Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 17

by Kennedy Fox

  Her mouth falls open as she studies me from head to toe. “Uhh.”

  I smooth my hands down my chest. “Do I look okay?”

  Maddie swallows hard. “No words.” She walks toward me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You look like a hot CEO or something.”

  “You’ve been watching way too much TV.”

  “Mmm,” she says as a throat clears behind us and interrupts our moment. Thomas flashes a smile, then asks to take a look. He checks the hems and inseam of my pants, then the length of the arms. “Looks like it’s a good fit. Do you see anything you’d like changed?”

  I shake my head, moving slightly. “No, feels great.”

  “No complaints from me,” Maddie adds, interlocking her fingers with mine. I love that we can be like this publicly after hiding for so long.

  “Awesome, I’ll just get you to sign some paperwork to finalize everything. Then you can pick it up three days before the event.”

  “Perfect,” I say.

  Thomas walks away, and I sneak a kiss from Maddie before going to change.

  She’s all smiles when I walk away. As I’m putting on my jeans and T-shirt, I think about spending the weekend with her in a small little cabin I rented by the lake. It’s got the best view I could find. I plan to make all her gushy romantic dreams come true with an unlimited amount of chocolate-covered strawberries, champagne, and a crackling fireplace as the snow falls outside. Hallmark won’t have shit on me, but we may not leave the bed for days.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My winter recital went off without a hitch. Liam was there watching me along with my sisters, Mason, and Hunter. I worked hard all semester, and now I just have to study for finals before Christmas break.

  Today is finally Sophie and Mason’s wedding day, and I’m overjoyed by all the excitement. I love weddings more than any of my sisters and can’t believe it’s actually here. It’s been a year since Mason proposed, and four months ago they picked a date. Since then, Sophie has busted her ass to get everything together to make sure the ceremony and reception are flawless.

  Sophie made us meet in the dressing quarters early so we could start drinking champagne beforehand. Though my mother scolded us because she doesn’t approve of drinking, Sophie didn’t care, and I don’t blame her. This is her special day, and she should be allowed to do whatever the hell she wants, even if that means a slight buzz.

  So we could all be picture-perfect, Sophie hired a hairdresser and makeup artist to pamper us. We’ve been sitting around goofing off and have nearly emptied the whole bottle of bubbly between the three of us, but she brought a backup.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask Sophie as she looks out the window with her fluffy bride robe wrapped around her body.

  “Hell no,” she says. “I’ve been dreaming of marrying Mason for way too long. I’m more than ready.”

  Mom keeps coming in and out of the room, chatting with our family that arrived early, then returning to check on us. She’s running around like a chicken with her head cut off, but she lives for moments like this. We’re her baby girls, and she likes to feel needed. I’ll be the last one who’s not married, and while I’m not upset about it because I don’t want to rush anything, I hope I’m not waiting a decade for a proposal. Though it took Liam four years to admit he even liked me, I know he’s the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

  Sophie wanted the wedding to be small and intimate and only invited close friends and family. Mom and Dad wanted to give an open invitation to the entire church, but Sophie put her foot down and refused. They had no choice but to agree.

  An hour before the wedding starts, I decide to go out and see who’s all here. I slip on my dress and leave Lennon and Sophie as a few of our aunts and cousins walk in. The first person I want to find is Liam, but I’m stopped by Serena and the baby. I pull Marcus into my arms and want to capture the most adorable little boy in the world. “Oh my goodness, Serena. He’s getting so big, and he’s such a cutie.”

  “Thank you.” She beams. “I’m so happy to be able to be here for Mason and Sophie. This place is beautiful.”

  “Isn’t it?” I look up at the high ceilings that remind me of a cathedral. The space is what wedding dreams are made of.

  Marcus grows fussy so I hand him back to Serena before he starts crying. He’s only five months and probably wants to eat or be changed, and I can’t help with either of those.

  “You make mom life look easy,” I tell her, when he suddenly calms down in her arms.

