Holiday Guests

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Holiday Guests Page 2

by Elizabeth Briggs

  Plus, Josh nearly kissed me in the kitchen. I wanted him to so bad. But now that Mark and Finn are here, I’m torn because I have feelings for them also. It wouldn’t be fair to be with Josh when I’m lusting after his two best friends. This could get really complicated fast. But how am I supposed to choose between them?



  Conversation flows easily over dinner. We all joke about our horrible bosses, commiserate over how there are no good lunch places near the office, and wonder what some of our coworkers are doing for the holidays. Then the conversation turns away from work and to other things. Movies and TV shows we’ve seen lately. Books. Music. I find I have something in common with each guy. Josh and I both enjoy spending time outdoors. Mark and I both love going to concerts. Finn and I both read tons of books. It definitely doesn’t make my decision any easier, because I can see myself in a relationship with any one of them.

  “That was so good,” Josh says, when we’re finished eating.

  “It was,” Mark adds. “I loved the little kick to it. Did you put hot peppers in it?”

  “I did,” I say, pleased that he noticed. “I like it a tiny bit spicy, and that’s how my grandmother always made it.”

  “I’ll have to copy your recipe next time I make spaghetti.”

  “Do you cook?” I ask.

  “Mark is a great cook,” Finn says. “Thank god cause otherwise we would just eat ramen and take-out every night.”

  Mark smirks. “Yes, my brother is useless in the kitchen. As is Josh.”

  “Ugh, I hate cooking,” Josh says. “I do like eating though. I’d eat anything you put in front of me, Leah.” He says it with such a devilish smile I have no doubt what he means, and warmth floods my face…and other parts of me.

  Finn jumps to his feet. “Let’s clean up and then you can give us a tour of the place. I want to see your book collection.”

  We bring all the dishes into the kitchen, and with the four of us it doesn’t take much time to get everything loaded into the dishwasher. Mark opens another bottle of wine and pours us all a glass, and then we set off on a tour of the house.

  “Well, you’ve already seen the kitchen, dining room, and living room,” I tell them. “That’s most of this floor, except for a guest room back there, and then there’s the backyard.” I move to the back door and open it. It’s no longer snowing, but there’s a layer of soft white snow covering everything outside, and under the moonlight it looks magical. “This is one of my favorite things about this house—the huge yard.”

  “It’s awesome,” Josh says. “Great trees, tons of space. You must have at least an acre or more.”

  I nod. “It’s a bit overgrown at the moment but I don’t mind. Makes it feel like my own private forest.”

  Next we head up the stairs, which I’ve decorated with Christmas lights and holly. “Up here we have two more guest rooms,” I say, as I show them each one. “You can fight over the rooms later tonight if you decide to stay.”

  “Oh, we’re definitely staying,” Mark says, his voice low.

  I flash him a smile. “Right. We’ve all had a lot of wine. Not safe for any of you to drive now.”

  “Mmhmm.” His eyes roam over my body and I get the impression he’s got another reason he wants to stay.

  As desire flickers through me, I quickly move to the next room on the tour. “This is my office and library.”

  “Wow, you have a lot of books,” Josh says.

  “Yep, and I have even more on my Kindle. I really love to read.”

  Finn chuckles softly. “We figured that from all the times we’ve caught you with your nose in a book at the office.”

  “Just don’t tell the boss,” I say, in a teasing voice.

  “Never,” Josh replies.

  As the guys look at my bookshelves, I suddenly blurt out, “I really want to be a writer myself one day,” Whoa, I can’t believe I just told them that. I’ve never told anyone else before.

  “I bet you’d be good at it,” Josh says.

  “Have you written anything yet?” Mark asks.

  I look away, wishing I’d never said anything. “I have a couple manuscripts finished, but I’ve never done anything with them. They’re not very good.”

  “I bet that’s not true,” Finn says. “You should fix them up and publish them.”

  “What are they about?” Mark asks.

