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To Vex a Viscount (Lords of London Book 4)

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by Tamara Gill

  The memory of his kiss against her neck hinted that the union was indeed one of convenience, which left her wondering why he wanted Miss Fox as his wife. Was his lordship looking to align himself with a woman of wealth? And if so, why? The Wakely family had always been affluent.

  If his lordship was in need of funds, and by some miracle he did turn his attentions toward her, it was imperative that he not find out about her endowment. She could not stomach any man marrying her for money alone. Just as her cousin had stated all those years ago, if a man fell in love with her, as poor as he thought her, then he was the man worthy of her heart, and her fortune.

  Lizzie sat down in the window nook. After seeing her cousin, the Earl Leighton, marry the love of his life, Kat, she could never settle for a marriage of convenience. No, she wanted so much more than that. Passion was what she desired. Passion and love. And without either of those emotions she would never marry at all, no matter what her mama had to say about it.

  A knock at the door sounded and she jumped. A moment later, her maid entered with a breakfast tray laden with delicious food that made her stomach rumble.

  Lizzie went about her morning routine, washing and breaking her fast before her maid helped her dress in a cream cotton morning gown with silk ribbons that trimmed the hem. Mary arranged her hair into a motif of curls, and as she pushed the last pin into position, the lady who had welcomed her the day before entered.

  Her maid dipped into a curtsy and left to go to the adjacent room, giving them privacy. Lizzie stood. “Good morning, Lady X.”

  The woman didn’t smile, but simply stood before her, hands clasped in front of her, a slight frown line marring her forehead. “I must apologize, Miss Doherty, for I have done you a most grievous injustice and one I shall remedy. I was a little hazy of mind after drinking champagne most of the afternoon yesterday, and I should never have played my little game and allowed you to join us downstairs last evening. Be assured that I’m doing all that I can to ensure your safe passage to Lady Remmnick’s house party, which is the location you should have arrived at yesterday afternoon. I promise I shall do all that I can to keep your reputation intact after you leave.”

  Heat bloomed on Lizzie’s cheeks and she cringed at being caught. “It is I who must apologize. I should have told you immediately that I was not whom you expected, and what had happened to us in the storm that ensured our arrival here. I hope I haven’t put you out with my attendance. It was not purposely done.”

  Lady X came over and clasped Lizzie’s hands. “You have not put me out in the slightest, but you have put your own reputation at extreme risk. My house parties are not like…well, let’s just say, they are wicked. I’m sure you saw last night the happenings and goings on that occur. I thought it would be a lark to allow you one night, and then send you on your way today, but I was wrong. And now my keeping you here as a little distraction for myself may have put you in grave risk.”

  “Why so, my lady?” Lizzie asked. “We will simply ready the carriage and I shall be on my way. No harm in that.”

  Her ladyship sighed. “There is a stream that all vehicles in and out of the estate must pass through. It is flooded by the storm, terribly so in fact. Therefore, you are stranded here with us for at least three days. I am so sorry.”

  An array of emotions ran through Lizzie at her ladyship’s words. Lord Wakely had walked away from their interlude. To have to face him again and not be able to leave and hide, to pretend she had never been here and ignore the fact she had offered herself up like a sweetmeat, was mortifying. Then again, another night under Lady X’s roof could be her chance to change his mind… He had slipped a little and kissed her neck. Could she get him to do more than that if he knew she was willing?

  They were to wear masks at all times, so her anonymity was secure. Even if he did suspect her, there was no way he could prove she was ever here, and she’d never admit it. Not to anyone.

  Another night in his lordship’s company could be a coup she’d not thought to have. “Will you sit, my lady? There is something I wish to tell you and you may need to be seated to hear it.”

  The woman raised her brow but did as Lizzie asked. She flattened her hands against her knees once seated on a nearby chair. “What is it you wish to tell me? I’m all ears, my dear.”

