Shadowhunter (Nephilim Quest Book 1)

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Shadowhunter (Nephilim Quest Book 1) Page 15

by Leena Maria

  "This side of reality is layered. Like the storeys of a house, to put it very basically. There is space above and under each 'floor', and in the space between the floors is the place where you can see the energies rising to their own level. They rise like smoke and the layer just absorbs the energies and they melt into the reality of that level."

  "To do what?"

  "They take whatever form is necessary to make the level more solid."

  "Can you make unicorns with your thoughts?"

  Daniel laughed and I wondered what on earth I was thinking to have asked something as stupid as that. Again the purring sound of his laughter made my head swim.

  "Well, some thoughts are more - fashionable than others. Unicorns have been popular for a long time in Western history and belief. They might not be real in the human world, but when enough people think they are, the thoughts about unicorns can take shape here - as unicorns. And here - well, they could appear to be quite vivid as long as people believed in them."

  Well, at least he had the good manners to answer a stupid question politely.

  "So you say everything here is created by human mind?"

  "By human mind, and human imagination. Thoughts are real energy. But do not forget the rest of creation. Animals have feelings and emotions too. As do plants, only in a different form. Some say even our planet has emotions, but I do not know about that. Still, there seems to be a strong unknown source of energy in addition to the ones I've already mentioned."

  "Can the creatures created here go back to the human world?"

  "Some can, if they are conscious enough."

  "Such as?"

  "Such as the shadows. They too are created by human mind - the difference between them and, for example, unicorns, is that they are created on purpose."


  "We'd better not continue this discussion, or your energies will sink and we will end up at a lower level. I would not want to put you in possible danger. If you want to stay here, you need to keep your thoughts at the level of these energies. Remember, this is not your normal world. The energies can be molded - and are molded - with your own thoughts. This is what you need to learn to be able to move here safely. You need to separate the awareness of lower energies from your emotions. The second you react to negative matters with your emotions, is the second you start descending to their level."

  This was clearly something I would need to think about later.

  I looked at the beautiful river, the fish, and the trees. I had noticed that the luminous light was everywhere, but I saw no sun.

  "Where does the light come from?"

  "It emanates from everything here. At lower levels it is darker. There is no physical sun here."

  Beautiful bird song surrounded us.

  "Are those birds also created by human mind?"

  "No, they are real birds. Dead birds. They don't usually stay very long, though. Usually they are all eager to go back down again - they know they can come back up again very fast. They seem to find this to-and-fro movement rather exhilarating. It's fun for them. They aren't afraid to die in the physical - they well remember the place they will be coming back to."

  I stood there, open-mouthed. Then I noticed something behind a big spruce. A little opening with a tiny building... I knew that building. It was the hut. Kitty's and mine, our secret place! It was here! Our thoughts must have created it here!

  My feet began to walk before I even told them to. I was going as fast as I could. The ground was solid under my feet.

  The door of the hut was open. I stopped.

  Kitty came to the doorway with a broad smile on her face.

  "Kitty! Oh, Kitty!"

  I flew the short distance between us and hugged her with tears in my eyes. I felt her for a moment, semi-solid, and then she slipped out of my arms like a drift of smoke.

  I felt Daniel's hands around me just as the forest began to melt away from around us. I had begun to cry uncontrollably. All the sadness, all the longing for my best friend burst out.

  Slowly the forest, and the fields formed around us again, and I noticed a doorway at the edge of the woods. We had arrived back at the gate. We landed on the meadow in front of it, right at the edge of the forest. With Daniel's burning hot arm around my shoulders we stepped through the gate and back into the lobby. Well, stepping wasn't the right word - Daniel half carried me.

  "What ha-happened?" I wiped tears.

  "You felt sad, and were no longer able to stay at the higher energy levels. I brought you back. It was good your friend showed herself to you. It taught you more about the energies than my words could ever explain," Daniel said gently.

