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Naughty Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-074-1

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016


  Present day

  I’ve been so naughty.

  So wrong.

  It’s so good.

  I love it.

  I love it so much.

  I love him.

  He’s my sister’s ex.

  I’m going straight to hell.

  Autumn Fowler closed her eyes, refusing to watch herself in the mirror. The pleasure brought enough guilt. She couldn’t take much more.

  “Open those fucking eyes, baby. I want you to watch us together. Watch as I fuck your soaking wet pussy. You know you want it,” Carter Blue said, growling each word out against her flesh, igniting a fire that only he could put out.

  She’d never known this kind of pleasure. Never even dreamed something like this could be happening to her, and what made it worse? This was so wrong.

  Carter Blue was a foul mouthed, inked, bad boy mechanic. She should have stayed away, but from the first moment he touched her, she’d been unable to do anything but submit.

  “That’s it, show me those pretty brown eyes. You’re not just a good girl, baby. You’re my bad girl, and I fucking love it. This perfect mouth, these tits, your pussy, and your ass, it’s all made for me.” He lifted her thigh up so that she had no choice but to watch as his cock tunneled in and out of her. The evidence of her own arousal was clear on his dick. “You can’t deny what I do for you.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then touch your clit, give me what I want, and what I want is your fucking pussy gripping my dick as you scream when you come.”

  She stroked her clit, moving her finger down to feel as he slid in and out of her.

  “I love it when you go all dirty on me. Take what you want. Come all over my cock. I want to feel it.”

  The good girl was long gone, and in her place was someone Autumn never believed she’d be. She wasn’t the kind of woman to just screw for the pleasure of it, or to even enjoy it. Sex had never been very enjoyable. The moment Carter Blue entered her world for the second time, she’d been unable to control the intense attraction. He wasn’t supposed to be hers, and they weren’t supposed to be having sex.

  “Fuck, Autumn, I love your fucking pussy.” He shoved her fingers out of the way and started to stroke her clit. He didn’t give her a chance to pace her orgasm. He hurtled her right over the edge, and into bliss.

  She called his name as he rode her harder through their orgasm. Carter grunted as he filled her pussy.

  This was so wrong. How could it be anything but wrong?

  Yet her body came alive under his touch. She loved every second of being in his company. That had never changed, and not a single moment did she regret being with him.

  “We were supposed to talk,” Carter said.

  “I know.”

  “Whenever I get you alone, all I can think about is fucking you, being inside you.”

  The cloud of pleasure started to fade, and she turned her head to look at him. “We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong. It’s naughty.”

  “We’re not breaking any rules. You’re single. I’m single.”

  “You used to date my sister, Carter.”

  “Used to.”

  “Omg! What the hell is going on here?”

  They both turned, and Autumn wished more than anything that the world would swallow her whole. This has to be the most humiliating experience of her life.

  There in the doorway, witnessing Carter’s cock inside her was Summer, Autumn sister, and Carter’s ex.

  Yes, she’d been very naughty.

  Chapter One

  Seven months earlier

  “Summer, I’m trying, okay?” Autumn said, watching the road ahead as traffic surrounded her.

  “Really? You should have been here over half an hour ago.”

  “I know, I know. I had to work late.”

  “But I wanted you here.”

  “I’m sorry. This is our parents’ anniversary dinner, and I wanted to be there, I really, really did, but I had to work. I have to have a life as well.”

  “If you’d actually listened to me, you’d have known to get the time off.”

  Autumn dropped her head onto the steering wheel. “I’m sorry that I’m not a big time manager, in a big time firm. I don’t get to tell people what to do.” She’d have never enjoyed telling people what to do. The last time she’d seen her sister, Summer had been telling everyone how she’d fired an incompetent male. That was her sister, the praying mantis of the corporate world. She was the manager, or some CEO, or something, of some big time investment company that helped smaller companies to get their name out there. Either way, it was a completely different role, seeing as Autumn was just happy to be baking in a small town shop near her home.

  She didn’t own the shop. Hilary owned the shop, and was an expert baker. Suffering with dyslexia, Autumn had never done well through school, or with exams and the random tests they liked to do.

  What she excelled at was baking, cooking, and enjoying the pleasure of being around people.

  The Fowler family had their success in Summer, the oldest daughter. Autumn, she was the screw-up. She couldn’t even keep a man.

  At least she was nice.

  Summer was the bitch.

  Autumn was the nice one.

  “You could if you applied yourself. Your little issues are not a big deal if you actu—”

  As always, her sister complained about her learning difficulty as if it was just sheer laziness. Summer used to tell all of her friends that Autumn was just thick and stupid.