  Lizzie took a breath, trying to calm the nerves that fluttered in her belly. “There is really no polite way of saying what I wish to, so I’m just going to be honest. I’m actually very happy to be stuck here, and even though I know this must shock you, I would like to continue with the party, take part, and enjoy the time that I have left.”

  Her ladyship’s brow rose. “I do not think my house party is the right place for you, my dear. What if it becomes known that you’re present? Both of our reputations will be put in jeopardy, yours for innocence lost and mine due to the inability for people to attend incognito.” She worked her hands in her lap. “You’re unchaperoned and I do not wish to be part of a plot that ends with the ruination of an innocent. I’m ashamed that I even allowed this charade to start in the first place.”

  “But that is where you’re wrong. This is the perfect place for me. If I continue to wear my mask, then no one shall know my identity. And I’m not going to lose my innocence to anyone in attendance, if you’re worried about that. There is only one gentleman for me, whom I like more than anyone else. I live in hope you see that his interest will turn toward me too, even though I know I have no chance.”

  “Is the man in attendance? I really ought to just cosset you away and keep you safe,” Lady X said, her gaze weary.

  Something in her ladyship’s voice gave Lizzie pause and she wondered if the woman already suspected who the gentleman was. Most would after last evening’s dinner and the looks Lord Wakely had bestowed on her at times. Glances that were enough to curl her toes in her slippers.

  He’d never noticed her in town, or at least she’d never been aware of his notice. “He is in attendance,” she said. “The gentleman is a man of the world, has known many lovers, and I have no doubt that if I were not here, he would never look my way. I have nothing other than myself to offer to him, and as it is with most gentlemen of the ton, that is never enough. But here, behind a mask, I’m not anyone. It does not matter if I have a fortune or if I don’t. It doesn’t matter if my family is titled or in trade. The attraction here is based on mutual desire, a connection. I want to experience that and learn all that I can before I have to return to my mother and the life she wants me to lead.”

  “Hmmm.” Lady X tapped her chin. “I will not play coy and deny knowing that you’re speaking of Lord Wakely, but it does fill me with some concern. That you like him was obvious last night, and in turn I believe he is quite fond of you too–at least the masked you. But he is a rake, a man who has had many lovers, many who are present at this party. Do you not think it would be best that as soon as I can arrange it, we send you back to the house party you’re supposed to be at, and you can start your courtship of his lordship when you return to town? I’ve never had a guest lose their reputation by being here, and I’m not about to start now. And should Lord Leighton find out you’re here he would simply kill me stone dead. I would never recover in society, and neither would you.”

  “You of all people must understand the restraints that women in our society live by. You would not have started such house parties as these if you did not. Can you not simply for the next few days turn a blind eye? Please, Lady X,” Lizzie beseeched.

  Her ladyship bit her lip, frowning in thought.

  “Do not assume that I misunderstand your concerns, because I don’t,” Lizzie continued. “I’m simply putting them all aside for a few days. This is my only chance to live a little. Away from everyone. I shall wear my mask and have my maid do me up so I’ll never be recognized. I promise you, I shall remain anonymous.”

  Lady X remained silent, and Lizzie fought not to fidget while she waited for her reply. Would she let her attend the party tonig
ht and the other events like everyone else, or keep her hidden away until she could throw her into the carriage and be rid of her?

  “Very well,” Lady X sighed. “You may stay, but you’re to double your effort in hiding your appearance. An alteration of your voice may be required at times, and whatever you do, do not slip and mention friends or family during conversations.” Her ladyship’s eyes narrowed on Lizzie. “I am curious to know your age, Miss Doherty. Why is it you’re not married yet, my dear?”

  “I’m three and twenty.” Almost on the shelf by London standards. Not that this was a growing concern for Lizzie; the closer she came to receiving her money the closer she was to escaping her mother, and living a life of her own. She might do as she pleased then, and the ton and the men who’d looked the other way when she passed due to her lack of funds could go hang. Lizzie reminded herself that she must thank Hamish again the next time she saw him for saving her from fortune hunters.

