Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  I stop dead in my tracks when I turn the corner and see Liam leaning against the counter. His ankles are crossed with his arms over his chest, looking sexy and confident as hell. Dark bags are under his eyes and his hair is a hot mess, but I love it when it looks like that.

  Swallowing hard, I blink a few times to make sure I’m not imagining things.


  “Get your ass over here, woman,” he demands with a boyish smile.

  I rush over and leap into his arms. He easily catches me as I wrap my legs around his waist and cling to his neck. Liam holds me tight as I inhale his scent and hold back tears at how happy I am to see him.


  “How are you here right now?” I ask, pulling back, and he sets me down on my feet. My hands remain on his chest as he holds me close. “I didn’t expect you to come so soon.”

  He tilts his head and grins. “I couldn’t stay away another fucking day, Mads.” Then he cups my face and brushes his mouth over mine, soft at first, but when I part my lips, he slides his tongue between and dances with mine.

  “Third wheel over here.” Tyler groans, and I burst out laughing, breaking the kiss. Tyler turns and looks at Liam. “Can’t tell you how relieved I was to know Maddie was actually real after hearing you go on and on about her for weeks. I thought maybe you made her up or she was a figment of your imagination.”

  “Dude,” Liam says. “Bro code?”

  “You gushed about me, huh?” I tease, smiling so wide I can’t control it.

  “How do you think I knew who you were right away? He painted a very clear visual of what you looked like, how you talked, the way you shake your ass when you walk.”

  “Oh my God!” I screech, playfully swatting Liam’s chest.

  Tyler’s chuckling as Liam shoots him a death glare, then meets my eyes. “He’s messing with you. And me.”

  I turn and scowl at Tyler who’s grinning. He shrugs. “It’s too easy.”

  “Real cool, Beanstalk. Now I don’t feel bad you’re sleeping on the sofa.”

  Liam’s head falls back with uncontrollable laughter. “Go figure, you know him for two weeks and have already given him a freaking nickname.”

  I throw my hand toward Tyler who’s mixing pancake batter in a bowl. “Look at him, he’s a giant! It’s a proper one at least.”

  “Yeah, Hulk,” Tyler singsongs.

  “If I didn’t owe you my life, I’d deck you right now,” Liam taunts, keeping his arm around me.

  “Which means I have lifetime privileges to tease the ever-living shit out of you,” Tyler retorts.

  Liam smirks, then scoops me up. “You’re right, man. Now excuse me while I properly reunite with my girlfriend.”

  Tyler groans. “Seriously?”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll keep it down.” Liam chuckles, then carries me to the bedroom.

  I’d feel bad for leaving Tyler all by himself, but I need time alone with Liam right now.

  “Tell me what happened,” I say as he walks into the bedroom, then kicks the door shut. “I’ve been anxious just thinking about how it went down.”

  He sets me on my feet, then gently cups my face. “I will, but we need to talk about us first.”

  I nod. We have a lot to discuss, considering everything that’s happened since the last time we were together.

  Liam cradles my face, bringing our foreheads together. He sucks in a breath. “I was so distraught when you left,” he says softly.

  “Imagine how I felt when I heard Victoria was pregnant,” I remark even though he knows I had no choice.

  Liam leans back slightly and his face drops. “Mads, I know, and I’m so goddamn sorry.”

  I look at his pained expression. “I left for you,” I tell him. “She would’ve punished you even more if I hadn’t willingly gone that night. It was the only way to save you from her wrath, because I knew she was capable of hurting us all if she didn’t get her way.”

  Liam shakes his head, cupping my cheeks. “I don’t deserve you. I hate myself so much for lying to you and fucking things up between us. You deserved to hear it from me, but—”

  “Your heart was in the right place,” I finish for him, resting my palm on his chest. “Now knowing the truth, that they aren’t yours and how she used you to facilitate this whole picture-perfect family, I understand you were just trying to protect my feelings.”