  She playfully rolls her eyes and laughs. “I kinda had to figure it all out, didn’t I?” Serena shrugs, but honestly, she’s an inspiration. Before she got pregnant, she was working a million hours a week as a lawyer, and even though that’s still her job, she now balances it with being a single mom.

  “You’re doing a great job. Marcus looks healthy and happy.” I rub the pad of my finger along his chubby cheek as he sucks his fingers.

  Serena looks like she’s going to cry as I give her a reassuring smile. She thanks me, then goes to the gigantic room where the ceremony will be held while pulling a bottle out of her shoulder bag. Knowing where the guys’ dressing area is, I walk down the hallway, and before I can knock, my hand is being grabbed, and I’m being tugged away. I turn to see Liam who plants a wet kiss on my lips. Funny enough, he tastes like whiskey and mints.

  “Have you been drinking?” I giggle.

  “Have you?” Liam grins wide. “You taste like champagne. And you look fucking gorgeous. Damn, how did I get so lucky?” He wraps my hands around his waist and pulls me in closer.

  I lean forward. “That’s a very good question, and you just might get lucky later. Keep the tux on when we get back to the cabin so I can rip it off with my teeth.”

  “It’s a rental, so no ripping.” He chuckles and narrows his eyes. “What did you tell your parents?”

  “What you told me to tell them a few weeks ago. That I’d be fucking my boyfriend all weekend and staying with him.”

  For a second, he stills and his mouth falls open. “You did not.”

  I shrug and pretend to walk away, but he gently loops his arm around my waist and stops me.

  “Mads, I haven’t seen your dad yet. He’ll strangle me with his bare hands, send me to hell, and then I won’t be able to be Mason’s best man.”

  Grinning, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his scruffy jaw. “I told them I was staying with one of Sophie’s friends this weekend. Which technically, you are, so I didn’t even have to lie.”

  “And they didn’t ask you which one?” He furrows his brows as if he doesn’t believe it’s this easy to get away with this.

  “No. They know not to press me because I’ll tell them to mind their own business and stay out of mine. Plus, my sisters have done so many worse things, at this point, they wouldn’t be shocked by anything. I’ve basically got a Get Out of Jail Free card from the sister who got pregnant before she was married and the other who lived with her boyfriend before marriage. So I pretty much can do no evil.”

  “You’re terrible,” he quips.

  “Because you made me that way,” I tell him innocently.

  Shaking his head, he chuckles. “Oh hell naw. You were like this from the moment I met you. I did zero corruption. In fact, you corrupted me.”

  “Mm-hmm.” I smirk. “You sure about that?”

  He lifts his hand and shows an inch with his fingers. “Okay, I might be slightly guilty.”

  “Liam,” I hear my father say from behind. Liam’s eyes go wide, and he stiffens.

  Liam spins around and straightens his shoulders. “Mr. Corrigan, hello.” He holds out his hand, then shakes my father’s. “How are you, sir?”

  “Fantastic.” Dad lets go of Liam, then gives me a hug. “Madelyn, darling. You look great.” For a second, I think I see him tear up. “My girls are becoming so grown. Now I feel old.”

  “Old? You don’t look a day over forty, Daddy,” I
say, and he grins.

  “Thanks, sweetie. Must be all those essential oils your mother makes me use,” he says, and before long, we’re being interrupted by Lennon and Hunter, so Liam and I excuse ourselves.

  “Do they know we’re dating?” Liam finally asks as he leads me down a private hallway that has a window with the perfect view of the lake.

  I bite my lip and shake my head. “I haven’t broken the news to them yet. After the whole wife announcement at Lennon’s house this past summer, and all the things my mother said about how in love you two looked, it seemed awkward to bring up. Plus, they know we all live together. Sophie already mentioned that. Funny enough though, they think Sophie and I share a room, like we’re kids again.”

  There’s something in Liam’s expression that I can’t quite place, and it seems as if I hurt his feelings. I don’t want my parents to judge him based on his past because Liam is the love of my life. I want them to accept him as easily as they accepted Hunter or Mason. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just don’t know how I should act if they don’t know.” He lets out a breath and forces a smile.

