by Jay Allan
“Captain…is it possible to disable one of those vessels?” Elias blurted out the thought the instant it popped into his head. He stared at the display, suddenly intrigued by the prospect of taking one of the ships—almost certainly Black Flag, he knew now that they’d fought back instead of run—captive.
“We can try, Colonel.” Grayson didn’t sound doubtful, not exactly. It wasn’t in the Black Eagles’ mantra to acknowledge there was anything they couldn’t do. But Elias knew no Black Flag ship had ever been captured. “We’ll have to gut their power and AI systems so they can’t self-destruct, and then we’ll have to board before they can override and destroy the ship.”
“Then let’s try, Captain. I imagine my brother would like a closer look at the enemy, and I’d wager the Eagles can tackle this kind of difficult assignment.” Elias held back a smile. The Eagles were the best, without question, but if they had a weak point, that was it, their status and the pride they had in it. He stared at the display, watching as the four remaining vessels spread out, moving to surround Eagle Fourteen. They didn’t operate like outlaws. Elias didn’t have the pure military experience his father and brother did, but he knew a disciplined unit in action when he saw it.
“Yes, Colonel.” Elias suspected Grayson knew he was being manipulated a bit, but also that the Eagle was helpless to resist. Darius’s culture of excellence had absorbed his people body and soul, and failing at anything, even something nearly impossible, was anathema to the Eagles.
“Lieutenant Criss,” Grayson said, turning his head toward the tactical station, “Major Corrigan is to prepare his strike force for a boarding action. Advise the bay I want the assault shuttles ready to launch immediately. Gunnery control, I want one of those ships disabled, not destroyed.
Elias listened to the string of non-stop commands, and he watched as the tactical officer handled them all calmly and efficiently. He was still amazed every day watching his brother’s people in action. He’d derided them for so long, and even now he had some trouble accepting how truly good they were. Darius was a genius at managing people. The Eagles feared no enemy, but they were terrified of one thing…of not being the best.
He knew Darius’s talents came at a cost. He needed the very best people to start with, and he was ruthless at culling those who couldn’t make the cut. Darius Cain loved his Eagles, but he didn’t think much of humanity in general, and he had no use for those who couldn’t measure up to his demanding standards. Elias understood the utility of his brother’s ways now better than he had, but he still thought it was a dark and cynical point of view, and a damned hard way to live. For all he’d endured over the past few years, Elias still maintained a belief in people that his brother lacked. Though, now, unlike before, he was far from sure which of the two of them had a clearer view of things.
Two more of the enemy ships vanished from the screen, and the other two began accelerating, trying to get away from the deadly battleship. They likely thought they were faster than the massive warship, but Darius Cain’s behemoths had enormous engines, and the latest in force-dampening technologies. Eagle Fourteen couldn’t blast its engines at full, not without buttoning up its crew in the tanks, but she could manage 20g, which would feel like a crushingly uncomfortable—but survivable—6g to the crew.
“Crew, prepare for heavy acceleration.”
Elias leaned back in his seat and took a deep breath. He was startled when the acceleration kicked in just a few seconds later. When Troy Grayson gave an order, he clearly expected his people to be on the ball and ready to obey. And slackers who didn’t jump quickly enough could enjoy the experience of bearing six times their body weight away from the protective cushioning of their acceleration couches.
“I want those ships disabled, dammit. Get the guns focused on power generation systems.” Grayson’s voice was labored, somewhat, by the pressure, but Elias was impressed with how close to normal Eagle Fourteen’s captain sounded.
Elias’s limited knowledge of naval combat was enough for him to realize that targeting individual systems, especially on ships whose internal layouts were unknown, was damned near impossible. But to the Eagles, ‘damned near’ and ‘totally’ were two entirely different things.
The pirates—we’ve got to stop calling them that, they’re so much more dangerous than just raiders—were heading toward the warp gate. They weren’t going to get there, not before Eagle Fourteen blasted them to atoms, and that meant time was short. Based on past encounters, the few times United Fleet or Eagle forces had been able to catch and defeat Black Flag squadrons, the enemy ships would self-destruct as soon as they realized escape was impossible.