  I stare at the floor, suddenly way too warm. “They’re um...romance novels.” Really erotic romance novels. About a girl with more than one guy. Sometimes even two or three. But I’m definitely not telling them that.

  “Oh really,” Josh says, clearly intrigued.

  “What kind of things are you writing about in these romance novels?” Mark asks, raising his eyebrows.

  “I think you should let us read some of them,” Finn says, with a naughty grin.

  “No way.” I shake my head. “Besides, my computer isn’t working. Even if I wanted to let you read them, I couldn’t.” Thank god for that.

  Finn glances over at my computer. “I can fix it for you later.”

  “It’s okay if you don’t want us to read them,” Josh says. “But you should do something with them. Don’t let them sit on your computer collecting dust forever.”

  “Maybe one day. When I have more time.” I quickly move out to the hallway before they try to get on my computer and read all the naughty stories they’ve inspired. “Okay, back to the tour!”

  The guys reluctantly follow me out of my office and I lead them to my bedroom and open the door.

  “This is my room.”

  It’s nothing special, just a king-sized bed with a dresser, plus my knitting stuff on one side and of course, more books. Thank god I cleaned up quickly before they came over, making my bed and hiding the bras and underwear that were strewn about.

  “It’s cozy, like the rest of the house,” Josh says. “Feels like you.”

  I gaze across the room with a fond smile. “It’s gone through a lot of changes since I moved in when I was fourteen.”

  Mark presses a hand on the edge of my bed, testing it. “Nice and large. Firm too.”

  “Seems like a big bed for just you,” Finn says to me.

  “I guess so, but I’m hopeful I won’t be single forever.”

  “You won’t be,” Josh says, with certainty in his voice. The kind of certainty that makes me wonder if he intends to finally make a move tonight.

  With the tour done, we head back to the living room and all spread out on the two couches. This room is the most decorated, with a large Christmas tree, stockings over the fireplace, and mistletoe hanging over the doorway.

  I take a sip of wine. “Thanks again for coming tonight. I’m really glad I’m not spending the holidays alone.”

  “We are too,” Finn says. “In fact, we’ve all wanted to spend more time with you for a while.”

  “Really?” I’m warm all over, and it’s not just from the wine.

  Josh sits beside me and rests a hand on my bare knee. “Leah, we think you’re amazing. Beautiful. Smart. Kind. Everything a guy could ever want in a woman.”

  “Not to mention, an incredible cook,” Mark adds.

  “Wow. Um. Thanks.” I’m not sure where they’re going with this, but I’m not complaining either.

  Josh’s hand inches up my thigh. “The truth is...we want you. And we think you want us too.”

  “I...” My head spins. What is happening? “I don’t understand.”

  “We’re all interested in a relationship with you,” Finn says. “We like you. A lot. And we want to know if you feel the same for any of us.”

  I swallow. “Yes. I do.” I glance between the three of them. “But the problem is I like all of you. There’s no way I can choose.”

  “What if you didn’t have to?” Mark asks.

  My mouth falls open. “What do you mean?”

  Josh’s smile is positively sinful. “You can have all of us.”

  “We wan
t to share you between us,” Finn adds.

  “How would that work?” I ask, my brow furrowing. “Won’t you get jealous?”

  “No,” Finn says. “We’ve done it many times, although we’ve never had such strong feelings for a woman before. We didn’t trust those feelings at first, so we took our time, becoming friends with you at work to make sure you were interested in us too. Now we’re ready to act on those feelings.”

  “Now we want you as ours,” Mark says, his eyes intense as they rake over my body.

  Wow. It’s a dream come true, but that only makes all of this more unbelievable. Like the guys have jumped out of one of my romance novels and into my life. All my fantasies over the last few months about them can be real now...but do I really want that?

  I jump to my feet, feeling overwhelmed. “I... I need to think about this. I’ll grab some more wine, okay?”

  God knows I’m definitely going to need it.



