Weekend Fling

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Weekend Fling Page 10

by Claire Kingsley

  He kisses just below my ear before going back behind the bar.

  Someone gave Madison a microphone, and she puts on quite the show, making everyone laugh and cheer with her rendition of It’s Raining Men. Afterward, she comes over to me, still laughing.

  “Oh my god, I haven’t had this much fun in forever,” she says. “It’s a good thing we’re walking distance from the house, because I’m pretty drunk.”

  I laugh and slide my mostly-full ice water to her. “Here, have some of this.”

  “Thanks,” she says. “So, have you had a good birthday weekend?”

  “I’ve had an incredible birthday weekend.”

  She brings me in for a hug and doesn’t let go. She puts her mouth close to my ear. “Becca and I are ditching you.”


  “I said we’re ditching you.” She giggles. “We’re leaving you here so Finn has to take you home. And we’re not letting you back in the vacation house tonight, so it has to be his home.”

  I laugh and help her get on the barstool next to me. “You guys don’t have to do that.”

  “Are you kidding?” She raises one eyebrow at me. “We’re tired anyway. We’re just going to go back and crash.”

  I feel like maybe I should argue more, but I see Finn out of the corner of my eye and a shiver goes down my spine.

  “I don’t want to abandon you guys.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. Look at you. I haven’t seen you this relaxed since… ever? This is good for you. He’s good for you. Have fun. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  Madison gets up and Becca waves to her from across the pub. They wave at me one last time from the front door before leaving.

  Finn comes back with another drink for me.

  “Looks like I’m going to need a ride,” I say.

  “A ride where?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Apparently your place. My friends ditched me and kicked me out for the night.”

  He grins. “Closing time can’t come soon enough.”



  I flip the switch, turning off the open sign, and lock the front door. Finally. I’m glad we had such a great turnout tonight, but I was ready to get the hell out of here an hour ago. I already sent the rest of the staff home, telling them I’d finish and lock up.

  Juliet sits at the bar, facing me, her legs crossed. I could not get her out of my mind all night. Her proximity was like a magnet, pulling me toward her. I screwed up at least five drink orders. She’d catch my eye, and suddenly all I could think about was her. What she felt like. What she tasted like.

  I owe her friends for leaving her here with me. Big time.

  She tilts her head to the side and watches me as I walk across the pub. “Looks like we’re the only ones left.”

  “Thank God.” I feel like I should squash my caveman urges and at least take her home, but fuck, I’ve been hard half the night with her near. I step close and slide my hands up her thighs. “I thought they’d never leave.”

  She leans in and as soon as our lips touch, something explodes inside me. All the tension of the night unleashes. I grab her and pull her against me while she wraps her arms around my neck. Our mouths crash together and the feel of her tongue lashing against mine makes my heart thunder in my chest.

  I slide my hand under her shirt and cup her breast, feeling her nipple harden through the thin fabric of her bra.

  She sucks in a quick breath. “Should we go to your place, or…”

  “Now.” I kiss her again, hard.

  “Yes, now,” she says, almost breathless. “But… windows.”

  I don’t even bother looking over my shoulder at the front windows. “It’s dark in here, and no one’s out there anyway.” I grab her hips. “Get on the bar.”

  Her mouth opens, but there’s a smile mixed with her look of surprise. I help her up and turn her so she’s lying lengthwise with her ass at the far end. I don’t waste any time pulling off her pants and thong.

  “Holy shit, what are you doing?” she asks.

  “I’ve wanted this all night.” I rest her thighs on my shoulders and plunge my tongue inside her. Juliet gasps. I press the flat of my tongue against her clit and rub up and down. She responds immediately, tilting her hips into me.

  “Oh shit, Finn,” she says. “We can’t do this here.”

  I groan while I lick her; she tastes so fucking good. “Do you want me to stop?” I flick her clit a few times.

  “Stop? What? I can’t think while you’re doing that.”

  “That’s the idea.” I slide two fingers inside her and keep working her clit with my tongue.