  I sniffed. He created a handkerchief out of nowhere and extended it to me.

  "You can meet her again, once you are ready to rise to those levels."

  "You mean I can't now, not yet?"

  "Probably no, but we will teach you how it is done. The work is your responsibility."

  Daniel patted me on the shoulder and took a step back. I was so disappointed. I would have felt better for a hug.

  "Hello there!"

  Diana's cheerful voice came from behind me. I turned around.

  "Oh dear. You've been to the upper levels, haven't you? And now it feels bad to be back in this heavy world again?"

  "You could say that..." I concentrated on not bawling my eyes out and drew a ragged breath.

  "She saw her dead friend for a few seconds," Daniel explained.

  "Oh, I see. And started to cry and lost the friend?" Diana nodded sympathetically. "That has happened to so many of us. I collapsed when I saw my sister there for the first time and it hit me that she must have died. Well, of course I knew logically that she had died, considering the number of years that separated us, but actually seeing her there in her spirit form made it real for me."

  I managed to gain my composure before I started to hiccup. I pushed the handkerchief into my jeans pocket.

  "Here's another," Diana reached out her arm. It was a clean paper napkin this time, and I realized I had blown my nose quite vigorously on the cloth one Daniel had given me. I would have to wash it before returning it.

  "And after this we'll go and have a hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream in it. There is nothing better to ease sadness than yummy calories," Diana announced.

  I blew my nose on this new paper napkin also, in a very un-ladylike manner.

  "Well, I have other things to attend to. You go and get your calorie hit." Daniel smiled, turned and walked away across the hall with long, relaxed steps.

  Diana put an arm round my shoulders and gave me a reassuring squeeze before leading me to the cafeteria.

  "Quite an experience, eh?" Diana commented when our hot chocolates arrived. "The first time is always the best. As you progress, you get used to it, which is the point. You need to control yourself, so you don't just forget yourself there. Daniel takes everyone there for their first visit, because he knows how to keep the energies high even when the other one starts to fall. And everyone does, mind you, it wasn't just you. From then on, it's a matter of hard learning on your own."

  "Oh..." I was disappointed, "you mean he won't be taking me... I mean anyone there but once?"

  For some reason Diana seemed to find this very funny. She took another sip before speaking again.

  "Oh come on... Just join the club. Everyone here is in love with Daniel. Like I said, he has that effect on us all. But you'll see a lot of him around, so you can give him the Bambi-eyes and do your best to work your wiles on him! Which I doubt will succeed. The guy just doesn't date..."

  She started to laugh again as I turned red.

  "I'm not in love with him!" I retorted.

  "Sure, sure, hon..."

  While the hot drink lasted I made considerable effort to talk about something other than Daniel.


  25. The Opening of the Way

  "We have five kinds of group here; anyone coming in is tested and t
hen assigned to study the area in which they show the most aptitude. The groups are Gatekeepers, Weavers, Hunters, Guardians, and Researchers. You will learn more about them later," Lilith explained to me as she led me along the corridor of one of the wings.

  "Sounds like Hogwarts," I couldn't resist saying.

  Lilith laughed.

  "Sort of, yes. But this place is firmly built in physical reality, even if you could say much of the buffer zone or the levels of the Unseen Worlds are figments of our imagination. Because that's what they are. They have always been there, but whatever physical form they take is dependent on the thoughts, emotions and imagination of people. It is a forever changing world."

  The Centre was quite big – three wings reached backwards from the main building, into a large old garden with huge trees. In one wing was the staff dormitory, Lilith's office, and the private cafeteria, and the two others were in spa use. The Magellan Spa visitors could not enter the corridor leading to the private wing, which was the westernmost one. The gate was in the lobby on the westernmost wing, which you could not enter freely, even from the private wing. Every door leading to the great hall was locked, including the cafeteria's, and only opened when someone looking through a surveillance camera pressed a button to open the door. I had not noticed them at first, but there were four guards in the lobby, each sitting in their own glass cubicle.

