Blood Enthralled (Blood Enchanted, Book Three): A Vampire Hunter Paranormal Romance Series

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Blood Enthralled (Blood Enchanted, Book Three): A Vampire Hunter Paranormal Romance Series Page 1

by Nicola Claire

  Blood Enthralled

  Blood Enchanted Book Three

  Nicola Claire

  Copyright © 2018, Nicola Claire

  All Rights Reserved

  © Cover Art by Cora Graphics

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  ISBN: 978-0-473-46228-4

  Created with Vellum


  About the Author

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  Also By Nicola Claire


  1. I Am The Firstborn

  2. The New Mhachkay Era

  3. End This

  4. We Are Not Kindred

  5. Still Unexplained

  6. Well, That’s Unfortunate

  7. This Was Going To Be A Mess

  8. It Made Me Mad

  9. Lights Out

  10. You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

  11. He Didn’t Know

  12. I Have No Doubt

  13. Five Hundred Years In The Making

  14. The Boogeyman Under His Bed

  15. Now The Crowd Went Wild

  16. Let Her

  17. Damn It

  18. And They Have Chosen

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  About the Author

  Nicola Claire lives in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband and two young boys.

  She's tried her hand at being a paramedic, bank teller and medical sales representative, (not all necessarily in that order), but her love of writing keeps calling her back.

  She has a passion for all things suspenseful, spiced up with a good dollop of romance, as long as they include strong characters - alpha males and capable females - and worlds which although make-believe are really quite believable in the end.

  There's nothing better than getting caught up in a compelling, intriguing and romantic book.

  When she's not writing or reading, she's out on her family boat at Lake Taupo, teaching her young boys to fish, showing them the beauty that surrounds them in nature and catching some delicious trout for dinner.

  Creating rich worlds with dynamic characters and unexpected twists that shock and awe has been pure bliss for this author. And just as well, because there's a lot more story yet to tell...

  For more information:

  [email protected]

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  Also By Nicola Claire

  Kindred Series


  Blood Life Seeker

  Forbidden Drink

  Giver of Light

  Dancing Dragon

  Shadow's Light

  Entwined With The Dark

  Kiss Of The Dragon

  Dreaming Of A Blood Red Christmas (Novella)

  Mixed Blessing Mystery Series

  Mixed Blessing

  Dark Shadow

  Rogue Vampire (Coming Soon)

  Sweet Seduction Series

  Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

  Sweet Seduction Serenade

  Sweet Seduction Shadow

  Sweet Seduction Surrender

  Sweet Seduction Shield

  Sweet Seduction Sabotage

  Sweet Seduction Stripped

  Sweet Seduction Secrets

  Sweet Seduction Sayonara

  Elemental Awakening Series

  The Tempting Touch Of Fire

  The Soothing Scent Of Earth

  The Chilling Change Of Air

  The Tantalising Taste Of Water

  The Eternal Edge Of Aether (Novella)

  H.E.A.T. Series

  A Flare Of Heat

  A Touch Of Heat

  A Twist Of Heat (Novella)

  A Lick Of Heat (Coming Soon)

  Citizen Saga




  Masked (Novella)


  Scarlet Suffragette Series




  Blood Enchanted Series

  Blood Enchanted

  Blood Entwined

  Blood Enthralled

  44 South Series

  Southern Sunset

  Southern Storm

  Southern Strike (Coming Soon)

  Lost Time Series

  Losing Time

  Making Time

  Stitching Time (Coming Soon)

  The Sector Fleet

  Accelerating Universe

  Apparent Brightness

  Right Ascension

  Zenith Point

  The Summer O’Dare Mysteries

  Chasing Summer (Coming Soon)


  The fans.

  Just that.

  For you.


  Accord – A blood binding agreement, often between two parties of equal power; cannot be broken.

  Álfheimr – (Fey) Faerie. Home to the Fey.

  Cadı - (Turkish) Witch

  Canım - (Turkish) My dear.

  Command – A directive given by a Master vampire to one of his line. It requires Sanguis Vitam in order to enforce obedience. It cannot be ignored.

  Dökkálfa – (Fey) The Dark Fey.

  Dolaşık - (Turkish) Entwined.

  Dream Walk – A Nosferatin power, enabling the Nosferatin to appear in a different location. The Dream Walker is invisible, cannot be sensed or smelled, and only heard if they talk when in this realm. They can, however, interact and be harmed. The only exception to a Dream Walker's invisibility is another Nosferatin. A very rare power.

  Erbörü - (Turkish) Shapeshifter native to Ottoman Empire.

  Elska – (Fey) Literally love. An elska is a mœðr. A member of the fey can only ever have one elska in their lives. They are in tune with the Light or ljós within their matched fairy and potentially will become their one true love.