  “Don’t stop that. Oh, sweet mercy.”

  I keep going, flicking it faster. She arches her back and rocks her hips. I love making her feel good, but tasting her isn’t enough. She gasps when I stop.

  “I need to be inside you.”

  She sits partway up and her eyes flick to the window again. It’s after two, and raining. No one is going to walk by. But I don’t want her to be uncomfortable.

  “Let’s go in the back.” I help her down and she grabs her purse. I take her hand and lead her through the dark kitchen into my office.

  She gets up on the edge of my desk and I stand in front of her. She grabs my shirt and pulls me closer. Our mouths come together, hungry, escalating the need burning inside me. I unfasten my pants and pull out my cock.

  “I don’t have condoms here.” God, I hope she has more in her purse.

  “Yeah, that’s why I brought my purse.” She pulls one out and hands it to me. “Hurry.”

  I love the urgency in her voice. I tear it open and roll it down over my erection, then grab her ass and bring her closer. I look down, watching as I slide my cock inside her. I kind of wish I could do this without the condom. What would it feel like, to have no barrier between us?

  That thought fades as I pump my hips, driving into her. She holds onto my shoulders and wraps her legs around my waist. I hold her ass and fuck her hard, reveling in every noise she makes. I love the way her pussy feels, so hot and tight around me.

  I plunge in deep and pause. “Tell me what you like, baby.”

  She tilts her head back. “Oh god, deep like that.”

  I pull out and thrust in again, as deep as I can go. She digs her fingers into my back and moans into my ear.

  “Holy shit, Finn. Yes. Right there.”

  I feel her heat up, her pussy clenching, pulsing. It’s like hitting a fucking home run, the crowd going wild. I sink into her, grinding against her clit in a steady rhythm while she comes.

  She finishes and takes a few deep breaths. I pull out and turn her over, bending her over the top of my desk.

  “Holy fuck, that ass.” I grab it with one hand and push into her. She tosses her hair over one shoulder and turns back to look at me. A few more thrusts, and I’m done for. My body goes stiff and my cock throbs as I come. I drive into her a few more times, riding the orgasm until its end.

  I hold her there for another moment, breathing hard, my hands on her ass. I pull out and slide the condom off, tying it closed while Juliet straightens and turns around.

  She smooths down her hair and shakes her head. “God, Finn, that was intense.”

  I slip my hand around the back of her neck and bring her in for a kiss. “I wanted to do that to you all damn night.”

  “I think that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done.” She looks around. “Where are my pants?”

  I laugh and pull mine up. “By the bar, I think.”

  We both finish getting dressed and I grab my coat. We leave out the front door and I drive her back to my house.



  I should probably be tired, but I’m wide awake. I can’t even believe what Finn and I just did. He went down on me. On his bar.

  On. His. Bar.

  I’m all lit up inside, amazed at the way he makes me feel. I’m never spontaneous like that. Ever.
I don’t know how he does it, but Finn makes me want to let loose.

  He holds my hand on the way up to his door and ushers me inside.

  “Are you tired?” he asks. “Do you want to go to bed?”

  “We could, but I’m not all that sleepy,” I say. “I guess I’m kind of wired.”

  He smiles. “I am too. I don’t think I can sleep yet.” He tosses his coat on the back of a chair. “Why don’t you make yourself at home on the couch and I’ll get us a snack.”

  My jeans are cute, but they’re not very loungey. I glance at Finn, wondering if I could ask to borrow something else to wear. I did last night. Although, that feels like such a girlfriend thing to do. Still, I doubt he’d mind.

  “Finn, I kind of want to change out of these clothes, but I don’t have anything else here,” I say. “Do you mind if I, um…”

  He leans out of the kitchen and grins. “Help yourself, sprinkles. Or you could just get naked.”

  I laugh and run upstairs. I take off my jeans and fold them, setting them neatly on his dresser. The t-shirt I slept in last night is still draped over the armchair in the corner, so I change into it. It’s longer than mine—and so soft and comfortable. I think about keeping my bra on, but I opt for comfort and slip it off. I fold everything and stack it all on top of my jeans.

