ezra to check all the locks and engage the security system. Madeline called the club she wanted to take them to and arranged for a large table in the darkest area of the building. Twenty minutes later, the Zelders confirmed everything was secure and they all walked to the club.

  Two blocks away and around a corner was one of New York’s finest country bars. None of the visiting Johannson’s knew what to expect but they should have known the twins would find a place that reminded them of home.

  The interior was well lit and there were line dancers in the center of the floor. Theodora’s sigh of relief when she saw their table earned her a wink from the twins.

  After the first round of drinks was ordered, Isaiah and Ezra swept their women out to dance. Glancing at Reynold and Vince, she asked, “You’re not going to dance?”

  Grinning, his oldest brother said, “We’ll wait.”

  They’d been in the club for close to an hour when Teddy stood with a smile and waved toward the door. Kiefer laughed when he saw the presents she’d brought for his brothers.

  “Jesus wept…are you kiddin’ me?” Vince muttered under his breath.

  Reynold groaned in response.

  “Everyone, these are my cousins, Bristol and Carly.” Bristol was a curvy redhead and Carly a slender brunette.

  Each person was introduced and when they’d all shaken hands, Teddy proceeded to match people up. “Reynold, I hoped you’d dance with Carly. She’s barely a year older than me, can make any drink on request, and has won line dancing competitions all over New York.”

  Reynold stood and held out his hand. Carly took it with a smile. “Can you dance?”

  “I can.”

  “Do you have a job?”

  “I do.”

  “Are you straight?”

  “I am.”

  “Any women waiting in the wings of your personal life?”


  “My name is Carly Grove. I’m about to make you sweat. I’m also going to make you like it.” With a finger wave at the others, she led him to the dance floor. She was shaking her ass before they hit the hardwood.

  “Vince, you and Bristol are going to hit it off. Bristol is a few months younger than I am and an avid outdoorswoman. She used to rock climb competitively until she broke her arm and I begged her not to do it anymore. She’s one of the best riders I know and if there’s even a hint of sunshine, she’s out the door.”

  Kiefer’s younger brother held out his hand.

  Bristol took it and flipped it over, inspecting it. Then she requested Vince’s other one. “You have great callouses. Clean nails.” Reaching up, she moved his shirt collar aside. “No fake bake.” She swooned and he caught her with wide eyes. “Good reflexes and strong.” Back on her own two feet, she grinned. “I’m Bristol Grove. If you can keep up with me, you should be my boyfriend while you’re in town. I’ll even feed you to help you keep up your strength.”

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he stared down into her face. “How about you let me feed you and we’ll negotiate the rest?”

  There was a long pause. “I think my insides just melted at your accent. Deal.” Then he led her away to dance.

  Becky and Ivan stared after them with their mouths hanging open. Teddy chuckled. “I promise you, they’re not dangerous. I can’t call them harmless with a clear conscience but they’re great people.”

  Blinking, his mother murmured, “How can I get all of them to Oklahoma? Let me think about it. I’m open to New York.”

  “Here in the city, they’ve searched out everything resembling life in the country they could find. It’s Ezra’s fault entirely and he knows it.”

  The younger Zelder brother settled into the chair on Teddy’s other side and ruffled her hair. “How was I supposed to know taking them to cowboy camp with me was going to do that? I couldn’t wait to get away from flies and manure while the girls are literally chucking it at each other. Yuck.” He gave a mock shiver.

  “They were…eight and ten at the time, if I remember,” Isaiah continued. “I stayed behind with Theodora and when I heard the stories of monster mosquitos, I had never been so grateful.”

  “Isaiah and I spent our time in museums and having movie marathons. I don’t think Ezra ever forgave us.”

  He leaned over and rubbed noses with her. “I just made you think that so you’d bring me baked goods.”

  Madeline wrapped her arm around his waist. “Glutton.”

  “Yes. Have you met me?” The couple laughed and Teddy sighed happily.

  She looked back and forth between the brothers but she spoke to the others. “When I was nine, a boy in school held the door after recess and wouldn’t let me inside. It was close to summer and the heat was brutal. I ended up in the hospital for several days before we were all supposed to go away for camp. My mother refused to allow me. Isaiah made up a story about wanting some quiet time. He stayed at our house for two weeks and took me out every day when the sun was lowest.”

  He bent to kiss the top of her head. “It was a pleasure. I remember everything we did. Those were some of the last childhood memories I experienced, Theodora.”

  She nodded. “That was the year you turned sixteen. You were forced into full adulthood the following year. Both of you were.” She gave them a smile. “You never forgot me. You never left me behind and I don’t think you know how much that means to me. You’ve let me take a lot over the years.”

