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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  The possibility that she regretted her actions disturbed Faelan. It would be sadly ironic if she spent the rest of her life secretly pining for him after being so brutal in her breakup.

  Mary noticed him staring at the necklace and quickly pushed him toward the small kitchen. “You want something to drink?”

  “Water would be fine.”

  “Whatever…” She got a glass out of the cupboard and poured a generous amount of rum into it, before topping it off with a splash of Coke. She then grabbed another glass and filled it with tap water. Sliding the glass across the kitchen table to him, she picked up her own glass and sat down.

  Faelan stared at her as he slowly took a drink, trying to decide where to begin. “So, did you hear about the Russian?”

  She snorted. “Of course, it was all over the news. Must have flipped Brie out to be right there when it happened. I hope he was granted a quick death, poor bastard.”

  Mary took a long draught from her glass.

  “I am choosing to believe he’s alive until I hear otherwise,” Faelan replied, finding her pessimistic attitude offensive. “Durov was here in LA to protect Brie. The moment he was taken, it put her back in danger.”

  He suddenly had Mary’s attention. “Protect her from what?”

  “Whom,” he replied.

  “It’s that bitch, isn’t it? Like mother like daughter…”

  Faelan nodded, impressed Mary had been so quick to figure it out.

  “So where is she now?”

  “Lilly is planning to escape from jail.”

  Mary sat back in her chair, huffing angrily. “I call bullshit. How could you possibly know that?”

  “Durov set me up with the manpower to keep accurate tabs on Lilly. It’s essential for Brie’s protection. I know for a fact that she’s planning to break out after the baby is born.”

  “And what does any of this have to do with me?”

  “I’m taking her to a secret location, but I need someone beside her at night who won’t raise suspicion.”

  “What? Are you seriously are asking me to play nanny to the cunt?”

  “You would be acting as my informant, as well as ensuring Brie is kept safe from her wrath.”

  “Hey, here’s an idea…why not off the bitch and be done with it?”

  “Brie refuses to consider it.”

  Mary leaned toward him, stating in a sarcastic voice, “Then you simply don’t tell her.”

  “I agreed to play by her rules, just as Durov was forced to.”

  Mary rolled her eyes. “But killing the bitch is much less complicated.”

  Faelan smirked.

  “So what exactly are you expecting me to do with the cunt?”

  “It’s a lengthy commitment, I won’t lie.”

  “What kind of commitment?”

  “She’ll be kept busy during the day. However, at night I want her to feel utterly alone—except for the one girl on the other side of the wall. Your job will be to commiserate with her, become Lilly’s sounding board and give her validation. Your primary goal will be to get her to open up about what happened with Brie without raising suspicion. I need to know if what she tells you lines up with what she confessed to Durov.”

  “What exactly did she do to Brie? Last I heard they had a falling-out in China and all ties were cut between them.” Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me she came knocking when she thought Sir Davis was on the verge of dying.”

  “It goes far deeper than that…but no matter what she confesses, don’t lose your cool and keep her talking. It’s imperative we find out Lilly’s future plans for Brie and her child. You won’t be able to do that unless she’s convinced you’re on her side.”

  Mary frowned. “Okay, tell me what the hell she wants with Brie’s baby.”

  Faelan felt a low-boiling rage in the pit of his stomach when he told her. “Lilly wanted to abort Brie’s baby, and I’m convinced she still plans harm to the child.”

  “I’ll fucking cut the bitch right now,” Mary growled, her nostrils flaring. “No one hurts the innocent!”

  “Our only job is to exact justice.”

  Mary smashed her fist into her palm. “Oh, I’ll show her justice.”

  Faelan placed his hand on Mary’s shoulder to calm her and subconsciously noted as a Dom that she did not pull away from the contact. It was telling.

  “Mary, it’s important that you understand that Marquis is involved as well. We must measure every action.”

  “Why is he involved?”

  “Durov came to Marquis first seeking assistance with Lilly, but I happened to be there.”

  “Rytsar never did like you,” she needlessly reminded him.

  “That’s irrelevant at this point. Marquis is convinced Lilly is mentally ill and deserves mercy despite Durov’s belief that she is sane and knows exactly what she is doing.”

  “Whether she is or isn’t doesn’t matter in my opinion. When a dog is mad you have to put it down.”

  “Our primary focus is to ensure she doesn’t hurt anyone, but Marquis still insists she be treated with care.”

  “He is mistaken, Faelan. Bitches like that only understand one thing—eat or be eaten.”

  “But having Marquis involved means our hands are tied.”

  “Let’s back up a moment. You mentioned I would be needed at night. You do realize I have a life. What kind of time commitment are we talking here?”

  “It will only require a few hours each night but for how long I can’t say. I envisioned you coming in, talking to her between the wall each night before heading home to your own bed. When you leave, she’ll just assume you’ve fallen asleep.”

  “Doesn’t sound difficult or risky. Why did you insinuate it’s dangerous?”

  “Because Lilly is dangerous. If she comes to distrust you, Mary, you will become her next target.”

  “This isn’t my first rodeo, you know. I think I can handle the cunt.”

  “It’s the reason I came to you.”

