Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 14

by Kennedy Fox

  Joel smiles, almost as if he’s relieved, and drops it. That’s one thing I really like about him, he knows when to pry and when to leave things alone. He’s my favorite dance partner for a reason.

  Annie walks into the room wearing dance flats and leggings. She glances at me with a small smile as if she’s surprised and relieved I returned, then starts the class. I’m not exactly sure what my teachers were told once I explained I had an “emergency” to my advisor and the dean of the college, but I’m just happy I wasn’t kicked out. Thankfully, they gave me another chance.

  Joel and I get into place after we warm up and start working on choreography. I didn’t realize how behind I was until now. The whole routine is complete, and I’m frustrated as hell that I’m twirling around mindlessly, not knowing my next step. Feeling like a newbie doesn’t happen often for me, but right now, I’m out of place. When we’re given a ten-minute water break, Joel comes over to calm me down.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” he tells me sincerely, noticing my aggravation. He doesn’t realize it stems from being frustrated with myself, the situation, and even Victoria. Her name is like poison on my tongue, but I swallow down the venom I have for her and force a smile.

  “I know. I’m just annoyed. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on and feeling like a transfer student.” I chug half my bottle of water, determined to recount every step, dip, and jump. Joel tried to lead me as best he could, but I should've just watched from the side, like the kid who didn’t get picked for a school sport.

  “Mads. You’ve been gone for over three weeks. You can’t expect to hop into the middle of a routine and predict the next move. That’s just insanity.”

  I let out a huff the suck in air through my nose, trying to calm down. “You’re right.”

  “We can stay after class and go over it a few times if you want. You’ll have it by next time. I know how meticulous you are.” He places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes before we’re called back to the floor. I didn’t realize how stressed I still am from being gone, even though we’ve been home for a little while. Is it possible that the whole experience changed me? That thought alone has me cursing under my breath.

  The next time we go through the routine, I’m not as lost. Joel grabs my waist and gives me a supported cartwheel before I land into a perfect split. The toe work will take some time, but for the most part, I think I have the basics. Thankfully I’m a quick learner because I might walk out of here in tears otherwise.

  I want to be the best at everything I do. The best dancer, sister, and even girlfriend. It’s why I try to give my whole heart to Liam every chance I get and why I agreed to leave in the first place. I might’ve recently given away my V-card, but when Liam and I are together, it’s special. What we have is more than just sex or the meaningless motions of two people being together. It’s always been more than that.

  After everyone leaves, Joel and I stay behind, and I’m grateful for the extra thirty minutes he gives me of his time. We start slow at the beginning, then go faster, and I even recorded us on my phone so I could watch it again at home. It’s something I learned in high school so I wouldn’t forget the details my teacher gave. Once we change out of our practice clothes, relief washes over me that I made it through another day. Things aren’t back to normal yet, but maybe I’ll find it soon.

  “Thanks, Joel,” I tell him as we go our separate ways down the sidewalk.

  “For what?” he asks, though I think he knows exactly why I’m thanking him.

  “For not calling me a sucky ass partner and requesting someone new to dance with while I was gone.”

  He shakes his head, his lips turning up. “Pfft. You’re the best dancer at this school, even on your worst days, Mads. You’re stuck with me until we graduate.”

  I laugh and shoot him a wink before heading to calculus.

  A month has passed since Liam and I got back to Sacramento, and so far, the bottom hasn’t fallen out. Not that I expected it to but when Victoria is involved, you never know.

  I wrap a towel around my body and towel-dry my hair before getting dressed. Today, I have a date with my sisters, a much-needed one at that. Though, I’m not sure how long we’ll be together because we’re doing our last fitting for our dresses for Mason and Sophie’s wedding. She’s been overly particular about colors and flowers. It could either be quick or painstakingly long. The plan is to just go with the flow because it's her day, and I don’t care what we wear. I know Liam will want to tear it off afterward anyway.

