Bluest of Blue (#dirtysexygeeks #3)

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Bluest of Blue (#dirtysexygeeks #3) Page 16

by Melissa Blue

  There was nothing about Sophie he didn't want to bask in, and because his intent was to drive her half-crazy, he slowly licked the digits. Her pussy closed around him a second before she moaned, and that was a ringing endorsement.

  “Grip something if you need to.”

  She needed to and he took his time, loving the way she squirmed, panted. He detailed it all and committed her reactions to memory. He meant it when he said she was beautiful, but the words weren't enough. Not when her nipples tightened to two sharp points. The pink of her inner lips flushed. When she clenched around his two fingers, her hips pumped as she raced toward her orgasm. Beautiful was such a weak word to describe her.

  “More?” he asked.

  “Yes. Yes.”

  He seated his fingers to the hilt, soaking them with her arousal. She quaked around him, still riding from the climax.

  He slipped out of her and relaxed on his haunches. “You know the drill. If it hurts...”

  With one hand he pressed her leg back to get better access and with the other Wade pressed his middle finger to the tight star and rubbed around the sensitive skin until her anus glistened. Testing her, he pushed the tip inside. She didn’t tense from the intrusion, likely too relaxed from the orgasm so he pressed deeper. She gasped.

  “Too much?” he asked.


  He rolled her clit with his thumb. She tensed, braced for the orgasm. He coaxed the swollen hood until she moaned long and hard and left enough arousal to dampen his palm. He used it to insert two fingers. With only the slightest movement, he fucked her softly.

  “More?” he asked.


  His heartbeat pounded in his cock at her answer. He wanted to believe he was just that good, but even he had limits to his prowess. He removed his hand. “Don't just say it, mean it.”

  She met his gaze and then shifted the comforter to find the pile of sex paraphernalia. Sophie chose the glass dildo. He stilled and could only watch. Was he breathing? Probably not from the way the world tilted and his head swam. The sensation only intensified when she penetrated herself.

  Her legs dropped open, and he had to shift to keep her ankle propped on his shoulder. Then he could only watch and take note because this was what she liked. It wasn't just a show. Sophie was going to get herself off the way she needed. She needed to grasp one breast then tug on the tip. First she needed the dildo deep then short, fast pumps as she edged closer to a climax.

  “Fuck me,” he growled as his control unraveled.

  Blindly he grabbed a condom from the pile and slipped the rubber over his cock. One eye remained fixed on Sophie as she fucked herself. Her movements sped up as she threw her head back and bit her lip. The world stilled as she panted her way through the orgasm, no moans. She pulled her leg from his hold and dropped her heel to rest against the mattress. A long purr spilled out as her gaze skated toward his for a moment. No blush though.

  A moment of them holding each other's stare and then Sophie moved the dildo again, deeper, faster. Wade could only repeat in his head “be gentle” because what he wanted to do in response was rough. With care, he covered the condom with a generous amount of lube, doing his best to ignore the way his skin tightened at her every moan.

  Wade pressed his cock to her anus and waited.

  She gripped the dildo, her lids low. “I want you to fuck me like this.”

  He clenched his jaw. He wanted her consent, needed it...but fuck. “Don't talk.”

  She laughed and pulled the toy away. “You were the one to get me to seven.”

  He leaned forward then braced his hands on both sides of her head. “Kiss me,” he murmured against her mouth.

  There was enough prep—she was blindly aroused, lubrication would ease his way and she was more than willing. Still he took care when he urged his hips forward. A soft pained gasp escaped her mouth and he gave her tongue, waiting for her to get used to him inside her like this.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  Her chest rose and fell against his. “Yes.”

  He pushed deeper. She stretched around him, tensed and relaxed all within seconds. No pained gasps. He fed her more of his cock, past her natural resistance, more until his balls rested along her ass, and their chests were flushed against each other.

  “Too much?” he asked, seeing fucking stars at the tight embrace.

  Sophie shifted her legs up, rooting him inside. Her sharp inhale tightened his stomach but she said, “Kiss me.”

  He didn't know how long he did, but eventually she arched her hips and he lost his fucking vision. Or closed his eyes. Either possibility was likely. How could he not move with her? Find the beat of her lazy hip roll and fuck her back. Her ass was tighter than a fist and with the lube he slipped in and out with ease.

  She closed a hand on his hair and tugged hard. “I love seven.”

  “Don't fucking talk,” he bit out.

  She pressed her hand to his cheek to push him back until he was on his haunches again. The dildo went in. “I love seven so much. More. Deeper. Fucking love it.”

  He cursed her very existence, and she might have laughed or moaned but he couldn't hear worth a shit anymore. His blood was pounding. The flat edge of the toy rested along his pubic hair. He grasped her hands and pulled them above her head.

  Yeah. He'd lost control. Wade could only hope the way she parted her mouth, no audible noise leaking out, meant he'd made the sex good, so fucking good. Her wrists were delicate and she was wet enough they wouldn't need more chocolate-flavored lube so he fucked her.

  Fucked her until he couldn't think, just feel. The sensations slamming into him were everything. Breathing didn't matter. Soft didn't even hit the list. Her low moans turned into strangled whimpers.

