Club Destiny 1 Conviction

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Club Destiny 1 Conviction Page 28

by Nicole Edwards

  Knowing their relationship was taboo, just from the fact that she worked for the man, she wondered whether that was part of her appeal. Once she wasn’t working for him, would Logan lose interest? Moving on to the next exciting thing to walk into his life? She didn’t know, and right now, she didn’t have the time to ponder it.

  “Xavier’s ready for you.” Veronica said sweetly, looking at Alex and then back to Sam. “I’ll set up a lunch meeting for you, me, and Deanna later this week so we can get together and toss our ideas around.”

  “Sounds great.” Sam said, standing from the hard back chair she’d been glued to for the last fifteen minutes. Straightening her skirt, she waited for Alex, and once he motioned her forward, she led the way to Xavier’s office.

  “Good morning.” Xavier greeted her immediately as she stepped into the luxuriously furnished office of the President and CEO of XTX Industries.

  Sam responded to his gesture with a hearty handshake before she was ushered to a seating area that overlooked the beautiful North Texas scenery.

  There weren’t nearly as many rolling hills in the Dallas area as there were further south, but the view from Xavier’s office was breathtaking. A small pond, or maybe it was considered a lake, sat off in the distance, surrounded by acres of green grass and tall, live oak trees dotting the horizon.

  Taking a seat on the plush, leather couch, Sam addressed both men. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on such short notice.”

  “Short notice?” Alex laughed, easing some of the tension she’d felt since arriving. “We’ve been waiting for you for the last couple of weeks. No worries though.” He smiled, taking a seat across from her in one of the leather side chairs.

  “But, she’s here now, so that’s all that matters.” Xavier announced, his Texas drawl prominent, making him sound more laidback than Sam figured he actually was.

  “I take it Logan presented you with the offer?”


  “Logan and I spoke briefly about it. He shared with me the logistics, but I’d certainly like to hear more from you.” Sam spoke directly to Alex, knowing the job entailed her leaving her stable job at XTX to take a position that didn’t currently exist at his security firm.

  “Understood.” Alex leaned back in his chair, one ankle resting on the opposite knee, his arms laid out on the wide arms of the chair. “As I told Logan, in order to protect the interests of XTX, and address the concerns that have been raised by two of your peers, Xavier and I have come up with a solution we feel would be fair to all parties.

  “I’m not sure how familiar you are with CISS, but we’re a fast growing security agency, offering embedded private security for large corporations, as well as some personal security. Our clients currently consist of two Fortune 100 firms, as well as a handful of some of the most respected names in the North Texas area.

  “As we continue to grow, we’re always looking to hire talent capable of taking us to the next level. Being that XTX has considered you an extremely valuable asset, both Xavier and I decided that keeping you on was in the best interest of both companies. In order to do that, I’ve created a position that will allow you to join CISS while continuing to manage your current projects for XTX.”

  Sam listened as Alex relayed in more detail the same information Logan had presented. Just as it had when Logan explained, the details drew her interest. Figuring there was more, she didn’t interrupt, just nodded her understanding.

  “In essence, from the outside looking in, nothing would change. XTX would hire you on contract to continue in the same capacity that you are today. The only difference is you would be employed by CISS, who would be responsible for your pay and benefits, and ultimately any future assignments. Should you choose to take the opportunity, Xavier and I have agreed to extend your contract to XTX for a full two years, giving you sufficient time to complete your current projects.”

  “I’ve made sure Alex understands XTX has no desire to replace you. We’ve asked that a binding contract be written up, safeguarding XTX’s interests, ensuring us that you would not be replaced for the next twenty four months.” Xavier added, looking between Alex and Sam, his voice insistent.

  Alex chimed in then. “That’s correct. However, you would no longer report to Logan, as we feel that would be a conflict of interest. Instead, you’d be reporting directly to Xavier for the duration of our contract with XTX. And just to clarify, your employment with CISS would not be contractual. We are offering you a permanent position within our company, your pay, both salary and bonus, will mirror what XTX is currently offering you. All opportunities for advancement are still available to you, just like any other employee of CISS.”

  The longer she listened, the better and better the offer sounded. Being the pessimist that she was, not by choice, Sam wanted to know what the catch was.

  Looking directly at Xavier, Sam asked the difficult question. “And if I do not choose to accept this offer?”

  Xavier sat up straighter in his chair, his bright blue eyes reflecting the man’s abundance of experience. “If you choose not to accept, my only other option is to send you back to the San Antonio office. We would work to determine the best possible way to reincorporate you into the office, being that your replacement has been hired and is doing a sound job; we wouldn’t want to disrupt the productivity.

  “In relation to career advancement, you would still have the opportunity to be Banten’s replacement, should the man choose to take another position within the company, retire, or otherwise leave. Aside from that, I’m afraid these are my only options.”

  Sam didn’t like to hear that she had limited options, but she understood where Xavier was coming from. In fact, Sam knew he was being extremely gracious in offering even that much. If the shoe was on the other foot, and Sam was in Xavier’s place, she couldn’t say that she would be so flexible.

