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Naughty Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Once he was finally inside her, and she could take him with a little more ease, he rubbed his cum slicked fingers across her anus. He still held her hands at the base of her back, stopping her from getting away, or wriggling free. She tensed up the moment he touched her. “You never had a dick in this little asshole.”

  “No.” She spoke with a moan.

  Smiling, he stroked over her anus, slicking her up ready to take his finger. When he was happy with her response, he started to press a finger inside her. She tensed up, making her pussy clamp down around him. He gritted his teeth at the pleasure, but didn’t stop. Working one finger inside her ass, he pumped his cock into her pussy in time with the thrusting inside her ass.

  “Oh, Carter.”

  “Much, much better. That’s it, baby, take all of me.” He started to fuck inside her, his thrusts getting harder, making her take more of him. Carter had already screwed the desk to the floor, and right now he was more thankful for his forward thinking than anything else.

  Then when he could no longer stand not fucking her with all of his might, he let her go, removed his fingers from her tight ass, grabbed her hips, and fucked her in a way he’d never done with a woman. Slamming every inch of his cock within her, he made her take it. He held her so tightly there was no chance of her not being bruised from his touch. He wanted her to remember him.

  When she left here, he wanted her to return.

  “Oh fuck!” She groaned, holding onto the desk as he fucked her harder, slamming into her with such force that it took her breath away.

  Reaching between them, he fingered her clit, and brought her to orgasm before filling the condom.

  The pleasure was out of this world, and when they both finally came down from the high, they were both sweating and panting for breath.

  Kissing her neck, he licked over her pulse and wrapped his arms around her. The need to surround her, to lay claim to her was strong. In fact, it was so fucking strong it was a battle to keep himself back. What the fuck was happening to him?

  No woman had ever made him want to own them before, but Autumn wasn’t just any woman. She belonged to him. He knew it without a doubt.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “I notice you say that a lot.”

  “I’ve just had sex in a mechanic’s office. Right now, I’m in need of a wow.”

  He chuckled. “This a little new then.”

  “I’ve always done it in a bed, Carter. This is very new. A good new.”

  Carter couldn’t help but smile.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he moved toward a small door that led into a tiny toilet. Washing his hands, he grabbed some tissue and entered the office. He was surprised to see she’d already pulled up her jeans, and was pushing some of the hair off her face.

  Her cheeks were a little flushed.

  “I don’t … I don’t actually know what to do right now.”

  “You don’t need to do anything, baby.”

  “Right, right. It’s normal for you to have sex here every day.” She took a deep breath, and he saw she was a little shaken.

  “You regretting what just happened?” he asked, tugging his jeans up.

  “No, I’m not, which is weird. I have this thing where I spend most of my time regretting everything that I do. It’s a thing.” She shook her head, and she looked so cute as she tucked some of her hair away. He loved the length, and one day soon it was going to be spread out against his pillow, or wrapped around his fist. She was biting her full bottom lip again, which only served to turn him on even more.

  “What do you regret?”

  “Ugh, a whole lot in life. Losing my virginity to Robert Hamilton in a hotel room at prom. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but it wasn’t. It was the total opposite.” She shrugged. “You can name quite a few.”

  “How many men have you been with?” he asked.


  “Just curious. You have a really tight pussy.”

  There she went, her cheeks looking like ruby jewels. “I don’t think we should talk about this.”

  “I’ve just been balls deep inside you.”

  “Okay, how many women have you had?” she asked.

  “A lot. I’ve been taught a few things in the past few years, but don’t forget, I’m older than you.” He tapped his nose. “What’s a little comparison between friends?”

  “Is that what we are? Friends?”

  “What would you say we are?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “We can be friends as we’ve just gone past the hellos. I’ve been inside you. Do you fuck strangers often?”



  “I find it hard to go the whole way with someone, and besides, I’m not the kind of woman that gets picked up in a bar.”

  He raised a brow.

  “I’m not. Believe me. I’m the kind of girl that gets asked to watch over car keys or a handbag so they can nip to the toilet.” She frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever been picked up in a bar before. Is that some rite of passage?”

  “I’m amazed no one has picked you up. I’d pick you up in a heartbeat.”

  “You’re just being kind.”

  “Then you don’t know me at all. I’m not kind. I’m a dick!”

  She licked her lips again, staring down at the floor. He grabbed his shirt and tugged it over his head.

  “I enjoyed today,” she said.

  “Good. I did as well.”

  “Erm, so Monday, my car will be ready?”

  “It will.”


  “Let me drive you home,” he said.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Your car is not ready. It’s the least I could do.”

  She bit her lip again, and he was determined to have them wrapped around his cock as he deep throated her.

  “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Autumn smiled again, and it was the kind of smile that always took his breath away.

  Grabbing his keys, he opened the door, waiting for her to take the lead. She slipped past him, and he closed his eyes as once again her scent surrounded him.

