Sex on the Beach (Southern Comfort Book 2)

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Sex on the Beach (Southern Comfort Book 2) Page 10

by Melanie Shawn

  She took a deep breath, still staring up at the sky, before blurting out. “I’m a virgin.”

  Out of all the things that she could’ve told me, that was definitely not one I was expecting. But I wasn’t surprised, actually. Her reaction on the boat, as flattering as it was, made a hell of a lot more sense in the context of her having limited, or even zero, experience.

  The Ferris wheel, too. As much as I would’ve loved to think I was that good, her inexperience most likely added to her getting off so fast. And her being a virgin definitely tracked with her sheltered background.

  “I don’t expect you to believe me since, you know, because of how I’ve been with you. I mean what virgin behaves like that? But I just wanted to tell you because—”

  “I believe you,” I interrupted her, not wanting her to spend one more second thinking I doubted her statement.

  There was a beat of silence before she finally looked at me. Her gorgeous baby blues searched mine. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  “Really?” Her expression was hopeful but wary.

  “You don’t strike me as a liar.” I grinned.

  She bit the inside of her mouth and I could see that there was a slight bit of relief there. Then I watched as she took a deep breath. “Well, the reason I’m telling you is…the thing is…I just…I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

  Every primal instinct I had roared to life. All of my systems were go. My cock was convinced that he was being called to action. But my brain knew better. I was not about to assume a fucking thing. As far as I knew, Bella was just confiding in me and nothing more.

  “Okay,” I answered, hoping my voice sounded neutral and not too eager.

  “Okay?” she questioned.

  That’s when I saw it—the vulnerability in her eyes. And I knew that my first instincts had been right. She wasn’t just sharing information with me. She was recruiting me.

  “Are you saying that you’d like me to help you with that?” I figured that was the least aggressive and creepy way of saying that.

  “Yes,” she sighed with relief.

  Well, damn, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

  “I mean, if not, it’s totally fine. You don’t have to—”

  “Is this something that you’d like to happen tonight or…?”

  “Tonight.” She nodded her head, with eager anticipation, and I damn near blew my load in my pants.

  My dick throbbed at her response, but I could see that there was a lot of nervousness behind her enthusiasm. My body was screaming for me to get naked, get her naked, get the job done.

  This was her first time, though, and she was trusting me with it. I didn’t take the responsibility lightly. I needed to figure out how in the hell I was going to make it last for more than three seconds.

  I also needed some clarity on a few points.

  “So that morning on the boat?” I realized that I’d started the conversation this way as well, but this time I was referring to something completely different. “Was that the first time you ever—”


  She almost looked relieved that I’d asked her that. I took that as a good sign and continued.

  “And on the Ferris wheel, has anyone ever touched you—”


  Fuuuuuck. If I’d thought I was gonna blow my load before, I was seriously going to now. We were both fully clothed and hadn’t even touched each other and my balls were tightening with release.

  No one had ever touched her before me. And she’d never gone down on anyone before me. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve this gift in front of me, but I was going to do everything in my power not to fuck it up.

  “What have you done?”

  “Um…” She bit her bottom lip as her chest rose and fell in heavy breaths.

  I could see that she was struggling to name specifics so I figured I would give her a hand. I lifted my hand and trailed my fingertip along the neckline of her dress over her cleavage. Her eyes dropped to where I was touching her, and I ran my finger down over her hardened nipples, which were poking through the fabric. “Has anyone touched you here?”


  My body was strung tighter than it had been in my life. Just hearing the sounds of her breathy anticipation was about to put me over the edge. I couldn’t let my mind stray to the significance of what was happening. Later I would think about it, analyze it and appreciate it fully—but right now, I just needed to focus on her and how to make this night the best it could be.

  I tugged the zipper in the back of her dress down, slid the right strap of her sundress off her shoulder, and then the left. I watched as the material fell down to her waist, revealing the most perfect pair of breasts I’d ever seen. My hand lifted and I ran my knuckles along the side of her rounded flesh. I looked up to see what her reaction was, not wanting to go too fast.

  Her eyes were looking down at my hand, so I moved it to the tight bud of her nipple to watch her reaction. Her lips parted and she sucked in a short breath. I rubbed first her right then her left nipple, tweaking them between my forefinger and thumb.

  When I saw her cheeks begin to flush I lifted my hand to her mouth and traced her lips with my finger before pressing it inside her mouth. She sucked my digit and my cock throbbed, remembering how it felt to be the one being licked.

  Ignoring what was happening behind my zipper, I slipped my finger from her mouth and rubbed it over her nipples, spreading the moisture across them.

  “That feels good,” she breathed out in a whisper.

  The words, the soft sound of her voice, all served to make me harder than I even knew I could get. I was at rigor mortis status. I could chop wood with this thing.

  My fingers slid easily over her coated peaks, teasing them and pinching them. A soft whimper sounded from the back of her throat and I realized something. We’d done so much but I still hadn’t kissed the girl! That was about to change.

  I cupped one of her breasts with my hand and the other wrapped around the back of her neck. I leaned forward and her eyes closed, I pressed my lips to hers as I massaged her full mound.

