by Meave Leakey
driving and, 34, 305–6
femur discovered by (Ileret), 306
H. erectus skeleton discovered by, 239–40
H. sapiens fossils discovered by, 307–8
Kanapoi and, 125–27, 129–30, 141, 145
Mary’s exacting standards and, 50, 212
Meave and Richard’s wedding and, 38
Meave assisted by, 72, 73, 76, 78, 113, 119, 121–24
Meave’s first fossil expedition and, 31–32, 33
Mr. Ekuwom and, 70–71
new sites discovered with Richard, 46
at Olduvai, 5
skull discoveries and, 42, 48, 49, 50, 140, 217, 230
tibia discovered by, 129–30, 139, 140
Kipchoge, Eliud, 245–46
KNM-ER 406 (skull), 33, 54, 182
KNM-ER 732 (skull), 54, 182
KNM-ER 992 (mandible), 285, 295
KNM-ER 1470 (skull), 42–43, 54, 205, 215–18, 219–20
KNM-ER 1808 (skeleton), 239–40
KNM-ER 1813 (skull), 42–43, 54, 215–16, 217–18, 219
KNM-ER 3733 (skull), 54
KNM-ER 24703 (maxilla), 302–3
KNM-ER 42700 (skull), 289, 295–98, 300, 342
KNM-WT 17000 (skull), 54
Koci, Bruce, 311
Koobi Fora camp
in the 2000s, 286–87, 288, 292
aerial photos and, 64, 76
Behrensmeyer’s research at, 79
Brown at, 61
Feibel at, 129, 261
fieldwork far away from, 46
fossil expeditions (1970s), 38–43, 215–18, 221
Harris at, 90
Johanson’s specimens compared to those from, 135
Leakey family at, 49, 51–52, 135, 205, 216, 286–87
Meave’s first experience at, 29–30, 33, 34, 35–37
Ngeneo at, 238
sediment layers at, 259, 261, 262
Vondra and students at, 61
Koobi Fora Research Project, 222
Kuhn, Bernard Friederich, 262
L0 and L1 markers, 325–26, 327
Laetoli, 134–37, 139, 154–55, 166, 171
Laetoli hominin fossils, 135–37, 171
Laetoli Hominin 4 (LH-4), 137, 155
Laetoli monograph, 89, 90
Lagar Velho, Portugal, 320–21
Lahn, Bruce, 330
Lake Baringo, 28, 173
Lake Magadi, 21, 242
Lake Malawi, 312
Lake Natron, 21, 242
Lake Rudolf. See Lake Turkana
Lake Tanganyika, 87
Lake Turkana, 3–6, 29–30, 34–36, 38–39, 46–47, 49, 52, 58–62, 71, 73, 87, 159, 191, 304–5. See also Turkana; Turkana Basin
Lake Victoria, 47
Lamu, Kenya, 41, 112
land bridges, 274
Langley-Poole, Ambrose, 122
language. See speech and language
Lapurr Hills, 346
Larson, Susan, 282–83
Leakey, Anna, 120, 122
Leakey, Jonathan, 196, 213
Leakey, Louis
ape fossils and, 47
early hominin diversity and, 206
Meave’s arrival in Kenya and, 19–22
Olduvai and, 20, 21–22, 57, 210–15, 221–22
Omo River expedition and, 307–8
rock art and, 45
scavenging exercise by, 243–44
skulls and, 181–82, 211, 216–17
Tigoni Primate Research Centre and, 17–18, 20, 22–28, 37
Leakey, Louise
as backup at Lothagam, 119, 121–24
childhood of, 40–41, 42, 44, 51–52, 57, 205, 216, 231
climatic events and fauna changes studied by, 268–70
Explorer-in-Residence program and, 323
H. erectus/ergaster skull comparisons and, 295
as Lomekwi coleader, 192, 194, 195, 196, 201
as mother, 225
return to East Turkana, 286, 287, 288, 291–92, 293
Leakey, Mary
Africa’s Vanishing Art, 45–46
ape fossils and, 47
Dear Boy and, 33–34, 181–82
exacting standards of, 5, 50–51, 89, 212