  I go back downstairs and Finn brings over a plate of crackers, along with two ice waters. He sets everything on the coffee table. “Sorry, I don’t have much.”

  “No, this is perfect.” I settle down on the couch next to him. “Do you think we should have cleaned off the bar before we left?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I’ll have to get in tomorrow and wipe it down before anyone gets there.”

  “Thanks again for tonight,” I say. “I feel like you threw me a party.”

  “I just hope you’ve had a good weekend,” he says.

  “Are you kidding? I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

  “Good, I’m glad.”

  “Finn, can I ask you a question?”

  He shifts closer and pulls my legs into his lap. “Of course.”

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  “Done what, exactly?” he asks.

  “Well, this. Brought a girl home and…”

  “Fucked her brains out multiple times in a very short period?”

  I laugh. “Yes, exactly.”

  “No,” he says. “I’ve never done that before. I’ve had a fling or two that were pretty impulsive. But you are something else, sprinkles.”

  I smile, trying not to look too self-satisfied. I’m sure Finn gets lots of out-of-town visitors in his pub. For all I know, he does this with a different girl every weekend. I like knowing that this isn’t the norm for him—that maybe I’m a little bit special.

  “Should I turn on a movie or something?” he asks.

  His hands slide up and down my thighs. I love the way they feel on my skin. “If you want.”

  I don’t think either of us cares about watching a movie. Finns touches me, exploring my body. He rubs his thumbs over my ankles, then runs his hands up my legs. I relax my knees so my thighs part, but he doesn’t go near my center. He moves up, caressing my hip bones. His hand slides underneath the shirt and across my breasts. I lean my head back, breathing hard at his touch.

  “Mm, that feels good.”

  “Your body is so amazing.”

  My eyes flutter closed and I smile. “I love your hands all over me like this.”

  He pulls the shirt over my head and runs his hand down my throat, between my breasts. I gasp as he slides his hand between my thighs, into my panties. I tip my legs open and he pushes two fingers inside me.

  “You’re wet again.” He moves his fingers in and out, pressing the heel of his palm in just the right spot.

  I lean my head back against the armrest and moan. “I don’t know how you do this to me.”

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  He shifts so he can lean down and kiss me. His tongue moves slowly against mine while his hand works its magic. I move my hips, enjoying every sensation. I love how unhurried he is, like he’s content to give me this pleasure for as long as I want it.

  “What’s the orgasm count?” he asks.

  He picks up the pace with his fingers and it takes me a second before I can answer. “Five.”

  “Only five? I can do better than that.”

  We use the last condom in my purse downstairs on the couch. Afterward, we head upstairs to bed, neither of us bothering to put on any clothes. The feel of his skin against mine beneath his soft sheets is heavenly. I arch my back and grind my ass against him. At first I just mean to play with him a little before we fall asleep, but his cock hardens again and he rolls me onto my back.

  By the time we finish, exhausted, the glow of the sun shows through the window. We bury ourselves in the covers and go to sleep.

  This time, Finn is still in bed when I wake up. His eyes drift open, like we’re waking up at exactly the same moment. A slow smile spreads across his face.

  “Good morning, sprinkles.”

  “Hey.” I have no idea what time it is, and I don’t want to care. But we were up all night, so I’m sure it’s late. Check-out at the vacation house is probably soon.

  He leans in and starts kissing me—on my mouth, my cheeks, my forehead. “Can I get you coffee or anything?”

  “What time is it?”

  He lifts his head. “Ten fifteen.”


  “Wow, what?”

  I adjust the covers. “I never sleep late like this.”

  “Well, I think we were up all night.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, we were. This has been the craziest weekend of my entire life.”

  “Yeah, me too,” he says. “I wish we could do this all the time.”

  My breath catches in my throat. What does he mean by that?

