Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 29

by Kennedy Fox

  “Trust me, if it were up to Liam, he’d keep me barefoot and pregnant constantly. Then I’d still probably end up with all boys anyway.”

  “Don’t get me horny now,” I tease, waggling my brows.

  Sophie glares at me for my word choice in front of Layla. I shrug.

  “I’m content with having my nieces in ballet classes,” Maddie says, but sometimes I wonder. Does she wish we could have a girl of our own for her to share her biggest passion with? I’d be happy to try for a girl the rest of my life, but I’m pretty sure she’s already overwhelmed, and baby number two isn’t even here yet.

  “We’ll see,” I chime in, smirking. “I might be able to do some convincing…”

  Sophie rolls her eyes with a gag, and Maddie shakes her head.

  Maddie holds out her hand toward me as she looks at Sophie. “You see how I’ve gotten pregnant twice in three years.”

  I waggle my brows again and grin.

  Grabbing Maddie’s face, I press a kiss to her sassy mouth. “Change clothes so we can go.”

  “Alright.” She kisses me back.

  “Make sure to tell Tyler we all said hi and we’ll see him Saturday at the cookout,” Sophie says before she grabs her purse and Layla, then heads toward the door.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re finally on the road for a three-hour trip to pick up Tyler.

  Today’s finally the day.


  As we pull into the prison parking lot, anxious butterflies swarm my stomach as I think about this being the last time we’ll ever have to come here. Finally.

  For the past five years, we’ve visited Tyler almost every month. During my last pregnancy, we weren’t able to for about four months due to me being high risk, but then we came and brought the baby for him to officially meet. I’ll never forget when we told Tyler we really did name the baby after him.

  It was the first time I’d seen Tyler tear up with happiness.

  Baby Tyler will grow up knowing what the man he’s named after did for us. How he risked his own life to save mine and brought Liam and me back together. I’ll never forget his sacrifice and naming our first son after him felt right and perfect.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” I say, my legs shaking as we wait for him to come through the gates.

  Liam comforts me by putting his hand on my knee. “Settle down, Mads. It’s not good for the baby.”

  I roll my eyes. He worries too much.

  But I love him for it anyway.

  Looking in the back seat, I smile as I watch Tyler sleep. He’ll finally get more than thirty minutes to spend time with his Uncle Ty, and since he’ll be living with us for a while, I hope they create a special bond.

  “There he is,” Liam says, and I snap my head around.

  “Oh my God. He’s wearing street clothes!” My emotions start to bubble over, and I can’t wait any longer. I throw open the truck door and carefully hop out.

  “Mads!” Liam groans, but he knows me well enough to know I won’t listen to him anyway.

  “Tyler!” I shout and walk as fast as I can toward him. As he approaches me, he opens his arms wide, and the dam breaks. I finally get to hug him after five years. Tears blur my vision as I wrap my arms around him, and he embraces me in a hug. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re out!”

  Liam joins and pulls him in for a side hug. “Dude. You look buff as fuck.”

  Tyler chuckles. “Gotta make sure I’m prepared for the real world now, ya know?”

  I wipe my face, and Tyler smiles at me. “You look huge.”

  Laughing through my emotions, I playfully push his chest. “Shut up. I know. And I have two more months still.”

  Tyler cringes. “Yikes. Good thing I’m only staying for a few weeks.”

  My face drops. “What? That’s it? Why?”

  We walk to the truck, and Liam helps me get into the back so Tyler can sit shotgun.

  “You know I didn’t even want to go to Sacramento,” he says after we all buckle up. “I found a job back home. I need a fresh start. There’s nothing here for me.”

  “Ugh,” I say offended. “Me! And Liam and baby Tyler.”

  “And you all have your own lives to live. You won’t mind me invading your space for a little bit, but after a while, you’ll want to have your privacy again, so it’s just best if I try to go back into civilian life the best I can.”

  Liam starts the truck and drives us out of the parking lot. “Babe, he’s made his decision,” he tells me when he knows I want to keep arguing.