  Fīfrildi – (Fey) A type of winged fairy. Yellow Dökkálfa Fey.

  Final death – The true death of a Nosferatu. There can be no survival from the final death.

  Glaze – The ability to influence another. It requires direct eye contact and Sanguis Vitam to insert the influence. Usually a Nosferatu skill, allowing a vampire to influence a human.

  Grey Lords – The Dökkálfa law keepers.

  Günaha - (Turkish) Temptation.

  Hanımefendi - (Turkish) Consort to a Mhachkay lord.

  Hyrða – (Fey) Fairy guards. Green Dökkálfa Fey.

  Iunctio – (Latin) The Nosferatu connection and governing power. All vampires are connected to one another via this supernatural information exchange highway; enabling sharing of rules, locations of safe havens and hot spots to avoid.
It is powered by both Nosferatu and Nosferatin Sanguis Vitam, but is operated by the Nosferatu in Auckland. There are twelve members of the Iunctio council, headed by the Champion. The Iunctio is tasked with policing all supernaturals throughout the world.

  Joining – The marriage of a kindred Nosferatu with a kindred Nosferatin. Upon joining the Nosferatu will double their Sanguis Vitam and the Nosferatin will come into their powers, but for the Nosferatin, their powers will only manifest after reaching maturity; the age of 25. The joining will also make the Nosferatin immortal. A symbiotic relationship, should one member of the joining die, the other will too. Without a joining, the Nosferatin would die one month past their 25th birthday. The joining also increases the power of the Iunctio and Nosferatu as a whole.

  Kafinefendi - (Turkish) Queen

  Kan büyülü - (Turkish) Enchanted blood.

  Kindred – A Nosferatu or Nosferatin sacred match, a suitable partner for a joining. To be a kindred there must exist a connection between the Nosferatu and Nosferatin; only those suitably compatible will be kindred to the other.

  Kral - (Turkish) King.

  Line – The family of a master vampire, all members of which have been turned by the master, or accepted via blood bond into the fold.

  Ljósálfar – (Fey) The Light Fey.

  Lux Lucis Tribuo – (Latin) The Giver of Light. The third part of the Prophecy. The Lux Lucis Tribuo is charged with balancing the Dark in Dark vampires out with their Light.

  Master – A Nosferatu with the highest level of Sanguis Vitam. There are five levels of Master, from level five – the lowest on the Sanguis Vitam scale, to level one – the highest on the Sanguis Vitam scale. Only level one Masters can head a line of their own. Some Nosferatu may never become Masters.

  Master of the City – A level one Master in control of a territory; a city.

  Mœðr – (Fey) Mother or mate. A human capable of parenting fey offspring.

  Muska - (Turkish) Black magic.

  Norm – A human unaware of the supernaturals who walk the Earth. They also do not have any supernatural abilities themselves.

  Nosferatin – (Nosferat–een) - A vampire hunter by birth. Nosferatin were once of the same ilk as Nosferatu, descendants from the same ancestors, or God. The Nosferatin broke off and turned towards the Light. Their sole purpose is to bring the Nosferatu back from the Dark, this can include dispatching them, bringing them the final death, when they cannot be saved. They are now a mix of human and Nosferatin genetics.

  Nosferatu – A vampire. The Nosferatu turned towards the Dark, when their kin, the Nosferatin turned towards the Light. They require blood to survive and can be harmed by UV exposure and silver. They do not need to breathe or have a heartbeat. They are considered the undead.

  Nothus - (Latin) An illegal combination of two species, for example Nosferatin - Nosferatu mix. Considered illegitimate by the Iunctio and a kill-on-sight order stands for any Nothus uncovered.

  Ordular - (Turkish) Armies

  Píka - (Fey) A gift or prize, usually a virgin girl.

  Prohibitum Bibere – (Latin) The Forbidden Drink. The second part of the Prophecy. The Prohibitum Bibere is a siren to the Dark vampires throughout the world, calling their Darkness towards the Light.

  Pull – The Nosferatin sense of evil. Guides a hunter to a Dark vampire; sometimes, but not always a rogue, who is about to feed off an innocent.

  Rogue – A vampire no longer controlled by a master, full of evil and Darkness, feeding indiscriminately and uncontrolled.

  Rüya Dokumacı - (Turkish) Dream Weaver. A Dark Nosferatu talent allowing the vampires to weave illusions around his prey to keep them compliant.

  Sanguis Vitam – (Latin) The Blood Life or life force of a Nosferatu. It represents the power they possess. There are varying degrees of Sanguis Vitam.

  Sanguis Vitam Cupitor – (Latin) The Blood Life Seeker. The first part of the Prophecy. The Sanguis Vitam Cupitor can sense and find all Dark vampires throughout the world.

