What Remains: Wasteland

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What Remains: Wasteland Page 14

by Kris Norris

  She grunted his name, crying out when Rhys eased out, leaving only the head inside before pumping back in. Hunter felt every inch of the man return. Felt every ripple of Em’s pussy, every shuddering contraction as her body writhed between them. He waited until Rhys was fully seated before taking his turn, dragging his cock out of her ass only to thrust it back in, reveling in the tight grasp as her ass fought to accommodate his width.

  Emersyn thrashed about, groaning from somewhere deep inside. For a moment, Hunter worried it was pain causing her to cry out, until Kace moved in beside them, his erect shaft standing stiffly out in front of him. He touched Em’s shoulder, making a gentle circular motion on her skin when her head tilted down and her breathing hitched. She whispered something to Kace Hunter couldn’t make out, but by the expression on Kace’s face, Hunter had a pretty good idea what she’d asked. The other man seemed to resist until she shook her head, mumbling again.

  Kace cupped her face, giving her a kiss before pushing to his feet, his cock bobbing out in front of Em. She glanced at Rhys then released one hand to grab Kace, sealing the head of his cock to her mouth before sucking him inside.

  The sight sent sparks burning down Hunter’s spine, and he had to thrust just to keep the sensation at bay. Rhys appeared to be similarly affected, countering Hunter’s actions stroke for stroke. Em stayed poised between them, both their hands holding her in place as she worked Kace’s cock, taking everything the three of them gave her. Hunter grunted when Rhys upped his pace, shafting her with ever-increasing pressure, making Hunter’s cock vibrate from the increased friction. More fire swelled inside his sac, and he knew he was only moments away from spurting his load.

  Hunter bit his lip, using the pain and every trick he knew to keep his climax from claiming him. He wanted to know she was just as close as him before he was willing to release his control. Rhys growled something Hunter couldn’t understand, his head pressing against the floor. Hunter kept moving, minutes feeling like hours as he did his best to counter Rhys. Hunter didn’t know how Em kept moving up and down Kace’s length, swallowing noisily.

  Kace fisted his hand in her hair, grunting loudly as he started moving with her. “Damn, Em. I’m going to come.”

  Hunter watched her cheeks hollow, and he knew she’d increased the pressure. Kace threw his head back, shouting her name as his body jerked. Em groaned again, fisting Kace’s shaft until he bent over her, his body shaking. She released him, dropping her head when her body spasmed. A series of tremors contracted around his cock, and he knew she’d orgasmed.

  Rhys glanced at him over Em’s shoulder before his eyes rolled back and he stiffened. Hunter felt the other man’s cock pulse through the thin membrane of skin separating them, the unique sensation sending him over the edge. He tightened his grip, holding her hips still as he pumped into her several more times before the fire in his balls shot forward, and he came with a rasp of her name. Em shook then went limp, his and Rhys’ hands holding her up. Hunter trembled through his climax, lying across her back when the sensations finally eased. The air was a series of husky breaths, the heady scent of sex hanging around them.

  Sweat beaded his skin, and he wondered if he’d even have the strength to move. He steadied his breathing, covering her back with kisses as he sat up. His cock slipped free of her ass, the sudden loss of her heat a reminder of all she’d given them. He still couldn’t believe she’d brought them together in a way he’d only dreamed. That she’d trusted them enough to make herself vulnerable in the most intimate way possible. He gazed down at her, praying he hadn’t been too eager. She sighed, nestling against Rhys’ chest when they released her waist, her hair falling in a curtain of red along his skin.

  Hunter surveyed the room. Kace had collapsed in a chair, his limbs dangling over the edges as he stared up at the ceiling, his lips curved into a grin. The man’s chest still heaved, the loud rasp of his breath rustling through the air. Rhys had his eyes closed as he splayed his hands over Em’s back, tracing small circles along her spine with the tips of his fingers. Emersyn had already drifted off, the steady rhythm of her breathing a stark contrast to his frantic pants.

  He bent forward, drawing some of her hair back from her eyes. “You okay, Em?”

