The Little Brooklyn Bakery

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The Little Brooklyn Bakery Page 25

by Julie Caplin

  ‘Do you know what, I haven’t had pizza for ages. That would be perfect.’

  ‘Phew,’ she saw him relax, ‘because it’s seriously stressful taking a foodie out for dinner. I’ve been checking recommendations for the last two days.’

  ‘You have?’ Suddenly all the hesitation and uncertainty she’d been feeling since Monday vanished as quickly as an extinguished match.

  ‘Yes, it’s too hard. Unless it’s a work thing, a launch or an opening, in future you have to decide where we go. Do you know how many restaurants there are in Brooklyn?’

  ‘Ever heard of Trip Advisor?’ laughed Sophie.

  ‘Yes,’ said Todd, sitting up and wrapping an arm around her, ‘and then you get sucked into reading all the reviews. You think you’ve got it nailed and then someone says it was the worst meal of their life. So you cross that one off the list. And how do you know how discerning these people are?’

  ‘You’re not trying to impress me, are you?’

  ‘Of course, I am,’ said Todd, the twinkle back in his eye. ‘I have my international playboy reputation to think of.

  ‘What time shall I pick you up tomorrow? I won’t see you later, I’m leaving the office this afternoon and heading up to Queens for a press launch. Some new men’s grooming product. I shall come back smelling of “Courage”, “All Man” or “Noble”. The press releases are highly amusing.’

  Sophie pulled a face. ‘Grooming product always sounds slightly wrong. As if you’re a poodle or something.’

  Todd’s face fell comically, ‘Wet-dog smell? You really do my ego the power of good.’

  When Sophie went back to work her spirits had been lifted – so high, in fact, that she thought she might be able to float up to her office without the aid of the lift. Todd had clearly been thinking about her and their date. Sitting at her desk, she spent half an hour gazing out of the window, reliving the lunch-time conversation and the way Todd’s shirt had ridden up, leaving a tantalising glimpse of bare tanned stomach. And how his eyes had twinkled even damn more when he’d caught her looking. Even now she felt a little flustered and scratchy. Was it wrong to be so looking forward to tomorrow night? She must remember to put fresh sheets on the bed. Whoa! Sophie, where did that thought come from? She’d turned into a complete slapper. But she was due some fun and these next few months were going to be that.

  She almost ignored the phone ringing on the desk, until she realised it was hers and not Todd’s.

  ‘Sophie, we’ve got a bit of a problem. Pigs in blankets.’ Trudy’s voice sounded furious.


  ‘Tell me what a pig in blanket looks like?’

  ‘Bacon wrapped around a chipolata sausage.’

  ‘Do you know what a pig in blanket looks like here?’

  Sophie paused and did a quick search on Google. ‘Oh shoot …’ The pastry-wrapped sausages looked more like sausage rolls and definitely very different.

  ‘You haven’t seen the shots from the Christmas shoot yesterday, have you?’

  ‘No,’ said Sophie. She’d prepared the turkey and the vegetables for the stylist and had okayed the props and the set. The photographer was experienced enough to take it from there and Madison had insisted she was happy to stay and supervise.

  ‘I think you might want to come to my office to take a look and explain to me how I’m going to find a spare thousand dollars for another day’s photography shoot.’

  Chapter 23

  ‘I honestly thought I was going to get the sack. Trudy was mad as hell,’ said Sophie, cupping her hands around a cup of coffee and inhaling the familiar scent. She’d sought out Bella in the kitchen, attracted by the welcome smell of baking. ‘I was worried sick until I got home half an hour ago.’ It had been the longest afternoon of her life as she’d sat with an incandescent Trudy and the photographer while they’d looked at every possible permutation of cropping or Photoshopping the picture to remove the offending items.

  ‘It was only when I got home that I got a text from Trudy, apologising. Lauren, one of the food techs, had been to see her. She’d been there when I handed over my recipe to Madison, who’d commented on how different they were to US pigs in blankets. She’d also been there when the stylist had queried them and Madison had insisted that I’d said that’s what I wanted. So instead of nice bacon-wrapped sausages, there were these bulky pastry-wrapped things that looked completely out of place.’

