Boss Me (A Steamy Office Romance)

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Boss Me (A Steamy Office Romance) Page 51

by Adams, Claire

  “Sexy package delivery,” she said, her voice anything but enthusiastic.

  “Thank you.” I grabbed it away from her.

  She stared down at the ground. Her cheeks were bright red. “Did you want me to open it for you?”

  I tried to keep from laughing. “This is your first day, isn’t it?”

  “I—is it that obvious?” She seemed to deflate.

  “No, I just have an eye for those sorts of things.”

  “You’re just being nice. I’m terrible at this.”

  “You’re not that bad.” I moved closer, hoping to get under her skin.

  I could tell by the way she stepped back that it was working. “Here.” She thrust the package into my arms.

  “Aren’t you going to open it for me?”

  She grabbed it back and started to pull on the tape, but she couldn’t get a good grasp on it. “I hate these things.”

  “It’s fine. Come inside. Take a load off.”

  “All right.” She stomped past me and stopped as soon as her feet touched the marble. “Oh my God. That thug wasn’t lying. You are a high roller.”

  “I try.” I motioned for her to follow me into the living room where I’d set up a cart in the corner with a crystal decanter of aged whiskey. “Would you like a drink?” I asked.

  She sat down on my black leather sectional in the center of the room. “No, thank you. I still have to drive.”

  I took a shot to ease my nerves and sat down on the other side of the couch. She was looking around, up at the ceiling, at the art on the walls, anywhere but at me. I could tell I made her uncomfortable. I made a lot of girls uncomfortable, but I usually didn’t care how they felt. This was different.

  I tried to think of something to say to ease her tensions. “Am I your first customer?”

  She nodded but said nothing.

  “Is it kind of weird doing this?”

  She shrugged.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a drink?

  “I’d love one.” She started to ease up.

  “Good, I was starting to think that you were a lost cause.” I poured her a glass of whiskey and handed it to her. She looked up at me when she reached out to grab it, and I knew instantly that she was terrified. “It’s okay.” I sat down, a little closer this time.

  “Sorry.” She took a gulp and cringed at the taste of the liquor.

  “Why are you apologizing?”

  “I don’t know,” she groaned, then turned to me. “I mean, I obviously don’t have any business doing this.”

  “You’re doing fine.”

  “You think so?” she asked.

  “I’m positive.” I trained my eyes on her. I was half-expecting her to run out screaming, but she didn’t. She relaxed a little bit more, sat back, and sipped on her drink. “You’ve got the right look,” I added.

  She slammed the rest of her drink. “I look ridiculous.”

  “No, you don’t.” I moved closer. She got up to pour herself another drink, but her hands trembled. I went to help her. “Here.” I took the decanter and poured her a glass.

  Chapter Six


  “What’s your name?” he asked when I sat down again.

  “Maria.” I took a gulp of my drink and set it down. I felt warm and tingly from the alcohol.

  “Maria, I’m Jake.” He offered me his hand. I shook it. I couldn’t help it. I’d been avoiding checking him out since I got there, but he had no shame. There was no point in hiding it. The man was a golden god with toned muscles, tanned skin, and shoulders twice as wide as my own. It was like staring up at a marble statue made flesh.

  “Nice to meet you.” I gave him a half-smile and glanced around. The room was perfect in its simplicity with rich mahogany floors, a black couch, and a matching entertainment center. It was such a contrast from the foyer. I couldn’t help but think that this was his room and that it reflected his tastes. He wasn’t an elegant man. He was flashy, but he didn’t have to try very hard to stand out.

  He must’ve seen me looking out of the corner of my eye because he scooted a little closer. He was less than two feet away, and I started to lose it. I couldn’t even play it off. He scared me. His cold blue eyes moved over my body, picking apart my flaws and assets.

  It excited me, too. I’d never met a man who could be casual and intense at the same time. Behind his calm, reassuring demeanor was a monster ready to break loose. I wasn’t sure if I should run out the door or let him topple me to the ground and have his way with me.

