Dare Me: The Pierce Boys of Georgia, Book One

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Dare Me: The Pierce Boys of Georgia, Book One Page 10

by Brittany Tarkington

  So, it’s a real shame I had to bust their white picket fence up with a bat.

  “Ready?” He asked, grinning.

  Rhett was the guy you called when you wanted a wing man. You wanted a beer? He was down. You wanted to bust a guy’s kneecap? Hell yeah, give him ten minutes to get there.

  So, he didn’t flinch when he strolled out of the SUV, swinging the bat in his hand. He started with the truck we knew belonged to Aiden.

  I knew mommy and daddy weren’t home, so I strolled up to the front door. The gate was closed, so I swung the bat, busting the wood into shards until I could step through it.

  When I heard glass shattered, I knew he’d be running out soon. He may have had one brave moment in my yard, but he’d piss his pants when he saw me and Rhett.

  There was a corner camera hung up between the front door and the house. For good measure, I slammed it down with the bath, stomping it when it hit the concrete pad.

  The door opened, revealing a horrified Aiden Bray.

  He wasn’t hidden behind his preppy boy look this time. He was in athletic shorts, shirtless, so I could see how little this kid really was.

  His eyes widened.

  “Wh-What is he doing?” He stared over at Rhett then at me.

  Rhett stopped the assault once all the windows were busted out of the truck. He strolled up, bat hanging over his shoulder.

  “I’m no Einstein, but it looks to me like he’s busting up your truck,” I cuffed my hands over my mouth, calling out to him, “Rhett, is that what you’re doing?”

  “Yep,” he replied. A shit-eating-grin plastered across his face.

  “You’re a fucking psycho, I’m calling the police.” Aiden’s voice was shaking. He reached back into his house.

  Chuckling, I stepped with him. I grabbed his neck, shoving him against the door. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  I think he was about to cry which only made me laugh more.

  “You can’t get away with this.” He could barely speak as I closed off his airway. When he clawed at my hand, I eased off.

  “We could get away with killing you,” Rhett said.

  I looked at my brother and then back at Aiden, toying with him. “Wouldn’t want to stain the Escalade up though.”

  “What the hell do you want, Roman?”

  “Stay the fuck away from Raquel. And pass that along to your friend Emily. I’ll pay her house a visit next if I have to,” I said, shoving him away from me. He stumbled into the wall and scrambled up on his feet.

  I think this clown was actually about to cry.

  Good. Message received.

  “She’s not going to end up with some asshole like you. She’ll see you for who you are eventually,” he said. His voice was shaking with a mixture of anger and fear.

  But fuck if that didn’t strike a nerve.

  She deserved better, but I’d probably stick around until she figured that out.

  I took a step closer, almost toe to toe with him.

  “I told you I was never interested in being the hero.”

  I swung my fist and knocked him out cold. I probably shouldn’t smile at a defenseless boy slumped at my feet, but if I was going to be the asshole he said I was, I might as well act like one.

  I kicked his arm out of the way as I walked out of his house and back to the Escalade. Rhett wasn’t so peaceful. Swinging at everything he passed.

  Next door, a woman walked out of her porch to see what the commotion was. Rhett had stopped by that point, and we were just two guys walking to an SUV now. But I dared her to call the cops.

  Hell would freeze over before a Pierce sat in the back of a police car. My dad might be a piece of shit, but that wouldn’t fly with him.

  We owned this place, and Aiden Bray would figure that out when he woke up.

  I let Rhett drive home.

  Because I’d probably drive through the guys living room. So, I sat, jaw clenched, in the passenger seat. Watching the small suburban houses streak by.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what the fuck was this about?”

  I let out a laugh. “Act first, ask questions later, huh?”

  “For my brother? Fuck yeah,” Rhett clipped. “I heard what he said back there.”

  I clamped my eyes shut. “The asshole showed up at the house last week. Just settling a score.”

  “You sure that’s it?”

