Inventing Scrooge: The Incredible True Story Behind Charles Dickens' Legendary A Christmas Carol

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Inventing Scrooge: The Incredible True Story Behind Charles Dickens' Legendary A Christmas Carol Page 16

by Carlo DeVito

  “I count among the most distressful moments . . . Dickens, Mary Angela, “My Grandfather As I Knew Him,” Cosmopolitan, Volume 52

  Selected Bibliography

  Ackroyd, Peter, Dickens, Harper Collins (New York, NY) 1990

  Amato, Anthony, On Foot: A History of Walking, New York University Press (New York, NY) 2004

  Baker, Russell, “Did Scrooge Buy a Goose or Turkey?” The Register-Guard (Eugene, Oregon) January 20, 1986

  Bentley, Nicholas; Burgis, Nina; Slater, Michael, The Dickens Index, Ox ford University Press (New York, NY) 1990

  Block, Laurie, with Alison, Jay, producers, “Inventng the Poster Child,” NPR,

  Bolton, Daniel, “The Study of Death in ‘The Summoning of Everyman’,”, December 22, 2011

  Brown, Joel, “ ‘Christmas Carol’ passes from one Dickens to another,” The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) December 19, 2013

  Callow, Simon, Dickens’ Christmas: A Victorian Celebration, Frances Lincoln (London, England) 2009

  Chesney, Russell W., M.D., “Environmental factors in Tiny Tim’s near-fatal illness,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, March 2012

  Connelly, Mark, Christmas, A History, I.B. Tauris & Co. (London, England) 2012

  Currey, Mason, Daily Lives, Alfred A. Knopf (New York, NY) 2014

  Dickens, Charles, “Field Lane Ragged School,” Daily News (London) February 4, 1846

  Dickens, Charles, “Speech in support of the Manchester Athenaeum,” October 5, 1843

  Dickens, Charles, My Early Times, Compiled and Edited by Rowland, Peter, The Folio Society (London, England) 1988

  Dickens, Charles, Charles Dickens’ on London, Miniature Masterpieces, 2013

  Dickens, Charles, Jr., Dickens’s Dictionary of London, 1879

  Dickens, Mamie, My Father, As I Recall Him, Roxburghe Press (Westminster, England) 1896

  Dickens, Mary Angela, “My Grandfather As I Knew Him,” Cosmopolitan, Volume 52

  Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert, Becoming Dickens, Belknap Harvard University Press (Boston, MA) 2009

  Fitzsimmons, Raymund, The Charles Dickens Show, Geoffrey Bles, London, England, 1970

  Forster, John, edited by Holly Furneaux, The Life of Charles Dickens, Sterling Publishing (New York, NY) 2011

  Golden, Morris, Dickens Imagining Himself, University Press of America (Lanham, MD) 1992

  Gollom, Mark, “Scrooge an economic hero, defenders say,”, December 21, 2012

  Hardwick, Michael and Mollie, Dickens’s England, J.M. Dent & Sons (London, England) 1970

  Hearn, Michael Patrick, The Annotated Christmas Carol, W.W. Norton (New York, NY) 2004

  Hoole, Ivor, “A guide to the alleys, courts, passages, and yards of central London”

  Johnson, Edgar, Charles Dickens, His Tragedy and Triumph, Vol I & II, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY) 1952

  Johnson, Edgar, Charles Dickens: His Tragedy and Triumph (Abridgement), Puffin (New York, NY) 1986

  Jones, Richard, Walking Dickensian London, Interlink Books (London, England) 2005

  Kaplan, Fred, Dickens: A Biography, William Morrow & Co. (New York, NY) 1990

  Kaplan, Michael, Charles Dickens, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT) 2009

  Kent, Charles, Charles Dickens as a Reader, Chapman & Hall, 1872

  Kirka, Danica, “Dickens Christmas: A turkey as big as me? What’s at Tiny Tim’s table?” Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, December 21, 2008

  Langton, Robert, The Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens, Cornell University Library (Ithaca, NY) 2012

  Leacock, Stephen, Charles Dickens: The Life and Work, Doubleday Doran (Garden City, NY) 1936

