What Remains: Wasteland

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What Remains: Wasteland Page 12

by Kris Norris

  Hunter smiled. “Then I suppose that makes three of us.” He sighed. “We really should wake her up. She needs a shower, and I can’t even remember if she ate yesterday.”

  Rhys grumbled something under his breath. “It’s time she started taking better care of herself. This ten-foot tall and bulletproof shit has got to stop. She’s neither.”

  “If you boys are going to argue about me, could you at least have the decency to do it in another room? I’m trying to sleep here.”

  Hunter snapped his gaze to his side. Brilliant green eyes stared back at him, slightly darkened with annoyance. He gave her a smile, dipping his head in for a kiss. Despite raising her eyebrow at him, she opened readily, sucking at his tongue once he’d traced her mouth. He pulled back, brushing her lips with his thumb before nodding beside him. She turned, moaning when Rhys tugged her into his chest, his mouth crushing down on hers. Hunter could see Emersyn fighting for control, only to surrender with a muffled sigh. Rhys smiled when he finally released her, the grin saying he was more than pleased she’d acquiesced.

  Emersyn swatted his chest, grabbing the blanket and tucking it under her armpits as she sat up, resting her chin on her knees. “And I’m not the only one who thinks they’re bulletproof.”

  Rhys ran a hand through his hair as he rolled to his feet, grabbing his pants and pulling them on. “Things change, darling.”

  She frowned, glancing at Hunter. “The sleeping arrangements changed. I’m still a soldier.” She cocked her head at Rhys. “I could kick your ass if that’d make you feel better about it.”

  Rhys smirked, walking back over and lifting her up before placing her on her feet. Hunter read the man’s intentions and jumped up, pressing his chest into Em’s back as Rhys crowded into her, pinning her against Hunter. Her breath left her on a husky rasp as Hunter raised his hands to her hips, cradling his erection in the cleft of her ass. His name whispered in the space between them, and he couldn’t resist nipping the strong muscle threading from her neck into her shoulder.

  Rhys shook his head, one hand brushing back the hair from Em’s face. “You are, without a doubt, the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met.”

  Hunter had to give Em credit. Despite the fact Rhys was over six feet with two hundred pounds of pure muscle, she never so much as batted an eye when his face hovered next to hers. Not that Rhys would ever hurt her, but damn, even Hunter found the guy intimidating at times.

  Em leaned in closer, brushing her mouth along Rhys’ ear. “I prefer to see myself as determined.”

  “Oh, you’re determined all right. Determined to have me toss you over my knee—”

  “Wow! You soldier types are pretty damn cranky in the morning if you don’t get your coffee.”

  Hunter turned his head, staring at Kace leaning against the doorframe, three mugs clasped in his hands. He looked relatively at ease for a guy battling with his emotions.

  Rhys glanced at his brother over his shoulder, giving a quick shake of his head before releasing Emersyn and accepting the cup Kace offered.

  Kace held out another to Hunter. “Just black, right?”

  Hunter nodded, taking a cautious sip. “Even better than the last batch. Thanks.”

  Kace gave him a guarded nod then focused back on Emersyn. She’d managed to grab Rhys’ shirt and stood shifting her feet, looking as if she couldn’t decide whether to fuck them again, or start a fight.

  Kace walked over to her, giving her outfit a smile as he handed her the cup. “Even though you’ve been drinking the coffee, I know you prefer it with sugar.”

  “That’s a pretty hard commodity to come by these days.”

  Kace shrugged. “It’s really not that hard to synthesize. Try it.”

  Emersyn pulled her brow into a vee as she raised the cup to her lips and took a drink. Her eyes bulged wide as a luscious moan left those lips. She stared at Kace. “Oh my god! This is the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. Seriously. I could damn well come from drinking this.”

  Kace laughed, sweeping his gaze down her body. “It’d be a shame to waste one on some coffee, but if I have to watch you climax, I’ll take one for the team.”

  Em swatted his chest, leaning in to give the man a long, wet kiss.

