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Naughty Page 5

by Sam Crescent


  She hesitated, and released the door, letting him inside. He flicked the lock into place as he entered her apartment. The space was entirely hers. The walls were a light cream, and the floors were wood with a couple of carpets along the bottom. Pictures of her family were everywhere. He liked it.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you do everything else that everyone else wanted you to do?”

  She stood, staring at him, and he saw her flushed and slightly damp body. That one look was all it took for him to get hard.

  “I don’t know. Because I felt like I was such a failure that doing what they asked was the only thing I could do?” She shrugged, holding onto the towel as if it was a lifeline.

  “Is this because of your dyslexia?”

  “Don’t bring it up. Don’t make it sound like it’s not a big deal.”

  “It’s not a big deal.”

  She released a sigh. “You don’t know what it’s like to be compared.”

  “Compared to Summer?”

  “Yes. I bet you even compare the two of us.”

  “Baby, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about because right now, I’m not comparing you. In fact, I’ve never compared the two of you.”


  “What exactly am I supposed to compare the two of you with?”

  “I don’t know. You slept with the two of us.”

  “That’s not how I work. I’ve slept with a lot of women, Autumn.”

  “Great, that’s just great.”

  “No, it’s not, not really. None of them have made me come after them.”

  “Come after them?”

  “Do you think I go to the workplace of the women I fuck? No. That’s not something I do. I’m not the kind of guy to go around chasing after women. I’ve never had to.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “This between us is something that I can’t even begin to describe, okay. I don’t want it to end.”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “I don’t want it to end either.”

  He stepped toward her. “And I don’t compare you with anyone else I’ve been with, because the truth is, they don’t compare.” He grabbed the knot of her towel and tugged it open. “Now, how about you make it up to me.” He took hold of her hip and pulled her close. He noticed the bruises from his fingers, and he liked it. The marks on her skin were from him, and seeing them, only brought out his need to claim her even more.

  “How can I make it up to you?” she asked.

  Releasing her, he removed his shirt and then his jeans. He removed the condom from his pocket, and placed it between his teeth, careful not to bite down. Next, he took hold of her hands, and moved them both back. He sat down on the sofa, and removed the latex from the wrapper, sliding on the condom.

  “Come and sit,” he said. “Take my cock.”

  He held his cock, and beckoned her over to him.

  She hesitated for a second, and he knew he needed that shit to stop. She had nothing to feel hesitant about. Not at all.

  “I won’t bite, unless you ask me to.”

  “That’s not exactly comforting.”

  “It’s okay. Come on, baby.”

  She said nothing as she stepped toward him. Taking hold of his hand, she placed one knee on the sofa beside his knees, and the other on the other side. Placing his cock at her entrance, he watched as he slid slowly inside her. She took him inch by glorious inch.

  Autumn released a little moan as she did. On the last couple of inches, he took hold of her ass and slammed her all the way down.

  “Fuck!” She screamed out the word, her nails digging into his shoulders as she took him.

  “I know, baby, I know.” He kissed her temple, feeling every little contraction and pulse as she wrapped around his cock. Staring at where the lips of her pussy were nestled against his cock, he moaned. Her clit was peeking out, looking a little swollen and in desperate need of attention. Licking his finger, he pressed it against her clit, and slowly started to stroke.

  Her cunt squeezed the fuck out of him, and it made him moan even more. He was so close to shooting his load within her, and he wished there wasn’t a condom between them. Carter wanted her to surround him, to feel every inch of her flesh over his.

  “Do you want to come?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  He stroked her clit, watching as she wriggled on his cock. “From this day forward, I want you to use me, Autumn. I want you to use me the way I’m going to use you. I’m going to take what I want. When I want a pussy, this is going to be the one I fuck. When I want your mouth, I’m going to take it. Then, when I want your ass, you’re going to be ready for it.”

  “Yes!” She screamed the word out, grabbing his shoulders, and sinking her nails into the flesh.

  “I expect you to call me, and, Autumn, I can promise you, none of this is ever going to be confined to a bed. Anywhere, everywhere, whenever the need takes us.”


  Carter fingered her clit, feeling the tightening of her cunt as her orgasm started to build. Without the condom he’d have been able to feel the pulsing of her pussy, but as it was, he couldn’t. One day he’d have her naked, and when he did, he’d take every single advantage. She screamed his name, begging for him to fuck her.

  When the aftershocks began to subside, he flipped her onto her back, and started to pound inside her pussy. Slamming his lips down on hers, he held her hands, keeping them beside her head as he fucked her body.

  “It feels so good,” she said.

  “You’ve got no idea how good it feels to me.”

  He kissed down her neck, taking one of her full nipples into his mouth, biting down hard on the tip.

  She whimpered, pulsing around him, as her orgasm started to lessen.

  His began to build, and he thrust inside her, feeling the first waves of orgasm. There was no way for him to hold back, or stop what was happening. Spilling his cum into the condom, he groaned out her name, knowing he was done for.

  Collapsing on top of her, he pressed his face against her neck.