  “If you stay, do you mean to try your luck with Lord Wakely? I’m not sure your mama has warned you of the risks that you take should you follow your infatuation. No mask will save you from an unwanted pregnancy.”

  Lady X’s words were blunt, and it was a point that Lizzie would have to take into account. If she stayed, and did try her luck with his lordship, she would just have to ensure it stopped at kissing, and maybe a few scandalous caresses. As much as having a child was something she longed for, she did not want one out of wedlock. “I’ll not do anything to risk my virtue, in that respect. I know I’m putting my reputation at risk, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  The thought of having Lord Wakely hold her in his arms, his delectable, sinful lips taking hers, teasing her and leaving her flesh to burn, her blood to pound in her veins, made her stomach clench in delight. “If I was to try and lure Lord Wakely into kissing me, would you know how I could do such a thing? I’ve never been kissed before, you see.”

  Lady X let out a sigh, but a small smile lifted her lips. “I can help you, if only to guide you in what you shall wear tonight, how to seduce a man with your eyes and have him eating out of your hand like a little lost, hungry puppy. But anything further than that I’m not willing to do. Are you in agreement?”

  Lizzie nodded. “When can we begin?”

  Lady X smiled. “We shall begin right away.”

  Chapter 5

  Later that day Lizzie made her way downstairs. Earlier, her maid had delivered a note from Lady X asking for all the guests to assemble in the parlor. The note stated that the guests had two alternatives for the morning’s pleasure, that being billiards or charades. Lizzie had already made up her mind to play billiards as she’d never played charades well in her life.

  Before entering the parlor she checked carefully that her mask covered her face and nose and only allowed her lips to be seen. Most guests were already present in the room, and thankfully her step didn’t falter the moment she spied Lord Wakely sitting on the arm rest of a settee. A beautiful, dark-haired beauty sat beside him, her body turned toward him in open invitation, but his attention wasn’t on the woman, it was on her…

  A frisson of awareness shot through her as his dark, hooded gaze wandered over her, and she sat in between two gentlemen who were only happy enough to have her join their party of two.

  Lady X clapped her hands, gaining everyone’s attention. Today again she wore no mask, and Lizzie had to congratulate Lady Campbell for not following her own rules regarding anonymity. She supposed it wouldn’t work for the hostess to be unknown–too much trouble during the events, for starters.

  “As you’re aware, today’s games are billiards and charades. I have taken the trouble of pairing my wonderful guests with partners I think you shall enjoy. As I walk about the room, when I touch you and then the next person, that is your chosen partner.”

  Lizzie caught Lady X’s mischievous gaze and fought not to smile. Would her ladyship partner her with Lord Wakely? After his refusal to kiss her last night she shouldn’t want to be around him again, shouldn’t want to give him another chance to right his wrong and kiss her.

  But it was what she wanted most of all, nincompoop that she was.

  The mask ensured her identify remain secret, and the reminder bolstered her confidence. Unless she told him, he would only be guessing if it were her or not. He could not prove it unless he ripped the mask from her face. He wouldn’t do such a thing, so she could either run back to her room and hide herself for trying to seduce him last night, or take the few days she had left here and try to have a little fun with him.

  The gentleman beside her leaned toward her and whispered his appreciative thoughts regarding her gown. She’d chosen the blood-red silk empire style dress that was extremely low cut across her breasts. The morning gown she’d worn earlier in her room wouldn’t do for this house party. Her poor maid had almost had an apoplectic fit when she placed it over her head, but Lizzie adored it.

  Yes, the bust was too low. But if she were to play billiards, and she wanted to seduce a certain viscount who continued to watch her, like the gentleman beside her, the red gown was simply perfect.