  “Do you have any other questions?” Alex asked, thrumming his fingers on the edge of the chair, his easy smile making her want to jump at the opportunity, but she couldn’t seem to find the words.

  Before she could speak, Xavier said, “And, if you choose not to accept either of those, we would have to be forced to terminate your employment. Don’t misunderstand. That’s the absolute last thing we want, Sam.

  “This situation has come as a complete, though not unpleasant surprise, if you want to know the truth. As I’ve told Logan, I’m happy that he’s found someone that makes him happy, but I can’t let this interrupt my business. Even if the issues hadn’t been raised, I can’t say I could have let this continue. Alex pegged it earlier when he said this is a conflict of interest. I’m hoping that by doing this, we can protect you and Logan both, as well as XTX in general.”

  Sam again nodded her understanding. When he put it that way, it made perfect sense. She wanted to work for XTX. She loved her job, liked the people and ultimately wasn’t ready for it to be over. As generous as they were in offering her the position, Sam couldn’t find it in herself to refuse.

  “Thank you for the offer, and thank you for allowing me the time to contemplate my next step. I know that you have both gone out of your way to come up with this, and for that, I am truly grateful. I have enjoyed my tenure at XTX immensely. I got my start here, and I’d be more than honored to have the opportunity to continue working for this company, regardless of the logistics.” Sam stated firmly, trying to hold back the tears. Although this was a new beginning, she couldn’t help but feel as though it were an ending just the same.

  “Does that mean you’re accepting the position?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I would very much like to accept your offer, Alex.” With that, Sam leaned forward, meeting the outstretched hand Alex offered, shaking on the deal. He once again smiled, making Sam wonder if he didn’t know something more.


  Logan knew Sam was in the office, he even knew she was meeting with Alex and Xavier at that exact moment. Sitting in one of his many
Monday morning meetings, he was doing his level best to pay attention to Larry as the man rambled on and on about something or another. Logan could care less at that very moment. Which, he acknowledged, was highly unprofessional.

  His mind was on the fact that Sam had spent the last two weeks avoiding him like the plague. She’d put roughly three hundred miles between them while she took time to think about what she planned to do next.

  That didn’t sit well with Logan, but she hadn’t listened to him when he’d attempted to talk her out of it. Instead, Sam had hightailed it out of Dallas, leaving Logan to sit and worry for fourteen whole days.

  Worse than that, she hadn’t even bothered to call him when she got back in town the night before. Hell, she hadn’t called him at all for two fucking weeks. The only communication they had was through the few texts he’d sent to her; trying to make sure she was ok. Her one or two word responses hadn’t been what he wanted, but then again, he didn’t have much of a say in the matter. Sam had made sure of it.

  The only thing Logan did know at this point was that Samantha Kielty had become his one and only weakness. She somehow managed to sneak her way past his defenses, into his heart, and now she was the one calling the shots. That definitely didn’t work for him.

  Although, Logan thought when he’d taken her in his shower the day she’d chosen to take a walk to clear her mind, rather than talk it out with him, they’d come to an understanding.

  Logan understood all right. He understood that Sam was scared shitless. How did he know this? He knew her, that’s how.

  Sam was a sexy, sensual woman and the depths of her desire ran deep. She liked the darker side of her sexuality, and she’d met her match with Logan. She might be trying to run away, but Logan didn’t back off easily. When he wanted something, he went after it.

  Apparently he needed to step up his game. He’d had the last two weeks to think about exactly how he would do it too. Sam might have the illusion she could run from him, and he would just sit back and wait for her to make up her mind. That was so far from fact, Logan smiled at the thought. He might be biding his time, but it wouldn’t last much longer.

  “Does anyone have any questions?” Larry asked, obviously finished with his presentation.

  “When are we going to have a happy hour to celebrate?” Jill Baker, one of Larry’s direct reports asked eagerly.

  It was standard procedure for the team to get together and celebrate the small victories with a happy hour every now and then.

  The room erupted in eager conversations about when and where they would meet. From what Logan gathered, they’d be getting together that evening at the place they frequented often. Pushing out of his chair, Logan answered someone’s question on whether or not he would attend. Of course he would be there, he assured them. Wouldn’t miss it.

  Waiting for the room to clear out enough that he could get around the long, dark wood table, Logan noticed Abigail and Tricia Shoenrock chatting it up at the table. Apparently the two women didn’t realize he was still in the room. If they had, he was pretty sure they wouldn’t have wanted him to hear what they were saying.

  “Don’t worry. I think we’re about to have more to celebrate than Larry’s project launching. I heard their firing Samantha, and you’re a shoe in for her position. Just have some patience.” Abigail assured the younger woman.

  Clearing his throat as he walked out of the room, he didn’t bother looking back. Abigail’s sudden gasp told him that she saw him. That’s all he cared about.

  To his knowledge, Sam was nowhere close to being fired, but he didn’t feel the need to share that with Abigail. The woman was digging her own grave if she thought making promises she couldn’t keep was appropriate V.P. behavior.

  Manipulative and vindictive behavior was frowned upon at XTX, and Logan wasn’t above addressing the situation with Abigail the next time they saw each other. He wouldn’t, however, address her in front of Tricia.