  I slump my shoulders. “Fine, but I’m using these next three weeks to change your mind.”

  “You will after you realize my cooking game is weak,” Tyler teases.

  Three weeks pass way too fucking fast. Tyler promised to visit, but I have a feeling he won’t be anytime soon, which makes me sad because I was hoping he’d be here for Tobias’s birth. But I do get why he needs to start over fresh. His grandma still lives in Lawton Ridge, Alabama, and I’m pretty sure his high school crush, Gemma, does too. Though he stopped talking about her in our letters, I have a feeling he’ll be talking about her again soon.

  “Why. Is. It. So. Hot!” I shout, ripping off my shirt. “Liam! We need to move!”

  He pops his head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush between his lips. “Huh?”

  “It’s too hot here! We need to live somewhere colder!” It’s the middle of August, and I’m dying of heatstroke.

  Liam flashes an amused grin with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Where would you like to go, baby?”

  I pull off my shorts and chuck them across the room. “I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year!”

  Liam snorts and toothpaste spews from his mouth. “Hold on,” he mumbles before dipping back into the bathroom. He returns moments later and smiles. “You’re hot because your blood pressure is spiked. What did the doctor tell you about relaxing?”

  Groaning, I roll my eyes and release a slow breath. “That if I don’t take it easy, I risk going into labor too early.”

  “Exactly,” he says. “Now get that cute little ass of yours into bed, and I’ll push some pillows under your legs.”

  Walking, I quickly spin around and poke a finger at him. “This is all your fault!”

  Liam’s lips twitch. “I know, and I’m very sorry. The next time you jump me in the shower, I’ll put on a condom.”

  I know he’s only saying that to amuse me, but it works for now. I’m hot and miserable, and these next four weeks are going to drag by until I can coerce this child out of me.


  “Tobias Liam Evans, you’re late.” I rub my nose against his small, soft one. “But I’ll forgive you since you’re so cute.”

  Liam takes him from my arms so our oldest can hold him for the first time. He’s so excited that I can hardly contain myself. It’s the picture-perfect moment, and my heart squeezes by how blessed we are. A houseful of boys and me. Ironic, considering I grew up with sisters, but I love it.

  “I can’t get over how adorable he is,” Lennon says, leaning over and watching the boys.

  “Of course he is. He’s mine after all,” Liam chimes in.

  Hunter and Lennon’s kids, Alison, Aaron, and their youngest, Aubrey —who’s a little older than Sophie’s daughter—take turns holding Tobias. Then Sophie and Mason visit, and Layla gets her turn.

  “You’re next…” I taunt Sophie, rubbing a hand over her large bump. She looks like she could pop any day now.

  “I’m hoping the air in this room puts me into labor,” she quips, fanning her hand around her face. “The air in hospitals is always special and pumped with good oxygen.”

  I snort at her dramatics.

  “That baby’s gonna come out when she’s good and ready,” Mason tells her.

  Liam sets Tyler on his lap, and they sit on the edge of my bed. He leans over, then steals a kiss, making me smile wide. The moment I held Tobias for the first time, I fell in love all
over again. I hadn’t realized I could love someone as much as I already loved Tyler and Liam. But I do.

  Then Liam, being his natural sweet self, told me how proud of me he was and thanked me for giving him another son. I know he wasn’t always sure he even wanted a family, but with me, he wants everything.

  I want to give him everything he deserves and more.

  Not only is he an amazing husband and partner, but an incredible father. When his dad found out we were expecting Tyler, he nearly popped a blood vessel he was so ecstatic.

  “Did you two pick a name yet?” I ask Sophie.

  “Yep. Layla picked it out.” She beams.

  “Aww…wanna tell me, Layla?” I turn and look at her, smiling as she holds Tobias. Mason sits next to her, making sure she holds him carefully.

  She’s shy, like Sophie, but she smiles proudly. “Lily. After my favorite flower!”

  “Oh my gosh…” My eyes widen. “I love that!”

