Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 25

by Kennedy Fox

  Voices travel down the hallway, and soon, the noise from the crowd becomes more audible. We continue forward until the hallway opens to a large arena. The lighting is still shit, and puffs of smoke from cigarettes linger in the air. I see the ring that’s protected by crowd-control barricades to ensure no one gets in the ring who isn’t supposed to. Folding chairs surround it, while most of the room stands, giving the onlookers the perfect view to watch someone die.

  Tyler scans the crowd and lifts his hand in a wave. A minute later, a guy with blond hair and green eyes comes over to us. This must be who Tyler has been getting intel from. He looks Irish like he’s related to the O’Learys.

  “Lance,” Tyler says, giving him a hard pat on the back.

  The guy shakes my hand, then looks back and forth between us.

  “What have you found out?” Tyler asks.

  “Not much. I’ve heard rumors,” he informs.

  My face contorts. “About what?”

  “Who you’ll be fighting,” Lance confirms.

  “Why?” I shake my head. “Does it matter?”

  Lance shrugs. “I guess it doesn’t since you’re prepared to fight anyway. But apparently, a nickname was used, so those who were betting would know who your opponent was.”

  “When will we know for sure if it’s him?” Tyler asks, and I suspect he has an idea who I’ll be up against, but I don’t give a fuck. It doesn’t matter because I’m already committed.

  “Right before the fight starts, we’ll know. I gotta go, though. Good luck,” Lance says, then walks away.

  I can tell Tyler is annoyed by this fact, but I’m not at all shocked.

  “Do you want me to tell you what I know?” he asks.

  “No,” I tell him, not wanting anything to mess with my current mentality. When it comes to the O’Learys, they can’t be trusted anyway. They do what benefits them, lying and manipulating people, treating them like puppets. But my patience is steadily waning. I check the time and notice we have a little over thirty minutes before this party gets started. Tyler leads me to an empty room and unzips his duffel bag, then pulls out tape and water, forcing me to drink.

  “Bare-knuckle boxing. Gotta love it.” I grunt, and the sarcasm isn’t lost on him.

  “Street fighting at its finest.” He takes my hands and securely wraps my knuckles and wrists. While he’s doing so, he coaches me. “Don’t take your eyes off him. Be swift on your feet. Look for the opportunity of weakness. Every person will let down their guard at some point, and that’s when you pounce. You’re ready for this.”

  “I am ready. I have so much fucking pent-up aggression I might knock the guy out with the first punch.”

  Tyler chuckles. “Good. Do that, and the fight will be over.”

  The noise from the main room hushes, and I hear someone give a ten-minute warning. I swallow hard, then take my time stretching and warming up, giving Tyler a few good practice hooks.

  “Ready?” he finally asks, handing me my mouth guard. I give him a single nod. The blood rushes through my body, and I can almost hear my pulse in my ears. Looking around the room, I see hundreds of pairs of eyes on me as I step into the ring and take off my shirt. I look over my shoulder at Tyler as the crowd bursts into a roar of applause. He gives me a thumbs-up as my confidence continues to climb. I keep my body moving, not wanting my muscles to go cold as the guy over the loudspeaker continues.

  “And his opponent…Mickey DeFranco.”

  I drop my hands to my side as the room goes eerily quiet. “DeFranco?” I mouth to Tyler, who’s shaking his head as his jaw twitches. Victoria’s lover. The father to her children. What in the actual fuck? What has JJ done? I wonder if this is what Tyler found out and wanted to tell me.

  The guy comes into the ring, glaring at me like he wants blood, and I’m sure he does. This isn’t just a random fight, no, DeFranco wants me dead just as much as JJ does. This was a setup.

  Fuck. Me.

  Though the rules are given, I can’t seem to focus on anything other than the bastard who’s standing a few feet away, glaring at me. Mickey is my height with dark brown hair and eyes as black as night. His muscles look as if they’ll break right through his skin, and I have a feeling he’s not going to be following any of the rules that are read to us. He doesn’t even have his hands taped, but I’m sure he’s been fighting on the streets since he was a kid.