  Seconds passed, or maybe minutes, he didn’t know. All he knew was that time faded away.

  “Carter, you’re squishing me,” she said.

  “Sorry, babe.” He hovered over her with his dick still inside her. “You got a problem with our arrangement?”

  “Not at all. I like it, and I can live with it.” Her cheeks were once again flushed.

  “This is about us.”

  “Yeah, it is. You don’t compare.”

  “No. I don’t.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Do I have to worry about the wicked sister turning up?”

  “No. I kicked her out. I lost my temper. I really shouldn’t have. It’s all my fault.”

  “Tell me all about it.”

  Pulling out of her pussy, he disposed of the condom, following her into her bathroom, where she added more hot water to her bath as she told him everything. He found it rather interesting that Summer had used her sister over the years. Kind of sad, too, that Autumn had put up with it.

  “You’re not going to date him?”

  “Hell no. Why would I date someone I’d probably sleep through?”

  “You slept through a date before?” he asked.

  “Yeah, a couple of times.” She flapped her hand at him. “It’s no big deal. I like to tell myself it’s not a big deal, but clearly it is.”

  He chuckled. “You wouldn’t fall asleep on a date with me.”

  “I don’t even doubt it.” She climbed into the tub and patted the water. “Care to join me?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Instead of climbing in opposite her, he moved in behind her, drawing her closer. He closed his eyes, breathing in her scent, knowing without a doubt that he’d finally come home.

  Chapter Six

  The next couple of weeks went by in somewhat of a blur for Autumn. One moment she was in the tub with Carter, enjoyin
g conversation, and the next, she was back at work, and he was full with dealing with broken down cars. They didn’t have much time for each other, but, however, they did talk. There were also a couple of trips to the bakery, but no actual fun time other than some flirting, which was nice. She couldn’t ever recall being flirted with.

  Carter: Sorry I couldn’t swing by today. Business is booming, and I can’t turn it away.

  Autumn: No need to apologize. I get it, I really do. I’d be the same. <3

  Carter: that heart for me?

  Autumn: Of course. I have spell checker, awesome, right?

  Carter: Ha-ha.

  Autumn: I wanted to do my exams with phone, wouldn’t let me. :)

  Autumn frowned as her cell phone started ringing. “Hello.”

  “How did you do in your exams?”

  “I did okay. I didn’t get high scores. I feel sorry for the people who had to mark them. I bet they were laughing the whole way through.” With her problems with spelling, she’d got a cell phone that held a dictionary. She could make out the words, and knew what she was trying to say. The auto correct and dictionary helped her a lot.

  “Don’t. Don’t put yourself down.”

  “We’ll always be at odds over this. Why are you calling me?”

  “Why not? We’re texting. I wish you’d let me come ‘round to your place.”

  She sighed. “I’d love you to be here, but you’re working, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I won’t. I’m very good at dodging car fluid.”

  “Sure, sure. I mean it. I don’t want you to get too tired and screw up. Believe me.”

  “There’s only one thing I want to screw, and the cars are not it.”

  She chuckled. “How about we agree to see each other this coming Sunday? Would you be able to work that?”

  “I’m not working. I don’t see why not. The last two times you’ve been at your parents’.”

  “I know. I know. They have this big thing with a huge family dinner, and they invited a couple of my aunties and cousins.” She wasn’t about to tell him that Summer and David had been there. This time there was no forced date, or even any witty comments. It had been a nice dinner. Of course, her parents wanted to know when she would settle down with a nice guy.

  “I bet they’d have a heart attack if I came along.”

  “There would be a lot of questions, but you could come if you liked? Have you seen Summer since your breakup?”

  “Nope. Never seen the need to go out of my way to talk to her. She wanted other things, I wanted these things, and neither of us saw eye to eye.”

  She lay back in bed, loving the sound of his voice. Closing her eyes, she listened to him. “Didn’t you freak out when you saw it?” she asked.

  “Nope. I stood and waited until they were finished.”

  “You didn’t care? Not even a little bit?”

  “Autumn, I hate to say this to you, but it was just a fuck. Your sister and I, we dated, sure. Went to the movies, hung out together, had some fun times, but it wasn’t a matter of the heart. I didn’t cheat on her. It’s the one thing I don’t agree on. If you’re with a woman, you’re with them, no matter what.”

  She melted … again. “You’re like this perfect bad boy.”

  “Perfect? I don’t think I’d go so far as to say that. Bad, hell yeah. Dirty, completely.”

  She licked her lips. “I’m getting a sense of how dirty you can be.”

  “What we’ve done is a little rough, babe, but it’s not dirty. Do you think you’re even ready for dirty?”

  “How dirty can you get?” she asked.

  “You ever been tied up as you’ve been fucked, moving from your pussy as you’re in the throes of orgasm, to your ass, fucking you until I spill every single drop of cum, and then watch as it spills out?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You’re into BDSM?”

  “Nope. I just like to tie my woman up so she’s completely at my mercy. There’s no punishments. No whips. No ties. No titles. Just hard fucking built with a little bit of trust.”

  She whimpered.

  “Are you wet for me now?”


