Hunt (Academy of Unpredictable Magic Book 5)

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Hunt (Academy of Unpredictable Magic Book 5) Page 5

by Sadie Moss

  I’m half undressed, and I peer down toward the living room as Cam rounds the landing at the top of the staircase, heading toward his bedroom down the hall. “Hey! We left my pants!”

  “Yeah, we won’t need them for this, Sin.” The grin he shoots me is wicked and hot as hell.

  He makes a good point. I definitely don’t need pants right now.

  And as soon as we reach his bedroom and he deposits me on the bed, he and Asher make quick work of theirs too. While they do that, I wrestle with my own clothes, tearing off my shirt and unhooking my bra, then shimmying out of my panties.

  As soon as we’re all naked, Asher and Cam converge on the bed with me. I end up sandwiched between them, and it’s like my words downstairs lit a fire inside all of us. I can feel Cam’s cock pressing against my ass as his hands come around to palm my breasts and play with my nipples. Asher’s hand is between my legs, his fingers alternating between dipping inside me and working my clit.

  I’m already so damn turned on I’m about to lose it when Cam murmurs in my ear, “Come for us, Sin. It’ll help loosen you up.”

  And I do. I grab onto Asher’s forearm, holding it in a death grip as my orgasm crashes over me.

  It makes my heart speed up and my muscles tremble, but even as I start to come down from the high, I don’t feel sated at all—like that was just an appetizer, a small bite to tide me over until the main course.

  Cam was right though. It does relax me, leaving my muscles more pliable and my body less tense.

  Asher’s eyes spark with satisfaction, and he rolls over onto his back, pulling me with him so that I’m draped over his body, straddling him. He reaches up to tuck my already wild hair behind my ears, and I move against him, sliding my wet pussy along the thick length of his cock, which is sandwiched between us.

  “You’re sure, Elle?” he asks softly, and even though he’s not using his mind reading powers, I can tell he’s trying to get inside my head, to make absolutely certain this is what I want.

  Dammit, I love how much they take care of me.

  It’s the exact reason I am sure.

  “Yes,” I say, because I know he needs to hear the word and not just some inarticulate moan.

  And then, to make sure he knows I’m not having any doubts at all, I rise up onto my knees, fist the base of his cock, and sink down onto him.

  We both groan in satisfaction, and behind me, I hear Cam make a soft noise too. I rise up and glide down again, rolling my hips, bracing my hands against Asher’s chest as I move. The mattress dips as Cam crawls over to the nightstand and pulls out a bottle of lube, and my stomach clenches with nerves and excitement again.

  My pussy must’ve clenched too, because Asher puts his hands on my hips, pulling my attention back to him.

  “We’ll go slow, Elle. And if you decide you don’t like it, we can stop anytime. You just say the word.”

  “Yeah,” Cam agrees, moving back toward us and leaning in to kiss me as I keep riding Asher. “This’ll only be fun for us if it’s fun for you. If it’s not, we’ll find something else that is.”

  Fuck. Every word they’re saying is turning me on like crazy. Something about knowing I don’t have to do this, that they’ll stop anytime I say, only makes me want it more. There’s no pressure, no need to live up to some crazy “sex goddess” expectation, which means I can actually relax and enjoy it.

  I don’t answer with words, but I kiss Cam harder, sucking on his tongue as I reach down to stroke his cock.

  “Oh, shit, Sin,” he grunts, jerking his hips even as he reaches down to grab my wrist. “Give me a fighting chance here. I’m already afraid I won’t last two seconds once I get inside you.”

  I chuckle against his lips but release him, finding my rhythm on Asher’s cock again.

  Cam kisses me once more, then moves behind me. He gathers my hair and drapes it over one shoulder, pressing his lips to the back of my neck. Then he pushes gently between my shoulder blades, urging me down. “Lie on Asher. Let his body support you, okay?”

  I let my upper body drape over Ash’s, getting lost in his kiss again as we move together. Cam’s hands trail down my back, over the swell of my ass, and when I feel cool wetness drip between my ass cheeks, I tense involuntarily.