  I stuck close to my drink and nursed it quietly. I didn’t know what to say to him. There was nothing to say. I knew what he wanted. It was only a matter of time before it happened. I decided that I wasn’t going to let him take control.

  A man like him was probably used to having girls open their legs on command. I’d seen it before. The girls in school would always flock to the hottest guy and fight over him behind his back. Usually, the guy would end screwing everyone but the ugliest of them and end up pissing them all off. That was Jake, and I wanted no part of it.

  “I should go.” I slammed the rest of my drink and felt my head whirl.

  “You just drank two glasses of whiskey,” he said. “Don’t you think you should wait a bit?”

  “God.” I leaned my head back. “I hate that you’re right. See.” I turned to him. “I’m terrible at this.”

  He laid his hand on my thigh. I watched in wide-eyed horror as his hand moved up closer to the space between my legs. “You’re good at this,” he said. He dove in and pressed his lips to mine. I melted. He had complete control. Resistance was an illusion.

  It was those eyes, his firm hands, and of course, the way he moved his lips. He opened his mouth just enough to give me a taste, pressed his tongue between my lips, then he pulled it back again, and I needed more.

  I felt like I was falling, so I wrapped my arm around his neck for support.

  “Is this okay?” He pulled back.

  I nodded. He reacted instantly. He pounced on top of me, his eyes met mine, and he dove in to kiss my neck. His teeth grazed the skin, and I gasped. My whole body tensed up.

  His deep laugh slammed me in the gut. He lifted his head. “You like that?”

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  “Good.” He climbed off me and threw his shirt off. He wasn’t making a show of things. He wanted something. I could already see his bulge resting just below his zipper. When he saw me looking, he made his cock jump. He knew I was eager. I couldn’t hide it.

  He knelt in front of me and swept his finger down my chest and over my stomach, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. Then he lifted my shirt and pulled it up over my arms. I could smell my perfume when he threw it to the side.

  His lips were sweet and gentle, with the lingering touch of his teeth that left chills on my neck and then my chest. He distracted me while he took off my bra, and it worked. I didn’t even feel it when the hook came loose until he slid it out from under me and threw it aside.

  His focus turned to my nipples. His eyes flashed from one to the next, like he couldn’t decide which one he wanted first. “So hot,” he said and licked my nipple, leaving little droplets of moisture behind. I tensed up. He kept going, pressing my nipple between his lips, moving his tongue over the tip while his finger circled over the edge.

  A fluttering whisper bubbled out of my throat. With every swipe of his tongue, it got louder and louder until I cried out. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it any longer, he shoved his hand down my shorts and dug his finger in just past the entrance.

  A hot, tingling feeling built up between my legs. “I’ll bet you liked that, didn’t you?” he asked.

  I nodded and moaned softly.

  Jake licked his lips and pulled his hand out. He unbuttoned my shorts while he focused on the nipple he’d neglected earlier. He circled his tongue around the edge with a playful look in his eyes, then clamped onto it with his teeth. Pain and pleasure radiated from m
y nipple, melding with his breath. Fire roared across my chest and trickled down my stomach.

  He’d unbuttoned my shorts, and he focused on the zipper, inching it down while he teased my areola with his tongue. He pulled them down my legs, tore my panties off, and grabbed me by the hips. “What are you doing?” I yelped.

  “Come here.” He pulled me off the couch and lifted me up. He held me under the knees so I could wrap my legs around him. His cock pressed into my opening. He moved his hips forward, and the tip pushed through.

  “Oh, God,” I cried. Something was ready to make its way to the surface.

  He pulled his hands out from under my knees, and I slid down into a standing position. He grabbed me by the side and bent me over the couch. His hand rested on my hip.

  “Don’t you dare,” I said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lifted his hand.

  “Oh, yes you d—”

  He spanked me hard. “Is that what you were talking about?”