  Hunter shook his head, moving over to Rhys. “How is it boywonder over there gets Brownie points and a fucking French kiss, and we get offered an ass whooping?”

  “Kace always did have a horseshoe up his ass.” Rhys moved over to the couple, punching his brother in the shoulder. “Don’t suppose there’s a reason you didn’t think of extracting any damn sweetener in the past eight months I’ve been living here, is there?”

  Kace punched him back. “Simple. You don’t look like her. And you were always a pain in my ass growing up.” He turned back to Emersyn. “I have one more surprise you might like.”

  She raised a brow. “A surprise? That beats sweetened coffee?”

  “Guess you’ll have to tell me. Oh, and you might want to use the ladies’ room before we go.”

  Emersyn scrunched her nose up but nodded, reappearing a minute later still dressed in Rhys’ shirt. Kace grabbed her hand, holding it as he headed for the med lab.

  Hunter looked at Rhys, but the man shrugged, following his brother down the tunnel and into the lab. Hunter pulled on some pants and moved in behind the others, tripping to a halt as he entered the room. A large metal container occupied the corner of Kace’s lab, the surface rippling in the artificial light.

  Emersyn gasped as she placed her coffee mug on a counter and slowly walked across the room, stopping in front. Disbelief shaped her features as she reached out her fingers and drew them along the top of the water. A series of small waves undulated across the surface, breaking the glass-like reflection.

  She turned to Kace, tears glistening in her eyes. “You made me a bathtub?”

  He smiled, a light flush staining his cheeks. “I just thought that you might like to soak…after everything you gave us last night.”

  A few tears fell as she touched the water again, a look of pure pleasure gracing her face. “I don’t remember the last time I had a bath…and with warm water. But how?”

  Kace moved in behind her, placing his hands on her hips. “Sealants and the like aren’t that hard to make, either. Kind of like the sweetener. I can whip them up in my sleep. And since it rained again last night, I just used the extra water we collected. We won’t be here long enough to run out so…”

  Em turned in his arms. “This might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Kace, I…”

  He placed a finger over her lips. “We’re the ones who’re thankful. And if I have the ability to give you the odd comfort…”

  Emersyn wrapped her arms around his neck and sealed her lips to his. Kace seemed stunned then recovered, taking control with a possessive curl of his arms around her. Hunter watched them interact, again filled with the sense of peace Rhys had mentioned earlier. And though it still didn’t make any sense, Hunter wasn’t about to question it.

  He and Rhys walked over to the couple, forming their triangle around Em once they broke apart. Unshed tears still glistened in her eyes, but Hunter knew it wasn’t because she was sad. Her gaze returned to the tub, a look of longing in her eyes.

  Rhys gave her ass a light pat. “You’d best jump in before it cools.”

  She smiled as Rhys reached for the hem of her shirt, gently easing it over her head and laying it across the back of a chair. Then he and Kace helped her into the tub. The water sloshed as she stepped in, a contented hum leaving her chest as she sank down, submerging all but her head.

  She closed her eyes, humming again. “God. I’d forgotten how good this feels. I hope you boys have shit to do because you’re not going to see me again until I look like a prune.”

  Rhys leaned in, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “Take all the time you want. Hunter and I can go over the maps…see if there’re any better routes back toward camp that we haven’t already uncovered. I’m
sure Kace will stay and keep you company, right bro?”

  Kace beamed. “That’s why I put the tub in here. Completely selfish on my part.”

  Rhys nodded, giving his Kace a pat on the back. “Well played, little brother. You did good.”

  Kace smiled. “There’s enough rain water both of you can have one later, if you want.”

  Hunter waved him off. “And give up my ritual cold shower? Surely you jest. Besides, I like the thought of having to use Em to warm up after.”

  Rhys nodded. “My thoughts exactly.” He headed for the door. “Keep an eye on her, and we’ll be back in a bit.”