  Dully he felt the sting of her teeth into his neck, his chest. He couldn't come yet. This level of pleasure should never end. Wade wanted it to wash over him forever, but then she clenched around him and the glass so fucking hard it stole his breath. The pleasure became a thud and it pounded into his spine, his balls.

  He took her mouth again and rode the sensations. The glass warmed against his skin and he knew his every thrust left her feeling full. Her pussy and ass spasmed around him again and again then the rush of arousal soaked them both as she came with a scream.

  That ended the ride. He let go of her hands, slipped one between their bodies and flicked the swollen bud to send her into oblivion.

  “Wade,” she breathed.

  He couldn't answer. Couldn't do anything but come and shudder and murmur her name over and over because the only thing that mattered in the universe was Sophie.


  (sin π/2)(26-3(√-169)/√-1

  Given he'd only gone to sleep a few hours ago, his cell phone rang much too loud and too early. “What?” he grouched into the mouthpiece.

  “How'd it go?” Grady asked, his voice too fucking chipper for any reason.

  Wade scrubbed at the sleep in his eyes. “Can we talk about this never?”

  “Nope. I put on my asshole cape and came to your rescue. Did she want to take your virginity again?”

  He'd had the best sex of his life. If he just thought about a detail of it, his morning wood would carry him over the edge to coming. “Am I like this?” he had to ask.

  “I remember, in a homicidal way, how proud you were when I earned my muff scruff badge.”

  Wade smiled recalling that. “You did so good, and look at you now. You're practically married.”

  “And should I expect wedding bells?”

  Wade searched for Sophie. At some point during the night, she'd stolen all the pillows and burrowed. The comforter covered his junk and that was about it. “Is this the only reason why you called?”

  “Victor's cooking.”

  He was starving. “What is he making?”

  “He didn't say.”

  Which meant it wasn't even cooked yet. “Something fried. I'll bring the Maalox.”

  “You aren't curious as to why.”

  He thought about Vic and any reason his friend would feel the need to cook for everyone. “Something about the wedding, I'm sure. What time?”

  “Roll around noon, and maybe you'll be fed by four.”

  Sounded about right for one of their hangouts. “I got the beer.”

  “I called Porter first.”

  “Fuck.” That meant he'd end up on clean up duty. “See you in a few hours.” He paused. “And never call me this early again.”

  “Late nights can do that to you. You can thank me by bringing paper plates.”

  His brother hung up before an argument could ensue. Wade tossed his phone to the end of the bed. He wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. A moment of indecision kept him still. Moment over, he took a pillow and then another until all Sophie could burrow in was him.

  Eventually, she rubbed her face against his chest and murmured, “What do you want?”

  No good morning, no smile just grumpiness. He grunted his approval. “I've been summoned by my brother.”

  She scoffed. “Oh, now he cares.”

  He frowned until he remembered Grady was supposed to be a uncaring, asshole brother. “He just wants something from me,” he lied easily. “I don't take it too personally.”

  She snuggled more. “Wake me up right before you leave and I'll head home.”

  That meant giving her too much time to think. “Go with me.”

  The invitation made her open her eyes. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  She bit her bottom lip, the sleep clearing from her gaze. “I didn't bring any clothes and it'll take me forever to get ready and they're your friends.”

  The last was likely the most important. “I know I'm supposed to reassure you with soft words, but if I have to wait until tomorrow to have you again, I'm probably going to get violent with everyone who speaks to me.”

  The worry dropped away when she smiled. “So going with you keeps everyone safe?”

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  “I need to teach you how to say romantic things.”

  That sounded like long-term, and it made him want to kiss her. “My brother's place is my second home. My friends are my family. I really want you to meet them.”

  She lifted her face to his and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Guess I don't have to teach you anything. I'll go, but I'm telling you the perfection you see all the time takes work, and I'm already running on a few hours of sleep.”

  “I'll take you to your place, but I just need one promise from you.”

  The worry lines came back, crinkling the skin above her brow. “What?”

  “You let me watch you get dressed.”

  She laughed. “You're so uncomplicated.”

  He hadn't heard what he needed so he didn't return the laugh.

  She sighed. “Yes, you can watch me get dressed.”

  Wade put all the pillows back on top of her and got ready.


  Sophie went against everything she believed in by showering at Wade's and putting old clothes back on. Her motivation had everything to do with Wade driving both of them to Grady's. He'd have to come inside her house because her prep would take some time. It was Cal's day off from work. She'd find him on the couch binge-watching all the shows he'd missed that week.

  Nerves made her heart tap dance when the lock tumblers fell. Wade's warmth at her back didn't reassure her. Imagining just how this could go down, she faced him. He’d traded in the beach bum for normal guy. T-shirt, jeans and boots hid...him. The man studying her face didn't look like a sarcastic jackass or deviant in bed. She was still sore in all the right places, and if he so much as blew on her inner ear she'd jump him. Right where he stood.

  “You look worried,” he said.

  “I am,” she said simply. She didn't like that he felt jealous and possessive of her, but she could understand the baser need. And with Wade it definitely wouldn't stem from insecurity. His ego had its own area code.