  Leah runs out of the room like she’s just seen a ghost, and I sigh and drain the rest of my wine. That didn’t go as planned, although I can tell she’s intrigued by the idea of being with all of us too.

  “She’s not going to go for it,” Mark grumbles.

  “She will,” I tell my pessimistic twin brother. “She just needs to ease into the idea.”

  “What if we all take off our clothes?” Josh asks, grinning. “Show her what she can have for her Christmas present this year.”

  I roll my eyes. “If you want to scare her off, sure.”

  “Hey, I nearly got her to kiss me earlier, but then you two jerks showed up.”

  Lucky bastard. I’ve been dreaming of kissing Leah since I first laid eyes on her lush, pink lips. That was when it was just lust. Now, after months of being friends with her, it’s turned into a lot more. But I still really want to kiss her…and do a lot more than that.

  I know Mark does too, even if he doesn’t show it as much. As identical twins, we’ve had a strong connection our entire lives. It makes it so we can practically read each other’s thoughts, but also means that every girl I’ve desired he’s wanted too, and vice versa. Luckily, women are usually happy to have both of us. Sex with identical twins is everyone’s secret fantasy, after all.

  Josh wants her too, of course. Josh and I were college roommates, and the three of us hit it off, even if he’s very different from us and half the time Mark wants to strangle him. Josh is into sports and hiking. Mark is all about music, good food, and fine wine. And me? I’m more of a books, video games, and computers kind of guy. But somehow we all get along anyway.

  Josh begins building a fire because he’s one of those people who can’t sit still for five minutes, while Mark and I exchange a look. We’re both worried, but we’ll do whatever it takes to make this work. If it takes months, so be it. We’ll wait for her. Leah is worth it.

  But it won’t take months. Leah wants us as badly as we want her. We just have to figure out how to unleash her hidden desires.

  I look up at the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling and get an idea.



  I spend a few minutes in the kitchen drinking my wine and wrapping my head around the idea that all three guys want me and this is not a dream. Is it truly possible to have a relationship with multiple men? Sure, I read books like that, and I write them secretly too, but in real life would it actually work?

  Then I realize I’m spending the night alone in my kitchen freaking out instead of with the three men who have offered me everything I could ever want. What is wrong with me? I down my wine, fix my lipstick, and head back out.

  When I return to the living room, Josh has gotten the fireplace going, making the place nice and warm. “You’re out of firewood,” he says. “I’ll chop some more for you tomorrow.”

  “That would be really nice, thank you.” I glance between the three guys, wondering how to un-kill the moment, now that I ruined the mood by running out.

  “Come sit with us.” Finn pats the spot on the couch with him and Mark. Two identical twin brothers who look like underwear models are beckoning me to squeeze between them. A girl would be crazy to pass that up.

  I slide between them and they move closer to me, one on either side, clothes brushing against clothes. They’re both warm and I’m enjoying the feeling of being pressed between them.

  “Sorry I freaked out earlier. I just wasn’t expecting…this.” I gesture to the three of them.

  “We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do,” Finn says, as he begins idly playing with my black hair, wrapping it around his finger.

  “I know you won’t. I trust each of you.” I take a deep breath and gather my courage. “And I want to do this. With all of you.”

  “Good,” Mark says, with a devastatingly sexy grin.

  Josh pulls up the ottoman and sits in front of me, trapping me between the three men. Each one looks at me like they want to devour me, and it sends a rush of heat between my thighs.

  “Just relax. We’re going to take care of you,” Josh says. “We’re going to make you feel so good.”

  I nod, my heart pounding. “I’m ready.”

  “We’re going to start slow. With just a kiss.” Finn raises the mistletoe over his head. “It’s tradition after all.”

  I laugh. “Well, can’t argue with that.”

  Still holding the mistletoe over us, Finn slides his hand to the back of my neck, drawing me toward him. His lips brush against mine like he’s giving me a glimpse of what’s to come. I touch his strong, defined jaw as I silently ask for more. He take the hint and coaxes my mouth open and slips his tongue inside slowly. It feels so good and it’s been so long since anyone has kissed me that I let out a soft moan into his mouth.