  The moment our lips touched; I knew this was different. What we had was different. I had no clue how many girls I’d kissed in my life, but none of them had felt like this.

  Our lips melted together, and our tongues intertwined. I wasn’t sure where I ended and she started.

  And we’re just kissing!

  But this wasn’t just a kiss. That was the thing. This was a religious experience. This was a drug. This was like ecstasy and Ayahuasca all wrapped up in one. It was transformative.

  As we continued our mind-numbing kiss, she grabbed my hand and pushed it down between her legs. I did love a girl who took what she wanted. And, damn, the fact that she was this emboldened after having so little experience made it even sexier. I rubbed her damp panties and her hips rocked into my touch.

  If we’d had all night, and I knew I’d last, then I would’ve drug the encounter out and taken her to release just like that. But I knew there was no way I was going to last much longer and, as much as I hated rushing it, I knew that I needed to speed things along.

  Reluctantly, I lowered her back onto the thick blanket covering my truck bed and broke our kiss. She moaned in protest and tried to raise up, her eyes heavy lidded. “Don’t…stop…kissing.”

  I had to smile because she was barely able to gasp out even those few words. That was exactly where I wanted her.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m not gonna stop. I’m just going to kiss your other set of lips.” My forefinger traced her seam.

  Her eyes were at half-mast as she gasped. “Oh.”

  I made fast work of pulling her panties down and spreading her legs apart.

  Her sex glistened with sweet juices under the moonlight. The sight had my dick trying to burst through my zipper like a racer through the finish line banner. It was painful at this point. But I didn’t dare adjust myself for fea
r that I would pop off the second I grazed it.

  My hand ran up her inner thighs, sliding all the way until my thumbs met at her center. I trailed them up either side of her feminine folds, then each took a turn circling around her swollen pleasure button. The opening of her tight canal pulsed, and I knew she was close. Not wasting another second, I covered her core with an open mouth kiss.

  She tasted so good, so sweet, as I ran my tongue up and down her sex, paying extra attention to the taut skin at the bottom. After only a few passes, her inner thighs began to shake, just like they had on the Ferris wheel, and that’s when I added my one-two punch. Using the tip of my hardened tongue, I flicked her clit as I continued intimately massaging the base of her pussy with my thumb.

  The combo was a winning one. Within seconds she was coming apart. Her body trembled from the force and her fingers tightened their hold on my hair, holding me in place. I continued to lick her and tease her with my fingers until her hips rocked into my mouth one final time and her arms and legs relaxed.

  I lifted my head and my heart expanded in my chest. She was lying on the blanket, hair spread out behind her, breasts totally exposed, her legs open revealing her well-kissed sex, and her raw vulnerability overwhelmed me.

  If nothing else happened tonight, I’d be fine with this. I had never expected to feel what I was feeling about being the first person to touch Bella, and the fact that she wanted me to be her first sexual partner. I’d had a few girls in high school hand me their V-cards, but that was more because they didn’t want to be the last one in their group of friends to lose it, or they didn’t want to go to college a virgin.

  But, in those situations, I’d never felt anything close to what I felt with Bella. I wasn’t proud of it, but I wasn’t even sure that I remembered all of their names. But this moment, this woman, was something I’d never forget.

  Bella’s eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with a satisfied grin. “Wow, that was…that was…so good.”

  “We don’t have to do anything else.” I didn’t want her to feel any pressure to go any further.

  Would I probably end up in the hospital emergency room needing whatever treatment they gave to men who couldn’t get their erections to go down? Yes. But I’d still be fine with it.

  “Oh…” Her eyes widened as she shook her head slowly. “You don’t want to…”

  “No,” I quickly corrected. “I want to. Really bad. You don’t know how bad. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to.”

  Her eyes softened again, and she licked her lips nervously. “I want to.”

  Those might not be the words people were talking about when they referred to “three little words,” but they were now my favorite three little words.



  I watched, mesmerized, as Jimmy took a condom out of his back pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, took himself in his hand, and slid the condom onto his jutting erection. He looked so powerful as he did it. His arms, which I’d been so impressed with when he handled the rope on his boat, were even more impressive now that he was handling himself.

  I’d been doing my best to concentrate on everything around me and truly be in the moment. Even the tiniest details. The callouses on his palms that scraped against my hips as he held me in place. The way his pupils grew larger the more aroused he got. The way he breathed while he kissed me, on both my lips.

  But that was before we’d gotten to the big show. Now that this was really about to happen, all my focus was shot. When he moved back between my legs, I wasn’t even sure if I could form words.

  “If you want me to stop, just say the word.” His deep voice vibrated through me.

  I nodded and shut my eyes, trying to lose myself, once again, in the experience. When I felt pressure against the opening of my sex I sucked in a breath and braced myself for the impact. Literally. My hands fisted in the blanket beside me.


  I opened my eyes and found Jimmy staring down at me. His brown eyes filled with affection. His gaze warmed me from the inside out.

  “Yeah?” I breathed.