  “I can wait in the car if you think I won't behave.”

  She put her hand on his chest. “Can you do polite?”

  “I can.”

  For some reason she didn't trust his wording. “Can you be polite with Cal when you go inside?”

  He laughed. “You're getting to know me.”

  But that wasn't an agreement. “He was there after Angelo, and he means a lot to me. It would mean the world to me if you two could get along.”

  Wade leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You can't stand my brother.”

  She winced. “Okay. I see your point.”

  “I'll behave.”

  Appeased, she stepped inside. The stereo was on blast, and this time Cal had decided to play Aaliyah's “Rock the Boat,” which would only make sense to them. The first time she'd spent the night at a man's house, she'd hummed that tune mindlessly.

  As expected the Footloose slide came next. He had the good grace to blanch when he saw Wade. Today there wasn't an apron but the table was covered in desserts. He'd been experimenting. The perfect thing to come home to after a late night fucking session.

  Wade closed the door behind him. She went to turn off the music. Once it was off, she made the awkward introductions.

  “Wade, I would like you to meet my best friend Cal.” She strode toward her friend. “I'll be upstairs getting dressed. We're headed to his brother's house.”

  Three sentences but she'd told both men the terms of whatever battle they wanted to fight without her there. If she was going to his brother's house this was a relationship, not a fling.

  And she had moved toward Cal because she wanted to see what was on the table. Red velvet cupcakes. She'd gone that far so she grabbed one and found that it was white chocolate icing.

  Cal laughed at her. “I knew you would go for those first.” He lowered his voice so only she could hear. “And I won't grill him.”

  He faced Wade. “Nice to meet you again. Do you like dessert?”

  Wade glanced at her and sighed. “What do you have?”

  Sophie took in her first deep breath since walking through her door. He was passing up the opportunity to see her get dressed to bond with her friend. Everything would be fine. She left them alone.

  Thirty minutes later she came downstairs to a very quiet house. Wade sat on the couch playing with his phone and she didn't see Cal.

  “Should I be worried?” she asked.

  Wade glanced up and smiled. “You didn't straighten your hair.”

  She peeked into the kitchen and still no sign of her friend. “Didn't have the time. You guys were friendly but...Where is he?”

  “He went to his room.” He stood, pocketing his phone.

  “That's it?”

  “You can go up and check to make sure he's still alive. I kept my promise.”

  The emphasis was not lost on her. “What happened?”

  Wade exhaled and seemed to consider what he wanted to say and, knowing him, how he'd say it. “We came to an understanding.”

  “And that was?”

  “He wants the best for you. We agreed on that.” He hesitated then nodded as though that covered it all. “Are you ready to go?”

  From the stony expression that followed, Sophie guessed she wouldn't get anything else out of him. But that left Cal. He'd get grilled when she returned home.

  “Well, I'm ready.”

  He chuckled. “Dying to know, aren't you?”

  She moved toward the door. “Nope.”

  “Remind me to teach you how to lie better.” She could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

  “Fooled you that first day just fine.” She stopped and turned. “And stop looking at my ass as I walk away.”

  He only smiled. Thankfully that set the tone for the ride over to Grady's—a light and playful mood.

  He narrowed his eyes though when he pulled up to his brother's home. He said, “You were more nervous about me meeting Cal.�

  “Porter and your brother looked at me a bit...weird, but meeting new people has never been my problem. I'm likeable, goddammit.”

  He rested his wrist on the steering wheel and stared at her for a second. “What do you mean they look at you weird?”

  “I don't know.” She waved her hand. “Like they were expecting something else. What did you tell them?”

  He didn't blink as he said, “You were a pain in my ass.”

  “I'm not anymore?” Then she thought about who she was asking. “Never mind.”


  She ignored that and got out of the car, even beat him to the door. Apparently chuckling made it hard to walk. He'd pulled out keys.

  That gave her pause and she twisted to take in his face. “You have keys to your brother's house?”

  “And his car.”

  “Huh.” She didn't have a lot of experience with siblings, but that didn't seem the norm for men so young.

  He pushed open the door but didn't go inside. “You gave me a warning and I should give you one.”

  Nerves flirted at the edge of her calm demeanor. “Yeah?”

  “My friends are assholes. There will be teasing, bets, a lot of gaming, low-brow humor. Be the first in line to eat. Don't be shy because there won't be leftovers. And whatever you do, whatever, don't—”

  “Wade!” Came a female voice from inside the house.

  His features softened. Sophie blinked and the owner of that voice hurled herself at Wade. A warm, open smile spread so easily at the greeting. It was a smile, a look Sophie had never seen before. Wade gave her cocky smiles, mischievous ones or ones filled with dirty promises. She swallowed and forced herself to look at the woman who had turned Wade into someone she'd never met.

  The woman came up to his chin, barely, a short bob highlighted sharp cheekbones. Her eyes seemed golden in the fading sunlight. So did her skin. She was breathtaking.

  Her bubbly voice filled the silence. “I haven't seen you in a month. Where have you been hiding? I've missed you. No, I take that back. I've missed you giving everyone shit.”


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