  "Let's talk about the gates in more detail."

  Lilith opened the heavy door to her office, which was situated on the front side of the building. She could see everyone approaching the Centre and spa from her desk by the window– no wonder she was out to meet us as soon as we arrived.

  Daniel was in the office, sitting in an armchair with his long legs stretching in front of him. He was reading a book. A very big, old book. Despite its size, he balanced it in his hands in a way that made it look weightless.

  "Ah, good, you're here. Shall we go?"

  He rose out of his chair in one fluid, catlike motion. The movement was balletic. There was so much strength in the movements of his muscular athletic body.

  "Yes, let's go." Without saying anything more, Lilith raised her hand and with one quick movement slashed the air in front of her.

  When I say she slashed it, I mean that literally. An opening appeared in the air, as if she had cut paper with scissors.

  "Woooo...!" I stepped back, breathless with surprise.

  "Maybe you should have warned her..." the corner of Daniel's mouth lifted into a half smile, "looks as though someone is about to run for the exit screaming as she goes..."

  "I do apologize," Lilith said. "Everyone here is so used to seeing this that I forgot it might scare you."

  Right... as if I wouldn't have been scared to see all the laws of physics broken in front of me? But, not wanting to show weakness in front of Daniel again, I tried to appear unafraid, and even took a step forward to see better. I walked around the slit, understanding now what Diana had been talking about before. The slit disappeared from sight, when I went behind it, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. When I came back to the "front" of it (for lack of a better term), it was clearly visible again. Impossible. was similar to the big gate in the lobby. My head whirled at the concept that time and space were physical things that you could cut through.

  "Did you just create a gate of your own?" I asked.

  Lilith smiled and nodded.

  "Yes. There are only three of these in the world..."

  She extended her hand and I saw something that looked like a finger cover from a mummy. It was of some transparent, slightly rose-colored material that I did not recognize.

  "This isn't real..." I shook my head, "I have gone crazy. Things like this just do not happen!"

  "Oh but they do. They always have. Remember the old stories of sleepers...? Professor Rowan told me that he'd told you about them - probably gave you quite a lecture, knowing him.... Some of the details in those stories are not factual, but a basic truth is there. People go to a realm with no time, return unchanged, and time has passed in the human world."

  "Time has passed...? But you just said it won't pass."

  "It doesn't, not in the buffer zone, unless you are at the very edge of it, almost touching our world - that is a zone where time has some effect. Time does move on in the human world, though. If you go to the buffer zone, it is all about finding your way back to the moment where you left the time-space reality you came from. If you don't know how to do that, you can come out haphazardly, and find yourself anywhere in time. Future. Past. Any time. You disappear from the time that you left, and continue to live in the time in which you've arrived. You cannot be in two places at the same time. And it seems you cannot go to the past and re-enter a time where you have already lived. One of the reasons we have to keep good records about who has traveled and to which time is so we don't try sending them there again. Trying to enter a time where you already are can hurl you unexpectedly into a completely different era to the one intended."

  Daniel stepped through the slit in the air, and vanished from the room. Lilith beckoned me to follow, and I braced myself and followed Daniel. Lilith was the last to walk through, after which she repeated the slashing motion with her hand. One moment I saw her office, the next it was gone and we were in another space that looked like an old library. And a huge library at that.

  Bookshelves were towering towards the high, high ceiling. Worn sets of stairs led to the upper galleries. Tall ladders were needed to reach the uppermost books on all the galleries whilst the medium height shelves could be reached with the help of the step stools that were scattered all around. And everywhere you looked there were books, thousands of books, sitting in neat rows, stacked up on tables, crammed onto the hundreds and hundreds of shelves. The corridor where we were standing seemed to continue so far into the distance I swear it disappeared into a haze.