monographs of work of, 89, 90
at Olduvai, 5, 50, 57, 89, 125, 211–14, 299
Richard and, 38, 57, 114
White and Johanson and, 137
Leakey, Meave
Allia Bay fieldwork, 150–56
early life and family of, 6–18
first years in Kenya, 3–6, 19–37
Kanapoi fieldwork (See Kanapoi)
at Koobi Fora (See Koobi Fora camp)
Lomekwi fieldwork (See Lomekwi)
Lothagam exploration and fieldwork (See Lothagam)
marriage to Richard, 38 (See also Leakey, Richard)
West Turkana project launched by, 62–65
Leakey, Philip, 43, 115, 117, 292, 293
Leakey, Richard
as director of wildlife, 55–58, 74–75, 88, 100
first marriage of, 37, 120
fossil expedition (1969), 5, 29–37, 182
fossil expeditions (1970s), 38–39, 41–43, 215–17
fossil expeditions (1980s), 46–53
fund-raising, 64
GPS and, 79
Hadar visit, 133–34
H. sapiens fossils and, 307–8
on human violence, 345
Kanapoi and, 125–27, 141–42, 152, 159, 161
kidney transplants, 39, 43–45, 118, 292–93
Koobi Fora base camp and, 286, 292
leadership of, 71–72
liver transplant, 341
Lothagam visits, 73, 74, 89
The Making of Mankind (film), 45
Meave’s early collaboration with, 28–29
Meave’s marriage to, 38, 73
Meave’s new project and, 61–62
Omo Research Expedition and, 61, 89, 96–97
as parent, 40–41, 135
plane crash, injuries, and amputation, 112–21, 124
plane purchased by, 196
political work, 142–43
scavenging exercise by, 243–44
skull discoveries and, 33, 42, 182–83, 216–17, 219, 304–5
social bonding with chimpanzee, 253
TBI and, 293–94, 341
Turkana Basin maps and, 60
White and Johanson’s conclusions and, 137–38
Leakey, Samira
childhood of, 40–41, 44, 47–48, 51–52, 57, 217, 231, 256, 258
crocodile project, 85–86, 87
at Kanapoi, 128
Richard’s health and, 120–21, 293
Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, 193, 221
Lee, Sang-Hee, 237
Le Gros Clark, Wilfred, 211
Levallois technique, 319–20
Liang Bua (cave), 279–80
lice, 336–37
Lieberman, Daniel, 245, 246–47, 249, 253–54, 255
limb bone morphology, 25–27
limestone caves, 177, 179–80
lions, 34, 36, 40–41
lithology, 61
Little Foot, 178–80
living floors, 270
Lodwar, Kenya, 72, 146, 305
Lokichot Tuff, 198
Lokotunjailurus emageritus, 109
Black Skull found at, 182
Flat Face found at, 199–206
geology of, 196–98
hominin teeth found at, 198
Kamoya and, 49
mandible fossils found at, 193–94
stone tools found at, 191
Lomekwi River, 195
London, England, 6, 9, 10, 17–18, 43
Lonyumun Lake, 84, 157, 197
Loriu hills, 122, 123
aerial photos and, 65, 70, 78
ancient species replaced with modern species, 87–88, 90–94, 96
Brunet’s work at, 174
p; carnivores in, 109
climate and habitat change in, 99, 100–101, 103, 106, 108, 138, 267
fossils discovered in, 75–78, 84–88, 89–96, 98, 99–101, 106–7, 110
geology of, 79–84, 108
hominin evidence lacking in, 106–8
Kanapoi compared and contrasted with, 127, 128, 159–60
Louise as backup at, 119, 121–24
Meave’s early fieldwork in, 65, 69–74
monograph of findings at, 89, 90
Lothagam Basalt, 84
Lothagam Hill, 80–81