  After I’m ready, I go downstairs where Sophie is eagerly waiting for me as she types away on her phone, probably to Lennon.

  “That took forever!” she exclaims with a big cheesy grin on her face. She’s been waiting for this for weeks. Liam left before the sun rose to track a fugitive up north and Mason went to the office to help oversee some big investigation he’s working on at the moment. It’s going to be us girls only, and I couldn’t be more excited. When I was cooped up in Montana, I dreamed about being able to speak with Sophie and Lennon. It nearly killed me not being able to or, even worse, missing something as important as this.

  “Lennon’s meeting us there after she drops off the kids with Mrs. Locke. She said something about mimosas and massages.”

  “And that’s why she’s my favorite sister,” I throw in, just because we have this running joke between us, but honestly, I could never choose. I love them both for different reasons and some of the same ones too. It’s almost unfair to everyone else that I got two of the best people in the world as my siblings.

  “Come on, turd,” Sophie says, grabbing her purse and swinging it over her shoulder.

  Laughter tumbles out of my mouth. “Turd? We’re going G-rated with the name-calling these days?”

  “Would you prefer shithead?” Sophie giggles and unlocks the car once we’re outside.

  “You’ve been hanging around Hunter too long. I think you’ve got dad jokes now,” I tell her as we climb inside and buckle.

  “You know I can drive us,” I tell her, looking at my car. I’m so damn happy I got it back and don’t have to bum rides, though I enjoyed getting to spend more time with Liam. I glance over and see the G-Wagon on the street and look back toward Sophie, wishing every piece of Victoria would disappear from our lives. If Sophie notices my change in mood, she doesn’t mention it, which I’m grateful for because I don’t want to keep talking about it.

  “Are you getting more excited about the wedding now that it’s only a couple of months away?” I ask her, knowing she loves to chat about it. Mason and she are getting married the first week of December, and it’s almost go-time. Sophie’s meticulous about everything, nearly as much as Lennon and me—a Corrigan trait— so she hasn’t left a stone unturned when it comes to planning. Hell, the two of them have been thumbing through wedding magazines every weekend at breakfast for months.

  I watch as she sucks in a deep breath and lets out a dreamy sigh and a smile. “Yes. I seriously can’t wait to marry the man of my dreams. I’m going to be Mrs. Sophie Holt. Mason and Sophie Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Holt.” I crack up at the way she’s trying her soon-to-be last name. “Do you think it sounds weird?”

  “Not any weirder than Lennon Manning,” I snicker, and Sophie swats at me. “Be nice.”

  “It’s just all the n’s. Makes me want to sing the Batman tune.”

  Her eyes go wide. “I’m telling her you said that.”

  “I already have! She thought it was adorable in the way Lennon thinks everything is adorable these days. I think it’s the mom in her,” I suggest.

  Sophie parks the car and we see Lennon waiting in the front. Even after all these years, she’s still punctual as hell. As soon as we make it to her she gives us hugs. “You’re five minutes late.”

  “Blame that one.” Sophie points at me.

  “I had to shower! Unless you want me sweaty and dirty,” I exclaim.

  “Is that a sex joke, Maddie?” Lennon asks an
d I nod, completely claiming it. Nothing about having sex with Liam embarrasses me. I want the whole world to know he’s all mine. I’ve only been waiting since I was seventeen. The thought causes a blush to hit my cheeks.

  “Lord. I can’t take either of you anywhere.” Sophie grins and shoos us inside.

  As soon as we’re at the counter, one of the workers walks up and introduces herself as Mel. She smiles as she types on a keyboard, then tells us she’ll grab our items. Mel walks us into a private area with mirrors and dressing rooms, then asks Sophie if she’d like help putting on her wedding gown. Sophie’s adamant she can do it herself so Mel hands us our garments and it takes no time for me and Lennon to slip into ours before Sophie begs for help.

  “If it's hard getting into it, don’t you think it’s going to be even more difficult to take off?” I ask with a cheeky grin as we step in and notice she’s frazzled, trying to reach the beautiful buttons that go up the back.

