Tainted Blood Anthology

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Tainted Blood Anthology Page 120

by Jeff Gunzel

  She looked directly at one of the women near the back. “Kimberto, I am still the woman who stayed with you day and night when your mother passed not two years ago.” The girl quickly brought both hands up to her face to smother a sob. It was a trying time she could never forget, but Assirra had been there for her.

  “Imoes,” she said, glancing over to the man on her left. “I am still the same woman who held your sick baby in my arms so you could rest after a week of sleepless nights. When you woke, her fever had broken, and she was well on her way to a full recovery.” He nodded, remembering this as if it were yesterday.

  “My past has not changed, yet my future most certainly has. For years I thought I would die in my warm bed, waiting for Odao to take me home in his loving arms. But now I know it is far more likely I will die on the battlefield, and I have already made peace with that. My children, I love you just as I always have, but the time of peace we have always known has come to an end. We are at war, and my destiny is not to stay idle while the humans and lerwicks fight for our right to live.”

  Shapeless masses of white energy bubbled and bulged, then suddenly spun into birds that soared high overhead. Flapping their wings, they whipped through the trees while leaving behind ghostly white trails of mist. Turning sharply, they flew straight up into the sky. They seemed to touch the clouds before spiraling back together to form a beam of pure energy.

  Assirra lifted her hands as the white beam came down and showered over her, sending it breaking apart like a waterfall over rocks. Tarrins rubbed their eyes, trying to deal with the afterglow left behind by the wondrous lightshow.

  “So you see, my brothers and sisters, this is who I am. If you still wish to follow me, then I will graciously accept your loyalty with open arms. Furthermore, I will never ask you to choose between me and Odao, for we are not one and the same. Practice your chosen faith if you wish, for this is the new religion of the tarrins. The religion of freedom, to trust in any faith you choose, or to follow any path your heart desires.

  “I hereby break the chains that have bound our kind for so long. Choose your own path, and know that you will have my full support.”

  And just like that...it was over. She had shown them her true power and spoke from her heart as she had always done. It was now up to them to decide what they wanted to do.

  Kaha stepped forward. “I don’t know that I like what you have shown us this day,” she said. “We have no way of knowing for certain what you truly stand for these days.” Assirra nodded her understanding. She of all people knew what it was like to see something you always believed to be true, exposed as something different. Not an easy thing to accept.

  Then Kaha turned to face the others. “But I know for certain I will never follow Yuznal!” Heads nodded, followed by a few approving claps. “When we set out to find the High Cleric, none of us could have predicted this. But has anything really changed? You saw what Yuznal has done! He had our brother murdered in cold blood. And had we not escaped, the carnage would have been far worse.” Assirra’s eyes flared with rage. This was the first she was hearing of this. What had happened to their village in her absence?

  “What choice do we really have? Should we go back and face certain death for being traitors ourselves?” She gestured back to Assirra. “She may have denounced her title as High Cleric, and she may even be a traitor when it comes to our religion, but Assirra has never betrayed me! And until that day comes,” she sat down on the ground and crossed her legs, “then I have made my choice.”

  Others joined in around her, sitting down and holding the hand of the one seated beside them. Instead of standing over them as she once might have, Assirra sat down and joined their circle. For now she was not their High Cleric, or even a shadow mage—she was just sitting with her brothers and sisters. How she had missed them.


  Hours passed as they explained the situation unfolding back home. Assirra listened silently, assessing without revealing much by way of expression. What Yuznal had done was painful to hear, but she listened without asking any questions or passing judgment. The man had been trusted with the most prestigious position attainable in Eldham, and here he was abusing his power beyond anything imaginable.

  Still, Assirra was strangely torn despite his obvious guilt. Hiring the services of the nezzerians to help enforce his newfound power by brute force? Obviously he had gone mad and needed to be removed from power as soon as possible.