  Pulling up a stool, Isaiah lowered himself to her level. Mikayla leaned against his side. “After my accident, you were the only person to touch my face until I met Mikayla. You’ve never taken, only given in ways that you alone are capable.”

  “You took care of so many things in our house after we lost Mom and Dad. You were the most mature ten-year-old I’ve ever known.” Ezra shook his head. “I wish you’d take from us, Theodora.”

  “You are part of so many memories.” She shrugged her small shoulders and Kiefer saw the tears in her eyes. “I was worried about you. To see you this happy after so many years alone, I feel intense relief. I’m glad to be part of it. You are the brothers I never had and I adore the women you found to love.”

  There were several minutes of hugs, crying, and whispered conversations between the twins, the brothers, and even his mother.

  Teddy looked ready to drop. “I made things emotional. Now, take your beautiful future brides out to dance and let them make you laugh.” She watched happily as they did.

  “Would you
like to dance, Teddy?” He stroked his fingers through her hair, always fascinated by the softness.

  “Another night. Go out there and have fun, Kiefer.”

  “I can have fun right here.”

  Something flickered in her eyes and she looked at the table. Worried about her, he started to ask what was wrong when Carly literally skipped back to the table with a grinning Reynold in tow.

  Kiefer watched as Teddy pulled a cheerful persona in place before her cousin questioned her.

  The taller woman leaned down and whispered, “I owe you. I’ll be careful.” Pulling back, she gave Teddy smacking kisses on her cheeks. “No one is as good as you.”

  Theodora blew her a kiss and watched her cousin leave with his older brother. There was no mistaking the sadness that filled her expression.

  Across the bar, Vince sat on a bar stool while Bristol stood between his knees. She leaned against him, one hand on his shoulder as he whispered in her ear. A few minutes later, they made their way across the crowded dance floor and Vince announced he was taking her home.

  Crouching in front of Teddy, Bristol was positively glowing. “He’s just beautiful, inside and out. We’re going to go…don’t worry. I know he’ll take good care of me. I love you and I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  She kissed Theodora and hugged her tight before linking her arm in Vince’s and telling everyone what a pleasure it had been to meet them.

  Theodora exhaled heavily and rubbed her temples.

  “Too many bright lights. Let me take you home.” He was already standing, ready to escort her out of the busy establishment.

  “Stay and enjoy yourself, Kiefer. It’s not late.”

  “I’d rather be with you.”

  He waited as everyone hugged her goodbye and by the time they caught a cab, she was having trouble walking straight. As they got out in front of her house, she stumbled and he carried her down the few steps. He didn’t like the way her hands shook as she unlocked the door.

  The bright blue of her eyes was concealed as she squinted against the smallest glare. He set her on the couch and dimmed every light in her apartment. Crouching in front of her, he asked softly, “Is there somethin’ you take, Teddy?”

  “A bottle…top of the medicine cabinet.” He found it quickly and poured her a glass of juice.

  “I think you should take a nice bath in your fancy tub. I can light a few tiny candles and you can relax for a little. What do you say?”

  “The pill will work soon. I’m sorry. I’m fine and you don’t have to take care of me or anything.” He brought a cool washcloth for her to place over her eyes and started taking off her boots and clothes.

  When she was naked, he ran water in the tub and lit tea lights. She gasped a few minutes later when he scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom, lowering her carefully into the water.

  “That feels divine.”

  “Teddy, do you get headaches like this all the time?”

  “I did when I was younger and worried about impressing people, trying to prove I was like everyone else. I grew out of that. Now I know my limitations. I should have faced away from the lights of the dance floor but…I wanted to watch everyone.” The skin around her lips was tight and he thought the pain was probably worse than she was saying. “I’ll be fine. I hate being a nuisance.”

  He sat behind her and rubbed her temples gently, working over her neck and shoulders. “I know you feel like hell and I’m an ass for even bringin’ this up, but you look amazin’ from this angle.” Her laugh was quiet.

  When she fell asleep, the tightness around her mouth and eyes relaxed. The pill knocked her out hard.

  With a smile, he drained the water and lifted her from the tub, grabbing a towel on the way to her living room. Since he wanted to lay her in the bed, he didn’t intend to soak it.

  He dried her fully, loving the way she felt under his hands. Her damp curls bounced around her face as he lifted her and tucked her under the heavy blankets. He stripped down and climbed in beside her, holding her against his chest.

  Chapter Nine

  Near dawn, Kiefer had the best dream of his life. He was buried in Teddy’s warm, welcoming body and it felt so good…better than anything he’d ever felt.

  It felt too good…what the fuck?

  In a state of confusion, he woke fully and realized he was settled between her legs, thrusting in and out of her in a delicious rhythm.