  ‘The cow. The absolute cow.’ Bella paced around the kitchen waving an icing bag. ‘What a bitch. I can’t believe Madison deliberately set you up.’

  ‘It didn’t do her much good because Trudy told her straight that she knew she’d done it on purpose. When Madison tried to protest, Trudy said you query everything Sophie says in the editorial meetings, what changed? Apparently that shut her up.’

  ‘What have you done to upset her?’

  ‘I don’t think being invited to the Hamptons with Todd was my best move.’

  ‘And that’s your fault?’

  ‘Maybe not, but after today the knives will be out. She caught Todd kissing me in the lift.’

  ‘Dirty trollop. How is he? I haven’t seen him since he dropped us off.’

  ‘Today was the first time I’d seen him since Sunday. We’re going out tomorrow. Want me to send your love?’

  ‘No, its fine. Right, I’m going to shut up shop. I’m actually going out tonight.’ Bella brightened. ‘Wine and food not cooked by me.’

  ‘With Wes?’

  ‘No chance.’ Bella’s mouth turned downwards. ‘I asked him if he fancied coming out for a drink, but he turned me down again.’

  The first hit of ice-cold white wine down her throat was so welcome, it was tempting to knock back the whole glass and pour another straight away. The day’s heat seemed to have collected and pooled in the apartment, and the day’s stress had left her restless and unable to settle. Already she felt a new trickle of sweat starting to collect at the back of her neck where her damp ponytail hung. It was Friday night, for goodness’ sake. She should be out. There was nothing on television she fancied, the book she’d filched at the weekend from Celine’s library wasn’t holding her interest and the families enjoying the early evening in the neighbouring gardens had put her off sitting solo on the deck.

  She lifted the edge of her vest and flapped it, trying to cool herself down, even putting her cold wineglass on her belly. The unexpected knock at the door startled her. With a jerk of her arm, she jolted the glass, tipping a cold steam of wine across her skin, trickling down over her cotton shorts as if she’d wet herself. ‘Damn.’ It was probably Bella checking up on her on her way out.

  Opening the door, she came face to face with a navy-blue linen shirt and had to adjust her eye-line upwards. ‘Todd!’


  Everything inside her suddenly turned to mush. His hair was damp around the edges but he had that just-showered delicious man-smell, a combination of cedar, sandalwood and something indefinable.

  ‘What are you …?’ her voice petered out.

  He stepped forward, ducking his head as if suddenly shy. ‘I was … er, passing. Wondered if you … er … fancied a drink or something.’ His voice grew a bit stronger. ‘It’s a lovely evening.’

  ‘Oh,’ she looked down at herself, ‘I’m not dressed. And I’ve just spilled my wine. I haven’t …’

  ‘I can see that,’ he said gravely, before a tell-tale quirk to his lips gave him away. ‘I’m not sure whether I want you to get dressed or not. It’s a very fetching …’ He nodded his head towards her skimpy vest. She didn’t need to look down to know that both nipples were making a spectacle of themselves. It seemed ridiculously coy to try and cover herself.

  She turned her back on him, saying over her shoulder, ‘Would you like to come in? I’ve just opened a bottle of wine and I’ve got some beer in the fridge.’

  ‘Beer would be great, it’s hot …’ he paused, ‘out there.’

  Without looking at him, she cro
ssed quickly to the kitchen area and yanked open the fridge, grateful for the cool flow of air that hit her. The temperature in the apartment had just hit a thousand degrees Fahrenheit, or was that just her? Any minute now she was about to spontaneously combust, and by the looks of things, she wasn’t the only one. Flipping off the top, she put the beer bottle to her face before turning to find that he’d followed her across the room.

  ‘Here,’ she thrust the bottle at him. Calmly he took it from her and put it down on the bench, before sliding his hands around her waist under her vest top and slowly pulling her to him.

  ‘Sorry, I should have called, but I’ve been thinking about you all day,’ his thumbs stroked her skin in small circles, ‘and tomorrow night seemed …’

  Whatever it seemed, she never found out because his words ended as his lips homed in on hers with magnetic accuracy. Like a sunflower she tipped up her head in happy anticipation and the minute his mouth touched hers, her stomach went into free fall, her heart flickering like a lantern in a storm.