  “I’m not going to make it for the pre-dinner drinks, or the speeches. Hilary needed me today, and I promised to work. We had a charity event, and I had already agreed to that months in advance.”

  “You’ve known about our parents’ anniversary since you were a child, Autumn.”

  She rolled her eyes. Their parents loved each other, and wouldn’t appreciate Summer’s big lavish get-together. Her sister was only using it as a way to suck up to her colleagues, or to brag about how her parents had stayed together.

  “I’ll be there when I can, Summer. I’m trying, but there is traffic everywhere.”

  “Fine. Fine. I’ll just have to deal with this all by myself. What a surprise.”

  Autumn rolled her eyes and clicked the button, ending the call. There was no point trying to reason with her sister. Summer didn’t know the meaning of the word “reasonable”.

  “Come on!” Autumn screamed at the traffic wishing she’d left ten minutes earlier, and then she wouldn’t be worrying about trying to get on time to her parents’ anniversary party. The next hour passed, and finally she was able to pull off on her section, zooming through the streets, and suddenly she heard a crack, and when she looked out of the back of her car, blooms of white smoke followed her. “Crap!”

  She always forgot to get her car in for any kind of service or check. Dropping her head to the steering wheel, she could have happily sobbed.

  “This is not happening t
o me.”

  There was a knock on her window, making her gasp. Sitting up, she looked over and frowned. She recognized the face staring back at her. His hair was pulled back like she remembered so many times before. The shirt he wore revealed his array of tattoos that had started when she last saw him. He was much bigger than she remembered, more muscular. Carter Blue stared back at her. The same Carter Blue who used to date her sister.

  Leaning over the car, she rolled down the window. Her car didn’t have the fancy electrical windows.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t little Miss Autumn.”


  “So you remember me?”

  I used to fantasize about you.

  “Kind of hard to miss. You dated my sister for a little while.”

  “Yeah, until she decided to move on.” Carter ran his hand across the door. “She’s broken.”

  “Who?” Autumn asked.

  “Your car. From the smoke I’d say it’s your head gasket. You’re pretty lucky. I was just heading out.”

  She stared past him to see that she’d actually come to a stop right in front of the mechanic shop, his shop.

  Her heart was racing as she stared at him.

  “What are you waiting for, beautiful?” he asked.

  Carter always gave little compliments like that. He unnerved her, and it wasn’t in a bad way either. Out of all of the boyfriends Summer had brought home, Carter was the only one that Autumn had been jealous over. He was just everything. He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought of him, and he never tried to impress anyone.

  She remembered a time sitting at the dining room table, trying to work through her English homework and being on the verge of tears when he was heading back from the kitchen with his soda can. She hadn’t wanted him to see her crying, so she’d gotten up from the chair, wiped away her tears and tried her hardest to pretend nothing was bothering her while grabbing a soda, too.

  When she’d come back into the dining room, he’d had her laptop open, and the paper that she’d been working on was on the screen, only it had a different color background. She’d looked at him, confused.

  “It helps. I read in some fancy ass magazine that dyslexia can be helped with something like this. It’s supposed to make the words easier to read.”

  He’d not stuck around, leaving her to watch after him.

  “Earth to Autumn,” he said, waving a hand.

  “I’m sorry. Are you sure it’s not too much trouble? I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

  “It’s no trouble. Come on. Bring her in, and I’ll get everything sorted.”

  Driving into the lot, she followed his direction, and all the time she tried to tell herself why she should get the car picked up to go elsewhere.

  What was the point taking her broken car anywhere else? Everywhere was shut, and it was a miracle Carter was open.

  “I didn’t know you worked here,” she said, climbing out of the car.

  “I own this place. I took it over from the original owner. It’s no problem. Cars have always been my thing.” He walked around the car. “Isn’t this Summer’s old car?”

  Heat filled her cheeks.

  “Yeah, it was given to me as an eighteenth birthday present. I just can’t bring myself to sell it. It’s not like she drove it, and when she doesn’t fall apart, she works like a dream.”

  “When you have a sound engine, it’s impossible to get rid of something so good.” He nodded. “Come on, we’ll book her in.”

  They entered his office, and she was aware of the small space, with the scent of car oils and Carter heady in the air.

  She took a deep breath and tried to focus on being normal.

  Don’t be a freak in front of him.

  “When can you have it fixed by?” she asked.

  “A couple of days.” He held his hand out, and she placed the keys in his palm.

  I can do this.

  Just act calm.

  He took the keys flicking them in his palm, and he whistled.

  She tried to look at everything around the small room other than him. He was clicking away at his computer.

  “Did you graduate?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I did. I actually work in this bakery, Too Tempting. Have you heard of it?”