  “Mason will find a way, trust me.” Sophie drops her arms, giving them a rest. “It’s almost worse than putting on a sports bra after taking a shower and being damp.”

  “Let me help,” Lennon gently tells her, using her calming mom voice.

  “The only thing worse than putting on a sports bra is taking it off after dancing for three hours. It literally rolls up my back and—”

  “Almost done,” Lennon interrupts, changing the subject as she clasps each button.

  Sophie looks at us with tears in her eyes. “I just noticed your dresses. They’re beautiful. You both look so good.”

  I place a hand on my hip and give her a wink. “Because we take after you.”

  “The red is perfect,” Lennon states, and I confirm with a nod.

  “It’s going to be a Hallmark wedding, for sure!” I clap my hands, excited to celebrate Christmas soon. It brings back so many good memories from last year after I first moved into the house. Sophie and I would bake cookies and have all night watch-a-thons together. Eventually, after she and Mason get married, I know they’ll move, and I’m going to miss that special bonding time we had together.

  “What?” Sophie notices my change in mood.

  I shake my head. “Nothing. I’m just going to really miss you at home.”

  “Don’t you dare start that. I’m already getting emotional.” Sophie fans her face as if that’s ever helped stop the tears.

  “You two better stop,” Lennon chimes in. “Look at you, Soph. You’re gorgeous.”

  We stare at her in awe. The cream-colored dress has a crystal beaded waistband, illusion sleeves, and a plunging neckline showing just enough skin to be sexy but not scandalous. “You look like a Disney princess,” I whisper.

  “Because I am.” Sophie snickers, then looks back and forth between Lennon and me. “I wish Mom were here.”

  “She would’ve come.” Lennon moves Sophie’s long brown her off her shoulder, really showing off the sheer sleeves.

  “I know, it just seemed ridiculous to have her travel here for a wedding dress try-on and all that. Plus, I have you two.”

  I’m smiling so big it nearly hurts. “You’ll always have us, Soph. Always. Now, let’s FaceTime Mom so she can see us all.” We move out of the dressing room where there are more space and mirrors, and I grab Sophie’s phone to call our parents. There are too many pictures to be taken with mine. After we say our hellos and I flip the camera around so they can see Sophie in her beautiful wedding gown, I hand the phone to Lennon and pull out mine. It’s such an important memory to capture, and I make sure to snag all the best angles. I swear any time my sisters have big life events, I become the family photographer, but I don’t mind. If for some reason dancing doesn’t work out, I may have found an alternative career.

  “I want to see all three of you together,” Mom says and Mel comes over and takes the phone and holds it so all of us are in the frame.

  “Wow, my girls. I’m so proud,” she says, and I can tell she’s choking up.

  “You’re going to make the most beautiful bride, Soph. We can’t wait,” Dad adds with a big toothy grin. My heart is so warm as I look at my sisters laughing and chatting. Moving to Sacramento to be with them is still one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. It sits right next to being relentless with Liam.

  After final checks are made on measurements and everything seems to fit perfectly, we’re all given the talk to maintain our weight before the wedding. “Last minute alterations cause for unnecessary stress,” Mel reminds us as we sign our paperwork and the gowns are released to us.

  “So that means no getting knocked up, Lennon,” I tease.

  “Me?” she screeches. “You’re one to talk. Are you even on birth control?”

  “Oh my God,” Sophie groans, shaking her head. “Can we just agree everyone waits until after the wedding to get pregnant?”

  “I’m waiting like ten years, so fine by me,” I say. I love my niece and nephew, but I’m way too young to be thinking about having kids. Though I really want the marriage and babies life with Liam, we have plenty of time and don’t need to rush for that.

  On the way out, the three of us are nothing but smiles.

  “Mimosas and massage time?” Lennon asks, looping one arm in mine and the other in Sophie’s.