  “I never want to hurt you.” His hand wraps around my neck, and he pulls me against his chest before pressing a single kiss to the top of my head. “These past two weeks were the worst ones in my life. You’re all I could think about, and it was the thought of finding you that got me through every miserable day. I hated that you were blackmailed into leaving, but once I knew Tyler was with you, I was more determined than ever to get back to you.” Liam’s voice is sincere, and I hate how we were both thrust into this madness. I have to hope it’ll only make us stronger, though. “Please let me make this right. Tell me we can get through this. I can’t lose you.”

  “You have some groveling to do,” I tease, but when he pulls back and we lock gazes, I see the heavy emotion in his eyes. Liam is rarely vulnerable and remains strong on the outside, but this Liam looks more broken than I’ve ever seen him.

  Then he surprises the shit out of me when he falls to his knees in front of me and grips my hips with his strong hands. “I’ll do anything. I meant what I said on the phone. You know I’ve never done a relationship before and have definitely never told a woman those words before.”

  My eyes water, and I know I can’t stay mad at him. He told me the truth when I found the photo of the target over my face, and although I was blindsided by Victoria, I know he’d never intentionally hurt me. Liam is all I’ve ever wanted. He’s not perfect, and both of us will screw things up sometimes, but it takes a real man to admit and apologize when he does. “We’ll get through this,” I assure him, leaning down to softly brush my lips against his. “She can’t break us.”

  Liam grabs the back of my head and pulls me toward him and deepens the kiss. “Thank God. She’s ruined so much. I don’t know what I’d do if she tore us apart after I finally got you.”

  His sincere words hit me straight in the gut. For years, I fought for Liam, but here he is, fighting like hell, so I’ll give him another chance.

  He stands and holds me. It feels so good to be back in his arms. I momentarily close my eyes as I soak in his touch that I’d been so desperate to have again.

  “Before I knew Victoria had something to do with you leaving, I thought you’d left me,” he confesses. “I was going out of my mind, thinking that I’d fucked everything up for good. I’ll make all of this up to you.” He brings his forehead to mine, and I hear him inhale a sharp breath. “I love you, Mads.”

  “Say it again,” I encourage.

  The corner of his lips twitches as he leans back slightly and locks eyes with me. With one palm on my cheek, he says, “I’m in love with you, baby. I love you so much that my chest physically aches when I think about how much you mean to me and what losing you would do to me.” He licks his lips. “Being apart put a lot into perspective, like how much time I wasted avoiding how I felt, or thinking you were better off with someone else. Though I will always believe you’re too good for me, I know there’s no one who could ever love me the way you do. I’m one lucky son of a bitch who gets to have you.”

  The tears I was holding back fall at his heartfelt confession—one I wasn’t sure I’d ever get from him—but now that I have, my entire world feels complete. Who knew this macho, relationship-phobic man had a heart as big as this? Though I had always hoped.

  Reaching up, I grab his face and bring his lips to mine. I kiss him hard and quick. “Feels like I’ve waited four years for that.” I grin. “I love you, too. More than I can comprehend, which scares me sometimes, but it’s you. It’s always been you.”

  “I can’t tell you how goddamn sorry I am for…” He pauses briefly as if it pains him to talk about
how much he hurt me. “God, everything. Should’ve never kept secrets from you, and I promise I never will again. I told you I’d inevitably screw things up, but with you, I want to do better. You deserve the very best version of me, and that’s exactly what you’re going to get.”

  “You made a mistake, Liam,” I reassure him. “But the important thing is learning from it and leaning on each other. We’ll stay strong together.” I try to comfort him.

  “You’re truly amazing, Mads.” Liam dips his head and kisses me, our arms and bodies tangling together as he walks us toward the bed.

  “Just tell me one thing…” I push against his chest slightly so our eyes lock. “Is it almost over?”

  He doesn’t have to ask what I’m referring to because he knows. My expression tells him exactly what I’m talking about.

  “Almost, baby. Then the only ring I’ll be wearing is the one you put on my finger.” He winks, and heat rushes between my legs. That’s either the hottest thing I’ve ever heard or the scariest. Either way, I’m all for it.