  “Fine, I’ll tell them right now if that’s what you want. I think we should wait, you know, so they can’t corner you and ask you a million questions.”

  Grabbing my hand, Liam pulls me back. “No, that’s not what I want. I understand timing is everything. But I don’t care what they or anyone says, you’re mine.”

  “I’m always yours, baby,” I tell him, stealing a kiss.

  “What time is it?” he asks, and I realize I need to go back to the dressing room.

  “I need to get back to Soph,” I say.

  “You should. Love you.” We kiss again, and I pour myself into him.

  “Love you too.” I give him a wink before walking away.

  By the time I get back to the room, Sophie’s slipping on her dress and Mom and Lennon are helping with the buttons in the back. The photographer is busy taking photos, and once Sophie’s all dressed, I stand in front of her, and we exchange a big hug.

  “You look so gorgeous!” I beam. “Mason’s gonna pass out in shock,” I tease, wiping the corners of my eyes.

  “Don’t you dare cry,” she says. “If you start, then I’ll start, and we don’t want to ruin our makeup.”

  “I know. I’m just so happy for you guys.”

  Lennon pats Sophie on the shoulder and my mother and her step to the side, grinning proudly. “You’re all ready to go,” Lennon announces.

  “Okay, can we get the four of you together,” the photographer asks, and we happily pose. The camera clicks a few times, and when she’s done, she shows us some of the shots she’s gotten so far. Already they look so good, and I can’t wait to see them all.

  “Sophie, I have my partner bringing Mason so we can get a few ‘before the wedding’ shots, but I’ll make sure he doesn’t actually see you yet.”

  “Oh my God, I love pictures like that!” I exclaim. “There are so many creative ones on Pinterest.”

  “Then you’re gonna adore what we have planned,” she replies, and Sophie follows the photographer.

  “Guess we should start getting lined up then?” Lennon asks as soon as our father walks in. My heart is racing thinking about the ceremony, and I can only imagine how Sophie feels right now. The photographer positions Sophie against the door and tells her to wrap her hand around the door, and when Mason gets closer, she directs him to the other side of the door so he can’t see Sophie. It’s such a cute pose, and I can’t wait to see the shots. Once they’re done, I tell the soon-to-be-married couple we’ll see them at the altar before we make our way to the back of the church.

  As soon as Hunter sees Lennon, he greets her with a kiss, and Liam is hesitant, but I kiss him anyway. I might be more brave because I know my Dad is with Sophie and my mom isn’t around yet. My parents will find out sooner or later, and while I don’t want to explain everything right away, I’d rather not hide the way I feel about Liam either. We did that for way too long already. We’re laughing and goofing off when Mason arrives with my bouquet I forgot in the bridal suite.

  “Ooh, thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Mason laughs. “No problem.”

  “You nervous?” I ask.

  “Nah. I’m ready.” He grins.

  The music starts, and when Alison comes around the corner, I get all emotional again. She’s the cutest flower girl in the world as she walks down with Bentley, one of our cousin’s sons. Liam places his arm around me, and I lean into him, feeling his warmth.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he tells me, kissing me sweetly before he and Mason walk to the side door. They wait to enter the front of the room.

  Mason didn’t invite his father because there’s still too much bad blood between them. His mother is here, though, and she walked out with his stepdad after all of our grandparents. Mom is ushered down next, and I know when she takes her seat, the big show is about to start. Once the assistant pastor from my parents’ church comes into view, so do Liam and Mason. Lennon is the matron of honor and glides down the aisle alone with her beautiful bouquet of red roses. I take a deep breath and look behind me when I see Sophie and my dad. I wave at her, then turn around and start walking.

  My eyes land on Liam as I make my way down, and he’s already staring at me. My body heats, and though fifty people are staring at me, the only person who matters to me is Liam. The smile never fades as I make it to Lennon, who wraps her arm around me and squeezes. My face already hurts from grinning so much, and the events have just started.