  No denying it – the breathless excitement of kissing Todd McLennan was utterly addictive. Whether it was playboy technique or maybe they fitted, she couldn’t say, but it felt like fireworks and sunbeams every time. Little fizzing explosions and gorgeous warmth.

  Just as all the joints in her limbs appeared to have dissolved and she was in danger of melting into him, they backed into the bench and were brought up short by a sudden clink and rattle. With a handy save Todd reached out and managed to catch the bottle, spewing foaming beer from the neck, before it plunged over the side.

  For a minute he stood there with the beer foaming over his wrist.

  ‘Between us we seem to be wasting alcohol at a vast rate of knots,’ he said, taking a quick sip to stop the flow.

  For a second she considered licking the drips of beer running down his forearm and caught his eye. She blushed as he raised one eyebrow with an I-know-exactly-what-you’re-thinking lift.

  ‘Shall we go out on the deck?’ she asked hurriedly and, before he could answer, she picked up her wineglass and was out of the door.

  Of course, he looked amused when he followed her. None of this was new to him, whereas she was feeling a little bit out of her depth. James had been a strictly lights-off, in-bed-and-after-dark man, whereas she had a feeling Todd was more of a Martini man, anywhere and anyplace.

  ‘I thought maybe you’d heard about the disaster in the office today.’

  ‘No? What happened?’

  Sophie nibbled at her lip, a dull ache settling in her stomach as she looked at him. Yup, he was absolutely, bloody gorgeous, especially now he was slightly dishevelled. The linen shirt was crumpled around the hem where she’d pushed it up to touch his skin. Run her hands over his lean hips. Her mouth dried, she wanted to get her hands on him again. She felt herself turn pink again at the thought of running her fingers down his abs, over his chest. Those days on the beach had revealed exactly what was on offer.

  ‘Do you know what, I don’t want to talk about it now. I’d rather do something else.’ She stood up and took the beer bottle out of his hand, putting it down on the table. Something glittered in his eyes as he looked up at her. Remaining seated, he held her gaze. Her breath stalled in her chest. The next move was hers. Grateful that he’d left her in control, she held out her hand. ‘Coming?’

  His swallow, the widening of his eyes and the almost dumbstruck nod made her smile with a rush of womanly pride.

  He put his hand in hers and allowed himself to be gently tugged to his feet.

  Rising excitement filled her with every step, along with a sudden confidence that she was doing the right thing. He might be out of reach for the long term, but she was going to grab everything she could right now. Things could change in a heartbeat and she didn’t want to miss a minute of life any more.

  Unfortunately her confidence upped and left the minute her feet hit the centre of her bedroom floor and she turned to face Todd, but she needn’t have worried. As if he knew exactly how she felt, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently on her mouth.

  ‘I think I should be a gentleman about this, ask if you’re sure …’ he took a sharp indrawn breath, ‘but it might kill me …’

  She laid a finger on his lips, warmth blossoming at his words, ‘Shh,’ she whispered.

  For a moment, heady with anticipation, they held each other’s eyes in solemn promise. Sophie’s heart pumped so hard she could feel it vibrating through her body.

  Then his fingertips were sliding up under her vest top, inching rib by rib, upwards, taking the flimsy fabric with them. He eased the scrap of jersey over her head and she let out a tiny breath as he gazed down at her breasts. With infinite slowness he traced the back of his hand down her throat, down to the vee, his fingers widening to brush each breast before continuing down.

  Biting back a tiny gasp, she stood there as he removed her panties. Before she could take stock he picked her up and laid her on the bed. And before she could feel a hint of self-consciousness, he began to unbutton his shirt.

  Of course this was playboy perfection, wasn’t it, and as the snake of a thought slithered, it was quickly repelled by the sight of his fingers shaking as they fumbled with the buttons.

  ‘Oh fuck it,’ he said and whipped the shirt off over his head, almost falling over as he tried to get his shorts off, while digging in one of the pockets. ‘I’ve never wanted to get naked as much as I do right now.’