  “Where’s the guy who told me only a few months ago he wasn’t capable of loving someone?”

  “You wore him down until he had no choice but to admit his true feelings.” He flashes an amused smirk, causing me to laugh. “Just like you always said you would.”

  I shrug playfully, wrapping my arms around his neck tighter, and make a show of checking him out. “Can you blame me?”

  “Can you get naked?” he mocks.

  Snorting, I nod. We take turns undressing each other, slowly and torturously, then I admire every inch of his muscular body and gorgeous tattoos. Liam throws me in the middle of the bed, and I laugh at how he does it so effortlessly. He crawls over me, dipping his head low as he feathers kisses between my legs.

  As I arch my back, Liam makes his way up my stomach and chest, then swirls his tongue around my nipple ring. My fingers thread through his hair, craving more, wanting to have all of him.

  “Okay, get inside me now. I’m dying,” I tell him.

  He lifts his head with a sexy smirk, then after a beat, it turns into a frown. “Ah, shit.”

  “Uh…” I furrow my brows as he lays next to me and cups my cheek. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t have any protection.”

  I suck in a breath and groan. “Dammit. I knew I should’ve made Tyler buy some.”

  One brow perks up, curious. “Excuse me?”

  I dramatically lie back and pout. “It was on my list of supplies, and he didn’t get them for me. Totally lied and said ‘they were out.’”

  He leans up on his elbow and stares at me. “And why did you ask for condoms?”

  Liam’s face is tense, and I love messing with him, so I play dumb. “So I don’t get pregnant, duh.”

  “Maddie, I swear to God…” He rolls over me and takes my wrists, then pins them above me. “Don’t make me get all possessive of you more than I already am.”

  “Why not? It’s pretty damn hot…” I waggle my brows, and he growls.

  “Alright, you asked for it.”

  Liam tortures me by sucking on my clit as he fingers me. He pushes me closer to the ledge, then slows down, over and over until I’m begging him to let me come.

  “Please…” I plead, feeling like I’m going to die if he pulls away again. Liam thrusts two fingers inside and flicks my clit with his tongue until I’m seeing stars and falling faster. “Oh my God.”

  Panting, I try to catch my breath as Liam rises above me with a shit-eating smirk. “I missed the taste of your pussy.”

  His bluntness causes me to chuckle. “Think we can get one-day shipping on condoms?”

  “I almost forgot how sex-craved you are,” he teases.

  “I can’t help it! Look at you.” I gaze down his chest and then to his very thick and hard cock rubbing against me. “You should let me take care of that.”

  “I think if we’re gone much longer, Tyler might get suspicious.”

  Rolling my eyes, I lean forward and force him to lie on the bed, then straddle him. “Pretty sure he’s well aware we’re not napping in here.”

  Then I kneel between his legs and wrap my fingers around his shaft. The guttural moan he releases has me smiling wide. When I circle his tip with my tongue, he moans louder. I watch as Liam’s head falls back, then his hands ball into fists as his body stiffens.

  So damn hot.

  As I suck and stroke him, working his body faster and harder, Liam sits up and grabs a fistful of my hair. Pulling my head back, he thumbs my chin and brings our mouths together in a white-hot kiss.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy it is to watch you get me off?” His voice is low and deep, lighting up everything inside me again.

  “Mmm…” I lick my lips. “I can taste how much you like it.”

  I can tell he’s close when his cock throbs against my palm. “I don’t want to get it all over you, baby.”

  “Don’t worry, you won’t.” I wink, then lower myself again so I can finish him off properly.

  Moments later, he moans loudly as he comes inside my mouth. I make sure it doesn’t get on the bed or on us and smirk as I take all of him.

  “Next time…” I straddle his waist and hover over him. “I’m holding it in, then spitting it into your mouth.”

  The look he gives me has me bursting out laughing. Like I’m fucking crazy. “You kiss me after you go down on me, so how’s it any different?”

  Liam narrows his eyes at me, shaking his head. “What the hell is wrong with you? Your bedroom talk is about as good as your sexting.” He sits up with me in his lap, then reaches around and slaps my bare ass. “You’ve been watching porn, haven’t you?”