  Alison moves forward throwing the flower petals on beat, and Bentley holds the cutest little sign that says “Here Comes the Bride.” My heart melts. Lennon stands so proud as Alison continues forward, then goes and sits by Mrs. Locke. For being only two, she did a great job. When “Canon in D” starts and Sophie and our father appear, that’s when the tears I was holding back begin to fall.

  Sophie glides toward us, and while we stare at her, her eyes lock on her man. I catch a glimpse of Mason’s face, and he’s in complete and utter awe of his bride. When she greets him, he whispers something in her ear, and Sophie blushes. I glance at Liam, and our gazes lock, electricity streaming between us. I want to tell him how much I love him and how I want to spend forever with him, but I think he already knows. Something flickers in his eyes, and I can’t stop thinking about how handsome he is. And that he’s mine.

  The ceremony runs smoothly, and everything about their love is admirable. Sophie and Mason say their I Do’s, and soon they’re sealing their love with a passionate kiss. Thank God for waterproof mascara and the tissues Lennon gives me because I’m overcome with emotions. They’re finally starting the life they always dreamed of having together.

  After the photographer takes more pictures, the reception begins, and I look out the window to see a layer of powdery snow covering everything. Sophie got her dream wedding. The party is quaint and doesn’t last as long as most receptions, and I imagine it’s because the married couple is ready to bang each other’s brains out. I’m laughing at the thought of it as we all say our goodbyes. I wait for my parents to leave before Liam and I do so they don’t get suspicious, and I won’t have to answer any personal questions. The last thing I need is to be added to the prayer list or be given “the talk.”

  Liam opens the truck door for me, and I climb inside. He holds my hand and kisses my knuckles before we drive the short distance to the small cabin he rented that overlooks the lake. We had the rehearsal and dinner last night but were too tired afterward to enjoy the space, but now we’re both buzzing from the wedding and can’t keep our hands off one another.

  As soon as I walk inside the cabin, I look around and gasp. Music plays softly, and wood crackles in the fireplace as the flames dance. Chocolate-covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne sit on the small coffee table in front of the couch. I glance back at Liam, who’s watching me intently with a smirk on his lips.

did you pull this off? I never saw you leave.” I saunter to him and place my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth to mine.

  “I know people,” he whispers and grabs a handful of my ass. “You’re so goddamn beautiful, you know that?”

  Butterflies dance in the pit of my stomach as Liam leads me to the couch and pours us both a glass of champagne.

  “What’s the special occasion?” I ask with an eyebrow popped as I take a sip.

  “You,” he quips, setting down his glass on the table before we sit on the couch, laughing as we kick off our shoes. I snag a chocolate-covered strawberry and moan when I take a bite. It’s so delicious.

  Liam lets out a hearty laugh, watching me.

  “This is amazing, babe. Be careful, I just might get used to this type of treatment.”

  Leaning over, he kisses me on my shoulder and trails his lips up to my mouth.

  “Mmm,” he hums.

  “Can you taste the strawberry?” I whisper.

  “No, but I can taste you.” The husk in his voice has goose bumps trailing up and down my arms. Before I can reply, his lips are against mine, and I struggle to unbutton his suit jacket. Eventually, it comes off, and I yank his tie, forcing him closer as he leans into me.

  “I have an idea for this.” I wrap the red silk around my hand and watch something swirl behind Liam’s eyes. He doesn’t say a word as he removes it from around his neck and places it over the back of the couch. Standing, he gives me his hand and lifts me. With one swift movement, I’m in his arms, then he grabs the tie. I want him, all of him, and I don’t know how much longer I can wait.

  The only man on my mind is Liam. He’s teasing and taking his time with me, driving me wild. He sets me down on the plush floor in the bedroom. Double-paned windows give an incredible view of the lake. Honestly, there’s not a bad spot in this entire little cabin.

  Carefully, he slides his fingers behind my back and unzips my dress until it falls to the ground in a puddle around my feet. My breath quickens when he unsnaps my bra.


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