  Finn takes the kiss deeper and I lose myself in him completely. It’s only when Mark says, “My turn,” that I realize the other guys are still there, watching me and Finn make out in front of them.

  I pull away from Finn, embarrassment making my face hot, but the other guys don’t seem to mind. Mark takes my chin in his hand possessively and turns my head toward him, then captures my lips in a rough kiss. I’m pressed between him and his brother as he kisses me hard, claiming my mouth as his own, putting so much intensity and passion into it that it makes my panties completely soaked.

  But there’s still one more guy who needs a kiss. Josh pulls me toward him and I eagerly find his mouth. He sucks on my lower lip, then slides his tongue along it, like he’s savoring the taste of me. I weave my fingers into his soft, silky hair and kiss him deeper, wanting more and more.

  Hands stroke me all over. Sliding along my back. Circling my waist. Running up and down my arms. I don’t know whose hands belong to whom, but I don’t care either. Another mouth finds mine, turning my attention from Josh back to Finn, while Mark’s lips move down my neck.

  I push back from Finn and the guys so that I can see their faces. Red hot lust dances in each guy’s eyes and their mouths look hungry...for me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask, glancing between them. “I don’t want to ruin your friendship or anything.”

  “We want this,” Josh says. “We want you.”

  “No jealousy, we promise,” Finn says,

  “We’re good at sharing,” Mark adds, with a wicked grin.

  “The question is, are you okay with this?” Josh asks me.

  “Yes.” I swallow, but give them all a smile. “It’s just hard to believe this is really happening. Like something out of one of my fantasies.”

  Mark arches an eyebrow. “Does that mean you’ve thought about us before?”

  “Maybe,” I say, biting my lip.

  “Have you thought about us with you...together?” Josh asks, with a naughty gleam in his eyes.

  I look down at my hands with a coy smile. “I might have…now and then.”

  “It’s okay to admit it,” Finn says. “You don’t need to be embarrassed around us. We want
what you want.”

  I take a deep breath and meet their eyes. “Yes, I’ve thought about what it would be like with all of you. At the same time.”

  All three guys let out little sounds of pleasure. “We’re going to give that to you,” Finn says, and the other guys nod. “But we need to ease you into that.”

  I let out a short laugh. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Josh begins rubbing my shoulders, giving me a firm but gentle massage that feels amazing. “Just relax. Like I said, we’re going to take good care of you.”

  “Okay.” I close my eyes and lean into his touch, while his strong fingers knead my skin.

  The other guys move in, sandwiching me between the tree of them, all of us entwined on the couch. Mark wraps my hair around his hand and presses his lips to my collarbone in a way that makes me sigh. Josh continues his massage while nipping at my ear and kissing my shoulders. Finn takes my mouth again, but his hands roam down the front of my dress, skimming across my breasts.

  “I think this needs to come off,” Josh says, tugging the zipper at the back of my red dress. He drags it slowly down, and the other guys help slide the dress off me, leaving me in nothing but my red and green lace panties and bra.

  Finn chuckles. “Wow, even your underwear is festive.”

  “Of course,” I say, with a wink.

  Josh stares at me. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  “So beautiful,” Mark adds.

  All three guys stop to take in an eyeful of me, and instead of making me shy, it gives me confidence knowing how much they want me. I reach behind my back and unsnap my bra, then let it fall from my breasts. They’re large and heavy with desire, my nipples hard and eager for one of the guys to touch them. Or all of them.

  “Damn,” Finn says, licking his lips. “Somehow you’re even more sexy than I imagined.”

  He cups both breasts in his hands, feeling the weight of them, then brings one of them to his lips. Mark moves in next to take the other breast. Both twins trail kisses all over my sensitive nipples, while I lean back against the couch, closing my eyes as they lavish attention on me. I slide my hands into their dark blond hair, holding their heads as they flick their tongues against my hard peaks.


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