  Moments later, a woman comes out in a bikini holding a sign that says “Round 1.” I shove my mouth guard in and inhale a deep breath. This is it. Everything I’ve trained for over the past month. I need to stay focused, pay attention, and do everything Tyler and Dice taught me.

  A loud bell rings, and Mickey clumsily rushes toward me. Quickly, I step to the side and swing my fist into his jaw with all of my strength. He grunts, as if I’d woken him up, and relentlessly throws punches at me. Although I block him at first, my arms waver, and one connects with my nose, and I stumble before grounding my feet. Blood drips down my chest, which is the wake-up call I need. Anger courses through my veins, and it’s as if he flicked on a switch, and I see red at this motherfucker.

  I focus on the techniques I’ve learned, doing my best to block and hit while staying on my feet. Mickey’s good, even when he looks high and drunk as fuck, but that only means he won’t feel any pain and will keep going. He gets a good punch in my ribs, but I throw a better one to his face, making him step back, blinking furiously. We’re both sharp and strong, defending and tossing out hits until the bell rings after each round.

  His vendetta won’t give him the strength to end me. Not tonight.

  Each time I feel pain, I become more animalistic and violent. There’s no playing nice. Mickey DeFranco and JJ want me dead, but I’m walking out of here alive. My face is sore and bloody as hell, but I push through the pain and focus on taking him down indefinitely. The crowd is loud, cheering and shouting with every blow we make. It’s annoying, but I don’t let it distract me. I manage to get him on the ground, and as my knee goes into his stomach, I picture Maddie in my mind, which helps me put more power behind each strike. Somehow, he gets me off him long enough to gain his composure.

  Each round is three minutes, but they feel like an eternity. My body is buzzing as we start the fourth round—a bonus since no winner has been determined yet—but I’m ready for this to be over. It’s more than obvious that Mickey’s getting tired as I stare him down. His mouth and nose are busted, and I can see his jaw’s swelling as well. He spits out blood, then growls before rushing me.

  I know if I can connect with his jaw one last time, I’ll knock him out and this’ll all be over. With all the strength in my legs, I swing with every inch of power I have, successfully connecting with his face. Mickey stumbles, then falls to the ground. The room erupts in cheers as I look toward them, lifting my fists in the air. The ref makes the call, announcing that I’m the winner. I’m covered in blood, my body is sore as fuck, but all that matters is that I’m not the one on the ground. Most guys in these underground fights would keep going, making sure the guy is as close to death as possible, but I’m not looking to do that. I hear Tyler’s voice calling my name, and when I look at him, he’s pointing at something behind me. The room is too loud, and I can’t make out what he’s saying. The next moment, I feel white-hot pain rip through my body.

  It happens so fast. I glance down and see Mickey twisting a knife into my thigh, and I lose my balance, the paralyzing ache bringing me to my knees. Tyler rushes toward me, keeping me upright and from face planting the ground. He’s talking, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I hear gunshots ring through the room, and everyone scatters. I look down at my leg and the blood pooling around me. It’s on my hands. It’s on my shorts. Tyler takes off his shirt and rips it in half before wrapping it tightly above my wound. He struggles to get me up and out of the ring.

  “That won’t stop the bleeding for long. You need to go to the hospital,” he says as he nearly drags me down the long hallway. He holds
onto me, keeping my arm wrapped around his neck as his arm tightly holds onto my waist. Every few seconds, I lose consciousness, too light-headed to focus as the pain blinds me.

  “Tyler,” I say, but I don’t know if any words come out. I can’t see. I can only hear loud noises, people screaming, and then nothing.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  We sit around playing penny slots until my eyes nearly blur over. I can’t stop checking the clock. It’s been over an hour since the fight started, and I’m beginning to panic, though I keep it to myself so I don’t freak Mason and Sophie out. Shouldn’t they have been done fighting by now? I’m two seconds from dialing Tyler’s number when he calls me.