  He met her eyes beneath him a moment before his body completely betrayed the years of iron will with which he’d ruled it. His come left the head without any sort of barrier. Her own climax followed, accompanied by breathless moans.

  “Theodora, what did I do? I’m sorry…I never do that. Forgive me.”

  “Ssh…Kiefer. I thought I was dreaming. By the time I was fully awake and realized you were still asleep…saying my name over and over…you were coming and it felt too good to stop. I wasn’t thinking clearly but I’m fine.” She raked his hair back from his face. “I’m on the pill. You don’t have to worry. It will be alright.”

  “I’m so sorry.” He swallowed hard. “I’ve never felt anythin’ as good as your pussy wrapped around me bare. I felt every little ripple.” He stayed inside her, the thought of pulling out and losing the sense of complete rightness made his chest ache. “How are you feelin’, darlin’?”

  “Even better now.”

  “I have to go back to condoms, as much as it kills me. I won’t play games with your body.” He hated how opposed he was to the idea.

  The lights were low, he was nestled in the body of the most spectacular woman he’d ever met, and he couldn’t look away from her brilliant eyes.

  “Are you hungry?” He shook his head slowly. “You…look hungry.”

  “I am…for you. I shouldn’t suggest it. I know it’s wrong but…I want to feel you one more time like this. While I’m awake to enjoy it.”

  * * * * *

  The alarm bells in Theodora’s mind blared but she silenced them almost violently as he pumped his hips against her.

  She knew the danger. She understood that he would return to Oklahoma, to his real life, and likely never see her again. The risk that she could become pregnant was high. She’d never taken birth control.

  Gently, he rocked them. They didn’t speak but he never looked away from her face. A few minutes later, he was fully hard and nothing could have made her tell him no.

  She wanted the sensation of nothing between them as much as he did. To be awake and aware of what was happening. So she could remember.

  Kiefer started to move with purpose and she knew it was never going to be the same again. They would be unable to go back after feeling so much. For almost an hour, he made love to her, touched her, kissed her, and whispered to her. He kept his eyes on hers and it was beautiful.

  He pushed her over the edge, and then again, before he joined her. They held each other tight as their breaths panted into the quiet and their hearts raced.

  Eventually, they fell asleep, still coiled around each other. Late morning, soft light filtered through the narrow stained glass windows near the ceiling of her apartment and she watched the play of light on his face as he took her again.

  * * * * *

  The next two weeks passed too quickly for Theodora but she allowed herself to soak up every second. She pretended it wouldn’t end and that Kiefer belonged to her.

  Every morning, she cooked for him after he woke her with the most mind-blowing sex she thought could exist. She would spend time with her mother while he made calls to his family and checked on his business.

  He unpacked his camera equipment and took photos of her and of them together. Most of the time, she was aware but she suspected he took many others that she didn’t notice.

  In the evenings, they went to the theater.

  Sometimes he watched the play but usually he stayed in the back to help her with anything she needed. Afterward, they often went to late dinners with their families.

/>   The Johannsons, Zelders, and Groves felt as if they’d known one another for years and every night saw the bonds between them grow stronger.

  There was no doubt that the most painful moment of her life was coming. They talked incessantly about anything and everything but never about a possible future together.

  Theodora understood that she could either accept him as he was, take the gifts he gave without conditions, or she could cut it off and miss a few more days of bone-deep happiness.

  She chose to close her mind to after and live in the now.

  The extended Johannson family had been in New York for three weeks when Theodora decided to hold a dinner at her home. She wanted everyone to meet her mother and that meant keeping her in a safe and fully controlled environment.

  Bridgette was carried up to join them by Isaiah and Ezra. Her nurse stayed close but Alice was happy to see her charge enjoying herself.

  On the second floor above street level, she laid out a feast and watched as the other males in Kiefer’s family inspected crown moldings, dumbwaiters, and original hinges.

  At one point, Bristol disappeared up the front stairs with Vince but they eventually returned wearing innocent expressions that made Theodora laugh quietly to herself.

  Carly and Reynold used the back stairs an hour later.

  When they reappeared, she made a point of discreetly pointing to a lipstick smudge along the oldest Johannson son’s neck. Carly winked and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  On a new regimen of pain medication, Bridgette was more animated than her family had seen her in years. She told the Oklahoma family about stories from their childhood until all of them were laughing and asking questions.

  Midway through the evening, her female cousins asked to talk to her privately. She led them down to her apartment.

  Carly cleared her throat. “We’re thinking about moving to Oklahoma.” Unable to hide the sadness she felt at not having them close, the cousin that most closely resembled the Zelder side of the family rushed to say, “You won’t ever lose us, Theodora.”


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