  “We do too,” Sophie says, rubbing her belly. “Hopefully, they grow up and are as close as the three of us are.”

  Lennon comes over and hugs Sophie, then grabs my hand. “They will be.”

  “All of our kids will be as long as the three of us are together,” I say, squeezing her hand.

  Sophie smiles. “Always.”

  Hours later, it’s finally quiet when it’s just Tobias and me. I told Liam to take Tyler home so he can sleep in his own bed and to come back in the morning.

  “Should we FaceTime your uncle Tyler?” I ask him quietly. “I think he’d really like to meet you.”

  I hit the button on my phone and beam when I see his face. “Hi,” I whisper. “There’s someone new here.”

  Tyler smiles. “Really? Let me see!”

  I turn the camera around so he can see him. He’s sleeping peacefully on my chest.

  “He’s beautiful, Mads.”

  I turn the camera back. “Thank you. I wish you were still here.” I pout, sticking out my lower lip.

  Tyler chuckles, then we’re interrupted by a feminine voice in the background. “Hey, Ty—” The dark-haired beauty behind him stops in her tracks. “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you were on the phone.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll be off in a minute,” he tells her.

  Once she leaves, Tyler turns toward me.

  I raise both my brows. “Excuse me, who is that?”

  He rolls his eyes. “It’s not what you think. Her dad is my new boss.”

  I lower my voice. “Gemma?”

  Tyler nods once.

  “Oh. Em. Gee,” I whisper. I managed to pry some info out of him over the years but just the basics. Gemma was his sister Everleigh’s best friend growing up, and now he’s working for her dad. He had a secret crush on her, but he’s “too old,” and after he joined the Army and moved away, he tried to forget about how he felt but has never been able to—well, that’s what I got out of his not-so-easy to read between the lines. But I’m pretty good at putting things together. Now I’m guessing he’ll play that ‘I’m not good enough for her card’ because of his past and record. I’ll be changing his mindset if I can help it. “The plot thickens.”

  He groans, brushing a hand through his hair. “There’s no plot. We’re…friends.”

  I snort and nod. “Yeah, I remember when Liam said that for years, too. Good luck with that.” I smirk.

  “For someone who just gave birth, you’re awfully energized.”

  “Don’t change the subject,” I tease. “So when are you gonna ask her out?”

  “Jesus.” He blows out a breath. “I gotta go, Mads.”

  “You liar! You’re just trying to get rid of me.”

  Tyler smirks. “I’d never.”

  “I want details, you hear me? Text me all the juiciness.”

  He scrunches his nose. “I think you’ve confused me for one of your gossipy girlfriends again.”

  I narrow my eyes, trying to persuade him anyway. “Liam and I won’t be able to have sex for six weeks. I need your dating life to hold me over.”

  “Maddie, I didn’t enjoy hearing you guys in the next room for three weeks, so I most definitely don’t enjoy hearing you talk about it.”

  “Geez, you’re so dramatic.”

  “If you want a girl to gossip with, I’ll give you my sister’s number.”

  “Really?” I perk up. “Good. She’ll tell me all the details of your love life.”

  “Shit. I really shot myself in the foot by saying that. Never mind. My sister doesn’t have a phone.”

  “I gave birth today, but I wasn’t born today. So nice try.”

  “Quit hassling the man,” Liam’s voice comes from the door, and I nearly jump in shock.

  “What are you doing here? Where’s Tyler?” I panic, but Liam comes over and presses a kiss to my forehead.

  “Relax. My dad is sleeping over. I didn’t want you two to be alone.”

  “Aww…” Tyler singsongs. “You two are disgustingly adorable.”

  “Dude.” Liam looks at the phone. “How are things down in the South?”

  “Fuckin’ hot, that’s what.” He groans. “Especially in the garage.”

  “Hey, no bad language around the baby!” The moment the words come out of my mouth, I laugh to myself. There were so many times Lennon scolded me for the same thing when I’d slip around Alison and Aaron.