  “We’ve got you.” The rough voice behind me is soothing. “Just focus on Asher. On how good he feels. I promise, we’ll make you feel even better.”

  I do what Cam says, closing my eyes and focusing on what feels good.

  The slide of Asher’s cock inside me as we rock against each other. The feel of Cam’s hands on my ass. The hypnotic depth of Asher’s kiss.

  When a fingertip breaches the pucker of my ass, I manage not to tense. And as it works deeper inside, I breathe deeply and focus on how the new, unfamiliar sensation just heightens the amazing feelings already surging through my body.

  “That’s good. Fuck, that’s good.” Cam’s voice is more strained now, and there’s something about that sound that I love.

  He’s coming undone. Seeing me like this, feeling me like this, is unraveling him. I push back harder against his finger and let out a little whimper when he adds a second one, stretching out the tight ring of muscles even more.

  Asher grips my chin lightly, bringing my mouth to his again and pulling me back into the depths of his kiss. The two fingers in my ass move slowly and carefully, and I can feel Cam flexing them against the tight channel, stretching it out.

  Getting it ready to take his cock.

  A wave of arousal crashes over me at the thought, and I suck in deep breaths as Cam finally withdraws his fingers.

  I want this. I haven’t changed my mind, and I know I won’t.

  I want this so fucking bad.

  There’s an uncomfortable stretch as the head of Cam’s cock tries to breach the hole his fingers were just inside. Instinctively, my muscles tense up a little, and Asher whispers, “I can help, Elle. Do you want me to help?”

  My head dips in a small nod, even as I attack his mouth with kisses, chasing the pleasurable sensations to help my body relax again.

  And then, I feel… something. Something soft and light that starts in my mind and expands out to fill the rest of me, making my anxiety dissipate like fog. Asher is barely in my head—the feeling isn’t invasive at all—but he’s using his powers to help me relax.

  “Oh, fuck. You feel so good,” Cam murmurs as he slips deeper inside me. “Push back against me, Sin. Let me inside.”

  I do, pushing back with my inner muscles, and surprisingly, that allows him to slide even farther into me. Thanks to Asher’s soothing help, I don’t feel pain or much discomfort at all, but I do feel… full.

  So full.

  Completely full of these two men, surrounded by them, overwhelmed by them.

  It’s fucking incredible.

  My breath is coming faster, arousal burning through my veins as I realize I like this. That I can handle it.

  With one more careful thrust, Cam seats himself fully inside me. He’s braced over me and Asher, his hands planted on either side of us, and I can feel the heat radiating from his body, feel the small tremors that move through him as he wrestles for control.

  But he doesn’t need to be as careful as he’s trying to be. He doesn’t need to hold back, to hold still.

  Asher mostly stopped thrusting into me while Cam worked his way inside, but now I roll my hips slightly, causing both men to groan in pleasure.

  “You good?” Cam asks, his breath tickling my ear as he drapes his body closer over mine.

  “Yes!” I gasp. “I need—to move. Please! Fuck me.”

  “Oh, Jesus.” His voice is like sandpaper.

  Tentatively, as if he doesn’t quite believe me when I say I’m ready, he slides out and sinks back in. The sensation is totally different than anything I’ve ever experienced, especially with Asher still inside me too. Only a thin wall separates their cocks, and it makes me hyperaware of every little movement.

  Asher grun
ts, and then he begins to move inside me too. They both go slow at first, giving me time to adjust, finding a rhythm with each other. I hold on tight to Asher’s shoulders, turning my head to kiss Cam before finding the soft lips of the man beneath me again.

  As their pace picks up, I throw myself headfirst into the sensations, letting go of any worries or doubts or fears and just letting myself feel. Our bodies move in perfect harmony as they fuck me harder, and I feel helpless in the best way, sandwiched between them.

  I already came once, but the orgasm building inside me now feels more like a force of nature—a hurricane or a tsunami, maybe. Something that will bowl me over and drag me out to sea, where I’ll drown in pure bliss.

  “Asher! Cam! I’m… I’m gonna…”

  I’m trying to warn them, but I can’t get all the words out. I think they know though, because their tempo increases, and I feel them both thicken inside me.