  McCullough, John Ramsay, A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans (London, England) 1852

  MacKenzie, Norman and Jeanne, Dickens: A Life, Oxford University Press (New York, NY) 1979

  McManus, I.C., “Charles Dickens: A Neglected Diagnosis,” The Lancet, Volume 358, Issue 9299, December 2001

  Malthus T.R. 1798. An Essay on the Principle of Population, Chapter VII

  Manoli-Skocay, Constance, “A Gentile Death: Tuberculosis in 19th Century Concord,” The Concord Magazine, Winter, 2003

  Maurois, Andre, Dickens, Frederick Ungar Publishing (New York, NY) 1967

  Miller, William Haig, The Culture of Pleasure, Or, the enjoyment of life in its Social Aspects, Robert Carter & Bros. (New York, NY) 1873

  Nissenbaum, Stephen, The Battle for Christmas, Vintage Books (New York, NY) 1996

  Noden, Merrell, “Frisky as the Dickens,” Sports Illustrated, February 15, 1998

  Nordquist, Richard, “Night Walks,” by Charles Dickens,

  Orwell, George, Charles Dickens, Inside the Whale and Other Essays, Penguin (London, England) 1940

  Perdue, David, “Dickens’ Amateur Theatricals,”

  Perdue, David, “Dickens’ Public Readings,”

  Poole, Daniel, Dickens’ Fur Coat and Charlotte’s Unanswered Letters, Harper Perennial (New York, NY) 1997

  Poole, Daniel, What Jane Austen Ate and What Charles Dickens Knew, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY) 1993

  Rattigan, David L., “Where was Scrooge’s Office?”, October 13, 2011

  Richardson, Ruth, Dickens and the Workhouse: Oliver Twist and the London Poor, Oxford University Press (New York, NY) 2012

  Ritschel, Dr. Dan, Center for History Education at the University of Maryland,

  Rubel, William, “Charles Dickens and Turkeys,” The Magic of Fire, Tradition and Foodways with William Rubel,, July 7, 2006

  Sanders, Andrew, Charles Dickens’s London, Robert Hale (London, England) 2010

  Smiley, Jane, Charles Dickens, Viking (New York, NY) 2002

  Standiford, Les, The Man Who Invented Christmas, Broadway Books (New York, NY) 2008

  Tomalin, Claire, Charles Dickens: A Life, The Penguin Press (New York, NY) 2011

  Tomalin, Claire, The Invisible Woman, Knopf (New York, NY) 1991

  Topham, Edward, The Life of the Late John Elwes, Esquire, Paraclete Potter (Poughkeepsie, NY) 1790

  Tyler, Daniel, A Guide to Dickens London, Hesperus Press (London, England) 2012

  Wagenknecht, Edward, Dickens and the Scandalmongers, University of Oklahoma Press (Norman, OK) 1965

  Watkin, Edward William, Canada and the States Recollections 1851 to 1886

  Wilkie, Katherine E., Charles Dickens: The Inimitable Boz, Abelard-Shuman (New York, NY) 1970

  Wilson, Angus, The World of Charles Dickens, The Viking Press (New York, NY) 1970

  N/A Ebenezer Scrooge,,

  N/A, “Sketcher, Tea & Coffee,” The Kyabram Union and Rodney Shire Advocate (Vic.: 1894–1894) July 20, 1894

  N/A, “Revealed: the Scot who inspired Dickens’ Scrooge,” The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland) April 24, 2014

  Photography Credits

  Page 9 wikipedia

  Page 11 Courtesy of Gerald Dickens

  Page 16 wikipedia

  Page 18 wikipedia

  Page 23 wikipedia

  Page 31 “Portrait of Frances Elizabeth Dickens (“Fanny Dickens”) by Samuel Laurence. Photocopy of a drawing” Reproduced by Courtesy of Charles Dickens Museum, London

  Page 45 Copyright Kim Traynor, wikipedia commons GNU license

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  Page 102 Library of Congress

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  Page 228 Library of Congress

  All chapter-opening art is from Shutterstock

  Inventing Scrooge

  Copyright 2014 by Carlo DeVito

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