  “Drop it,” I deadpanned.

  He was pulling into our driveway now. He peeked up, noticing a light on near my bedroom window.

  “Hope she’s worth it.”

  I opened the door to the moving SUV and hopped out. Rhett looked at me as if I’d lost my goddamn mind, but I was done being grilled. I hadn’t released the anger I had inside me and one more question from Rhett might lead to a fight in the front yard.

  I didn’t want that.

  What I wanted was to be buried inside the girl in my bed. So, I took the stairs two at a time.

  My eyes flew open. I looked around, searching for the source of the sound.


  I stayed at Roman’s. Now there’s an angry guy in his room.

  I patted down my body, remembered I had clothes on, and started shaking Roman before this guy could reach him.


  He stirred a little, peeking one eye open, he smiled at me. I can’t lie, under any other circumstances, this would be pretty hot. Sleepy Roman, tired eyes, crooked smile hooking his arm around me. But I don’t think he saw the dude who was striding across the room.

  “Who is that?” I shrieked.

  He sat up and the sheets pooled around his waist. A trail of tattoos was on his right shoulder, stopping just above where his shirt would cover. And a tip of a star tattoo poked out of the top of his shorts.

  Angry dude hooked an arm around the back of Roman’s neck and dragged him out of the bed. I mean, I’m freaked out, so I follow them, but I’d never seen him without a shirt and my interest is piqued.

  More concerned though.

  He dragged him out in the hallway and shoved him against the opposite wall.

  “Roman! What’s going on?” I demanded.

  He leaned over, looking at me past the guy’s shoulder. “This is my brother, Ryder. Just go back to my room and close the door.”

  How many Pierce boys are there?

  And why are they all hot?

  My jaw dropped. “Seriously? He just dragged you out of bed like he’s about to murder you and you’re telling me it’s fine?”

  “Totally normal. I’ll be in there in a sec,” he said, dismissing me.

  I rolled my eyes and walked back to his bedroom.

  I don’t understand guys. Is that their way of saying hello? Because I’m about to find out. Yeah, sure, I’ll go in your room and wait. But I’m listening to your conversation. If he wanted a yes girl, he should’ve looked somewhere else.

  So, I stuck my ear next to the door.

  “When is it going to be enough?” An affectionate Ryder asked.

  “He had it coming,” Roman snapped.

  “I don’t care about that dude honestly. One day, Dad’s not going to be able to get you out of it. Stay away from Rhett.”

  I flattened my hands against the door, pushing myself closer to hear their muffled voices.

  “Rhett’s not the problem, if Dad has something to say to me, he can bring his ass here and say it himself.”

  Ryder scoffed. “Is that really what you want?”

  “Better than sending you. His little bitch boy.”

  I think that was Ryder laughing, but it didn’t sound genuine. And I got that. Roman was going for blood.

  “You know Roman, I thought you’d be the one to make Dad proud. I thought he’d hand everything over to you. You’re smarter than me, way smarter than Rhett. I don’t know what in the hell happened to you, but don’t come crying to me when you really screw up. And you wi
ll. You can’t keep going like this forever without karma kicking you in the ass.”

  I heard another thud. My heart stopped for a beat.

  But when the door pushed open, I realized they weren’t about to fight again, and Roman had found me spying unashamed.

  He rubbed a hand over his forehead. “What’d you hear?”

  Uh? Nothing.

  “Enough,” I said, hoping he would elaborate.

  “Well, you’re still here.”

  He gave me a sleepy grin, circling his arms around my waist, he nuzzled his face in my neck. Every cell in my body sprang to life. Goosebumps speckled my arms.

  I almost forgot that Roman was dragged out of bed and yelled at. Almost.

  “Let’s go back to bed,” he said. Placing a kiss on my neck, he laced our fingers together and walked me back to the bed.

  Draping the covers back, he motioned for me to go first. I climbed across, took a place in the middle, and pulled the covers up to my chest. When he laid next to me, he rested an arm across my middle.