  But was this really her problem? The dismissive thought made her feel guilty, but it was a valid question. Her loyalty no longer lay with Odao, or even the village for that matter. Her loyalty was to Viola, and the lerwicks who served under her command. She needed to get back to her friends and join forces with them. They needed her, but then, so did her brothers and sisters.

  What is the lesser of two evils? Do I follow my heart or my duty?

  When there seemed to be nothing more to add to the brutal tale, the tarrins fell quiet while Assirra thought for a time. Finally, she nodded to herself as if agreeing to some silent conclusion. “Very well then,” she said as she got back to her feet. “I have made my decision. Although I must get back to my friends as soon as possible, I cannot stand by and watch this injustice take place. I will go back with you, but only long enough to unseat this monster who dares to try and enslave my people.

  “But once that order of business is finished, I will be leaving Eldham...forever. Those who choose to go with me must understand that everything will change. Our future will be much different than those of our ancestors. That includes following me into battle. Yes, you will be asked to risk your lives for the greater good.

  “Those who stay behind must decide what lies ahead for the village. You are the future after all, and the old ways mean nothing in today’s world. Be mindful of each other, for I shall not be there to hold your hands.

  “Do I make myself clear?”

  After a flurry of joyous agreement, they began to mount up. She may no longer be the High Cleric, but Assirra was going to defend them as she always had. That alone was all they could hope for.

  Chapter 4

  Consciousness gradually seeped back into his bones like an orange sunrise pushing back against the dark horizon. But the slow, building awareness was much different than just waking from a deep sleep. Body tense, blood on fire, it was more like regaining consciousness on a torture rack.

  Am I dead?

  His mind fighting through the fog, Xavier struggled to ready himself without being too obvious. In this coma-like state of half consciousness, he couldn’t really be sure if his body still worked.

  Stay calm and slow your breathing, he thought. Remember your training. Hear them, feel them... Use all your senses.

  Straining to listen while pushing back against the haze still clouding his mind, he focused on every little sound. Breathing slowly and steadily, eyes motionless even behind closed eyelids, he began to map out the room by using each cough, shifting foot, and mumbled word.

  Two seated four feet away, another just beyond them. He heard someone clearing their throat, then quickly made a mental note. One more, five feet to the right. No, six feet...

  Focusing on those specific areas, waiting for more sounds to reinforce what he already suspected, he began to twitch his muscles while attempting not to reveal his awakened state. Arm, leg, he even bent one toe just enough to assure there was indeed a mind-muscle connection. It was a risky but necessary test. So heavily drugged, he needed to be sure his body had enough functionality before attempting anything.

  Keeping his breathing steady and consistent, he sensed a shadow cross his face. The person originally standing to his right had moved, and was now hovering directly over him. Perhaps he had not been as subtle in hiding his wakened state as he had hoped, but it was too late now. Xavier’s eyes snapped open.

  Eyes wide with alarm, the man couldn’t even shout as Xavier’s hand snapped up to clamp on his throat. His hands moved reasonably well, but unfortunat
ely his legs were another story. Rolling off the table, driving his other shoulder forward, he slammed the man to the ground before rolling on top of him.

  Unfortunately, lying on the man was about all he could do. Wobbly like cooked noodles, his legs simply weren’t ready to support his weight.

  Others rushed in from behind, the same men whose locations he had already calculated. But it made no difference now seeing as how he couldn’t even stand. A quick change of tactics was in order.

  An arm wrapped around his neck from behind, pulling back to try and get Xavier off his friend. Releasing the downed man immediately, Xavier offered no resistance and went with the pull.

  And it worked.

  Inadvertently helping Xavier up to his feet, the man at his back received two quick elbows to his nose as thanks. Nose crunched flat, the man released his grip and stumbled back while clutching his bloody face. Free of his grip, Xavier went hobbling off to the side. His legs weren’t steady by any stretch, but at least they were holding his weight for the time being. With some adrenaline flowing and his blood pumping, he had regained a bit of his strength as well.