  His lopsided grin made an appearance and my insides turned to mush. My sex tingled from the sight. There was just something about the way he looked at me that made my entire body tingle. It cut through all the nerves I was experiencing. All he had to do was look at me, and he was all that existed.

  “This is supposed to be fun,” his smile widened.

  “Right.” I let out a small chuckle.

  He shifted, lifting his hips, the next thing I knew his hand had replaced his dick where it had just been pressed against me. His fingers ran up and down my seam as he pressed tender kisses to my neck. I loved the way it felt when he touched me. His fingers and mouth were magic.

  The night on the Ferris wheel, when he’d slid his hands beneath my panties, I’d never felt anything like it. His calloused fingertips had my nerve endings crackling like a lit firecracker. It was only a matter of seconds before I exploded then, and I feared now would be more of the same.

  “I love how wet you get for me.” He whispered against my neck as he continued his erotic massage at the apex of my legs.

  I wanted to ask him if that was normal. I wanted to find out if feeling this much, this intensely, was something that always happened with anyone he was with, but I didn’t think this was the time. I needed to get out of my head, not analyze things further.

  As his ministrations heated up, so did his open mouth kisses. His tongue slid along the slope of my neck as he sucked my tender skin.

  A whirlwind of sensation began to swirl low in my belly as tiny shocks of pleasure exploded in my core. Just when I thought I was going to go up and over the edge, I felt my inner walls stretch to their limit as he entered me in one slow, forceful thrust.

  There was a slight sting from the intrusion, but it almost added to the pleasure that was building there. I gasped at the same moment he stilled, and I felt his forehead rest against mine.

  “Damn, woman, you’ve got me feeling like it’s my first time,” he gritted out.

  I opened my eyes, my stomach dropping, thinking that he must be saying that because I was so much less experienced than the other women he’d been with. “I’m sorry.”

  “What are you apologizin’ for?”

  “I don’t know, I just thought…”

  His hand cupped my jaw and the pad of his thumb brushed across my lip. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I wish I could tell you that this was going to last, but I’m pretty sure the second I move, I’m going to get off. I’m sorry. I’m usually much better at this.”

  I smiled, feeling a little better that I wasn’t the only one feeling a little out of their element. “Well, I wouldn’t know the difference.”

  He grinned and lowered down until his lips pressed against mine. The moment the kiss began, I lost myself in it completely. His tongue slid into my mouth and I accepted it with enthusiasm, tilting my head to the side to give him even better access. He took full advantage and explored my mouth like it was the sea and he was Jacques Cousteau.

  My hands moved to his shoulders and I held on. His skin was hot to the touch, adding to the intensity of sensation. I’d heard of skin-to-skin contact with mothers and their babies as a way to bond, but I’d never thought of it in this context as a bonding experience. But it was. The tactile quality of the contact elevated the intimacy.

  I wasn’t sure of the exact moment that his lower body started to move. It happened so gradually that I only grew aware of it as my hips began to move independently of my mind. My senses were on overload and there was no room in my brain to make any sort of conscious decision. All I could do was go with my instincts and enjoy the ride.

  I did my best to take it all in. The way his fingers dug into my hips. The way his erection was growing inside of me. With every pump, I felt him stretch me tighter, and I loved it.

  “You feel so good.” His lips brushed my outer e
ar as he whispered to me. “So fucking tight and wet.”

  The more he talked, the more turned on I got. His words were almost as powerful as his lips, his fingers, his tongue…not to mention other areas below the belt. I’d had no idea how erotic words could be. From the research I’d done, I’d believed that the only real pleasure women got was if their clit was stimulated. But, apparently, being stimulated audibly was a thing.

  “Does it feel good? Do I feel good inside of you?” he growled.

  “Yes. So good,” I whimpered as my fingers gripped his muscular shoulders tighter.

  When my nails dug into his skin, he hissed.

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

  “No.” He was pumping with a little bit more intensity and the friction sent shots of bliss exploding in my core. “No, it felt good.”

  Oh. Well, in that case.

  I stopped trying to do things the right way and decided to just go with what felt good. Jimmy knew that I was new to this. If I did or said something wrong, chances were he’d forgive me.

  With that new directive, I ran my hands over his shoulders and across his back, letting my nails scrape over his muscular frame. His muscles twitched beneath my touch and his breaths grew shallower. His response encouraged me to go further.

  My hands continued their journey down his back and then cupped his ass. I tilted my hips up just enough for him to enter me further and pressed my hands down, pulling him even deeper inside of me.

  “Fuck,” he gritted out through clenched teeth.

  I continued rolling my hips into him and he matched my movements. We fell into a rhythm that soon had my inner walls spasming with its release.

  My head tucked into his neck and I held him tightly as I rode out wave after wave of pulsating pleasure. I tried to really be present, to feel everything. The pressure and friction, being pinned against the hard surface by the weight of Jimmy’s body, the heat of being skin to skin.

  When the tidal wave of sensation finally subsided, I opened my eyes and found Jimmy looking down at me, leaning his weight on his forearms beside my head.


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