  The tingling sensation spread out from where he slapped my flesh. It hit my wet lips and seemed to drive through. I felt like I grasped at nothing, opening and closing, desperate to take him in. His cock pressed against my cheek. It was skipping up and down, rubbing against the skin.

  He lifted his hand. “This is gonna hurt.” His hand came down hard, leaving behind an intoxicating burn.

  I yelped.

  “So hot,” he said. Jake shifted behind me, and I looked back to see what he was doing. He stepped to the side so I couldn’t look. I turned my head in the other direction, but he was too fast. I heard his zipper falling.

  He smacked his cock on my ass. “You like that?”

  “Yes,” I said with a sigh.

  “Go ahead. Take a look.”

  I turned back. He held the base of his thick cock. When he saw me looking, he smiled and swung it up and down, then slipped his palm up the shaft. The foreskin folded over the head and I shuddered. He growled and slapped his cock down. It was big, bigger than I expected, and something told me that he knew how to use it.

  He reached around and toyed with my clit while he ran his cock over my lips. With every stroke, an unimaginably potent wave of energy flowed up my body and settled deep below my gut. It didn’t dissipate, even when he let my clit go. My anticipation and the desperation I’d tried so hard to ignore egged it on.

  He pushed his cock up and parted my lips. A trickle of moisture pooled up and flowed out onto his dick. That did it. Neither of us could control ourselves. He drilled through and rested his cock on my G-spot.

  At first, I sighed. Then, as he starting to push in and pull out in long, consistent strokes, my voice came out in soft cries. He drove through hard, hit my spot, and flicked my clit. I jolted up and slammed right into it. I had to grab at the couch just to contain the overwhelming need to explode.

  It wasn’t enough. He moved faster now, like a jackhammer, pounding in, pulling out. His cock slid through, and his fingers were like a bow to a violin as they twisted around my clit. The tickle, the burn, and the mounting tension became a flurry of sensation. I couldn’t hold up to this.

  This man was a beast, built for lovemaking. I’d never been with anyone like him. He knew my body better than I knew my own. It became more than just touch. He was orchestrating an explosion, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He loved it.

  He huffed and grunted, straining to get through. His balls slapped up against me, and the force of his hips drove me forward. I dug my face into the leather, grabbed the couch, and instantly, I was reeling, flying, and screaming.

  The rush was uncontrollable. It was alive, roaring through me, sending shivers over my stomach, down my legs, and into the deep, unknown parts of my body. Something jolted inside me, and a hot wave flew out. He kept his dick inside me and massaged my spot as long as he could. When he pulled out, he left me wanting more.

  Chapter Seven


  I stood up with my cock still hanging out of my pants and grabbed a tissue off the end table. She rolled over and watched me with an eager look. I knew what she wanted. She wanted to reach out to me and pull me closer. I hated it. There was always that sense of obligation. I was the bad guy because I couldn’t go any further. Why couldn’t women understand that sometimes it’s just physical?

  It was nothing personal, but I couldn’t tell her that. I couldn’t say anything. If I tried to talk about it, it would just make things worse, and she’d get bitter, so we were stuck in an awkward silence.

  “That was amazing,” she said when I poured myself another drink.

  I brought her one out of courtesy. “Here.” She took it and sat up. I watched her unfold. When I first met her, she was so anxious she could barely breathe. Now she was comfortable, genuine. I loved that. She wasn’t putting up a front. I didn’t think she could if she tried.

  “You’re so innocent. I love it.” I took a drink.

  “I am not innocent.”

  “That’s the thing about innocence. You never know if you are.”

  “I’d like to think of myself as purposefully naïve,” she said.

  “That just makes you sound like a good girl who wants to avoid all the fun things in life. Something tells me that’s not you.”

  “I won’t lie.” She stood up and pulled on her shorts, then strapped her bra on while I reached into my pocket. “I never do this.”

  “It’s your first time?” I asked.