  Today in his office was never going to be enough. He knew that now more than ever.

  He held the door open for her, and she climbed in, thanking him. He wasn’t nearly done with her.

  “How was the anniversary?” he asked.

  “Horrible. I was made to sit at a table with a couple of boring men who wanted to do nothing but talk about work, and figures, and a lot of boring stuff. I ended up telling them I couldn’t read so I could make my escape.”

  Summer at times really was priceless. Not that he could blame her. Where he was a dick, she was a bitch. If it wasn’t for the nice things he’d seen her do for Autumn, he’d have said she was a total bitch, but she wasn’t. She just didn’t always think about her actions.

  Carter followed the directions that Autumn gave, and it wasn’t long before he was outside of her apartment building.

  “This is me.”

  “Nice place.”

  “It could have been a lot worse.” She turned toward him. “Thank you for the ride.”

  Carter was just about to let her go out, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t let her go away. “Wait.”

  She stopped, looking back at him. “Yeah.”

  “If you ever need to call, call me. You have an itch to scratch, or you want to just call me to talk.”


  “You don’t regret it. I don’t regret it. Just think about it, Autumn. I’ll see you Monday.”

  “It’ll have to be Monday afternoon.”

  “No problem.”

  She smiled and climbed out of the car.

  It wasn’t over, not by a long shot.

  Chapter Four

  “And what did you do?” Hilary asked.

  “Nothing. I got out of the car, went to my apartment, and just sat watching tel
evision all day,” Autumn said.

  The whole day, her pussy had been sore from the pounding it took. That night, she’d gone to bed and used her vibrator to help stop the arousal building inside her. Being with Carter had opened up a dam inside her, and she couldn’t get it to stop. Two nights she’d had sexy dreams about him. Tonight she was going to see him again, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to keep her hands to herself.

  There was no way they could be together. He’d been with her sister, but she couldn’t just ignore the feelings he inspired inside her, and it wasn’t just about sex either. Carter, he got under her skin, and inside her head, making her want stuff she never thought she should have.

  “Well, I’d say go for it.”

  “What about Summer?”

  “What about her? The two have been broken up a long time. I don’t see the issue. The issue I see is you’ve been too long without some real action, and it’s clouding your judgment.”

  “I’m not clouded. Carter is, he’s one of a kind.”

  “One of a kind. Meaning he has a pretty good dick?” Hilary asked.

  Autumn placed six cookies into a bag and wrapped them up, labeling them with the price.

  She glared at her boss, shaking her head. “That too.”

  “I can’t wait to meet this man. You’ve never spoken about him before.”

  “Because it was just one of those things that happened, and I can’t believe I’m telling you now.”

  “Please, you’re telling me because you know I won’t tell your sister. Besides, I think your sister has more important fish to fry if you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t, and I don’t want to find out either.” Autumn carried the large tray through to the main bakery, and placed all of the packaged goods on the shelf. It had been a busy morning rush as it always was.

  “Now that is the kind of hunk I like to see in a morning,” Hilary said.

  She turned toward the door, in time to see Carter opening it. Autumn’s heart started to pound, and she quickly rushed back behind the counter. “That’s him.” She whispered so only Hilary could hear.

  “Carter,” Autumn said. “What a nice surprise.”

  “You told me I should come and check this place out, and that is exactly what I’m doing. I’m checking this place out.”

  “Great.” Her hands were shaking a little, and her pussy was taking on a life of its own. “So, what can I help you with?”

  “What’s good?”

  “Everything,” Hilary said. “I got lucky when Autumn decided to work for me. I’m Hilary, the boss.”


  “I’ll leave you in Autumn’s capable hands.”

  Autumn watched her boss leave, giving her a wink before she disappeared into the back.

  “What can I get you? Everything is made fresh, and if you have an allergy, we do try our hardest to cater to that.”

  “I don’t have any allergies of any kind. You got some nice strips of beef?”


  “I’ll have a beef roll please, and one of those iced cream fingers.”


  Autumn grabbed a little baggy and started to take the items he wanted. You can do this. He’s just a customer.

  “Your car will be ready this afternoon.”


  He chuckled. “You having a hard time thinking I’m here?”

  The mention of the word “hard” went straight between her thighs. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

  “The one thing you can guarantee about me, baby. I’ll make sure both of us come.”

  “A sex joke. Funny.”

  She told him the price, and he gave her a couple of notes.

  “I’ve got a lot more jokes where that came from.”

  Autumn chuckled. “I bet you have.”

  “You’ve not seen anything yet.”

  She held out his change, and he took it, keeping hold of her hand.


  “Autumn, I’ve thought about you all weekend.”

  She stared into his blue eyes. His hair was once again pulled back into a small ponytail at the base of his neck.

  “Tell me you haven’t.”