  Her nose scrunched a bit as she released a deep breath.

  Hunter smiled. “Emersyn?”

  She huffed this time. “I’m perfect, just tired.”

  “I can imagine. But since that bath is still warm, you should soak again before falling asleep.”

  One eye slitted open. “Sure, in a bit.”

  Hunter chuckled. “It’ll be cold in a bit. Come on, sleepyhead.”

  He rose behind her, accepting Rhys’ help as he scooped her into his arms, juggling her against his chest. She inhaled, looking as if she might kick his ass after all as she blinked, obviously trying to focus.

  He hugged her close, kissing her forehead. “We just want to take care of you. Please.”

  She stilled, her gaze swinging to meet his. The irritation dissipated from her expression, replaced by a look that nearly took him to his knees. He tripped a step but recovered, finally stopping beside the tub. He glanced at the water then her, grinning as he stepped over the lip, taking her with him. She giggled, holding his neck as he sat, resting her head against his shoulder as the water sloshed around them, his hands resting on her hips. Kace stumbled over and handed him a bar of soap before mumbling something about grabbing them some new towels. Hunter glanced at Rhys, motioning him to join them, but Rhys merely shook his head, rolling to his feet.

  He made his way over, giving Em a kiss before grabbing his clothes and heading for the door. “I’ll make some coffee and make sure the beds are ready, in case you still want to go straight to sleep.” He headed for the doorway, stopping in the tunnel to turn back to them. “Em, I…” He paused, his voice nothing more than a hoarse rasp. He sighed and disappeared, the soft pad of his feet fading quickly.

  Em smiled against his chest, giving him back the soap when he placed it in her hand. “You dragged me in here. You can clean me.”

  “My pleasure.” He lathered his palms. “He loves you, you know. We all do.”

  “I know. I love you guys, too.” She snuggled closer. “Now wash me so you can take me to bed.”

  “Now that’s my kind of order.”

  * * * *

  Emersyn rolled onto her side, the haziness of sleep clouding her thoughts. Cool fabric teased her skin, and she burrowed deeper beneath the blanket, wondering why she felt strangely cold. She smoothed her hand along the mattress beside her, not sure what she was searching for when her mind finally kicked into gear, and she opened her eyes, blinking to bring the room into focus.

  Shades of gray shadowed the space, the only light reflecting in from the two adjoining tunnels. Pockets of black crowded the corners of the room, the eerie silence raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

  She bolted upright, scanning the room. Other than her clothes piled on the floor a few feet away with her vest hanging beside them on the back of a chair, the room was empty.

  “Rhys? Hunter? Kace?” Her voice was a weary echo, and she scrambled to her feet when it died without being answered. The inklings of fear crawled down her spine. Something was off.

  Emersyn tugged on her clothes, grabbing one of her pistols before heading for the second bunker. She crested the tunnel, clearing each direction as she walked swiftly along the corridor, pausing at the junction to the kitchen. She listened for movement in the next bunker, but nothing sounded in the room beyond. She frowned and rounded the corner, her gun scanning the space. A couple of mugs sat on the table, along with a map. She moved over to it, studying the lines drawn across the paper before turning and heading for Kace’s lab. Most likely the men were gathered in the rear bunker, and this was nothing more than her paranoia finally getting the better of her.

  She shuffled down the tunnels, checking every crevice as she made her way to the last bunker, again stopping jus
t shy of the doorway. Kace wasn’t a noisy guy, but Hunter and Rhys rarely stayed quiet, not while in the same room. And especially when they had routes and recon specs to discuss. She leaned in, but if the men had gathered in the room, they were unusually silent.

  Em took a deep breath, fearing the worst as she stepped out, gun pointed into the room, her heart beating a tattoo in her chest. Kace turned to glance at her, his hands freezing in mid-air as he stared at her weapon, the expression on his face clearly stating his confusion. He looked to the rear of the lab as if there might be something present he’d missed before swinging his gaze back to her.