  Weekend fling, Juliet. That’s what this is. Go with the flow.

  I open my mouth to say something, but he puts his finger to my lips.

  “I know,” he says. “You probably have to go.”

  He sounds so matter-of-fact, but do I see reluctance in his eyes?

  “Yeah, I probably do. We have to check out and everything.”

  He nods and gives me another soft kiss. I slide closer, hoping he doesn’t stop. If he keeps kissing me, I can put off saying goodbye.

  He pulls away and, reluctantly, I let him go. “This has been amazing, Juliet. I want you to know that.”

  “Yeah, for me too.”

  His brow furrows and he gets that sexy groove between his eyebrows. “What are you doing next weekend?”


  “Next weekend,” he says. “Do you have any plans?”

  Does this mean I was right? Is there reluctance in his eyes? Is he dreading this goodbye as much as I am? “No, I don’t have any plans.”

  He starts to smile, but it fades quickly. “Shit.”


  “I forgot, my cousin is getting married next weekend. I’m supposed to go to the wedding.”

  It’s silly how disappointed I am, but I’m kind of crushed. For a second, hope swirled through me. Maybe we could see each other again. “Oh, of course. You can’t miss your cousin’s wedding.”

  “Hey, why don’t you come?”

  I blink at him. “Come to your cousin’s wedding?”

  He grins. “Sure. I really don’t want to go, but my mom will guilt me for the rest of my life if I don’t. Bringing you would make it much more bearable.”

  “Finn, I can’t come to a family wedding with you.”

  “Why not?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but I’m not sure what to say. My mind goes racing down the overthinking spiral again. Does this mean he wants more than a weekend fling? Or is it just extending the fling to another weekend? Would that be such a bad thing? Another weekend away with Finn would be a lot of fun. But a family wedding? Isn’t that too per
sonal for two people who just met? We’re talking meeting his family, here.

  “Well, I wasn’t invited, for one.”

  “They said I could bring a date,” he says. “In fact, they’ll be thrilled if I bring a date. I have a room at the resort, it’s already reserved. You can stay with me.”

  I bite the inside of my lip. Should I say yes to this?

  Finn slides his hand around to the back of my neck and brings me in for another kiss. “Stop thinking it to death, sprinkles. It’s easy. If you don’t want to spend the weekend with me, say no. But if you do, say yes.”

  The word glides off my lips before I even think. “Yes.”

  He smiles and kisses me again. “Good. Now I’m actually looking forward to it.”

  After we get up and get dressed, Finn takes me back to the vacation house. We make out in the car for about ten minutes before I can bring myself to get out. Knowing I’ll see him again in a week makes the goodbye easier, but it feels so good to kiss him, I don’t want to stop. When I finally go inside, I’m sure I look flushed. Thankfully, Becca and Madison don’t ask a lot of questions. We pack up and head home.

  I’m quiet on the drive, but it’s a contented sort of quiet. I’m kind of dazed, and truth be told, a little sore. It feels good—a warm ache between my legs that reminds me of the way Finn felt inside me.

  Number of orgasms I had this weekend: seven.


  My friends drop me off and I’m so exhausted, I go to bed early. I have to face reality tomorrow. Work. Life. Normal. I tell myself I can do it. I had an incredible time, and it was the absolute best way imaginable to spend a birthday. It was like being in a dream, but now it’s time to wake up and live in the real world.



  The workweek begins, and I settle back into my routine. I work in my home office, take client phone calls, answer emails, and do some shopping for a project I’m designing.

  Finn and I text back and forth multiple times a day. At first, I wasn’t sure if I’d hear from him before Friday. But he texts me off and on, usually in the afternoon and into the evening. I get a little zing of anticipation every time I get a notification on my phone. The messages start out innocent enough—a lot of hey, how’s it going, and I was thinking about you. But it doesn’t take long for Finn’s naughty side to come out. Thursday, Becca and Madison are in my car with me when Finn’s text comes through. Before I can stop it, my car’s Bluetooth reads it out loud.


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