  “Having sex? God, no. Of course not.”

  I held out a folded stack of hundred dollar bills. She cocked her head in confusion.

  “What the hell?” she asked.

  “It’s for you,” I said. “What?”

  “Oh, God.” She sat down and held her head in her hands. “I’m so stupid. I’m going to kill her. I’m going to drive down there right now and wring her slutty little neck. I cannot believe she got me into this. I should’ve known when I saw that prick. I knew there was something seriously wrong with him, and I went along anyway.”

  “What are you talking about? Who is ‘she?’”

  “My soon-to-be-late cousin, Loren. She told me to go down and talk to some thug parody named Tony about a job. She said that it was just a sexy package delivery service. Obviously, it’s a little more than that.”

  “See, you’re innocent.”

  “No, I’m stupid,” I said. “Put that money back in your pocket.”

  “What? After what you did for me?”

  “I’m not a whore. You’re not paying me for sex.”

  I set the wad of money next to her. “It’s not dirty. It’s not wrong. It’s me showing my appreciation for one of the best fuck sessions I’ve had in a long time. You took this job for a reason, and I’ll bet it’s a good one, because you’re right: you’re not a whore.”

  She snapped her eyes shut, reached for the money, and pulled the rubber band off. When the roll snapped open, she opened her eyes and stared at it, shocked. She didn’t say or do anything. I gave her what she deserved, but she clearly couldn’t believe it.

  “Tony won’t make you do it, you know.” I sat down on the end of the couch.

  “Are you sure? Because he must’ve propositioned me at least 60 times.”

  “That’s just how he treats women,” I said. “For the most part, he’s harmless.”

  “So I can just deliver the packages? Won’t the guys expect more?”

  “Stick up for yourself. Set boundaries.”

  “I’m going to kill my cousin. Have I mentioned that?”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t be happy about this either, but there is one perk.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You got a regular.” I rarely got with the same woman twice, but I liked her, which didn’t make any sense. I didn’t like anybody.

  “I don’t know.” She got up and finished getting dressed. “I’ll have to think about that one.”

  “Yes,” I said. “Think about it. Even if you don’t want to work wit
h Tony anymore, you can still come back and see me.”

  I couldn’t believe I was saying this. The idea of inviting a woman into my home was hard enough. I only did it because I didn’t see any other option than spending money on a sleazy hotel. Now I was asking her to come back for seconds. This was a terrible idea.

  Chapter Eight


  “You don’t have to decide all at once,” Jake said.

  I sat down on the couch after getting dressed. He was so close. I could feel him stare at me. I loved it and hated it, all at once. The intensity of it bothered me. His eyes were like daggers, slicing through my clothes, deep to the heart of me.

  I still had the roll of hundreds in my hand. It was an obscene amount of money. I wanted to hand it back, but how could I possibly do that? I had to remind myself that this wasn’t just about me. I had to worry about my father and my mother. Even if they weren’t in the equation, I still had to pay my loans.

  But money wasn’t the most important thing. I had to think about my psyche, and what something like this could do to me. If I agreed to this demented business transaction, I’d probably get attached, and ultimately, end up with a broken heart.

  Sex breeds infatuation. There’s an emotional component to sex, along with the physical part of it. I couldn’t separate the two. I would start having feelings for this guy. If he never felt anything for me back, I’d get bitter, and eventually, I’d crack. I had to say no.

  I reached out to give him the wad of hundreds and opened my mouth. Then I caught his eyes, and I melted. He’d given me one of the most powerful sexual experiences I’d ever had.

  He closed my fingers around the money and pushed my hand back. “It’s okay if you can’t do it. The money’s still yours.”

  He put me in a terrible position. I didn’t want to seem desperate for the cash or the sex, but I didn’t want to make it seem like getting with him was an obligation. That would’ve been rude. What motivated a man to do this kind of thing? It couldn’t be just sex. There was always a psychological button that needed to be pressed.


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