  I stared at the ceiling, wondering how I’d get information out of him without admitting I didn’t hear shit.

  “Are you mad?” He finally asked, breaking the silence.

  “About which part?”

  Sighing, “That I kicked Aiden’s ass, busted up his truck and house, or that I didn’t tell you?”

  I rolled over, facing away from him. All the air had been knocked from my lungs. I tried to regain composure before Roman caught on. Words. Any of them. Just come out of my mouth.

  I forced what could be described as the weirdest laugh ever to leave someone’s mouth.

  “Is he okay?”

  “Yeah, I stopped after one hit.”

  “Are you going to get in trouble?”


  The tension in my chest lifted. Hearing him say he wasn’t in trouble made me feel better. Not even that Aiden was okay. I think I sympathize with those women who flock to court rooms when there’s a high-profile case in hopes they may get a glimpse of the hot, bad boy. I’d never put much thought into it, but a guy willing to hurt to protect you? It might be appealing.

  No, I still don’t understand.

  I don’t even understand me.

  But I think Roman is good, deep down.

  So, I asked. “Why’d you do it?”

  “He made you cry.”

  I faced him instantly. Searching his face, I didn’t know what I’d find, but I wondered if I heard him right.

  He stared back at me. Warm, amber eyes curiously looking at me.

  I don’t ask if he’s serious. I don’t ask for an explanation. Sometimes words ruin things. Right now? I don’t want this feeling of care and protection to be squashed by anything else that left his mouth.

  His lips curved up in a crooked grin as his eyes danced around my face. I realized I was smiling at him.

  I like him.

  Not in a warm fuzzy way where I’d tell my girlfriends all about him at a sleepover. I don’t want to share that with anyone. I want to be tucked in this little corner of the world with him, showing him how much I appreciate him.

  For not just seeing me, for cracking me open and setting my world on fire.

  Before him, I didn’t feel anything.

  After him, I feel it all.

  It was never going to be hearts and flowers with me. It was impulses, fights, wild nights, and stolen cars.

  Roman saw me. He made me take a look at myself and opened up a new world of possibilities that I never thought was possible. And that was not giving a fuck about anyone thought of me. Or their expectations.

  We were our own selves, unapologetically. Even if it made everyone else uncomfortable.

  I stared down at his lips, dragging my own through my teeth. He didn’t wait for me to ask. He took.

  With his hand cupped around my jaw, he smashed my mouth against his forcefully. And I knew without a doubt in my mind, there was no going back.

  I belonged to Roman.

  With resistance from me, she pulled back. A playful glimmer shone from her eyes as she dragged her bottom lip through her teeth.

  “I still haven’t returned the favor,” she said.

  She threw her leg over me, and I fucking loved how smooth and warm it felt against mine. I cuffed her ass and dragged her closer.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” I said, but I already knew the answer to that.

  Her fingers began to trace the outline of my tattoos. “I didn’t know you had these.”

  “Yeah, I don’t walk around school without my shirt.”

  Giggling, her fingers dropped to land on the star tattoo that was barely visible above my shorts. “What else don’t I know?”

  “I’m an open book,” I said, glancing down at her hand with a dare.

  She fell asleep last night in only a tee and panties. With her leg hooked around mine, I could feel the warmth growing.

  She would be dripping in seconds.

  Just say the word.

  Her hand dipped between the elastic of my shorts. I didn’t need any encouragement, the moment I saw her wearing my shirt this morning, I was hard as a rock. But when her small fingers wrapped around my dick, I grew harder by the second.

  “Do you have a condom?” She asked. She continued to stroke me, looking up at me through thick lashes with those icy blue eyes. I snapped my eyes shut, letting out a groan.

  Fuck, she was going to be the death of me.

  I sat up in my bed. Reaching over, I pulled open the top drawer and felt for a foil package. When I found one, I grabbed it, and slammed the drawer shut. Slipping it between my fingers, I showed Raquel.