Loxodonta, 96
Lucy, 130–35, 137–38, 148, 155, 180, 230. See also Australopithecus afarensis
lumpers versus splitters, 318–21, 327
M91 and M60 markers, 327
macaque monkey, 163, 235
Madjedbebe, Australia, 332
Maglio, Vince, 77–78
magnetic reversals, 266–67, 309
Majuangou, 277
The Making of Mankind (film), 45
Malapa, 180
Mangao, Wambua, 125, 127–29, 139–40, 166, 168, 237, 306
Manthi, Fredrick Kyalo, 159, 287–88, 289, 295, 342
manual dexterity, 107, 161–69, 176, 191
Marich Pass, 39, 146
Marker Tuff, 80, 82
Mars, landing on, 169
marsupials and placental mammals, 188
Masai people, 316
Mason, Charlotte, 12
Mata Menge, 278–79, 283–84
Matata (chimpanzee), 251
Matthews, Phil, 79, 113
Matuyama, Motonori, 266
Matuyama Reversed Epoch, 266–67
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 336–37
Mazák, Vratislav, 295
McDougall, Ian, 80, 82, 197, 231
McNeill Alexander, Robert, 16, 25, 26
Mediterranean Sea, 261–62, 275–76, 309
Medway Towns Polytechnic, 13–14
megadonts, 176, 178, 181–84, 186–88, 190, 204–5, 220–21
melanin, 337–38
Menai Strait, 14, 15
menopause, post-, 225, 229–30, 237–38
microcephalin, 330
microcephaly, 281, 282, 330
Milankovitch, Milutin, 263, 267
Milankovitch cycles, 257, 258–62, 267, 269, 279, 312
Millennium Man, 173–74
Miocene, 47–49, 90–91, 93, 96, 99, 159, 268
Early, 47–48, 65, 94
Late, 49, 58, 95, 96, 99, 101, 159, 203
Middle, 94
mirror neurons, 252
missing link, 208, 209
mitochondria, 323–24
mitochondrial DNA. See under DNA
Mitochondrial Eve, 325, 326, 327, 329
mixed feeders, 101, 203
Moi, Daniel arap, 55, 117–18
Mojokerto child, 233–34, 277
molecular clocks, 63, 325, 336–37
monkey fossils, 86, 90, 178, 179, 184–85, 271–72
monkeys, 25–27, 162–65, 229, 344. See also Cercopithecinae (cercopithecines); Colobinae (colobines); specific monkey names
moon, man landing on, 3–4, 169
Morell, Virginia, 148
Moru, Robert, 288
Morwood, Michael, 278–79, 281, 282–83
mother-child bond, 237–38
Mousley, Keith, 64
MRD, 155–56
Mrs. Ples (skull), 177–78
mtDNA. See under DNA
Muge, Stephen, 195
Muhoho, George, 55–56
multiregional hypothesis, 318–19
Murua Rith Hills, 197
Mururongori Member, 84
Museum of Natural History (Pretoria), 201
mutations. See under DNA
Mutiwa, Peter Nzube
hominin fossil discoveries, 122–23, 140–44, 153, 159
Kanapoi survey and, 125, 127
Mary’s exacting standards and, 5, 50, 212
Meave’s first fossil expedition and, 31–32, 33
moon and Mars landings and, 3–4, 31, 169
pig skull discovered by, 161
trainees at Lomekwi and, 195
Nabwal Arangan beds, 81
Nachukui Formation, 83
Nairobi, Kenya, 19–20, 37, 42, 46, 73, 90, 128, 135–36, 144. See also Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Nairobi National Museum, 20, 26, 33, 85, 135, 178, 194, 201, 304–5
Nairobi National Park, 20
Nakoret exposures, 122
Napier, John, 214, 215
Nariokotome, 49, 76, 182, 193, 195, 230. See also Turkana Boy
National Geographic Society, 31, 48, 129, 144, 211, 323, 333
National Museums of Kenya, 39–40, 286, 291, 292