  Leaning against the table he was originally lying on, Xavier braced as two more came rushing at him. Dropping at the last second, he smashed an elbow into each of their knees. It was a maneuver he had done countless times, but once again his feeble legs were interfering with basic maneuvers.

  Xavier tried to spring back up, but only managed enough push to stumble forward. Doing the only thing he could as he hit the floor, he rolled onto his back and prepared to defend from this position. He felt foolish, stumbling around like a newborn giraffe learning how to walk.

  In a flash, his situation went from bad to worse as sword tips circled him from every angle. More men must have entered during the skirmish, and still more were flooding in each second. With a sigh, Xavier dropped his head and raised his hands in surrender. His heart sank. There went his only chance to escape. No doubt they would triple his guard after this, or possibly just kill him outright. It was over.

  The sound of clapping came from the corner of the room, but Xavier couldn’t turn his head due to the foot on his throat. The clapping stopped and he heard footsteps coming his way. Resigned to his fate, Xavier braced for the killing blow certain to fall at any moment. Eyes darting around, mind racing, he looked upon his enemies for the first time. He hadn’t really noticed their appearance in the heat of battle.

  Wearing nothing but loincloths, these nearly naked men and women were heavily marked with white and red paint. Their facial jewelry appeared to be a mix between animal bones and gold and silver rings. The women all seemed to have extremely long earlobes stretched out with plugs or tiny plates.

  Bare-breasted and covered with paint, they made no attempts to cover themselves. Had he been fighting women during the skirmish as well? Legs still numb, head in the clouds, he really didn’t trust his memory at this point.

  An upside-down face appeared over the top of him. “Impressive,” she said, gazing down on him with extreme interest. “With that amount of herbs still in your blood, I’m not sure how you were even able to stand up, yet alone fight.”

  “Who are you?” Xavier snarled, contemplating a second attempt at freeing himself. In his weakened state, he knew it wasn’t really possible. But if he was going to die anyway, he might as well go out like a warrior. “If you’re going to kill me then just get on with it!”

  “Kill you?” The approaching woman laughed, bringing a hand to her chest in a mocking gesture of shock. “Why, my dear Xavier, I would never dream of killing one of nature’s greatest miracles.” Although she wore skin paint, and stood there topless just like the other women, she looked quite different from them. Where their hair was mostly matted down with what appeared to be mud, her hair was long, dark, and silky. Her skin was lighter too, even pale in comparison. And her large round eyes were light blue.

  The entertained expression fled from her face and she glared around the room, a sharp look that stabbed like a knife. “Leave us,” she commanded.

  More than one appeared ready to protest the direct command, but soon thought better of it. Even the man pinning Xavier down hesitated a moment before lifting his foot and leaving with the others. They must have assumed that Xavier was still too weak to be considered any kind of threat.

  A flood of thoughts raced through Xavier’s mind as he lay there staring up at this strange woman. Clearly she was the one in charge, and if she had wanted him dead, he already would be. So why, then? Why was he still alive, and what could she possibly want with him? Nature’s greatest miracle? What was that supposed to mean?

  But those curious thoughts were fleeting at best. In the end, there was really only one thing dominating his mind. Viola... Was she alright? But even if she wasn’t, what could he do about it while he was trapped in this place? The decision to leave her was based entirely on her safety. He didn’t want to, he had to! He couldn’t be trusted, so the choice had been obvious at the time. But in doing so, he ensured that he could never again be a part of her life.

  Had his emotional choice been a mistake?

  Flexing his fingers, tensing his muscles, he glanced back up at the woman holding him captive. Just like that his mind was made up. He needed to get back to her, and the only way to do that was to go through this woman, and anyone else who tried to stop him. The attempt would probably cost him his life, but that no longer seemed to matter.

  A small price to pay.

  “Oh?” she said, her smug expression beaming down on him. “Is that fire I see in your eyes? Hope, even?” She knelt down and touched his face, her thumb circling his cheek. “Good, then I was right about you. Let’s see if the rumors are true, hunter’s apprentice.”