  I saw two people nearby, sitting at reading desks, concentrating fully on what they were reading. I recognised one of them, a boy who looked like he might be Indian, as a member of the group who'd been sitting at Daniel's table in the cafeteria. I was sure any researcher would give their right arm for an opportunity to investigate a place where time stood still.

  "These," Lilith showed me the strange finger shaped cover that she used to make the opening, "are ancient. We do not know the nature of the material, but it seems to be even harder than diamonds. They tear openings between this physical world and the semi-physical world of the buffer zone. And despite their antiquity and the fact they've been in use for thousands of years, they show no signs of wear."

  "Where did they come from, then? Who made them? Aliens?"

  Daniel shook his head, amused.

  "No. Ever heard of the Nephilim?"

  "The... what? No... I don't think so... Who were they? Or what?"

  "That depends... " Daniel's expression was unreadable.

  "The Nephilim were the offspring of what we are used to calling angels and mortal humans. Their story is referenced in the Bible, for instance, as well as other sources," Lilith said. "The angels - or rather Watchers, which is the original word for them - were male in these stories, and they should not have had relations with human women, but they did so nevertheless. Their offspring were the Nephilim. They were taller, lived longer, and learned a lot of ancient wisdom from their parents because the Watchers taught their human women knowledge that humankind was not ready for yet, or so the story goes."

  Lilith sat on a little couch in the library and patted it for me to sit too. I did. It was quite a relief to sit down on something surprisingly solid and real.

  "When the two species mixed, human and angel, the results were sometimes unexpected. For example, some of the children craved human blood, and it extended their lives, which were already unnaturally long."

  She waited for the information to sink in.

  "You mean... They were... vampires?"

  "Indeed. That seems to be the word that has come into general use to des
cribe them," Lilith nodded. "There were the Chinese jianshi - they were evil spirits that drained people of their energy. Just like shadows do. The Tibetan Book of the Dead called the blood-drinking spirits "Wrathful Deities". Ancient Greek had its bloodthirsty goddesses...then there are the classic vampire tales of the mysterious mountains of the Carpathians and the Balkan regions. And legends abound in human cultures in which people try to find an explanation for creatures that want to drink human blood."

  She patted my hand. I must have looked shocked.

  "So the stories of vampires are actually based on truth, even if they have the later decorations of fangs and bat wings and all the rest of it. Of course there are shadows; and people who resemble vampires, once they are infected, and these feed on humans, one way or the other. But the Nephilim who turned dark, and the vampires they created, were the real thing. And I can tell you there is nothing romantic about them, so forget about all those novels describing love affairs between people and vampires. You would not want any kind of relationship with them... If you survived being bitten and infected by a dark Nephilim, or by a vampire of their creation, you would turn into a kind of shadow yourself, craving blood, and infecting others when you took it. That is how the stories of vampires creating their own kind were born."

  Lilith paused and Daniel took up the story.

  "Not all of the Nephilim were bad, but the ones that were, seemed to be unable to feel any loving emotions. They were almost emotionless, and their only interest was in furthering their own ends - achieving riches and power over weaker humans. This became their only driving passion and for this they were ready to kill, to enslave, and to do any horrible thing. Eventually this led to war, when people could no longer tolerate them. The myths tell us that God threw the angels responsible for fathering the Nephilim into a fiery pit for all eternity. And that at the same time their offspring, the Nephilim, were hunted down and killed."

  Lilith nodded.

  "Indeed. We do not know what the actual reason was for it. We don't know whether these were real happenings, later written down in religious form, or if there really was a higher power that punished the angels, but the fact is that the Watchers disappeared from human stories. But not all of the Nephilim died. Many went into hiding and once the war was over, they re-emerged and continued their lives, hiding their true nature, apparently forgotten by whatever higher force it was that punished the Watchers. These surviving Nephilim were the ones who had managed to keep the three devices we can use to enter the buffer zone," Lilith showed me her strange cover again. "We call these simply 'Keys'."


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