  “Fuck, Sin. You feel too. Damn. Good.”

  Cam’s words cut off in a choked grunt as he thrusts a few more times, his cock jerking and pulsing inside my ass. Asher kisses me hard as he comes too, and I follow them both over the edge, crying out so loud the sound bounces off the walls.

  I’m gasping and panting as I collapse against Asher, and Cam collapses against me. We all worked up a bit of a sweat, and our skin sticks together as we breathe in unison, our heartbeats creating a syncopated rhythm.

  “Wow,” Ash mutters. “That was—wow.”

  “Seconded.” Cam sounds dazed and exhausted, and I love it.

  “Thirded,” I whisper, a smile stealing over my face. “Thanks for letting me try that.”

  Cam snorts a laugh, and we all groan as it creates a domino effect of sensations through our connected bodies. “Oh, no problem, Sin. I mean, it was a real hardship, but we’re here for you.”

  I chuckle, slapping at his shoulder. He pulls out of me carefully and rolls onto his side, and Asher rolls us over too, slipping out of me as he does.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of these two men teaming up with me, especially because of this moment, in the aftermath, when I’m nestled between them in a warm tangle of limbs, feeling safe and… loved.

  Sappy, I know. I’ve turned into a full-blown sap. What is this world coming to?

  I know we’ll need to get up and shower and clean up at some point, but not just yet. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to let go.

  When I start school, it’ll be the first time I’ll be separated from them since we started officially dating. I’m not clingy—far from it—but I’m not sure how to handle being away from them for so long.

  I’m a big girl; I’ll soldier on. But that doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to it.

  “You okay?” Asher asks me quietly.

  I think he’s checking to make sure I’m okay with what we just did—to which my response is a hearty, hell fucking yeah—but when I answer, that’s not actually what I’m thinking of at all.

  “No. I’ll miss you,” I admit in a whisper.

  Once, I would’ve deflected, lied about the depth of my feelings, tried to cover up what felt like a weakness—but I’m trying to be more open with the guys. More honest.

  “We’ll miss you too, Elle,” he replies, running his fingertips along my jaw. “It’s never easy to be away from the people you love.”

  My heart skips a beat.

  I know how the guys feel about me—and I know how I feel about them. We show how much we care about each other in everything we do, so it’s not like I’m shocked to hear him use that word. But this is the first time he’s said it, and it hits me harder than I expected it to, making my heart feel like it’s too big for my chest cavity. Like it’s too full to be contained by my ribs.

  “Can you… say that again?” My voice is small. Vulnerable.

  He knows exactly what I mean, and he doesn’t make me ask twice.

  “I love you,” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

  “Yeah. Wait, was that not obvious?” Cam asks, sounding half joking but also half worried. He kisses my temple. “I love you. We love you. We love the shit out of you.”

  “I love you too. Both of you.”

  The words slip out of me, like water flowing out of a tap. Easy as anything.

  If only everything in the world could be as easy as that.

  Chapter 6

  All three guys drive me to school the next day. Even Cam is quiet—normally, he makes jokes to diffuse tense situations, but he’s got three very serious people with him, and I think he can tell that none of us would appreciate him trying to interrupt the silence right now.

  “It’s so weird not to be staying here. We’re just guests in this place now,” Cam observes as Dmitri parks his car in front of the girls’ dorm.

  For my first two years here, I actually lived with the guys in their dorm. It’s not exactly allowed, but it was either that or room with Kendal, Alyssa, and Megan. Kendal’s actually become a pretty good friend, but I’d rather face off against Johnson again and risk a coma than live with Alyssa and Megan, so I stayed with the guys and we were just very careful about it.

  Honestly, I know some of the other residents in the men’s dorm noticed my presence, but I don’t think they cared. With all the attacks on the school, everything around us was in total chaos half the time anyway—so who had time to worry about a girl rooming with three guys when it was all consensual?

  “Feeling nostalgic?” I tease Cam. “Want to go up to our old room?”

  “Oh, fuck no.” He laughs.