  With an angry grunt, Xavier threw his feet up into a backward roll. He still wasn’t at full strength yet, but much better than before. It would have to do.

  Already mentally mapping his escape route, he charged toward the woman with the intent of knocking her out just so he could get through the door. She may be a woman, but there was no place for morality in this desperate situation.

  Sidestepping his strike with ease, his fist sailed past her face without ever coming close. An unseen kick caught him in the ribs long before he reached the door, sending him stumbling into a nearby table. I’m so slow. Those damn herbs! With the effects still lingering heavier than he thought, he felt as if he was moving in water compared to her apparent speed.

  But no matter, he would still find a way to escape. Fear of what he “might” do had ruled his every thought for so long now. What if he hurt her, what if he did something unforgivable? So many ifs... So what did he choose instead of facing those fears? He chose to run away, to turn his back on those he cared for. What in the world made him think that betrayal was a better option?

  Viola, I’m sorry. Owen, Liam, please forgive me. Maybe I don’t understand this curse, but I will no longer let it dictate my actions. My humanity is my own, and no damned curse is going to take that from me! I have to get out of here. I must find a way back to my friends!

  Surging forward with everything he had, Xavier hurled himself right into the woman. Caught off guard by the reckless maneuver, she wheezed, doubling over his back as his legs kept pumping. The bamboo wall crackled, twine ropes snapping as the side wall exploded, sending the two of them tumbling outside.

  Until now the woman had seemed overly confident, arrogant even, as she just toyed with Xavier in order to get a rise out of him. Well, rise he did, and she looked none too pleased about it as the warrior kept his legs churning, then drove her into the ground outside. The erupting hut wall hardly went unnoticed, and villagers came running from all directions. Laying in the grass with Xavier’s knees pinning her shoulders down, the woman snarled up at him. Still, there remained a glint of amusement in her eyes. Was she actually enjoying this?

  “Even now you continue to amaze me, hunter’s apprentice,” she cooed, almost lovingly despite being engaged in
battle. “But we both know your former title no longer holds true, don’t we? Your days of innocence, if you were ever indeed innocent, are long past. Now you’re nothing but a monster, a freak, a threat to any who dare to get close to you. Isn’t that right?”

  Xavier froze, stunned by her words. It was almost as if she were reading his mind. But the slight pause cost him dearly as she threw up her legs, tossing him back over her head. He hit the ground hard, but still managed to spin back on one knee. Bracing, he prepared to absorb the incoming charge.

  His quick scramble meant nothing since there came no charge. It had only been a small window, but still, why hadn’t she taken advantage of the downed warrior? A soldier with half her skill and instincts most certainly would have.

  Was she still just toying with him?

  Others had underestimated the hunter’s apprentice as well. They now walked the underworld, all too aware of their grievous mistake. If this was the dangerous game she wished to play, then she had chosen the wrong opponent.

  Xavier glared at the smug woman standing still with her arms crossed. Villagers stood all around them, casually watching as if this fight were nothing out of the ordinary. No one appeared to be the least bit concerned.

  Standing by while I gut your leader will be your undoing as well. None of you shall stop me! I’ll kill every last one of you if I have to. One way or another I’m getting out of—

  Heart racing, his head began to spin before he could finish his thoughts. It was all he could do to stay focused. Looking up at the woman, his vision doubled and suddenly there appeared to be two of her. “No, not now,” he grumbled, stumbling sideways as the rage began to take over. Beginning to lose his grip on reality, he pushed back with all he had. But he had been down this road before and knew he was fighting a losing battle. No! No, I must stay in control.

  “Yes, that’s it,” she purred, now advancing toward him for the first time. “I can see it in your eyes. I know what you want to do to me. Feed your rage, give in to your primal instincts. You want to rip me apart, don’t you? Then what’s stopping you? I’m standing right here.”


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