  Kace muttered something about Em being stuck here like the rest of them and where the hell did they think she’d be running off to before he took one last look at her then moved over to his usual chair, sinking into it before going back to his work. Hunter surveyed the scene, grinning at the way Emersyn drew patterns on the top of the water with her fingertips. Who knew something as insignificant as a bath would mean so much to her.

  He shook his head, grateful at least one of them seemed to understand women and made for the shower. His cock was still hard from their confrontation with her earlier, and if he didn’t stem the blood flow to it now, he’d be stuck with a hard-on all day. Though with the new arrangements, that might not turn out too bad.

  Chapter Ten

  Emersyn pried her eyes open, staring at the ceiling of Kace’s lab. This was the second day in a row he’d drawn a bath for her, though he’d waited until just before bedtime to surprise her today. She’d readily accepted, once again enjoying the simple luxury of reclining in the warm water, knowing it might well be her last time. Nothing like this existed at the compound, and even if Kace made her another one, there weren’t enough resources to use it on any kind of a consistent basis. No, her life of leisure was quickly coming to an end.

  She chuckled at the thought. She’d never been one to simply sit around—something she’d been forced to do since arriving. It’d feel good to go back to sentry duty and local recon missions. Skills and senses deteriorated too quickly unless you constantly challenged yourself, and the last thing she needed was to lose her edge. She’d witnessed the way the boys looked at her, as if she might suddenly fall into a thousand pieces, and she had a feeling they were hiding something from her.

  She shook her head. If they truly thought she’d hang up her soldier hat just because they’d become lovers, they had a tough lesson heading their way. What she’d told Rhys yesterday had been the truth. Only the sleeping arrangements had changed in her eyes.

  Emersyn sighed, rubbing her stomach. Birth control had died off with the rest of the world, leaving her with the very real possibility of becoming pregnant. A fact the boys had casually tossed out at her, despite the fact they’d only had intercourse together once. Though she’d expected them to seduce her last night, they’d seemed content with simply holding her, which only made her love them more. She’d secretly feared their desires were a product of too many months without sexual release, and knowing they valued her as much as her body humbled her.

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  She snapped her head up, sloshing some of the water over the lip as she stared into Kace’s eyes. She hadn’t heard the man leave his chair, the typical telltale squeak of the wheels lost to her thoughts. She released a shaky breath, granting him a wide smile. “Nothing specific.”

  Kace crossed his arms on his chest, accentuating the firm muscles hiding beneath his shirt. “Really? Because that furrow along your brow suggests differently.”

  She leveled him a firm look. “How is it you’re so good at reading people?” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you didn’t really work for the CIA or something, ‘cause I swear you’ve had ‘special’ training.”

  He laughed, placing his hands on either side of the tub and leaning over her. “The ‘special training’s’ called being a nerd. You’d be surprised how easy it is to read people when you’re always on the outside looking in.”

  Emersyn palmed her hands over his, holding him in place. “Baby. If the guys I knew in high school had looked half as good as you and were even a fraction of the genius you are, I’d have lost my virginity long before I was eighteen. Besides, I’ll admit that I like the notion that you saved the best of you for me…as vain and selfish as that is.”

  Kace smiled, leaning in even closer. “So what was all the deep thinking really about?”

  She huffed. “I must be losing my touch if I can’t even distract you from the original question. If you must know, I was wondering how all of this was going to translate once we get back to the compound.”

  Kace narrowed his gaze, studying her for a few moments. “You mean, you’re wondering about remaining a recon specialist now that you’re involved in a family group.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that your deductive skills can be quite annoying?”

  “More than once.” He silenced her retort with a kiss. “Why don’t we get you out of there before you become more of a prune than you are, and then we can talk.”

  She huffed, but even she could hear the amused tone to it. She accepted the hand Kace offered her, stepping into the makeshift towel he’d left draped over a nearby chair, wrapping her in the cloth before pulling her against him. She instinctively looped her arms around his neck, savoring the warmth that spread from his body into hers.