  “Aren’t you still breastfeeding?” I ask incredulously.

  “I have enough milk in the fridge to last a few days, so we’re golden. I booked us an appointment at the spa for one o’clock, which means we still have an hour.”

  I clasp my hands together. “Does that mean we can eat first? Pretty please?”

  Sophie nods. “Yeah, there’s a sandwich place right around the corner. Shouldn’t take us too long.”

  My mouth starts watering thinking about it. I decided to sleep in and skip breakfast since Liam left the house around five. My stomach is angry growling, and I need food before I turn into a hangry monster. Lennon decides to leave her car in the parking lot and rides with us. By the time we go inside the shop, I’m ready to order one of everything off the menu. After we pay, we sit at a table close to the windows and wait for our food.

  Just as I’m taking a big sip of water, my phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out with a huge grin.

  “It’s Liam, isn’t it?” Sophie asks, already knowing.

  “I bet she doesn’t react that way when I text her,” Lennon says with a smirk.

  Liam: I miss you so much.

  Sophie and Lennon’s eyes are glued to me, but I try to ignore them as best as I can.

  Maddie: I miss you more.

  Liam: Really? Prove it. Tit pics.

  I snort, then look up at my sisters and tuck my lips inside my mouth.

  Maddie: I really doubt Sophie and Lennon would appreciate that but hold please.

  Quickly, I do a Google search and find the first picture of a tit that comes up. I was scared of what would pop up, but to my surprise the images are completely harmless. The cutest little photo of a neon green and bluebird is on my screen and I try not to burst into laughter as I send it over to him with the caption, ‘cute little tit.’ I can only imagine the look on his face right now.

  Liam: Uhh. What the hell is this?

  Maddie: That sir is a New Zealand Tit ;)

  Liam: Next time I’ll specify a nipple-pierced Maddie tit. But I do miss you, sweetheart.

  While reading that last text I take a gulp of water. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea and it takes everything I have not to spit it all over my sisters who are watching me incredulously.

  Maddie: You’re in big trouble. My sisters are glaring at me.

  Liam: Tonight, you’re all mine. I have something special planned for us.

  Maddie: Something special, huh? You trying to get laid or something?

  Liam: Well, since I had to leave early and miss out on our morning sex routine, figured I’d mix things up a bit. Plus, now I’m imagining you sitting on my face and am rock hard.

  Maddie: Proof?

  Liam: I�
�ll prove it plenty when my cock is in your mouth later.

  My cheeks heat because I start imagining it too.

  Maddie: You’re getting me all flustered.

  Liam: Good, that means you’ll be wet and ready for me ;) Have fun with your sisters. I’m almost done here and should be home in an hour. I love you!

  Maddie: Love you too. See you soon!

  “Oh God, it always ends in that expression when she’s texting with him. I can only imagine what he said,” Sophie says.

  Lennon gives me a cheesy look. “She’s got the love bug. Look at her.”

  “Learned it from you two,” I playfully throw back at them. “Anyway, enough of that.”

  “Mads,” Lennon says, then glances at Sophie nervously before focusing her attention on me. She lowers her voice. “So tell me, are you on birth control or not?”

  I was actually wondering when they’d give me the talk. “No.”

  “No? You need to be unless you want to get pregnant.” Lennon gives me a stern look.

  I shrug. “I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

  They’re both shocked.

  “And you’re not pregnant right now?” Lennon just comes out and asks.

  “No!” I whisper-hiss. “Jesus. I want kids eventually, but most definitely not for a long time.”

  “Does Liam want kids?” Sophie asks.

  I shrug. “He doesn’t mind practicing to make them, but we haven’t had the conversation yet. We just started dating.”

  “Well, maybe you two should talk about it so you’re on the same page. I love my babies, but it’s better to be prepared for it. It’s a life-changing experience and once you’re a mother, it’s up to you to make sure a baby human is taken care of. Mads, you need to be responsible and make an appointment.”


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