  “I told you all you had to do was ask,” I said with a smirk.

  She shook her head. “You told me to take what I wanted from you.”

  “What do you want?” I asked, squeezing her ass, I pulled her closer to me. I nuzzled my face in her neck, grinding my body against her.

  “You. All of you.”

  The sweetest words to ever leave those lips.

  I tucked her body under me. It took all the restraint I could manage to pull her hand away so I could slide my t-shirt off of her.

  Goddamn if she didn’t look good under me. In nothing but a thong I was finally able to see all of her. A perfect pair of tits sat high on her chest, topped with pink nipples that were begging to be sucked on.

  I didn’t want anything between us, so I trailed down her flat stomach, and hooked my thumbs around the waistband of her thong and pulled them off.

  Next were my shorts. I jerked the things off and kicked them to the side of the bed.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I said. Trailing my hands up her side, I landed on her tits, kneading them before I leaned down to pop her nipple in my mouth.

  Letting out a moan, her head fell back on the pillow as she propped up her elbows, pushing her chest out to me.

  My free hand pushed her thighs apart and I wedged myself between her. I sunk my fingers inside her.

  Dripping wet and so ready.

  I popped her erect nipple out of my mouth and trailed up to her lips. Swallowing her moans as I pumped my finger in and out of her.

  I left her lips, traveling south. Stopping at her neck and landing at her collarbone.


  “Yes?” I said against her body as I trailed down her stomach.

  “I want you in me. NOW!”

  “I’m going to be in you.” Smirking, I paused between her thighs. “But first I wanna taste that sweet pussy again.”

  She looked down at me, a devilish glint in her eyes as she fell back again. I picked her thighs up, wrapping them around my head, and ate her like she was my last meal on this damn Earth.

  She threaded her fingers in my hair, tugging as I latched on to her clit.

  “Roman! Now!”

  “So impatient,” I mumbled against her clit, and she bucked at th
e touch.

  I had to pry myself from her pussy, reluctantly. The foil package was laying on the bed beside her, I grabbed it and tore the wrapper with my teeth.

  I rolled the condom on my dick and found my place between her thighs again.

  Her chest rose and fell. Watching me intently as I pushed her thighs apart. Dragging her bottom teeth between her lips, her eyes lit.

  It was so damn hot how much she wanted this.

  She’d waited for me.

  No guy had ever been here before, and I’d kick anyone’s ass who tried to get here after me.

  “Put me inside you,” I said.

  That plush lip was back in her mouth as she leaned forward. When her small hands wrapped around my dick, I groaned. I didn’t think it was possible, but my dick just got ten-times harder as I watched her guide my dick inside her for the first time.

  Her mouth formed an O and her hand fell back as she hit the pillow again. I thrusted in once, and stopped, judging her face for pain.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said through gritted teeth. “Keep going.”

  Thank fuck.

  God, I groaned as I slid in and out, stretching her to her limits.

  Her jaw unclenched and her lips parted slightly, letting out a soft moan.

  The hard part was over, and now I’d have my fun with her. I pushed inside, harder, forcing another gasp from her mouth. Her hands hugged my back, grasping to pull me closer.

  In and out.

  So, fucking tight. So, fucking wet.

  Her thighs parted wider, and I groaned. I knew I wouldn’t make it long with her, hugging my dick.

  I slipped my fingers between her thighs, parting her lips with the tips. My thumb circled her clit, gently finding what made her squirm. I applied more pressure and she withered underneath me.

  “Roman,” she panted out. “I’m gonna come!”

  Thrusting harder, I circled her clit with my thumb until she was screaming. She reached for the pillow next to her and buried her face into it. Her body wracked with the aftershock of an orgasm.

  Smirking, I loved that I did that to her.

  “My turn,” I said.

  In one swift motion, I flipped her on her stomach, propped her ass in the air and thrusted back inside her. She let out a shocked gasp and balled her fist into the pillow.


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