Eagle Fourteen maintained a reduced rate of fire as she blasted forward. Even the Black Eagles’ great battleships had limits to their energy generation, and 20g thrust pulled power from the gunnery stations. The great main guns were silent now. Their powerful shots were more useful for destroying enemy ships anyway, and if there was going to be any chance to capture one of the Black Flag’s ships, it would be the needlers and their precise, tightly-targeted beams that would win the day.
“Strike forces are loaded and ready, Captain. Launch command advises all shuttles are go for launch on your command.”
Elias was stunned. It had only been a matter of minutes since Grayson had ordered the strike force to prepare. How could those troopers possibly have gotten to the bay, armored up, and boarded the shuttles so quickly?
“Launch now, Lieutenant. The shuttles will set a course directly between the two enemy ships.”
“Yes, sir.”
Elias nodded, at least as close to a nod as he could manage under the strain of an effective 6g pushing down on him. He reaffirmed to himself that whatever lay in his future, he would never get truly used to space travel, at least not the hard kind that accompanied combat.
The firing continued, and then one of the enemy vessels vanished in the thermonuclear fury of its reactors overloading. It could have been the result of one of Eagle Fourteen’s guns, but in his gut, Elias knew it wasn’t. He felt a chill thinking about an enemy that would so coldly and consistently choose death over capture.
The last ship was still there, though, and a glance at the display told him the vessel’s engines were dead. It wasn’t firing anymore, and the scanner readings showed no power generation. That was far from a perfect conclusion—there were many ways to hide such things from a ship’s sensors—but it was a good bet Grayson’s people had disabled the pirate ship, just as they’d intended to do.
“The shuttles are to change vectors toward that last ship. I want a minimum time course to intercept. Major Corrigan is to board and take the vessel as soon as docking is complete. His priority is to seize the reactor space and the main AI center, and then to secure the remainder of the vessel.”
Elias understood Grayson’s orders. If the enemy was able to override their damaged systems and blow the reactor, the Eagles would lose their prize.
And if they did it after Corrigan’s people landed…
Elias wondered how long it would be before he stopped being amazed at the conduct of these soldiers he’d called brutal thugs so many times.
* * * * *
“You all know why we’re here, so I’m not going to waste time going over that again. We don’t know the layout of this ship, but that’s not going to stop us. We get to those vital spaces, and we secure them…before these pukes blow this ship, and us with it.” Buck Corrigan was Black Eagle through and through. Unlike many of Darius Cain’s soldiers, he had not been an adoptee from the Marines or some other declining or defunct military force. He’d come from a dirt-poor planet, and even among the destitute farmers clawing out a bare sustenance level survival, his poverty had been exceptional.
His father’s debts had been staggering, and the fact that most of the assessments the local lord had placed on the family were bogus meant exactly nothing. The elder Corrigan had died in debtor’s prison, worked to utter exhaustion in the quarries, leav
ing his only son to inherit his obligations. But Buck Corrigan wasn’t his father, and his solution to his problems had been a direct one. He’d driven a spike through the offending lord’s eye, avenging his father and effectively canceling the family’s debt in one fast stroke. Of course, the action had made him an outlaw, one without the resources or opportunity to escape his miserable—and now very dangerous—homeworld.
Until the Eagles came. Darius Cain’s mercenaries had been a much smaller force then, their now-fearsome reputation still in its infancy. They’d been sent by the ruler of the other inhabited planet in the system, a vain and foolhardy man who’d been willing to throw his own poor world into debt to send a punitive expedition against his rivals who had offended him.
Corrigan had watched in wonder as the soldiers, no more than a thousand of them at that time, landed with perfect organization and, in a matter of days, utterly obliterated a planetary army five times their size. He was astonished by the invader’s suits of armor. He’d heard about powered infantry, the Marines and Janissaries and other formations who’d fought mankind’s great wars before the Fall, but he’d never expected to see any in person.