  He splayed his hand out along her back, holding her as if he thought she might disappear. “I know you’re a certified badass, and that you’re every bit as skilled at Rhys and Hunter, but you can’t blame them for wanting to keep you safe.” He glanced away, as if warring with what he wanted to say. Finally, he released a weary breath that ruffled the hairs around her face. “Love makes men do some pretty irrational things…even picking a fight with a feisty little spitfire like you.”

  “Or making a bathtub and synthesizing a sweetener?”

  His cheeks reddened as his jaw clenched repeatedly.

  “Why did you leave in the middle of the night after making love?”

  A flicker of panic flashed in his eyes as his body stiffened within her arms. Though she’d heard the other boys talking, she’d already noticed the way he seemed to be at war with his feelings toward her, the battle seemingly alternating between love and fear.

  Emersyn traced her thumb along his face before placing it beneath his chin, keeping him from looking away. “Perhaps it’d be easier to tell me what’s really on your mind if I confess that I’ve fallen far too fast and far too hard for you. That the love I’m feeling has nothing to do with you being Rhys’ younger brother, or a convenient third guy.” She released his chin, brushing his hair back from his eyes. “That it’s you. The way you see through my bullshit and call me on it. How you make household appliances from a bunch of damn paperclips and some glue and how your forehead creases when you’re trying to figure something out. The way you make me feel safe and beautiful every time you hold me or touch me. But most of all, the way I want to go to sleep holding your hand or your chest every night, and wake up the same way.”

  Kace stared at her, eyes wide, his mouth slightly gaped open. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights, too afraid to move. Then a slow smile spread across his face as he rested his forehead on hers, his soft exhalation of breath soothing her nerves.

  “Emersyn, I…you…damn.”

  She dropped a quick kiss on his chin. “Rendering the genius speechless? Now that’s a first for me.”

  He chuckled. “I’ve never been a man of many words. At least, not the fluffy, poetic kind. And most women don’t find my scientific jargon interesting.”

  “Then you’re lucky I’m far from most women. And I love listening to you talk about what you do. You’re incredible.”

  “No. You are. And for the record, I was trying to remember when I’d sold my soul because that’s the only explanation of why a girl as beautiful and sexy as you would fall in love with me. Nerds are supposed to fall in lo
ve beauty queens. Not the other way round.”

  “Then I guess we’re lucky you’re not your typical nerd.”

  “Just the one in love with you.” He brushed his lips over hers. “And I do…love you.”

  Emersyn didn’t hide the few tears that tracked down her cheek, allowing Kace to caress them away before easing her back enough to grab the towel. He loosened the edge, smiling as it fell in a heap at her feet. She eyed the fabric collected at her heels, giggling when he snugged her back against him, his cock pressing into her hip.

  She tugged on the neck of his shirt. “I’m getting this soaking wet.”

  Kace raised a brow. “You’re right.” He released her then tugged the garment over his head, tossing it behind him on the floor as if he didn’t care if he ever saw it again. Then he snaked his arm around her and pulled her flush against him. “Problem solved.”

  She tsked at him. “Not quite. I’m still getting you pants wet.”

  “Between my cock and your pussy, that’s inevitable.”

  She slapped his chest this time. “While true, I have a better idea.”

  She smoothed her hands down his chest, humming at the crisscrossing bands of muscles flexing beneath his skin. She hadn’t gotten the chance to explore the men’s bodies the way she’d wanted that first night, and she wasn’t going to waste the perfect opportunity to right that wrong.

  Her hands landed on the waist of his jeans, and she held his gaze as she fingered open the button then eased down the zipper. She smiled at the hiss of metal, pausing with it at the bottom to graze her fingertips over his erect shaft. Damn, she still wasn’t sure how they expected her to take more than one of them at a time. It just didn’t seem possible, not with their combined size. She’d barely fit Rhys up her ass, and that was without Hunter still inside her.

  Kace leaned in, kissing the side of her neck. “When the time comes, you won’t be thinking about whether or not we fit, but why the hell you didn’t insist on it sooner.”


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