  “How are the new jobs going?” Liam asks. Tyler put his car knowledge to good use and is a mechanic in his old hometown. He also works part-time at a gym, doing what he does best and trains people how to box.

  “Not bad. Keeps my mind occupied, which I like, and off other things.”

  “Like Gemma…” I whisper with a grin.

  “No, like the mafia princess who put me in prison,” he retorts sternly.

  “Tyler, you better not be thinking what I think you are,” Liam states firmly.

  He just shrugs. “I really do have to go, though.”

  “We love you!” I tell him. “Please call me soon. You know I’ll be bored on maternity leave!”

  “I will, Mads. Don’t worry.”

  We say our goodbyes, then hang up.

  “You don’t really think he’ll go after Victoria, do you?” I ask Liam, worried at Tyler’s words.

  “Fuck, I hope not. Though I can’t say I’d blame him. He has five years' worth of pent-up anger to use on her.”

  I lean back on the bed and sigh. “And here I was hoping things would go back to normal with him out.”

  “It’s not your problem to worry about, baby.” He bends and presses his lips to mine. “Tyler’s a big boy. Let’s just hope he makes the right decision and leaves it be. I’m forever grateful he saved our lives, but I really don’t want to have to repay him the favor and save his.”

  Liam settles into the bed next to me, and we both sit and stare in awe at our beautiful baby boy. Could life be any more perfect?

  “So, you still wanna try for a girl?” he asks.

  I grin. Somehow, I knew he was going to ask that. “Get ready. I’m going to jump your bones in six weeks when we’re allowed to have sex again.”

  Liam shakes his head, smirking. He tilts my chin up and presses the sweetest kiss against my lips. “Good. I already threw out all the condoms.”

  Rolling my eyes, I chuckle. “Guess that means we’ll keep trying until then?”

  “No matter how long it takes.”

  “Or how many?” I counter.

  “Nope. Even if that means we end up with a football team.”

  I lean over and press my lips to his. “Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Evans.”

  “Already got what I wished for the day I got you, Mrs. Evans.” He smiles, brushing his thumb along my chin. “I love you.”


  “Fucking always.”

  Hunter & Lennon and their three children, Alison, Aaron, and Aubrey,

  Mason & Sophie and their two daughters, Layla and Lily,

  and Liam & Maddie and t
heir four boys, Tyler, Tobias, Tristan, Talon, and their miracle daughter, Tiernan

  …all lived happily ever.

  Stay tuned for Tyler & Gemma’s story in Keeping You Away coming summer 2020.

  The Ex-Con Duet Series starts off with the Tyler & Gemma duet! You aren’t going to want to miss them in KEEPING YOU AWAY and NEEDING YOU CLOSE! Coming Summer 2020!

  I never planned on returning to Alabama, but circumstances brought me here after years of being gone. Though Lawton Ridge is my hometown, I was hesitant to go back because of her —my sister’s best friend. The last time we were together, she was eighteen, and I was a broken soldier transitioning to civilian life.

  Gemma wrote to me while I was overseas and we developed a bond I hadn’t anticipated. I crushed her heart the day I left, something I’ve never forgotten. But now that her dad is my new boss, life just got way more complicated.

  Too sweet, too innocent, too good for a guy like me—I should walk away again.

  After serving five years in prison for something I didn’t do, I’m constantly on guard. Though I’ve taught people how to protect themselves in a boxing ring, no one can help prepare me for my next move. I’m about to enter the fight of my life and face the mafia princess who put me behind bars. She thinks I fear her and will stay away, but she has another thing coming. I plan to make her pay, but that means risking everything.

  I trust no one, but Gemma gradually breaks down my walls and exposes the pain I’ve hidden underneath. For her own sake, I should keep my distance, but it’s nearly impossible when I hear her sweet humming while I work and she slowly draws me back in. It’s a battle I didn’t train for, and one I’ll lose if I don’t keep my restraint—especially since she’s engaged to another man.

  * * *



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