  “I still haven’t agreed to anything yet,” she insisted. Mary got up to pour herself another drink. “But the timing couldn’t be better really,” she told him. “Greg has an upcoming role he’s planning to cast me in. This could prove the perfect case study for the psycho bitch I’ll be playing.”

  Faelan couldn’t miss the intimate tone in which she’d said the producer’s name, letting him know the true nature of their relationship. There was no doubt the man was enjoying Mary’s many talents, but it remained to be seen who was using whom.

  “If the experience can be used to your advantage, that’s certainly a bonus. However, I’m warning you, Lilly is not to be underestimated—ever.”

  Mary turned around holding her drink up, a sly grin on her lips. “She ain’t met me yet.”

  Faelan could tell she was already contemplating the things she wanted do, so he warned her again. “Mary, if things get ugly with her, I’m the only one allowed to get my hands dirty.”

  She shrugged.

  “I’m serious. It ends here if you don’t agree.”

  “What does it matter to you if I muck my hands a little?”

  “Promise me, Mary.”

  “Fuck you. She went after the only friend I have. Surely I’m owed a swing or two.”

  He glared at her, unwilling to let it pass until he had her verbal agreement.

  “Fine,” she spat.

  “Fine, as in you won’t touch her?”

  “Yes, Faelan. You can strangle the bitch with your own hands, but I’ll be on the sidelines telling you how to do it.”

  “Of course, you will,” he replied with a smirk, remembering how much he enjoyed her feisty spirit.

  “So, I guess I’m in then. I’ll let Greg know I’m studying for the part.”

  “No one can know,” Faelan stated emphatically.

  “How the hell am I supposed to explain to Greg why I can’t see him at night?”

  “You’re a resourceful girl. I’m sure you’ll fig
ure something out.”

  She played with the glass, running her fingertip over the rim in a sensual motion. “Last thing I want is for him to think I’m sneaking behind his back to be with my ex-Master.”

  Was she trying to flirt with him? The balls of that woman…

  “You won’t have to worry about that,” Faelan said, standing up to end their conversation. Holding out his hand to her, he said curtly, “I’ll call once Lilly is in my custody and is settled in.”

  “Where are you taking her?”

  “Someplace she can learn compassion.”

  “Good luck with that,” she answered sarcastically.

  When Faelan started toward the door, Mary reached out to stop him. “Look, even though it ended badly between us, I have to admit it’s good seeing you again.”

  The vision of her collar in the trash came to mind, and he pushed past her.

  No matter what Mary thought this would involve, Faelan had made certain the two of them would have as little contact as possible. He doubted she understood the damage she’d done—but her ruthlessness was something he would never forget.

  Dangerous Lover

  Faelan had become a bit obsessed with the elusive woman at the Haven who watched him in the shadows but never made a move to connect. She’d been watching him from afar for weeks now.

  His mysterious admirer looked to be a few years older than he was, and deliciously curvy—the kind of curves that called to the animal in him. It was surprising too, because she wasn’t his normal fare, but there was something about this woman that beckoned to his primal instincts.

  To satisfy his growing desire, he asked one of the subs, raven, to seek her out, instructing her to, “Start a conversation describing a scenario you’ve written for the box that we’ve played out together. Ask her what fantasy she would want to put in there. Write down whatever she says afterward, and hand it to me. I’m interested to see where her fantasies lie.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Faelan,” raven replied, giving him a winsome smile and quick bow before running off to do his task.

  Faelan watched covertly as the two women talked. They had a long conversation that involved an abundance of laughter. He was unsure how to interpret that, but seeing her smile stirred something inside him.

  He knew the woman, but he couldn’t place how.

  Raven came sauntering back to him with a pleased grin, placing the folded paper in his hand as she continued past, stating in a seductive voice, “Have fun with this one, Faelan.”

  He opened the note and read:

  Her name is Kylie.


  I would like to be tied up so that I am wide open and completely vulnerable to Todd. I want him to tease me with his favorite instruments. It’s simple really, I want to know his Dominant touch and not be able to do anything about it.

  Faelan looked in Kylie’s direction. The name didn’t ring a bell, but she’d addressed him by his given name. Did that mean she’d met him before he became a Dominant, or was she one of the groupies who followed him after the documentary released?

  He wasn’t sure, but he was about to find out.

  Faelan watched her as she became engaged in a discussion with a small group of submissives. He enjoyed the fact she was unaware he was staring at her, figuring turnabout was fair play.

  Her fantasy would be easy enough to plan out since she had requested his favorite tools and hadn’t mentioned any role play elements.

  Folding her request and putting it in his pocket, he strolled off to the alcove he had reserved for the night, smiling to himself as he passed by Kylie’s little group who were chattering away.

  Little did she know what she was in for…

  As was his ritual, Faelan rapped on the metal pole twice with the cane and waited for the gathering.

  It was with added enjoyment that he shared the fantasy he had chosen that night. Since Kylie preferred to stay in the back, he spoke a little louder than usual.

