Malice: A Barrington County Novel

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Malice: A Barrington County Novel Page 15

by Stacy Charasidis

  Willow was appalled. “Your brother’s intention is to kill Jesse! He has spoken out loud in town of lynching the half-breed,” she whispered with real fear. “Is there no one else of influence you know who can help? My parents and Jesse’s have complained to the council, but they will not listen without proof. Do they need to see a body swing before they will act?”

  Elanah thought about Sean. He had influence with her brother, but she couldn’t ask him. There was too much at risk for them.

  “I’m so sorry, Willow, my friend. There is nothing I can do to help you.”

  Willow stood stiffly, shock and defeat in her face as she stared at Elanah. “I cannot believe you refuse to help me.”

  “I can’t help! I have already tried!” Elanah cried.

  “You must try harder! My husband’s life is at stake! My little boy is in danger!”

  Elanah shook her head vehemently, her long, curly hair flying. “No, there is nothing I can do, Willow. Nothing. I am very sorry.”

  “Let us hope that we both do not live to regret your decision,” Willow said coldly as she walked out the door.

  Elanah’s heart broke as she watched her leave. Willow didn’t look back.

  Chapter 16 – The Grand Opening of the Barrington Hotel

  Barrington County, Present Day: Four Weeks Before Litha

  The gala opening of the Barrington Hotel was the event of the year.

  The grand ballroom was elegantly decorated with twinkling crystal chandeliers and fine white linens. Spring flowers decorated the tables. In the centre of the room, a seven-foot, gold champagne fountain gushed like a waterfall, champagne drops glistening in the air like gems.

  Before the party began Elanah slipped into the ballroom. Ghosting quietly to the glittering centerpiece, she tossed three gold charms into the bottom of the fountain. Then taking out a small vial, she poured in three drops of golden oil. Circling the fountain, she chanted a simple rhyme thirteen times, “Big or small, in my thrall.” At the end of each chant the fountain grew brighter and brighter before dimming back to its normal hue upon the thirteenth recitation. She checked and the charms had disappeared from sight. Satisfied, Elanah slipped away.

  Not long after, the first partygoers arrived and the champagne flowed. Everyone appeared to have a glass in their hand.

  Elanah was radiant in a beautiful white dress, cut low at the bodice and back. The men looked crisp and handsome in their tuxedos. Many of them watched Elanah hungrily as she glided across the room, to their wives consternation. Thankfully, the classy suits worn for such an event brought out their impeccable manners.

  Rain and Nathalie arrived together, having agreed to meet their dates at the hotel. They spotted Dean, who was trying to talk with an unresponsive Luke. They also spotted Gabriel, who was chatting with Tess.

  The girls parted ways, wishing each other a great evening.

  Nathalie’s eyes were on Dean. His tall figure was striking in his tux. He gave her an appreciative smile as she approached. Nathalie was simply dressed in a small, strapless black dress. Her long brown hair had been curled into ringlets, small diamond earrings sparkled in her ears, and a silver chain with an amber charm disappeared into the mysterious cleavage of her gown. Dean swept Nathalie against him and kissed her. His mouth was warm and delicious against hers. It promised more delights to come later on in the evening. She had prepared the apartment so they could spend the night together. Nathalie shivered.

  When Elanah joined them, Dean broke off their kiss and greeted her.

  Nathalie was not sure, but she thought she saw a flash of irritation on Elanah’s face, but the fleeting expression was gone and Elanah was smiling. Perhaps she had been mistaken.

  Luke was very unhappy and ignored everyone. He had been forced to come to the gala despite what was happening with his wife. He could only leave once dinner was finished, and he couldn’t wait. He just wanted to be at home. Vail had promised to call with an update on Sadie, who should have been on his arm tonight enjoying herself. Instead, he was stuck at a party he didn’t want to be at dressed in a monkey suit that was constricting and hot. Luke was angry. Being away from Sadie was agonizing. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t be at the cabin with her. God knows it was large enough.