  There was no way for her to look away, or to deny it. She had done nothing but think about their time together. The one encounter that as far as she was concerned had changed her life.

  “It was a mistake.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “I don’t know what I believe anymore.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here if you need me.” He pulled her close, and his lips pressed against the corner of her mouth. “If you need me for anything at all.”

  She watched him walk out of the bakery without a backwards glance.

  “Now that was fucking hot!” Hilary came around the corner. “If that was me, I’d have come in my pants as well.”

  Autumn smiled. “It has been a long day. I clearly have other things to do. I’m just going to go on my break.”

  Grabbing her jacket, she left the back of the shop, and leaned against the wall, taking several deep breaths. This kind of thing never happened to her, and she couldn’t believe she was having to deal with it now.

  Her cell phone went off, and she considered that was a sign to stop thinking about it. She saw her sister was calling, and accepted.

  “Hello, you’re still friends with me?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t be anything else. Mom and Dad loved their party, and guess who asked about you?”

  “The maître d’?”

  “No, silly. David. He asked about you.”


  “Please, Autumn, stop being difficult. David, the guy you were talking with for the rest of the night, you know, when you finally arrived.”

  Autumn frowned. No matter what, she couldn’t think of anyone she actually spoke to. “The weirdos at the table where you put me?”

  “They’re not weirdos, silly. They’re part of the financial part of our company. Anyway, I can’t go spilling trade secrets. He wants to know if you’d like to go on a date.”

  “No.” She didn’t even need to hesitate.


  “Summer! No. I didn’t even talk to the guy, okay? He was playing on his little toy. Probably playing a game because he was bored out of his freaking mind. Why were half of your colleagues there? I didn’t see a single one of our parents’ friends.”

  “It was a party, Autumn.”

  “So? It was a party for our parents.”

  “They didn’t have a problem. They had a lot of fun. Now about David.”

  “You date him. Don’t think of pushing me off on to any of your work colleagues.”

  “Sweetie, I’m not pushing you off. I just, he’s nice, okay? And he’s head of the financial division, and if he’s—”

  “Taken care of, you get everything you want. I get that, and I know what you’re saying, but I’m not going to do it, sweetie. The last thing I want is to fall asleep into my dinner.” That had happened with one of the favors she did for her sister. Summer was on the phone, nagging because she’d made everything worse.

  “Autumn, you’ll really like him. He’s sweet and kind, holds a steady job, makes a decent living. You wouldn’t need to work again if you got together with him.”

  He’s boring, and he’ll make you boring.

  Guess who isn’t boring?

  Carter, remember him?

  Carter the guy with a massive cock, and he wants me.

  “No, Summer. It’s not happening, and if you don’t want to talk about anything else, then we’re done as well.”

  She hung up the phone before she could actually make a complete and total fool of herself.

  “You really shouldn’t be hanging around the back of building with your eyes closed,” Carter said.

  She gasped, opening her eyes to see him standing in front of her. “Carter.”

mn. Date trouble?”

  “No date trouble. My sister wants a favor.”

  He stepped closer, and his hand came to her cheek, stroking over the heated flesh. “She’s annoyed you.”

  “She wants me to go on a date, and to settle down with a guy who can make her life easier.”

  “It’s not the first time?” he asked.

  “No. I thought you left?”

  “I did. Then I came back to talk, and Hilary said you were out here. I didn’t want to interrupt your phone call.”

  “I wish you had. It was nothing important, not really.”

  His finger went beneath her chin, and tilted her face up to his. “Everything is important. Will you go on this date?”

  “No. I’ve done the boring routine, and I hate it.”

  “Poor Autumn. Constantly being used by your sister.”

  “It’s fine. I’m used to it.”

  She held her breath as he leaned down, closing the distance between them.

  “It’s not fine, but I’ve got a solution to make you feel better.”

  “You have?”

  “Yeah.” His lips slammed down on hers, and she gasped, opening up as he plunged his tongue inside.

  Moaning, she cupped the back of his head, dropping her cell phone in the process, not caring about what happened to it. The hand on her cheek moved down her body, grazing the tip of her nipple, and sliding down to cup her between the legs.

  Carter shoved his hand down her jeans, sliding into her panties, and finding her clit.

  She gasped, pulling away and glancing around him.

  “No one is here. No one will see.”

  “What if they do?”

  “Do you really think I’d let that happen?” he asked. “When you’re with me, you’re safe. Never forget that. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  She trusted him. Staring into his eyes, she couldn’t look away as he started to play with her body. He thrust his fingers inside her, getting them wet before stroking her clit.

  “You don’t need to do this,” she said.

  “With how tense you’re looking, I think this is something you need, baby. Let me take care of you.”

  Why are you fighting?

  She didn’t know why, only that she felt like she had to fight what was happening. What was wrong with letting another person take care of her?


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