  “I have selected a rather self-indulgent request tonight. You see, there is a sub in the audience I’ve had my eye on for a while. Tonight, I will be playing out her fantasy…”

  He pulled out the note and read it, making a few changes in the wording. “This sub would like to be tied up so she is completely vulnerable to my favorite instruments.” He saw Kylie perk up. Staring directly at her, he continued, “She also stated ‘I want to know his Dominant touch and not be able to do anything about it.’”

  Kylie stared at him with a stunned expression as the other subs in the crowd looked at her with envy.

  “Would you step forward and join me?” Faelan asked, holding out his hand to her.

  Kylie’s eyes widened, but she didn’t make a move.

  Faelan cocked his head and smiled, waiting patiently.

  Kylie approached him slowly, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He kept his gaze on her, making sure they didn’t lose eye contact. When she was close enough, he took her hand to pull her to him.

  The moment their skin touched she audibly gasped.

  Leaning in, he asked in a low whisper, “Do you really want to scene with me tonight or should I let you go?” Faelan watched her intently, wanting to see her unspoken reaction.

  A rosy blush colored Kylie’s cheeks as she met his direct gaze. “I…I…” she stammered as she nervously played with a lock of her brown hair.

  “It’s okay to say no. I did just hijack your fantasy.”

  Laughing, she replied, “I wondered why raven suddenly had an interest in my fantasies.”

  Faelan winked at her. “I decided you’ve been avoiding me for long enough.”

  Kylie let out a nervous peal of laughter, but he noticed that her gaze kept drifting back to his lips.

  “So, is that a yes?”

  Kylie looked into his eyes and asked in disbelief, “Is this really happening?”

  Faelan nodded.

  “Then yes…Faelan.” She said the name as if it were a forbidden word she was terrified to speak aloud.

  “I’m not going to bite—too hard,” he growled lustfully. Putting his finger under her chin, he lifted her head. “There is no reason to be shy around me.”

  “Except that you’re Faelan.”

  “Just another Dom,” he countered.

  She shook her head. “No, I’ve been watching you.”

  “I know you have.”

  Kylie blushed a deeper shade of red.

  “I’m curious why you never came up to introduce yourself.”

  She glanced away, suddenly looking embarrassed. “I’m older than you and never was your type.”

  “Never? Am I correct to assume we’ve met before, because I thought you seemed familiar.”

  Her eyes grew wide, but she did not answer his question.

  Faelan looked at the waiting crowd, knowing they were anxious for him to begin.

  He put his arm on the small of her back and turned her away from the group, asking quietly, “Would you prefer to discuss this after the scene?”

  “Yes. Yes, I would,” she answered, seeming exceedingly pleased by the suggestion.

  Faelan found that curious and was prompted to ask, “Is there a reason you don’t want me to know?”

  Kylie shook her head, laughing. “No, but I will say that you’re not at all what I was expecting.”

  Faelan smirked. “Why? What were you expecting?”

  “I’d rather not jinx this, but I promise to tell you later.”

  He couldn’t get over the fact she obviously knew him but he could not, for the life of him, remember who she was.

  Faelan guided her into the alcove, saying, “Naturally, you have your safewords you can call should you want me to stop.”

  “Yes, Faelan.” She looked up at him and giggled. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve got my curiosity piqued, but now it’s time for you to strip.”

  Her smile faltered. “Strip? Like you’re ta
lking all my clothes?”

  “Is that a hard limit for you?”

  “No,” she said with a smile, “but I’ve never been asked to do that before.”

  “Then this will be a first of many firsts I suspect,” he growled seductively.

  Kylie suddenly stiffened and whispered in his ear, “I do have a hard limit though.”

  He smiled. “Of course, lay it on me.”

  “I don’t want to…you know.”

  Faelan looked at her questioningly. “I’m not a mind reader,” he chided with a grin.

  “Do it.”

  Faelan had to stop himself from laughing. “You mean it as in intercourse?”

  Her blush intensified as she nodded.

  “I wasn’t going to assume that level of intimacy since you didn’t state it in your fantasy, but thank you for the clarification.”

  Kylie let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, now that that’s out of the way, give me a minute to get back in my headspace before I fulfill the first task.”

  “By all means,” Faelan replied, standing back to watch.

  When Kylie closed her eyes, he noticed after several seconds there was a change in her posture and the expression on her face. When she opened her eyes again, she exuded calmness and poise—no longer the nervous, blushing girl she’d been just moments before.

  Her eyes now shone with inner excitement as she began to slowly undress for him.

  The woman embraced her submission and was inviting his masculine desire. It was a heady power—receiving such a gift.

  Faelan watched as each piece of clothing was taken off, exposing her body to him in parts. First that fleshy ass he’d wanted to spank for quite some time, then those shapely calves that tapered down to her delicate feet with toenails painted an alluring midnight blue. Then she removed her shirt, exposing her feminine stomach. He waited with anticipation as she reached back and undid her bra, letting it fall slowly from her incredibly large and supple breasts—all natural with no need of enhancement.

  Kylie folded her clothes and put them in a neat pile before standing before him, her chin held at a confident but respectful angle. The pride she took in exposing her body honored him as a Dom. He wasn’t interested in a wallflower; he needed a partner who understood her own beauty and proudly shared it with him and anyone else who might watch.


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