  Savaşçı - (Turkish) Warrior.

  Sigillum – (Latin) A permanent mark of possession.

  Silah - (Turkish) Weapon.

  Taniwha – (Maori) New Zealand Shape Shifter. Dangerous, predatory beings.

  Teşekkür ederim - (Turkish) Thank you.

  Turned – The action of changing a human into a vampire.

  Vampyre – Old term for vampire; used rarely in modern language.

  Veðr - (Fey) Wind Fey, small Dökkálfa creatures that live in trees.

  Vinr – (Fey) Vanguard. The first of the fey to cross a portal. Their job is to ensure it is safe for other fey to follow.

  “Together we are stronger. Apart we are weak.”

  Hakan Bahar

  “Two hearts. Two souls. And now two swords.”

  Éliane Durand


  I Am The Firstborn

  The shadows had eyes and they were staring right at us. Considering we’d only just stepped through an almost impossible to detect portal from Faerie, I didn’t particularly like this development.

  The Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul surrounded us. Goran and Ediz to one side of Hakan and myself. Bodies alert, postures reminiscent of soldiers under attack, eyes darting from shadowed corner to shadowed corner.

  Nothing stirred, just the occasional dust flurry as heavily salted air from the nearby Aegean Sea swirled around the remains of the holy courtyard. The mosque glinted blue-grey in the pre-dawn light, the column I’d seen destroyed in Hakan’s zilant realm also destroyed here on Earth.

  What sort of power did the Mhachkay possess?

  I pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on our surroundings. The mosque appeared empty, save for us. The air heavy with the scents of a waking city. Sea salt drifted on the air. The gentle clanking of fishing vessels accompanying it. The shadows brightened. Nothing moved.

  If it hadn’t have been for the ribbons inside my stomach, the psychic talent I’d acquired since maturing at the age of twenty-five, I would have thought we were alone.

  But the shadows had eyes, they told me.

  Goran snapped the portal shut behind us, the scent of ozone dissipating on the air. Ediz growled low, shook his body out like a dog would after having gotten itself wet, and glared at the mosque in all its crumbling glory.

  Turkey, much like of the rest of the world, suffered greatly in the aftermath of the vampires disclosing their existence to humanity. Riots had ensued and eventually been put down. But even in Iunctio free Istanbul, there had been damage. The mosque was a broken shell of its former glory and a reminder to humans daily that monsters did, in fact, exist.

  “Lady Ellie?” Goran whispered, likely sensing my unease. Fairies were empathic like that. Or the Dark King’s guard was simply observant.

  I rolled my eyes at the Hyrða’s inability to call me by my given name, but returned my gaze to the surroundings immediately. I noticed absently that Goran had glamoured himself. He still looked buff and frightening, in an I’m-going-to-kick-your-butt-and-eat-you kind of way, but he was no longer green and his teeth looked normal.

  Their duplicity astounded.

  “We are not alone,” I said.

  “No,” Hakan agreed. He didn’t seem alarmed. But the ribbons were not so dismissive of the threat that hung in the air.

  “Show yourselves!” I shouted, slipping the Kilij into my hand. I’m not sure why I chose Hakan’s sword, but at the last moment, the ribbons had directed my hand to the Mhachkay sword’s hilt at my hip and not the Svante’s sheath down my spine.

  Hakan let his eyes wash over the curved blade, and then he stepped forward, placing himself in front of me but just to the side as if he knew blocking my view right now could prove fatal.

  “I wondered how long it would take,” he murmured. I realised he’d been speaking Turkish. The fact that I understood his words made me blink. Was this because of the Entwining? No. I’d had to ask what the word for warrior was. Was it because we’d shared marks? I�
�d never heard of that happening before.

  No, the ribbons said. Sex, they whispered and proceeded to show me the three rounds of mind-blowingly good sex we’d had before leaving the fairy bedroom in Dökkálfa.

  I closed my eyes, but that didn’t help; the ribbons were part of me now, a part that came from deep inside. I shook my head, gripped my sword tighter, and threw my thoughts at Hakan. Magic sex? Is that how the Mhachkay work?

  His lips twitched, but he didn't turn to look at me. Instead, he kept his eyes on the shadows as they slowly brightened.

  Magic sex, then. Cute. Hakan snorted, the sound muted, but I’d heard it.

  A figure emerged from the closest shadows; perhaps drawn by Hakan’s unusual-for-him behaviour. Bey Hakan Bahar was not the snorting kind of vampire. Tanned skinned, near black hair, leather straps wrapped around the newcomer’s arms, blood-darkened armour protecting a broad chest, riveted and segmented leather strips covering his hips and thighs in a skirt. Beneath it all, gold flowing robes swished.


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