He’d thrown all caution to the wind, marching right into the Eagles’ camp, shouting that he wanted to enlist. The soldiers laughed at him and told him to go home, but then fortune smiled on him. A man, an officer, saw him and walked over. “What do you want, boy?” the man said to the stunned sixteen year old.
“I want to join you. I want to be a Black Eagle.”
The men laughed again, but not the officer. “You want to leave home? What about your mother, your father? Your family?”
“My mother’s dead, sir. The pox, ten years ago. My father’s dead too…the local lord worked him to death in his mines. And I’m an outlaw, because I killed the lord, paid him back in kind for my father. This may be my home because I was born here, but if I never see the dust-covered rock again, good riddance.”
He wasn’t sure if he remembered his words perfectly or not, but whatever he had said, it had been the right thing. The officer, who had turned out to be none other than Darius Cain himself, took a liking to him. Corrigan might not have had perfect recall of what he had said, but Cain’s words he remembered perfectly. “Sign him up, boys. This kid’s an Eagle for sure. He’s just been waiting for us to get here and pick him up.” The mercenary commander turned around and walked away…and Buck Corrigan’s miserable life changed on the spot. There’d been brutal work and deadly combat in the years since, pain and suffering along with the immense rewards and fast promotion he’d enjoyed. But that day marked the last time Corrigan had felt helpless, unable to influence his own destiny.
He moved forward, through the corridors of the Black Flag ship—at least he assumed it was a Black Flag ship—his eyes scanning every hatch, every conduit or bit of equipment running along the ceiling or affixed to the wall. There were half a dozen troopers behind him, lined up in single file. The narrow ship’s hallway was too small to accommodate two armored soldiers side by side. That was a tactical problem, one Corrigan considered. Ideally, his people would fight in a more open area, a compartment or something similar. But even in the narrow corridor, one armored Eagle could likely eliminate the two or three unprotected enemies he might face.
His people were spreading out through the ship, but half a dozen had stuck with him, a couple even trying to take the point and lead down the corridor, before Corrigan had sent them back with one armored gesture.
The major knew there had been armies throughout history where the regular soldiers resented the officers, where a great gulf existed between the two groups. But the Black Eagles revered their officers, every one of whom had started their careers as a normal footsoldier, a tradition that stretched as far as Darius Cain himself. There were no privileged elites in the Eagles, no scions of wealthy or military families, no political appointees. Every Black Eagle had earned his place in the hard crucible of war, and those of higher rank served to show the rest what they, too, could achieve.
Corrigan himself, rich enough now to live like a lord himself on any planet of his choosing, had considered retiring. But then he realized the true strength of the organization Darius Cain had created. He’d been one of the best for years now, and it was a part of him he couldn’t leave behind. His gratitude and loyalty to the man who’d given him escape from the hell into which he’d been born, the comradeship with the other Eagles…they were things he couldn’t walk away from, no matter how much treasure he accumulated. He had found himself, and he was what he was, what he would always be. A Black Eagle.
“Major, I think we found the main power plant. There’s about a dozen enemies here, sir, armed with assault rifles. We’re pretty close to the main reactor, so we’re clearing out the space with blades.”
“Very well, Lieutenant. Proceed.” The molecular blades were hand-to-hand weapons, made from the hardest know alloys and honed to an edge no wider than ten or twelve molecules. The knives were built into the Eagle’s armor, and they could cut through almost anything, steel, stone, reinforced concrete. Human flesh didn’t offer any resistance at all.
Corrigan glanced up at the display projected on his visor. The lieutenant’s location showed up as a small dot on his screen. There was a partial layout, but the Eagles hadn’t scouted the whole ship yet, so the AI had blanked out the areas where no data was available. There was an unknown section between Corrigan and the lieutenant, and one good way to take care of that.
“Let’s go,” he said to his six companions. “Let’s find our way to the reactor, and lock this ship down.” He raised his arm, holding up the heavy assault rifle connected to his armor. Then he trudged down the corridor, heading toward the reactor room.