  His chair creaked as he eased onto his feet, placing his instruments on the table. “Emersyn? Is everything okay?”

  She stormed in, searching behind every possible hiding spot before spinning to face him, her chest heaving. If those boys had done what she thought they had…

  She nodded at the doorway. “Where the hell are Rhys and Hunter?”

  The color drained from Kace’s face as he glanced at his feet for a moment, toeing the floor with his boot. He seemed visibly distressed as he took a deep breath, finally raising his head. “We should talk.”

  She shook her head, taking a determined step forward, her gun still clasped in her hand. “Where are they?”

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d put the damn Glock away. I’ve witnessed how accurate you are with it, and I’d rather not end up on the wrong side of a bullet.”

  She cursed, placing it on the table. “You know damn well I’d never shoot you, so don’t try to humor me.” She took another step. “Now tell me where those bastards went.”

  Kace pursed his lips, releasing a slow, exasperated breath. “Rhys was concerned about the four of us traipsing through the damn woods for two days trying to make our way back to the camp. Something about it crawling with infected and that it’d take a miracle for all of us to make it there alive. There’s a small town not that far from here. He and Hunter thought there might be some abandoned vehicles we could use along that road. They went to scout it out.”

  Anger burned through the fear, coloring her vision with pure red. “They went out on a mission alone? Just the two of them?”

  He held up his hands. “I know what you’re thinking but…it’s not like that. You were asleep and—”

  “And what! They couldn’t have given me a shake? Splashed water in my face?”

  Her voice bounced off the far walls, the hurtful tone impossible to miss. Kace cringed slightly then straightened, looking as if he’d come to terms with the situation.

  He clenched his jaw. “I think you know why, Emersyn. And like it or not, I’m in agreement. Just the thought of losing you…”

  Pain roiled through her gut, and she moved back, holding her stomach as if he’d punched her. After all she’d shared with them. After the trust she’d given them, they didn’t respect or trust her enough in return to value her as a member of their team.

  Kace walked toward her, but she stopped him with a glare before grabbing her gun and marching out of the room, her boots clicking on the floor. God help her, but when she caught up with those two, she’d give them an ass kicking they’d not soon forget. She headed for the bedroom, snagging her vest before making her way to the kitchen. The ladder had been put away, and she growled knowing Kace had done it to hide the truth.

  The metal made a tinny sound as she leaned it against the hatch, ensuring it was steady. One of the boys had taken her damn MK14, not to mention the other weapons they’d been saving for the trip home and a bunch of the ammo, but if they honestly thought that’d stop her…

  She muttered under her breath as she picked up the map, studying the landscape. She could only guess they’d left it behind in case they encountered too much resistance and couldn’t make it back. Without the damn thing, she and Kace wouldn’t stand a chance making the trip back to the compound, not that they’d stand much alone, anyway.

  The thought spiked another wave of pain. After finally finding something worth living for, they’d gone and put it everything at risk. And all because she’d spread her legs and begged them to fuck her.

  Her anger returned, and she took one last glance at the map before turning toward the ladder. She checked to ensure the route was clearly pictured in her mind when Kace bolted through the door, hair wild about his head, his hands fisted at his sides. He looked like a man with very little to lose.

  He moved in front of her, effectively blocking her way. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  She snorted. “You know damn well where I’m going. To track those sons of bitches down. Three to a team, Kace. That’s the code, and I’ll be damned it I let them break it because their male egos are on the line.”

  He shook his head, shifting with her when she tried to dart past him. “Do you honestly think this is about ego? They love you, Em. We all do. We just don’t want to see you get hurt. Is that so terrible?”

  “Of course it’s not terrible…if I was some unskilled lackey who hadn’t spent the last four years trudging through the mud beside them, holding my own as well as any man. I’m a soldier. If you guys can’t handle that then that’s your problem. But I’m not giving it up because you’re scared. We’re all scared.”

  “It’s different now.”