  Dmitri doesn’t say anything, but he hugs me so tightly I can hardly breathe when it comes time for the guys to leave. I hold on as hard as I can, and I wish I didn’t have to let go.

  Asher kisses me once, slow and lingering, and then pulls away. Cam, on the other hand, scoops me up and kisses me over and over, and although he’s partly goofing off, I can feel the hint of real desperation behind it.

  “Go,” I tell them, laughing as I pull away. One of us has to put on a brave face, and thanks to Mom dying and leaving me to take care of Maddy, I know how to do that. It’s my special talent. “Go on, you idiots, I’ll be fine. Go get fancy jobs and take over the world.”

  Cam salutes me, Dmitri nods, and Asher smiles.

  Then they all pile back into the car, and a moment later, Dmitri pulls away from the curb. My throat closes up a little, but I force myself to smile and wave until the car disappears.

  Fuck. I miss them already.

  Steady on, Sinclair, I tell myself, straightening my shoulders before heading up to my room.

  Since I can’t crash with the guys anymore, I had to find another place to stay, so I called last week and talked to a woman in the admin office, and she said she’d move me to someplace new.

  I expected to have to fight her a little harder on it, since—on paper, anyway—I still have a perfectly good dorm room with Alyssa and the others. But the woman just put me on hold for a few minutes, then came back on the line and told me it was all taken care of. I think Hardwick might’ve put in a good word. He likes me for some insane reason, and given that I’ve saved the school’s ass four times now, maybe he felt I was owed a new room if I wanted one.

  But I have no idea who I’ll be sharing with, and I just pray it’s someone nice who will keep their shit on their side of the room.

  I open the door—and see Kendal standing inside.

  Kendal is one of those girls that almost makes you wonder if she’s actually real. She’s got gorgeous red hair, bright blue eyes, and just a dash of freckles. She always looks as if she’s stepped out of a magazine—even more so now that she’s stopped emulating Alyssa’s heavy makeup and is letting her own, more natural style shine through.

  She’s also one of the most shy and cautious girls I’ve ever met, which is why she hung out with Alyssa and Megan—and their other friend, Cristina—for so long. They’re awful girls… or at least Alyssa is, and Megan and Cristina heartily go along wit
h her petty, vicious behavior. For the longest time, Kendal never stood up to them or disagreed, and it frustrated the hell out of me.

  But she’s gotten more and more brave over time, and now I think she’s stopped hanging out with Alyssa for good.

  “Hi, Elliot!” She walks over to me, a big smile on her face. There’s no shyness or hesitation about her as she hugs me, and I hug her back without thinking about it.

  She pulls back, her smile growing impish. “Or maybe I should say, ‘hi, roomie’.”

  My mouth falls open. “What?”

  “I asked if I could be changed to a new room, and apparently you asked the same thing, so here we are! There’s another person staying with us too, a first year. Her name’s Gwen—that’s her stuff there.”

  She gestures at one of the beds, where a few suitcases sit.

  “Oh, cool.” I grin broadly. I don’t mind sharing with a new person, especially now that I know Kendal will be in this room too.

  “Yeah. She seems nice. Her power is the ability to find people or things by tracking them,” Kendal confides. “She’s still learning how to use it, and I think she’s still a little freaked out by her magic—but we’ve all been there.”

  “Is it just her?” I gesture at the fourth bed in the room. Most dorm rooms on this campus are big enough to hold four people.

  Kendal’s eyes darken as her face falls. “Yeah. There aren’t a lot of new kids this year. It’s the smallest class ever.”

  Fuck. That means… well. All new Unpredictables are given two choices: go to school to learn how to control their magic, or have their magic taken from them.

  I almost chose option number two. At the time, I didn’t care about my magic, and I certainly wasn’t attached to the idea of keeping it. In fact, I kind of resented my new powers. Maddy’s magic sparked a bit late, and as far as I knew, I didn’t have any magic at all. So we weren’t really welcomed into the magical community, even though both our parents were powerful magic users. Nobody reached out to us when Mom got sick and died, and I had no interest in joining a community that had never done anything for me.


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