  Lady X went about the room, touching people on the shoulder. Finally she came before Lizzie, touched her, and then turned and surveyed the room. Lizzie fought back a chuckle as her ladyship strolled before a group of gentleman she hadn’t met as yet. The resulting thunderous visage of Lord Wakely’s gave her pause.

  Did he not appreciate her being partnered with any of them? Did that mean he wished to be partnered with her? Lady X moved on and went toward Lord Wakely. From where Lizzie sat she saw him throw a warning glance at Lady X before she touched his shoulder.

  Without moving a muscle, he met her gaze across the room and she shivered at the hunger she read in his eyes. Maybe he wasn’t so indifferent after all.

  Once everyone was partnered, Lizzie stood and started for the billiards room, not waiting for Lord Wakely. Within a moment he was beside her and placing her arm about his own.

  “I gather we’re playing billiards then?” he said without looking at her.

  “You gathered right. I like the game and play it often, so if we’re to play anyone else in our respective games I’m likely to win. How do you play, my lord? Is it adequate?”

  “I play adequately at all things,” he said, grinning.

  She smiled. “Good, because I hate to lose.”

  The billiards room was as large as a ballroom and sported not one, but three tables. The ten people Lady X had partnered up stood around the centre one, discussing who would play against whom. Lizzie and Lord Wakely joined them and it was soon decided that a couple, who made up one team, would play another couple. Lizzie would go up against the other lady, and Lord Wakely against the other gentleman.

  They went to the farthest table from the door and Lord Wakely set about giving them each a cue before placing down the pair of cue balls and one red object ball each. The two men played first and Lizzie sat on a chair with the lady she was to play against. Her female opponent clapped at different times when her partner scored a Hazard or Cannon, but the play was very fierce, both men taking painfully long shots to try to sink a ball or hit each other’s. Unfortunately, even though Lord Wakely’s effort was admirable, he lost the match.

  Lizzie stood, picking up her cue and checking the little piece of leather on the end of her cue was in place to give her enough friction against the ball.

  “Better luck next time, my lord,” she said, grinning at him. His eyes narrowed and he stayed too close for her comfort, taking hold of her cue and pulling her nearer still.

  “Do not crow too soon, my lady, you’re yet to prove your worth.”

  Lizzie clasped her hand about his neck. His eyes widened behind his mask before she whispered against his ear, “I’m worth a lot, my lord. As you will soon find out.” Her words were not entirely regarding the game, but herself as well.

  She stepped away, checking the placement of the balls and taking stock of her opponent
. The poor woman didn’t seem to even know how to hit the ball, or hold the cue correctly, and many of her shots didn’t go anywhere at all toward her score. Lizzie leaned over the table, took aim, and scored a Canon on her first shot. She looked up and met the gaze of Lord Wakely. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, but his attention wasn’t on the game–it was on her.

  Lizzie pushed the distraction that was his lordship from her mind and concentrated. From that point on the contest was really no contest at all. After only minutes, Lizzie sank her opponent’s red object ball and finished the game. She clapped, triumphing in her victory. The woman pouted and received a consolation kiss from her gentleman admirer for her effort.

  Lizzie placed the cue on the table and went over to join Lord Wakely. She grinned up at him. “Thanks to me, we drew. If you want any tips on playing I’m more than willing to help you.”

  His lips twitched. “Are you always so amusing?” He led her out of the room and along a large passage that ran along the back of the house. The bank of windows overlooked the rear of the house and the expanse of lawn that surrounded the estate.

  “When I want to be, I am. Although my mother thinks to laugh in public is vulgar.” A shot of fear went through when she realized that she’d spoken about her family, which she’d promised Lady X she wouldn’t do. Her mother was known as one of the worst harridans circulating the ton, and mentioning her strict ideals could give her away. If Lord Wakely was even still wondering who she was, of course.

  “You’re lucky to still have your mother. I lost mine as a young boy. I think I would give anything to hear her chastise me once more.” He threw her an amused glance but something in his eyes spoke of pain hidden in their grey depths.


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