  “Touch yourself. I’ve got my cock in my hand. If we can’t be with each other, the next best thing is to talk about what we want to do.”

  “Phone sex?”

  “The second best kind of sex.”

  Sliding her hand between her thighs, she fingered her slit, finding the right spot that had her moaning.

  “Sunday, you’re coming to my place. I live in a house, and I can do whatever the hell I want to you without worrying about someone hearing us.”


  “I’ll pick you up,” he said. “When we get to my place, I want you to be naked, and at my mercy for the rest of the day. Will you do that for me?”


  “Good. I’m going to take you in my sitting room, have you spread open on my coffee table. I’ll lick your pretty pussy until you come all over my face, and how do you feel about me working that sweet ass of yours?”

  She tensed up but not in a bad way. She’d enjoyed the feel of his fingers inside her. “I’ve not got a problem with it.”

  “Good. I’m going to go shopping and get some supplies. Your ass needs to be ready to take my cock.”

  Again, she whimpered.

  He wasn’t small, so there was going to need to be some preparation for her to take him.

  “Once I have your ass ready, filled with a nice plug, I’m going to stroke my cock into your pussy, watching as your cum covers me. I’ll make you watch as I claim you, filling your tight hot cunt with my dick.”

  “Carter,” she said, moaning his name.

  “That’s right, baby. Come for me, let me hear when you come.”

  She cried out as she came, arching up, and squeezing the phone in a death grip. Across the line she heard Carter moan as he came as well, both of them filling the void with their release.

  Afterward, she was panting, and seeing a few stars from the pleasure.

  “Autumn?” he asked.


  “I’m clean.”

  “So am I.”

  “I’ve got my papers. Ever since you agreed, I went for a full health checkup.”

  She smiled. “I did the same. We can exchange notes, and I’m on the pill. I’m safe.”

  “What would you say to forgetting condoms completely?”

  “I’d say that I’d like to try that.”

  “Until Sunday,” he said.

  She clicked her cell phone off, and let out a breath. Sunday couldn’t come fast enough.


  Friday morning, Carter got one hell of a shock when Summer turned up at his shop. She parked her flashy car and climbed out, looking at the sign. There was a pinch to her lips that he’d not noticed before, and he saw she’d lost even more weight in the last few years.

  “Coincidence she turned up?” Denny asked.

  “Well, well, well, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Carter asked.

  “I have to say I’m shocked to see what is in front of me right now.” She placed a hand on her hip. “You’re still working at this place, and now you own it?”

  Wiping his hands on the cloth, he stared at Summer, feeling absolutely nothing. He just wanted her gone from his shop so that he could get the work he needed to do so he didn’t have to come in on Sunday to catch up.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  Denny was glaring at her, clearly not happy to see her.

  “I was wondering if you’d give my car a tune-up.”

  “Summer, your car is worth the price of a fucking house. Just tell me what you fucking want, and go away.”

  “Wow, in a matter of weeks, I’ve been sent away by my sister, and now you. Okay, let’s just say I was having somewhat of a think about you. I found this in my belongings. I was going through them. Throwing out the trash, and I remembered you giving me this.
” She held out a locket, and he frowned.

  Taking the locket from her, he saw it was the one his mother had given him on her deathbed. “I didn’t give this to you, Summer. I lost it at your place, and you promised to find it for me.”

  “Sorry. I guess after everything that happened, I just didn’t think about it. It’s yours now, and I was wondering what you’d think of going to dinner.”

  This was a nightmare.


  “No? Come on, we had so much fun together.”

  “I said no, and I fucking meant it.” He pointed to her car. “Just go, Summer.”

  “Are you still angry about what happened?”

  “No. I’m not angry.”

  “Okay then. If you’re not angry, what is your problem?” she asked. “Why won’t you come to dinner with me?”

  “Thanks for the locket back, Summer.” He turned away, heading toward the car he’d been working on, ignoring her, even as she stood looking shocked by his complete lack of interest.

  “Fine, whatever.” She stormed away, and he released a sigh.

  “Awkward or what?”

  “It wasn’t awkward. Summer was itching for something, but it wasn’t me.” He shrugged.

  “How are things going with you and Autumn?”

  “Fine. We’re seeing each other on Sunday, and I intend to make it a memorable time.”

  Denny didn’t move away, and once he finished tightening a few bolts, he dropped down the hood of the car, securing it back up. “What?”

  “I hate to say this to you, but you’ve got to think about what you’re doing.”

  “You don’t think I’m thinking about what I’m doing?”

  “They’re sisters, Carter.”


  “You know, you come across as this big bad guy, and to anyone on the outside looking in, I see it, I get it, but Carter, you’re not that guy. You have a heart, you have feelings, and the way you are with Autumn, it’s different.”

  Grabbing the file he’d kept on the car, he started to make notes to assure himself that he had everything right.

  “You’re going to ignore me. Fine. Autumn is different because I’ve never known you to give your cell phone number to a woman. You go to the bakery to see her, and come back looking like a man in love. Her knickers are still in the drawer of the office.”


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