  And right there, the mood lifted and it wasn’t quite so scary or important that she got this right. Sophie giggled.

  ‘Are you laughing at me?’ he growled, tossing a couple of condoms on her bedside table and lunging onto the bed and taking her into his arms.

  ‘No.’ Her attempt at a straight face fell far short and she giggled again at his mock outrage when he began to tickle her. At some point the silly wrestling tipped over into teasing caresses before sliding into full-blown seduction.

  Making love with Todd was an utter revelation. At first he was generous, careful and attentive as he eased her onto her back, his hands dancing over her skin, setting light to her nerve endings. Then he moved into playfulness; talkative, teasing and frustrating as he gently tormented her, homing in on every erogenous zone she had and quite a few more she never realised were there. As her temperature rose, her desire rocketing and a burning need fired up, he laughed down at her as she played back, her hands exploring, running over the contours of his chest, sliding across his waist and dipping below. Twisting and turning, they tangled in the sheets, slightly sweaty in the evening heat. At some point the mood slid into sexy, as if a switch had been pressed. Suddenly they were breathless, need pumped as fast as their pulses and the tempo of kisses and caresses had ramped up to passionate.

  Suddenly they stilled, his hand on her breast, teasing the nipple, she whimpering with breathy moans, her hand cupping his balls as he groaned, moving his hips in a driving tempo.

  When he tried to tear into the condom, she couldn’t help smiling at his ineptitude.

  ‘Do you know what you’re doing?’ she teased as she stroked him.

  ‘With you, mmm, doing that … I-I’m not sure I even know what my own name is.’

  ‘Doing what?’ she purred, circling her thumb over the very tip.

  He tried to wriggle away out of her reach and she dipped her hand down, caressing his inner thigh.

  ‘Jeez, Sophie.’

  He ripped open the packet with his teeth. ‘I’d offer to let you do this but I’m not sure I’d survive.’

  With quick efficiency, he rolled on the condom, his hand sliding between her legs.

  ‘Someone’s ready,’ he said, his finger sliding over the sweet spot, almost sending her cross-eyed with lust.

  All she could do was pant, his touch had pushed her into desperation.

  She lifted her hips, almost unable to help herself, her body’s needs had taken over. ‘Like that, do you?’ He removed his hand.

se,’ her strangled desperate plea surprised her but she could hardly think straight.

  ‘Please what, Sophie?’ She closed her eyes and whimpered.

  His fingers teased again, dipping in before retreating, quick, fast movements that had her lifting her hips, grinding but with each lift, he retreated.

  ‘You have to stay very still, I think, Sophie.’

  It was almost impossible. He tormented her, if she so much as moved an inch, he retreated again. Soon she was breathless, a fine sheen coating her skin.

  ‘Please,’ she panted again.

  His smile now was strained, as he bent his head to suck one nipple hard and fast into his mouth.

  She cried out, an incoherent moan.

  He continued sucking, his rhythm at one with the two fingers sliding relentlessly in and out.

  Her pants were erratic, she tried to escape from the persistent touch and thrust. All the time Todd watched her but his breathing was strained.

  ‘Todd, now, pleaseplea‌sepleaseplease.’

  In one fluid move he moved over her and slid inside her, stretching and filling while inflaming the already sensitive nerves. And then he pulled back before sliding slowly, slowly … she could hardly bear it. Greedily she grabbed his hips.

  ‘More?’ he asked, his voice taut.

  ‘Yesssss, please.’ She lifted her hips and he met them before picking up the pace. With every thrust she lifted to meet him, and it still felt as if it wasn’t enough, would never be enough. And then suddenly, like breaking through the clouds to the sun above, they burst through the rhythm, hitting the perfect pace as they rode together. With one helpless cry she dissolved, the waves of feeling overtaking as she fell headlong into the climax and he stiffened, calling her name in a long, loud, heartfelt groan. For a while they lay together, sweat slicked in the humid atmosphere, the sound of Friday night coming in through the open window. Sophie wondered whether she might ever move again and then decided that she probably didn’t want to. This was about as close to heaven as she could imagine and had just blown every other sexual experience she’d ever had out of the water.


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