Chapter 4
Main HQ – Prime Base
Columbia, Eta Cassiopeiae II
Earthdate: 2321 AD (36 Years After the Fall)
“I want those formations ready, Colonel, and I do mean immediately. What I saw this morning was utterly unsatisfactory, and if I am forced to make an example of someone, I can assure you it will not be one of those sweating, undertrained soldiers out there.” Jarrod Tyler was angry…and over the years, if there was one thing the officers, ministers—even the people in the streets of Columbia’s cities—had learned, it was to take cover when their president was mad.
“Yes, General Tyler. We have pushed them as hard as possible, but…” Tyler’s withering gaze carried a clear message, one that stopped his subordinate’s words cold. Columbia’s senior military commander—and absolute ruler—did not want excuses, and he certainly didn’t want any responses that included the word ‘but.’ “I will do whatever is necessary to get them ready, sir.” The nervous officer stood at attention, unable to hide how much effort that took in the fearsome presence of Columbia’s dictator. Though his rule was mostly benevolent, at least in matters not related to planetary security, Tyler was also a feared leader, and few Columbians could stand up to his imposing presence.
Tyler hadn’t always been the frigid-blooded tyrant he’d become. In fact, he’d been an ardent supporter of freedom, a military officer who’d followed every order given to him by the duly-appointed civilian authorities. Then he’d watched his home world attacked and occupied multiple times, first by the Caliphate and the Central Asian Combine, and then by the xenophobic forces of the First Imperium. The Shadow Legions had come next, its clone armies killing tens of thousands of Columbians. Still, despite more than a generation of continued warfare and devastation, he’d watched the people lose their vigilance again, and vote the president—his wife, Lucia—out of office in favor of a new government sworn to dismantle the powerful but expensive Columbian military.
He’d railed against the short-sightedness of that approach, reminded anyone who would listen of Columbia’s violent history…but it had all been to no avail. He’d watched helplessly as his wife and her political allies were cast aside, and the splendid military he’d spent his life building was disma
ntled. Then, as if on cue from a universe that seemed determined to teach lessons to imbeciles, the First Imperium returned.
The Second Incursion had been an unmitigated disaster for Columbia, and the planet came closer to total extinction than ever before. It had survived only because Jarrod Tyler had rallied the remnants of its shattered military—and anyone else who would fight—and waged a guerilla campaign, fighting from the swamps and woods and mountains and protecting the terrified population from the xenophobic invaders, until Erik Cain returned with the Marines, and once again drove the enemy from Columbia.
That last war, however, had been enormously costly, for everyone on Columbia, and for Tyler in particular. Among the thousands dead in the desperate struggle was Lucia Collins, his wife, a woman he’d loved beyond words, one who’d grounded his humanity, who’d kept his growing anger restrained. It was then, after the war, counting the terrible cost, that something changed in him. He’d seen what the people had done with their republic, how quickly they’d forgotten all those who’d died in the wars that had come before. Never again, he had vowed, and without another thought, with neither the slightest doubt nor an instant of hesitancy, he seized power and made himself Columbia’s absolute dictator, a post he’d retained with an unwavering grip over the nineteen years since then.
His coup had been relatively bloodless, a fact that had been made possible mostly by the unmitigated devotion of the veterans of his victorious army. They shared much of his anger, the cost they had paid because of the lack of readiness had been in blood, theirs and that of loved ones killed when the First Imperium bots landed and swept through the planet’s cities, destroying all in their path. The soldiers had followed Tyler’s orders without question, seized whatever objectives he told them to take, captured whomever he commanded them to arrest.
Killed anyone he instructed them to kill.
Tyler had not been bloodthirsty, at least not toward the population at large. But he’d had no pity for the politicians, corrupt to the core, who had crippled the planet’s ability to defend itself and poured the diverted resources into their own pockets, and those of their allies. For them, there was no mercy, and Columbia’s army displayed its unwavering loyalty to its commander by the ferocity with which it sought out those proscribed, butchering them in their homes, in the streets, in whatever hiding places they sought refuge.