  I shrug. “It was a long and boring two weeks.”

  We finally manage to leave the bedroom and both start laughing when we see Tyler in the kitchen with headphones on. He’s digging around the pantry, so I sneak up on him.

  “Boo!” I push against his back, but he doesn’t even flinch.

  Slowly, he turns around and takes them off, eyeing me with a deadpan expression. “I have extensive training on not getting attacked. Sorry, princess.”

  “Not fair.” I pretend to pout. “Where’d you find those anyway?”

  “My friend’s gaming headphones. Noise-canceling.” He smirks.

  Liam grunts. “Way to be dramatic.”

  “Way to not keep it down.”

  I giggle at their banter. “Okay, I’m hungry now. Whatcha gonna make me, Beanstalk?”

  The three of us spend the rest of the day hanging out and making a plan for what’s next. Liam described Victoria’s reaction and explained how he handled her. I’m impressed and proud of how he stood up to her, though I’m still worried she’ll find a way to retaliate, but I’ve never felt safer than I do with Liam and Tyler.

  I’m not sure what happened to Eric, and I’m too scared to know the truth, so I don’t ask. The question comes up if Tyler is going back home, but Liam wants us here until Victoria signs the divorce papers. Until that happens, she could find us and do God knows what. I’m not convinced she’ll be able to get it done in only a week, but she’s an O’Leary, so if anyone can make it happen, she can. There’s no telling who she has on her payroll. Wouldn’t surprise me if she throws thousands of dollars at her attorney to rush it just to avoid those pictures being leaked. I can only hope, though, because I’m dying to go back to Sacramento.

  “Will it be safe for Tyler to go home even then?” I ask while we’re watching TV.

  They both shrug, but then Liam speaks up. “Actually, you should probably come with us to California,” he states. “If Eric told her what you did, she’ll know you were the mole and come after you. At least until the divorce is finalized in a couple of months. Then hopefully everything will be cleared, and you’ll be safe to leave.”

  “Probably for the best,” he agrees. “Though if she wants to play that card, I have plenty of other shit on her I can use. I followed her for weeks.�

  A bad feeling surfaces up my spine, and I hate that Tyler could be in danger because of me.

  “Aww, Beanstalk. We’ll be roomies again!” I gush, knowing it’ll annoy him.

  “On second thought, I’m willing to risk Victoria finding me.”

  “Haha.” I lean over and punch his arm. “You love me.”

  “This might be a good time to call Sophie,” Liam states, and I swear my heart stops.

  “Really? We can call her?”

  He grabs his phone from his pocket and hands it over. “Yeah, let’s put her out of her misery.”

  I’m giddy as hell when Sophie picks up on the second ring. “Liam?”

  “It’s Maddie,” I tell her. “I’m with Liam.”

  “Oh my God!” she screams. “Where the hell are you?”

  I swallow hard. “I can’t say right now, but I can tell you we’re both safe.”

  “What do you mean? What’s going on?” She’s panicking, and I hate that we’ve had to lie and keep so much from her.

  “Soph,” Liam intervenes. “We’ll tell you everything once we’re home, but for now, we just wanted to let you know I had Maddie and we’re in a safe place.”

  “Meaning what? She wasn’t before?” she scolds.


  “We’ll explain when we can, okay?” I say. “I miss you guys.”

  “When are you coming home?” she asks. “I’ve been going out of my mind.”

  “I know, and we’re both sorry about that,” I tell her.

  “If all goes according to plan, we’ll be back in a week,” Liam says.

  I smile at him, then grip his hand. “Has everything been okay over there?” I ask cautiously.

  “Besides me going nuts? Oh, yeah, sure.” She breathes out harshly. “Can I know this, did you really write that note and willingly leave?”

  “No,” I confirm. “That was Victoria’s doing, which is why we can’t come home yet. So if she shows up, don’t let her in and call the police.”

  “Is she really pregnant with twins?”


  “Damn, so no kicking her ass.”


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