The Red Triangle

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The Red Triangle Page 20

by Arthur Morrison


  Going to bed uncommonly soon I woke correspondingly early in themorning; but I was no earlier than Hewitt, who was at my door, in fact,ere my breakfast was well begun.

  "Well," I asked eagerly, almost before my friend had entered, "have yougot him at last?"

  "Not yet," Hewitt answered. "But he did exactly as I had expected.Plummer and I knocked up the bank manager, who lives over the premisesat the Upper Holloway branch. He was a very decent fellow--rather youngfor the post--but he was naturally a bit surprised, possibly irritated,at being bothered by one and another after office hours. I showed himthe cheque-book, and asked him if it belonged to any customer of his.

  "'Why, yes,' he said, examining the numbers, 'I remember this because itis the first of a new series, and we issued it the day before yesterdayto a new customer. Where did you get it?'

  "'We are very anxious to see that customer,' I said. 'Has he been herethis evening?'

  "The manager seemed a trifle surprised, but answered readily enough.'Yes,' he said, 'he was here not an hour ago.'

  "'Wanting to draw money?' I asked. But that the manager wouldn't tellme, of course. So that it was necessary for Plummer to step in andreveal the facts that this was a police matter, and that he was adetective-inspector. That made some difference. The manager told us thatour man had opened an account at the bank only two days before; and I'dlike you to guess what name he had opened it under."

  "Not Myatt?" I said. "After the chase----"

  "No, not Myatt."

  "Catherton Hunt?"

  "No, nor Catherton Hunt. He had opened it in the name of Mayes!"

  "What! his actual name?"

  "His actual original name, according to Peytral. The account wastransferred, it would seem, from another bank; and I have an idea we mayfind that he has been shifting his money about from one bank to anotheras safety suggested, using his real name with it. You remember we couldfind no trace of a banking account when the police raided and ransackedCalton Lodge after Mason was killed? Quite probably he has had smallcurrent accounts in other names at various times to aid in his schemes,but his main account has always stood in his real name; and by that, yousee, we get some confirmation of Peytral's story. Well, as I say, theaccount was opened in the name of Mayes, and the cheque-book was issuedwhich we discovered last night. The Upper Holloway branch saw no more ofits customer till yesterday evening, long after hours, when he drove upin a hansom."

  "Oh," I said, "in a hansom, was it? The men left behind could get nonews of him."

  "Yes, we ascertained that last night; we called back, of course, thelast thing. I expect he got the first cab visible and drove off to ahatter's a fair distance away, and then on to the bank. At any rate, heknocked up the manager and told him that he had a sudden need for moneythat very night; could he have some?

  "The manager told him it would be impossible. Even if he had beenwilling to do it, against all regulations, it would still be impossible.For the strong-room and every cash receptacle in it was locked with twoseparate locks with different keys, and though he had one of these keyshimself, it was useless without the other, which was in the possessionof his second in command, who lived some distance out of London. Thiscourse is the usual precaution adopted in branch banks of this sort;opening and closing, morning and evening, have to be done by chief andassistant together. And I tell you, Brett, I believe that it was onlythe being informed of this fact that prevented Mayes from trying some ofhis hypnotic tricks on the bank manager; in which case there would havebeen a big bank robbery--perhaps something worse in addition."


  "Murder with a tourniquet, perhaps--perhaps with some other weapon; but,at any rate, probably with the Red Triangle. You know, of course--indeedI told you, I think--that in most cases--not all--it is necessary to getthe subject's consent to the _first_ exercise of hypnotism on him. Itold you also it is possible for the practised hypnotist, while thesubject is under the influence of the _first_ experiment, to suggest tohim a certain word or formula, or even a silent sign, which shall bringhim under the influence at any other time, whenever the hypnotistchooses to repeat it--just as must have been done with Mr. Telfer, inthe case of the Admiralty code. The first suggestion would not be thedifficult thing it might seem--it would only require a little time andpersuasion. Nothing would be said about hypnotism, of course; perhapssomething about a little physical experiment, or the like, and then ina moment or two the subject would be in this creature's power for ever.Remember the little 'ceremony of initiation' that the scoundrelattempted to persuade you to submit to! That meant hypnotism--perhapsdeath.

  "But this is mere speculation. Mayes found that the keys on the premiseswere not enough to release his money, even if the strict rules of thebank had permitted the cashing of a cheque out of hours. But the managersuggested that perhaps some neighbouring tradesman would exchange cashfor a cheque, and, with the view of obliging the new customer, went withhim as far as the shop of Mr. Isaac Trenaman, a grocer and cheesemongerwith a rather large shop at the corner of the road. Mr. Trenaman,introduced and assured by the manager, was willing to give as much cashas he could find in the till against Mr. Mayes's cheque, and did so tothe extent of twenty-seven pounds, a cheque for which sum was duly drawnon one of the tradesman's own cheque forms, and left with him. Thisdone, the bank's new customer took himself off, with thanks andapologies; carrying with him, however, two blank cheque forms from Mr.Trenaman's book, the pennies for which he punctiliously paid over thecounter. Having no cheque forms with him, he explained, he might findthem useful if he could come across some friend who could provide thecash he wished to use that night. And having completed this business sofar, this charming new customer of the bank made off into the night."

  "And is that all you know of his movements?"

  "Yes, as yet. He seems to have made no very definite excuse to themanager for wanting the money in such a hurry--just said something hadoccurred which made cash necessary, and was very polite and apologetic,generally. The manager formed a notion that it must be for some gamblingpurpose--he fancied that Mayes said something distantly alluding tothat, but wasn't sure."

  "Did you ask about the address given to the bank?"

  "Of course; but there we gained nothing. The manager couldn't rememberit exactly, and the books, of course, were locked up. But we know italready--for what the manager _could_ remember was that it was an officeaddress, and somewhere near Barbican! So that we are back at theBarbican den again, where I am going now, with Plummer, to give a day toa minute investigation of the whole place. Meanwhile a watch is beingset at the bank in Holloway."

  "Do you expect him back there, then?"

  "Hardly. You see he knows that by this time we must have found hischeque-book, and will be on the watch. But there is just a chance--avery remote one--that he may send a message; perhaps send somebody tocash a cheque. Though I don't expect it, for he is no fool--he is,indeed, a sort of genius--and that would be a mistake, I think. Still,he is bold, and that is where his money is, and he may make a dash atit. So a couple of Plummer's men are to be waiting there, this morning,in the manager's office, and if anybody comes from Mayes he will bedetained. Perhaps you would like to be with them? You can't be of muchuse with me, and the job will be dull. But there you _may_ have a chanceof excitement, and you will be useful to come and report if anythingdoes happen. Why, you may even bag Mayes himself!"

  "Of course--I'll go anywhere you please. They told you last night, Isuppose, that Peytral had business, and had gone off?"

  "Yes, and I'm not sorry. He is too dangerous a man to have about us,with his hot blood and the terrible injuries he keeps in memory. Aslikely as not, if we get Mayes, we should next have to collar Peytralfor shooting him, or something. So I'm not sorry he is out of it for abit. But can you start now? Plummer is in my office and the two men arein a cab outside. The bank opens at nine, and that is in UpperHolloway."

  I seized my hat and made ready.

  "You should
keep your eyes open," Hewitt hinted, "before you get to thebank and when you leave, as well as while you're there. Do you rememberhow poor Mason was watched? Well, there is probably some watching goingon now. Last night, on our way to the bank and back, I believe Plummerand I were watched pretty closely."


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