National Science Foundation (U.S.), 151
natural selection, 63, 102, 104–5, 329, 339, 340. See also evolution
Nature articles, 136, 155, 177
Navajo people, 248
Nawata Formation, 81–88, 91–92, 95, 100–101, 106–7, 109
Nawata River, 69–70, 81–84, 109
Neanderthals, 63, 281, 282, 284, 313–21, 330–33
Nengo, Isaiah, 341
New World, 326, 334, 339
N’gang’a, Patrick, 79, 80
Ngeneo, Bernard, 216, 238–39, 285, 295
Ngorongoro crater, 21, 247
Ngui, Samuel, 71, 141, 152, 153
Nile crocodile, 87
Nile oyster (Etheria elliptica), 83, 84
Nile River, 275, 276, 333
Njonjo, Charles, 118
nomads, desert-dwelling, 315–16
North America, 100, 248, 334
Notochoerus jaegeri, 160–61
Nottingham, England, 118–20, 122, 142
nuclear DNA. See under DNA
Nutcracker Man. See Dear Boy (skull)
Nyanzachoerus (genus), 160
Nyanzachoerus australis, 92
Nyanzachoerus syrticus, 91–92
obliquity, 258, 260, 262, 267
Old Man from La Chapelle-aux-Saints, 314
Ol Doinyo Lengai (volcano), 21, 242
Olduvai event, 266–67
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
hominin fossils discovered at, 42, 210–11, 212–15, 218–20, 221–22, 299
living floors at, 270
Louis and, 20, 21–22, 57, 210–15, 221–22
Mary and, 5, 50, 57, 89, 125, 211–14, 299
Nzube’s work at, 5, 50
Olduvai Hominin (OH) 7, 213, 214, 215, 219, 220
Olduvai Hominin (OH) 8, 213
Olduvai Hominin (OH) 9, 221–22, 289
Olduvai Hominin (OH) 13, 218, 219
Olorgesailie fossil site, 271–72
omnivorous dietary strategy, 221, 272
Omo Group deposits, 60
Omo Research Expedition, International, 61, 89, 96–97, 308
Omo River and Omo Valley, 59–62, 130, 158, 197–98, 240, 259–61, 269–70, 307–8, 346
Omo-Turkana Basin, 42, 58, 84, 193, 197, 308
orangutan, 163, 208
Orrorin tugenensis, 173–74, 175
oryxes, 30, 34, 36, 101, 290
ostracods, 83
ostriches, 30, 86
out of Africa hypothesis, 318, 327, 331
oxygen isotopes, 99, 265
Pakistan, 97, 99
Palaeoloxodon, 95–96
palaeomastodons, 94
palaeosols, 158
Palaeotragus, 91
Panbanisha (chimpanzee), 251–53
panting versus sweating, 246, 336
Papuans, 332–33
parallel evolution, 187–88
Paranthropus (genus), 182, 183–84, 185, 204–5, 257, 272
Paranthropus aethiopicus, 183
Paranthropus boisei, 33, 181–83, 191, 211, 212–13, 218
Paranthropus robustus, 181, 183, 185, 187, 201
s monkeys, 25–26, 162
Pathfinder Mission, 169
Patterson, Bryan, and team, 69, 76–80, 85, 92, 106, 127
PDHA1 gene, 329–30
Pearl Harbor bombing, 210
Pediculus humanus capitis, 336
Pediculus humanus humanus, 336–37
Pei Wenzhong, 209
Peking Man, 45, 209–10
pelvis shape, 226–27, 228–29, 255
perihelion, 258, 260
perikymata, 236
persistence hunting, 245, 247–48, 253, 303, 316, 336
Pestera cu Oase, 321
Philippines, 332
photosynthesis, 97–101
phylogenetic traits, 26
phytoliths, 91
Pickford, Martin, 173–74
pigs and pig fossils, 61, 90, 91–92, 100, 101, 160–61
Piltdown Man, 162, 209, 222
Pirro Nord, Italy, 276
Pithecanthropus alalus, 208
placental mammals and marsupials, 188
plankton, 263–64