  Max stood quietly beside his brother. He had joined the group a few moments earlier, a beautiful blond girl on his arm. She’d been introduced to everyone as his friend Katie from school. He hadn’t wanted to come to the grand opening ball. His father had actually excused him, but Katie had insisted. He owed her a few favours and this was one of them, so he’d gotten dressed and was her date. She had been simply delighted. She’d already “accidentally” kissed him twice on the mouth, and her hands were everywhere. Thankfully, Dean hadn’t noticed the hands, and hopefully, none of this would get back to Ella. He’d already hurt her enough. Vail had been giving him regular e-mail updates on her progress, saying she was getting marginally more lucid. He thought of the letter he had written her today. He would mail it as soon as he could. He hoped she was reading them and not just ripping them to pieces.

  “Earth to Max,” Katie said brightly, rubbing her breast against his arm. “Let’s dance.”

  Max sighed inside. “After you, my lady,” he said politely, and they left.

  “What is up with Max these days?” Dean asked Luke with a frown. He wasn’t sure what was happening between Max and Ella, but he was sure he didn’t like this Katie chick.

  Luke shrugged. “I have no idea. Apparently Katie is just a friend. He’s so broken up about Ella that he hasn’t been talking much.”

  “Enough sadness,” Elanah insisted, and invited them all to try the champagne.

  Luke looked at the golden fountain and for a moment it looked completely tarnished, as if it hadn’t been polished before use. He saw something similar when he looked at Elanah. She hadn’t looked like that before. Her golden aura had changed to more of a bronze. He shook his head. He was tired, worried, and very sad. He didn’t trust anything he saw right now. He excused himself and went to sit out on the terrace before dinner started.

  Elanah sipped her drink then asked Nathalie if she could steal Dean for a dance. She was looking at him with frank admiration.

  “Of course,” Nathalie said warmly, but then watched uncomfortably as Elanah took Dean’s hand as they walked to the dance floor. That was a rather forward thing to do, she thought uneasily, and Dean didn’t seem to mind. It was almost natural. They’re getting close, Nathalie realized.

  Rather than watch them dance, she went to look for her sister. Rain and Gabriel were having a quiet but heated discussion near the bar. Gabriel looked very unhappy and Rain looked angry. Nathalie felt anxious. Why couldn’t they get along? She avoided the unhappy couple and went to look for Tess instead.

  Tess was at the back of the room, drinking champagne. She flushed a little when she saw Nathalie, but then smiled and gave her a big hug and kiss. Nathalie complimented her on her pretty necklace. Tess explained it had been a gift. They caught up on their news until Tess pointed out that Dean and Elanah had been dancing together for quite a while. “Better go get your man before she steals him,” she teased.

  Nathalie couldn’t figure out how many songs had passed since Elanah and Dean had started dancing, but she watched with concern as Elanah flirted openly with Dean. Her concern grew when she witnessed his warm, flattered responses. Nathalie felt her anger flare. Her boyfriend was a witch magnet. She knew that. She’d already had to put one witch down because of it. Elanah was nothing like Beth, though, and Dean seemed to really like her. For the first time in their relationship, Nathalie felt Dean’s love was at risk.

  Nathalie excused herself and headed toward the laughing couple. Dean was flushed as Elanah pressed her ample charms against him. He had a champagne glass in his hand.

  Nathalie interrupted and again saw a flash of emotion in Elanah’s eyes. Possessiveness? Nathalie’s eyes narrowed with irritation as she looked at her. Elanah smiled
and stepped back, indicating that Dean was all hers. He smiled and pulled Nathalie into his arms, but when she glared at him, his smile faltered

  “Nat, you okay honey?”

  Nathalie watched as Elanah walked away, a smug sway to her hips. She was going to have to watch that one. She took the champagne glass away from Dean and deposited it on the tray of a passing waiter. “It would appear that champagne goes to your head, my love,” she said teasingly, trying to regain her good humour.

  Dean chuckled, explaining that Elanah gave it to him. “I only had a small sip.”

  However, during the evening, Nathalie saw many things, and began to get a bit worried.