  More importantly, he wanted to find out what exactly was going on in Xavier’s office. Sam might think she could avoid him forever, but she would soon learn a valuable lesson.

  She might own him, heart and soul, and she might doubt every word he’d ever told her, but Logan didn’t say things he didn’t mean and he damn sure didn’t tell a woman he loved her without expecting her to give him the respect he was due.

  He understood insecurities, knew Samantha was plagued with them, but that didn’t make what she was doing right. She knew him well enough to know that he could only be pushed so far. And tonight, she’d learn just how far he could be pushed… before he pushed back.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

  Sam spent the afternoon in various meetings, one with human resources at XTX, the other with human resources at CISS – Alex. During both meetings, they discussed the terms of her termination agreement, as well as the terms of her new employment agreement.

  She’d managed to avoid Logan for the better part of the day, only running into him once during the early afternoon. He hadn’t approached her, but the look of lustful promise on his face had been unmistakable, followed by the sinful, knowing grin he’d shot in her direction.

  Seeing him had brought back all of the feelings she’d pushed aside for the most part over the last two weeks. During the time she spent at her parents, Sam had rationalized her behavior, only to wind up feeling an overwhelming sense of shame. She didn’t even recognize the woman she was when she was with Logan. Samantha Kielty didn’t have raunchy, mind blowing sex with two men, letting them do unthinkable things to her.

  But, no matter how she tried to convince herself that she had a lapse in judgment, not to mention sanity, Sam still came back to the inevitable. She loved Logan McCoy. She trusted him with her heart and her soul, no matter her behavior when they were alone.

  The memories played on constant repeat, her body flushing with the need only Logan instilled in her. She wanted him. But, she wanted him on her terms.

  They were responsible, career minded, successful adults, who should not be indulging in such lewd behavior.

  Oh, who the hell was she kidding?

  Sam kicked off her heels, shutting her front door behind her, as she stepped inside her darkened apartment. She’d stayed at the office longer than she planned, but she had needed to talk to Xavier one more time. They’d discussed exactly how the transition would take place, and the communication that would go out.

  There was a rumor running around the office that Sam was being terminated, a rumor, according to Tricia Shoenrock, that even Logan hadn’t denied. Sam highly doubted that, but she hadn’t given in to the gossip. No sense in drawing attention to the situation.

  She pulled the clip from her hair, letting the long strands fall around her, feeling the relief on her scalp. Tossing the clip on the counter, Sam turned to go to her bedroom, but she stopped short.

  “I wondered how long you would try to avoid me.” His velvety drawl coursed through her, sending chills down her spine.

  “How?” She couldn’t get out much more than that as she stared at Logan, sitting on her couch, looking as though he owned the place.

  How the hell had he gotten in?

  “You gave me a key, remember?”

  She had. A few weeks ago, he’d had to run by her apartment to get something for her when she was working. She’d given him her spare house key, and come to think of it, he never gave it back.

  “Go change.” He ordered, and she swallowed hard.

  Hadn’t she just had this conversation with herself? She’d vowed to move this relationship to the next level, but she had agreed under the terms that she would no longer succumb to Logan’s alpha male tactics. Her body betrayed her decision as a tingly warmth flowed just beneath her skin.

  “I’m not taking orders from you anymore.” She stated, not feeling nearly as confident in her decision now that she was standing in front of him.

  Even sitting on her couch, looking as laid back as sh
e had ever seen him, Logan McCoy’s presence overpowered the small room. Confident or arrogant, either way she sliced it, when Logan made demands, something inside of her wanted to listen.

  She couldn’t listen to that part of herself anymore. This wasn’t who she was. Wasn’t who she wanted to be.

  Was it?

  “Is that right?” He asked, slowly pushing to his full height, making Sam look up at him, the brilliant amber-green of his hazel eyes glowing in the dimly lit room.

  “That’s correct.” Sam reached deep for some of her well-honed professionalism; using it to drown out the voice in her head screaming for her to surrender to his every command.

  “What changed?”

  Sam heard the question, but Logan didn’t appear to care what her answer was. For some reason, she got the impression that he was pushing her, tempting that dark side she’d sworn off two weeks ago.

  After their tryst in the shower, when Luke had taken her so intimately, satisfaction surging through her, ricocheting off of every nerve ending, every molecule she possessed, while Logan whispered suggestive words in her ear, Sam had known she couldn’t handle what the two men had to offer. What would others think if they found out? She’d be ridiculed. It wasn’t normal behavior, she told herself.


  “You might want to elaborate.” He told her, standing only inches away, his masculine body a tempting sight in his well-worn Levi’s and forest green polo shirt that brought out the green hues in his eyes.

  “I did some thinking while I was away.”

  “I can see that.”

  Ok, so apparently he wasn’t going to let her get by with not fully explaining herself. “I’ve made some decisions.”

  “Do tell.”

  Feeling her frustration rise to the surface, Sam took a step back, trying to get a better look at him. He seemed even bigger than usual. Or maybe she just felt smaller. Either way, she hadn’t been prepared to have this conversation just yet, hence her avoidance of it.


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