  “I have. I’ve not had the pleasure of tasting any of their fine food.”

  She smiled. “You should come by. We have some great stuff.” Autumn cringed. Could she be any more obvious?

  “Do you bake still?”

  “That’s what I do. I bake. Hilary is an amazing boss. I love her.” Shut up.

  “I remember you were good at it. All the cakes were what you created, right?”

  “Yeah, they were.”

  He sniggered. “I figured they weren’t Summer’s. She told me they were, but there’s no way she could bake. She couldn’t even toast bread.”

  Autumn laughed. “She didn’t get the cooking or baking gene. It all came to me.” She patted her thighs. “Every single bit.”


  “You look more than fine to me.” Carter stared at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he had no choice but to sit at the computer table. He was hard as fucking rock. The desire to push the table out of the way and take her was so strong, he was finding it hard to concentrate. There had been a lot of women in his life, but then he liked to fuck, and the best way to be the best, was to practice.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “I don’t see a problem with a woman that’s got some meat on her bones, Autumn.” She had always been fuller, rounder, riper. Forcing himself to concentrate, he booked her car in, took the necessary details, and finally, turned his attention back to her. She was biting her lip, which tempted him so damn much. Her lips would look so good wrapped around his cock.

  “Is it all done?”

  “Yeah. I’ll get to this on Monday.”

  “Monday? Ugh, can’t I like bring it back tomorrow? I really need my car.”

  “Where you got to go?”

  “It’s my parents’ anniversary, and I was supposed to be there to give some lousy speech, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve missed half of it. Summer’s already going to be a nag.”

  He snorted. There was a lot about Summer he didn’t like, but he wasn’t about to share it with her sister. Besides, he’d spent over a year and a half with her, and he wasn’t proud of the reason why. Summer had simply been an easy lay, and at the time he’d not been interested in chasing after other women to get some. The one thing he’d learned with the year and half he was with her sister, was that while Autumn and Summer may have their issues, might fight, scream, and curse at each other, in the end, they were sisters, and no one came between that bond. Summer had even surprised him a few times when she’d protected her little sister.

  “I’m afraid I can’t let that happen. Let me take you. I was heading out anyway. There’s no way I can let you take a car that is clearly in need.” And he’d love to have a few more minutes alone with Autumn. He’d not seen her in a long time.

  “I don’t want to trouble you. I can get a taxi.”

  “Not a chance. It’s no trouble.” He hung her keys up on the appropriate hook and turned to smile at her. His dick was still rock hard, but Autumn wasn’t looking at his pants. No, she was staring through the window, out toward her car. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know you won’t, silly. Sorry. I don’t know how Summer would react to me arriving with you.”

  “Then I’ll drop you down the street from wherever you need to go.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Yeah. I offered, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, yeah, you did.”

  She stood, and he waited for her to leave the office, admiring the curves of her ass. Following behind her, he locked up the shop, and opened her door for her.

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t say anything as he rounded the car, and climbed in. Starting up his motor, he listened as she gave him direction
s to some swanky Italian place. He should have known Summer would pick something so expensive and stupid.

  Pulling out of the parking lot, he told her he’d be a second, and locked up the gates.

  “Do you like being a mechanic?” she asked when he climbed back into the car.

  “I love doing shit with my hands. Cars are easy to fix. There’s always a clue and a part to put together. Your car is in good hands.”

  “Thanks. I know it’s old, but I love it.”

  He’d take care of it, for her, he would.

  “Do you know where you’re going?”

  “Yeah, I know the place.”

  “Thank God. I thought I was going to get lost. I’ve never heard of it before.” She pulled off her jacket and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

  He wished she’d leave it down. There were many dirty things he’d gladly do with the length. The main one would be wrapping it around his fist as he fucked into her nice tight pussy.

  His cock had a mind of its own.

  She let out a breath. “I hope she hasn’t gone too crazy. I’m not very good with crowds.”

  “If I know Summer like I know her, then there’s going to be a lot of people there. Just have a glass of wine or a beer, whichever is your poison, take a seat, and watch. That’s what I did.”

  “Are you married?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Hell no, why would you ask that?”

  “No, I just, Summer said something when you guys broke up, and I just wondered if you’d settled down.”

  Carter glanced over at her. He knew the real reason why he and Summer had broken up, but what the fuck did Autumn think?

  “Why do you think Summer and I broke up?” he asked.

  “You cheated on her.”

  “What?” He yelled the word, somewhat shocked that Summer would lie. It was all in the past, and no hard feelings, but what the fuck!

  “That didn’t happen?”

  “No. It didn’t.” He scoffed. “She cheated on me with some guy who was the partner at some firm.”


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