  Many of the guests began to defer to Elanah, listening to her every word as John and Claire introduced her around. They all had champagne glasses in their hands.

  Rain and Gabriel had made up, but Nathalie noticed that Gabriel had been staring at Tess most of the evening, his eyes searching her out. He’d already danced with her at least four times.

  Elanah’s eyes had followed Dean all evening, and Nathalie felt a spark of despair. She knew then that she had another rival. Nathalie sighed. She didn’t relish having to speak to Elanah, but she would. This time she would deal with any inappropriate crushes on her adorable fiancé head on.

  Luke commented about the champagne fountain being tarnished, but to Nathalie’s eyes it was golden and sparkling. However, she would stake her life on Luke’s ability as the Seer, even if he wasn’t his normal self this evening. Something was going on. Something wrong.

  She knew it. She could feel it in her gut.

  She would do as Nettie had done. She would watch.

  As the evening wound down, people chatted, danced, said goodnight, and headed to their rooms. Nathalie was looking for her sister and spotted her standing with Gabriel. She made her way over and kissed them both goodnight.

  “I’m going to catch a ride home with you and Dean, if you don’t mind,” Rain said.

  She wasn’t staying with Gabriel? “Really? Sure, no prob,” she responded, looking at her sister curiously.

  “He’s really tired,” she supplied, shrugging. “I’ll see him tomorrow.”

  Elanah stopped by to say goodnight. Most of the guests were drunk and exhausted, and looked it, but not Elanah. She was sparkling with energy. The effects of magic? Nathalie’s eyes narrowed.

  “Where’s Dean?” she inquired.

  “Getting the car.” Nathalie took a deep breath when she didn’t leave.

  Nip this in the bud. Right. Now.

  “I don’t think we’ve had the chance to get to know each other very well,” Nathalie said. “Why don’t you have supper at my house one evening next week? We can spend some time together and get to know each other. I’m absolutely fascinated by your past.”

  Elanah looked a bit surprised. “That sounds nice, thank you. I accept.”

  “Wonderful. It’s a date. I’ll call you and confirm the day.”

  Dean came in the wide doors, rubbing his hands. “It’s chilly outside,” he said, smiling at everyone. “Bundle up.”

  Elanah gave Dean a wide grin. “I’m turning in,” she said, opening her arms, which drew Dean automatically. She molded her body to his, his dark head against her golden mane. Anger flashed through Nathalie again at the intimate image.

  When they got to the car Nathalie realized she’d forgotten the centre piece she’d won from their table. As she headed back in, she noticed that Tess was hurrying down the corridor containing the first floor hotel rooms.

  She didn’t think anything of it until Tess looked behind her furtively before continuing. That caught her attention. Where was she going? Nathalie wondered curiously.

  Intrigued, Nathalie followed, feeling slightly ashamed at spying on her friend, but irresistibly curious at what she was doing. She turned down the corridor and followed discreetly. Tess went to the very end of the hall and was pulled into the arms of a man who was waiting for her. They kissed passionately as they stumbled into the young man’s room, slamming the door behind them.

  Nathalie stared in shock when she realized who the young man was.

  She turned and fled back the way she came and went straight to the car. When Dean asked where her prize was, she waved him off. “It was gone. Let’s just go.”

  “Well, that sucks,” Rain said with a yawn.

  “It sure does,” she responded tiredly. She couldn’t look at her sister.

  They headed home.

  Elanah stood quietly in the trees at the edge of the terrace and watched as Gabriel and Tess kissed passionately in his room. She hadn’t meant to invade their privacy. She had just needed a short stroll before bed to clear her head when’s she’d heard the telltale noises through the thin panes of the room’s French doors. They hadn’t drawn the drapes. Now she couldn’t help but watch.

  They were both naked, their bodies pressed against each other tightly. They stood by the large, king-size bed, their party clothes and undergarments discarded carelessly on the floor. Gabriel’s hands were roving over Tess’ back and bum. Her small hand was wound tightly around his erection, moving up and down. They slid against each other slowly, their desire flaming brightly in the room. She watched as Gabriel nudged Tess toward the bed, pushing her onto her back. The expression on her face was a mixture of need and adoration as she scooted to the middle. Elanah shivered as Gabriel covered Tess and slid inside her with a loud groan, clearly audible through the glass doors of his first floor suite. He began to thrust into her with wild abandon.