  “Why? Because we’re lovers?” She shook her head. “Well guess what? They’re lovers, too, yet you had no problem watching them gallivant off on some fucking freak show of a mission. So don’t give me the lover crap. Nothing’s changed but the sleeping arrangements.”

  He snorted. “Are you so naive you can’t see how false that is? The moment you let us in, things changed. I’m not saying it’s fair, but it’s true.”

  “Then you boys are going to have to rethink your positions, because I’m not changing my mind about this.”

  She made another attempt, only to have him stand in her way.

  “I highly suggest you get the hell out of my way, Kace, before I decide theirs aren’t the only assess that need kicking.”

  “I don’t want to fight you, Em, but if that’s what it’ll take to keep you from leaving…give it your best shot.”

  If there was one thing Emersyn had learned about men over the years, it’s that they seldom thought women would hold true to their threat. At least not the physical ones. Women tended to use manipulation to get their way, not resorting to physical confrontation all that often. But as she’d told Kace, she wasn’t most women.

  She struck quickly, using her feet to sweep out his and tumble him onto his ass. She’d realized early on that she couldn’t best most of the men in the unit by sheer strength, and that her greatest asset was her feet. And Kace was no exception.

  He hit hard, grunting out a breath. She readied herself for the next round, aware he’d be on top of her if she made a dash for the ladder. She needed to subdue him in such as way she’d have time to climb the damn thing before he could recover.

  Images of him naked flitted through her mind, reminding her of the intimate connection they shared, not that she needed reminding. Just looking at him made her pulse race and her hands itch to touch him, albeit not exactly like this. But she’d challenged him fully knowing she couldn’t hurt him…not in the way she normally would for a fight. Though she could sure as hell toss him on his ass a few times as a lesson that she was far from fragile. And the sooner they all accepted that, the better.

  Kace flipped back to his feet quicker than she’d anticipated, looking at her with a raise of his eyebrow. “This is ridiculous. You’ve seen my body…the scars. You know I’ve done more than simply train. And I won…a lot.”

  “And I didn’t survive two tours in live combat to shy away from a fight because the guy knows some moves. Now are you going to get out of my way, or are we going to go a few rounds, first?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t let you leave. Think about it. You’re upset because Rhys and Hunter left you behind and broke some damn code about the number o
f soldiers to a mission, yet you’re prepared to go off alone! As in completely alone. Solo for god’s sake.”

  “I’ll only be alone until I catch up to them, though I guarantee you they’ll wish I hadn’t.”

  “You want to have it out with them? Fine. But you’ll have to do it when they get back. I’m sorry, Em, but I can’t let you leave.”

  “Figured as much.”

  She struck again, only Kace countered her first move, deflecting her strike and landing one of his own, knocking her backward. She skidded into the table, knocking the mugs off the top. They shattered as they hit the floor, the remnants of coffee spraying across the room. She regained her balance, brushing dots of liquid off her vest as she studied him, deciding on a more direct approach involving both her hands and her feet. It wasn’t a secret she preferred to use her legs, but she wasn’t bad in hand-to-hand, either.

  Her strategy worked, and she landed a few blows to his torso before using an arm lock to toss him over her hip. He landed with a solid thud, a curse blending in with the ragged sound of their breathing. She had to hand it to him. He was good, and she knew her success rested in the fact he didn’t really want to hurt her and was noticeably resistant in launching an attack. But she’d be damned if she’d allow her love for him to deter her, not when the consequences affected the rest of her life. If the boys couldn’t see her for what she really was, their relationship was doomed to fail.

  Kace growled and rolled to his feet, tugging down his shirt as he swiped his hand across his face. Dirt and sweat marred his skin, and he looked at his hand as if he’d expected to find blood. He straightened, the expression in his eyes darkening, and she had a feeling the nature of the game had just changed.

  He shook out his arms then for the first time, attacked, making her counter more moves than she’d seen in a long time. She blocked them all, landing a lucky punch when he checked one move that would have caught her in the jaw. Her fist landed in his chest, knocking his breath from him. But before she could take more than a step around him, he grabbed her legs and toppled her to the floor.


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