  “Maddie,” he says my name, but it sounds strained. There are loud noises and people screaming in the background, and I feel as if I’m suffocating. What the hell is happening?

  “I’m taking him to Vegas General Hospital,” he tells me. “Meet me there.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask frantically. Tyler says nothing, and it speaks louder than his words ever could. “Tyler?” I choke out.

  “There was an incident, but I’m taking Liam to the hospital now.” It sounds as if he’s out of breath when I hear a door slam shut.

  “What?” My voice comes out as a whisper. “What kind of an incident?”

  “Meet me there. I gotta go,” he forces out, then hangs up.

  I stand, but Mason and Sophie are already moving in on me, holding me from falling down because it feels as if I can’t carry my own weight. “Vegas General Hospital. That’s where they’re heading.”

  “I’ll get an Uber,” Sophie says, pulling out her phone.

  “Everything okay?” Mason asks, tightly holding me.

  “Maddie?” I hear Sophie’s voice and know she’s standing close by me, but I’m too in shock to speak. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion, but the time is ticking so fast. There was an incident. Tyler’s words play on repeat in my mind.

  “Something happened at the fight. Tyler sounded worried.” My thoughts are as stilted as my words.

  They guide me out of the hotel, and once our driver arrives, we get in the car. Vegas passes by in a blur as we get onto the highway. The tears begin to fall, and I try to catch my breath, but I don’t feel as if I can breathe. Sophie grabs my hand and speaks soft, encouraging words.

  “He could just have a concussion or something.”

  “Liam’s had plenty of concussions playing football, Mads. I’m sure Tyler is taking precautions,” Mason adds.

  I shake my head, disagreeing. “I’ve never heard Tyler sound the way he did. Ever. And we’ve been through some shit together.”

  It doesn’t take long before we’re turning into the parking lot of the hospital. Before we come to a complete stop, I’m unbuckling and nearly jumping out. I run as fast as I can to the emergency room entrance as Sophie and Mason rush behind me. As soon as I get through the sliding glass doors, I see a distraught Tyler standing in the waiting area.

  “Where is he?” I ask, searching around. My eyes widen as I notice Tyler’s shirtless with blood on his chest and hands. I’m becoming more hysterical with every passing second.

  “They’re prepping him for surgery to stop his bleeding,” Tyler says, looking around me at Sophie and Mason. I turn to see how pale their faces are.

  “Surgery?” I gasp. I know damn well you don’t need surgery for a concussion.

  “What happened?” Sophie asks, eyeing the blood too.

  Sick people are all around coughing and sneezing, so Tyler takes us over to a secluded area. We sit facing him as he leans in, keeping his voice low.

  “Liam was fighting really well, blocking hits and making punches, then in the last round, he took Mickey down. As soon as it happened, Liam was declared the winner, and everyone cheered. Then I saw Mickey pull out a knife, and everything went into complete chaos.” Tyler pauses as if he’s replaying every action in his head like a movie. “JJ orchestrated this fight between Liam and Mickey DeFranco, Victoria’s real baby daddy, knowing one of them wouldn’t walk away unscathed. Once we found out who Liam’s opponent was, it was too late to do anything about it or train him differently. I tried to get intel during the past couple of weeks, but no one could tell me anything. By the time it was revealed, too much money was already on the line, and once you step into the ring, there’s no stepping out when so many people are watching. Not unless you win.”

  I cover my mouth with my hands. This doesn’t seem real. It can’t be. Even I know weapons weren't allowed there. It jeopardizes not only the fight but also the people who bid.

  “DeFranco had it out for Liam because of how everything went down with Victoria, and he wanted blood. And he most definitely didn’t want to lose. He pulled a rusted knife from his waistband and stabbed Liam in the thigh, twisting it until I rushed in and grabbed Liam. I wrapped my shirt around his thigh to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. All of a sudden, there were gunshots, then mass hysteria broke out, but all I was worried about was getting Liam out of there I told him to hold pressure on his leg when we got in the truck, but he was in and out of consciousness the entire drive over here.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. It sounds made up. Glancing over at Mason, I notice his eyes are wide, and his jaw is clenched. Considering Liam has been his best friend for years, I can’t imagine what he’s thinking. They’re like brothers.