  Elanah closed her eyes at the sounds, picturing the solid muscles and beautiful backside of Gabriel as he pushed.

  Her eyes were drawn into the room again when they both started moaning. He had Tess’ legs pinned open with his hips. They were kissing passionately as his movements became quicker and deeper.

  She wished she were Tess, and that Gabriel was Dean. Images of her and Dean writhing together on the bed superimposed themselves in her mind.

  Envy of Nathalie ignited deep inside her. She sighed as the two lovers shared their orgasm. She could feel the waves of ecstasy flowing from the room.

  She thought about the cost of betrayal.

  God, she missed Sean.

  Chapter 17 – Birth of a Mayor & a Witch

  Limerick: Fall 1592

  Sean kissed Elanah hungrily. They were at his cabin in the woods, where he stayed when he hunted with his father. They hadn’t been together for weeks, and just seeing her around town with her husband, whom he absolutely hated, drove him insane. He knew Elanah and Hiram had been getting the fields ready for winter, while he and Hester had been making their rounds at all the fall social events. He was working especially hard this year, mingling with the influential people of Limerick and showing his desire to improve the running of the town. Sean was smart and ambitious. He had good ideas. He wanted to be mayor. He wanted power because more than anything, he wanted Elanah to be his wife.

  Both had told their parents they’d fallen in love and wanted to marry other people. In both cases this had been met with shock and rage. Elanah had been completely cowed by her father, who was determined she marry the boy he’d chosen. Sean’s father had threatened to disown him and assured Sean that the community would do the same. Both fathers had been ruthless about squashing any plans their offspring may have had to break off their betrothals. Despite being under extreme duress by their parents to reveal the names of their loves, neither gave the other away. Their identities remained a secret.

  Both marriages had taken place within weeks of each other, but the heartbroken couple had vowed to find a way to be together.

  Sean had found a way.

  He recently discovered that his wife, Hester LeRoux Kirkman, was a witch. He had found her spell book carefully hidden in a tumbledown shack at the wilder end of his estate. He would never have deigned to enter the dwelling, just allowed nature to reclaim it, but he had been searching for somewhere private to meet Elanah. Based on the penta
cle burned into the wood of the floor, and the smell of smoke and old blood, he figured this was where she practiced her craft.

  He’d spent the whole afternoon leafing through the book, fascinated by the spells, the rituals, and the strange ingredients they needed. Mandrake, wormwood, blood of all types, including human, it was fascinating and terrifying at the same time. One spell had caught his attention. It was called Prominence. According to the book, the spell was powerful enough to sway a whole town to the importance of one person, and that appealed strongly to Sean. He was already tired of being married to a woman he didn’t love, and who didn’t love him. He was young and he wanted to marry the woman he did love, to see her husband suffer, and run the town so he could get out from under his father’s thumb. The spell was simple but precise, and he’d committed it to memory.

  He pulled off all of Elanah’s clothes and gasped in relief as he entered her. She moaned as he moved, rocking and thrusting. He loved her slick heat and the feel of her hips trapped under his.

  Her golden hair was splayed like rays of sun on the narrow trundle bed where they were making love. She smelled of lavender. Her mouth was warm and sweet, the kiss becoming more demanding as she reached her peak, her hips matching his rhythm, her hands clutching his backside and pulling him into her velvety softness with frantic need. Elanah cried out at her orgasm, and he drove into her even deeper until he exploded, burying himself inside her.

  They rested together, panting. She giggled as his breath tickled her neck. Her hands were wandering up and down his back, kneading his muscles and loving his skin. He kissed her softly then rolled to his side, pulling her with him. His need for Elanah grew with time, never abating. He loved her so much.

  “I have some news,” he said. “Big news, Elanah. This is going to change everything for us.”


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