  “As soon as we pulled in, they rushed him inside and had a team of doctors working on him,” Tyler continues. “They were checking his vitals and prepping him for surgery. That’s all I know as of right now.”

  “Oh my God,” I say between sobs. “How could this happen? I—” I bend over and cover my face, releasing the tears I can’t keep inside. Everything Tyler just told us sounds like a complete nightmare.

  “Mads, he’s strong, and he’s gonna get through this,” Tyler states confidently. “This is the best hospital in the city, and I got him here right away. His risk for infection will be low, and there’s no reason he shouldn't have a full recovery.”

  I’m sure that’s supposed to make me feel better, but it doesn’t. I’m a nervous wreck and can’t sit any longer, so I stand, but Tyler quickly grabs my hand before I can walk away. He pulls me into the side of his chest and wraps his arm tightly around me. My emotions are going haywire, and I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack at any second. It’s obvious by the number of tears streaming down my face that I’m not okay. The smell of the hospital is making me sick, and I think I might throw up if I don’t get some fresh air.

  “You alright?” Sophie asks as I pull away from Tyler.

  “I feel sick,” I admit. “I need some fresh air.”

  Sophie walks outside with me, and I sit on an empty bench close to the door as I suck in ragged breaths.

  She places her hand on my shoulder and rubs down my back, trying to comfort me, but it’s no use. “I’m sure he’s going to be fine. Liam’s one of the strongest people we know. He’s not going to give up without a fight.”

  Fighting is what got him here.

  I nod, tucking my bottom lip into my mouth. “But what if he’s not?”

  I’m not sure what kind of reaction I expect, but she doesn’t give me one. Instead, Sophie looks out at the cars passing in front of the hospital as the cool breeze brushes against our skin.

  “You know, there was a point in my life when I didn’t think I’d make it.” She keeps her focus on the busy street. All I can do is watch her.

  “But I did, and I’m alive, and I think I went through all that because of moments like this, so I can be here for you during one of your darkest times. Whatever happens, I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

  I wrap my arms around her, and she pulls me into a tight embrace. That’s when I completely lose it, and the dam breaks.

  “Liam’s a tough guy. He risked his life to save me, and I know how much he truly loves you, Maddie. If there’s any
motivation for him to live, it’s gonna be for you.”

  There are no words that come to mind as I cry on her shoulder. I think about how much Sophie has been through, and then my mind goes to Liam. If anything, she’s proof I can survive this. The same strength that runs through her veins is in mine too.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, my voice cracking with every word. Before I can say anything else, Mason steps outside, letting us know that Liam’s going into surgery.

  Nearly three hours pass as we wait inside, and it feels like an eternity. Mason gets me a bottle of water, but every sip I take, it seems like it’s going to come right back up. I’ve cried off and on, my thoughts growing darker with every second that ticks by. Sophie stays close to me, not leaving my side. I’m so happy they came with me. I’d be completely losing it if she wasn’t here.

  Eventually, a nurse comes and tells us Liam is out of surgery and did really well.

  “One person can be with him in recovery,” the nurse explains.

  “Maddie, you should probably go in,” Tyler tells me. “He’ll prefer to wake up to your face over mine.” He flashes me a playful wink.

  My heart races at getting to see Liam, but I don’t know what I’m walking into or what I should expect. I stand and the nurse scans me in, and I follow behind. Double doors lead us down a hallway, and all I can hear are machines beeping from the different rooms we pass. It all feels like a blur when she opens the door and steps aside, letting me enter, and that’s when I see Liam for the first time.

  I gasp when I see his swollen face and broken body. I go toward him, not able to see how bad his leg is because he’s tucked under a stark white sheet. I grab his hand and hold it, not wanting to cry any longer, but not able to help it either. He’s alive, and that’s all that matters right now.

  “Liam,” I say softly.


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